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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Quotes Quarantine

* Fred finally puts Kampfer on 'ignore' because he really asked for it. Congrats, Kampf - you're the first.
<Warpriest> I'm not sure what Asher likes about it.
* DeluxeJon is now known as ShowerJon
<Kampfer> That's good, now I can speak sexually about Fred without him knowing.
<Warpriest> I know he doesn't mind the ******-like interior.
<Fred> Heh. tThe Dragoon Core had a built-in torch? Maybe it's worth it?
<Kampfer> Koku, can you ask Fred if I get a reward for being the first.
<Warpriest> I mean the insert, but yeah the torch is pretty nice.
<Warpriest> He finds the Dragoon pretty reliable in most situations.
<Warpriest> Also: "Koku, can you ask Fred if I get a reward for being the first."
<Fred> You're quoting Kampfer?
<Kampfer> I want it shaped as a phallus, and I prefer form over function.
<Fred> Sorry, I ignore Kampfer quotes too
<Kampfer> Wait, no.
<Kampfer> Tell him you're quoting Kyoki.
<Kampfer> She isn't here - we are safe.
<Fred> It's only fair that I ignore everything Kampfer does equally. Thus, justice is served.
<Warpriest> Kampfer wants me to tell you that I'm quoting Kyoki.
<Kampfer> Yeah, inyourendo
<Kampfer> WHY
<Fred> If Kampfer wants you to jump off a high bridge over jagged rocks, you'll do it? :)
<Warpriest> Depends.
<Kyoki> ....What
<Warpriest> What's at the bottom?
<Fred> jagged rocks.
<Kampfer> ...Are you serious?
<Stovaa> I'm waiting for Lam to post before I do, for teh references
<Kampfer> He said a bridge over jagged rocks
<Warpriest> Are they feel-good jagged rocks?
<Fred> that's not usually a property of jagged rocks.
<Kampfer> I bet jagged rocks make Fred feel good alright.
<Warpriest> Kampfer said that jagged rocks would feel good to you.
<Kampfer> Ha ha ha~
<Kampfer> Tell him of my fantasies
<Kampfer> Tell him how fanciful and delicate they are to the brain touch
<Warpriest> Kampfer says he loves you.
<Warpriest> And that he is very sorry.
<Kampfer> NO
<Kampfer> I AM NOT SORRY
<Warpriest> And that he admits he is Hawaiian as a result.
<Kampfer> You racist bastard.
<Kampfer> I blame you, but I mostly blame Kyoki
<Warpriest> But I think he ruined it by calling you a racist bastard.
* Fred has kicked Kampfer from #Stararmy (I can still kick you even if I ignore you.)
The best part was he would keep rejoining after bring kicked (and did this like 5 times) and make all sorts of amusing comments.
<`5tar> I wish my plot would finish it self. D:
<`5tar> I hate tech entries.
<`5tar> qq
<Ira> LOL
<Jimmy> Knew I shouldn't have tried to get fancy and make the starboard section all one piece.
* You are now known as beastmode
* You are now known as _5tar
* `5tar blinks. "There's a problem here."
* _5tar attacks `5tar
* Kai has kicked `5tar from #Stararmy (`5tar)
<_5tar> ...
<Stovaa> :/
* You are now known as Ira
<Ira> that was cold blooded
<Jimmy> At least the solar panels look like solar pan-wah?
<Kai> oh, crap.
<Stovaa> You bloody idiot.
<Jimmy> Nice going, Kai!
<Kai> maybe I should pay attention
10:38 KokuWork pulls out a kitchen knife from the cutlery.
10:38 KokuWork: DIE TOM.
10:38 KokuWork leaps in the air and stab-tackles Tom.
10:38 Tom_Freeman eats the knife
10:38 Tom_Freeman: I LIKE METAL
10:38 KokuWork: NOOOOOOOO!
10:39 Tom_Freeman: YEAHHHHHHH
10:39 KokuWork grabs his head, going slightly insane, "I HAVE BEEN DEFEATED BY A MUSICAL ENTHUSIAST."
10:39 Tom_Freeman: I guess he got a
10:39 Tom_Freeman puts on glasses
10:39 Tom_Freeman: taste for metal
10:39 Tom_Freeman: YEAHHHHHHHHHH
10:40 KokuWork punches Tom in the mouth, "TASTE MY FIST, IS IT DELICIOUS?"
10:40 ShotJon throws big metal anvil at Tom. "enjoy"
10:40 Tom_Freeman: I wish Blas was on the chat when I am on the chat
10:40 Tom_Freeman: I guess I enjoyed
10:40 Tom_Freeman puts on glasses
10:40 Tom_Freeman: A knuckle sandwich
10:40 Tom_Freeman: YEAHHHHHH
10:40 KokuWork grabs Doshii's head.
10:40 KokuWork rams it into Tom's mouth, "IS. IT. DELICIOUS!?"
10:40 Tom_Freeman: I guess that's
10:40 Tom_Freeman puts on glasses
10:40 Tom_Freeman: One way to get head
10:41 Tom_Freeman: YEAHHHHHHH
10:41 Tom_Freeman: ok I'm done
10:41 KokuWork: How many pairs of glasses are you going to put on?
<ShotJon> I would think Wes, Fred, Dosh and Nashoba are main Yamm-heads.
<ShotJon> I mean Nash gms two Yammie plots at once.
<@Kai> what about me? D:
<@Aendri> You're not loved, be quiet.
* Napkuten is now known as Kokuten
<@Kai> ;o;
<@Kai> F-Fine then!
* @Kai leaves
* @Kai ([email protected]) has left #Stararmy
<Kokuten> Cry baby.
Wait for it.

23:50 SentientRace Wait
23:50 SentientRace if you take off the wings of a fly...
23:50 SentientRace ...does it become a walk?
23:50 SentientRace :|
23:50 Doshii_Jun You're fired.
23:50 Arieg shoves SentientRace into a bed of coals and walks on him.
23:50 SUBLIMEinal I'm fired?
23:51 SentientRace What's a Serenity Firefly? :c
23:51 Arieg You've never seen Firefly?
23:51 SentientRace I've heard about it.
23:51 SentientRace I've seen the Opening.
23:51 SentientRace That's it.
23:51 SentientRace :|
23:51 Aendri Fail.
23:52 Doshii_Jun I was firing SR.
23:52 Sigma sherman firefly:
23:52 Doshii_Jun You were never hired, Sub.
23:52 Arieg Your going to torrent the movie right now, then sacrifice several chickens to gods so they don't strike you down for this failure.
23:52 Doshii_Jun I don't know why security never handles you, but I'll have to rouse them.
23:52 Doshii_Jun calls on Kyoki.
23:52 SentientRace I realized a Sherman Firefly has to be a tank.
23:53 SUBLIMEinal I guess no one told you, Dosh
23:53 SUBLIMEinal I AM security
23:53 Aendri points out he has Kyoki tied in a corner, she's occupied.
23:53 SUBLIMEinal arrests Doshii.
23:53 Uso WAIT!
23:53 Uso See the series first
23:53 Uso then watch the movie
23:53 Doshii_Jun Aendri: ... Well done.
23:53 Uso http://www.hulu.com/firefly
23:54 Aendri :3
23:54 Kyoki Wait what
   Uso	The germans did look boss in their uniforms
	Uso	it is a shame they ruined that style for everyone >.>
	raz	They didn't just look boss
	raz	They looked Hugo Boss.
	raz	zing
	Jimmy	Well played, sir.
[03] Jimmy Yo.
[03] Jimmy noms on hotdogs.
[03] Krissi steals Jimmy's hotdogs
[03] Jimmy D:
[03] Aendri will let Jimmy have his hotdog~
[03] Jimmy ...
[03] Akiyama_Yuria noms on Jimmy's hotdog~
[03] Jimmy MMMMM
[03] Soresu uses his George Takei Impersonation: "Oh my~"
* Kampfer ([email protected]) has joined #Stararmy
<Kampfer> Shiit, Aendri.
<Kampfer> Noob is pretty stylin'
* Kai is now known as AFKai
<Kampfer> Aaaannnd Kabal murders me.
<Aendri> "This is your captain, we're having some issues with our engine sequencing, we will be experiencing some turbulence, then possibly explode."
<Arieg> "I don't wanna explode!"
<Soresu> "Did somebody say explode? Captain, are we going to explode?"
<Aendri> Someone get's their geek cookie for the day.
13:50 Wes: I searched for "egg" on the Star Army wiki and found "... they squeeze a rubbery and slightly leathery soft egg down the penile tube and into the woman's hole " ; "She then emits the fertilized egg sack out of her body. " "Males can implant a self-fertilized egg, which will only grow once implanted" ; "The chrome egg, manufactured by [[yamatai:Ketsurui Zaibatsu]], is a popular (and recently,...
13:50 Wes: ...very common) tool for women." ; "it should be noted that the egg laying season and the Ascension period are biannual" ; "A smaller version is used with the Queen's eggs to alter the DNA to further their own evolution" ;
13:50 Soresu: ...
13:50 *** Osaka_ joined #Stararmy
13:50 Wes: and "This tube-like tentacle can insert NMX eggs into a victim's body, useful when the victim contains no ovaries for fertilization."
13:50 Soresu: :I
13:51 ShotJon: :|
13:51 KokuWork: :|
13:51 Aendri: :|
IRC said:
SSharp: Who is minibee? =(
7:19 PM
Wes: The timeline seems current to me. I've been adding items and all GMs are required to add their plot events 3 times a year at plot audit time.
Ira: I dunno
Ira: imma bee imma bee imma imma imma bee!
Jimmy: *plows through another building*
• minibee is the most interesting man in the world. B)
7:20 PM
Ira: AND SO THE Misshu have unleashed their ultimate weapon against the gartagens...
• minibee doesn't often RP, but when he does, he RPs Dos Equis
• Wes eyebrows
• SSharp spock eyebrows
• Jimmy jimmy eyebrows.
• minibee the people's eyebrow
7:21 PM
• Luca huge eyebrows.
7:22 PM
SSharp: Win
• Abwehran_Mobile shaves all the eyebrows
minibee: Noooooo.
• minibee has pretty thick eyebrows. :(
Doshii_Jun joined the room.
• Luca 's eyebrows are made of Manlymantium.
• Abwehran_Mobile brings out the heavy-duty shears
minibee: Speaking of eyebrows.
minibee: Hey Dosh.
• Doshii_Jun waves to the SARP.
• minibee waves to the Dosh.
• Doshii_Jun waggles his lofty brows as best he can.
[01]But yeah. The only way I'm taking Five in is if I have literally no choice.
[01]No offense to him, but he's a plot killer.
[01]<Exhack> I could make the argument that he's almost killed my plot 3 times.
[01]<MissingNo>Thou shalt count to three, and three shall be the number of the counting. Thou shalt not count to four, nor shalt thou count to two, except that thou continuest on to three...
[01]<MissingNo>...and Five is right-out.
Where are you Kai? Things aren't quite the same without you around!

[01] CadetNewb I don't know why, but I'm also thinking of Armstrong from FMA when I'm thinking of Mu'Tasim right now.
[01] Kokuten I'm the only one who plays anyone par--
[01] Aendri Oh dear lord.
[01] CadetNewb ?
[01] Aendri can't keep the comparison out of his head now.
[01] [Revolver] Well, the British did conquer India and that invasion does color a lot of the current culture over there.