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Quotes Quarantine

13:31 Sigma: one of my players has complained about me! i have failed the Emperor!
13:31 Toshiro: Rawr. >:3
13:31 Harvengure: Its ok, Sigma. He knows you suck. :p
13:31 KokuWork: Well.
13:32 KokuWork: You'll get that sometimes.
13:32 KokuWork: But it all comes down to the fact that it's the GM's story being played out it, how it's carried out is ultimately up to that GM.
13:33 Sigma : <Space Marine> It... it... it hurt my feelings, Chapter Master!
13:33 Sigma: could totally see a crying Ultramarine happening
13:33 `Osaka: <Chapter Master> S..So moe!
[23] Aendri magically switches places with Jimmy.
[23] Jimmy teleports himself to the next scene and punches Aendri in the face.
[23] Kai watches Jimmy punch himself in the face.
[23] Jimmy wonders if he just made a feedback loop of punching himself?
[23] Aendri gets out the popcorn to watch Jimmy eternally punching himself in the face
[02] Hildr What is even in kara's pack?
[02] Kai Noodle Implements, likely.
[02] Hildr Noodle-- what?
[02] Kai Luca, please explain.
[02] Luca Alright Rev, I need you to hang onto these:
[02] Luca A chicken pot pie, a first edition copy of wuthering heights, a printer, two identical twins, a metric tonne of sponges, two tickets to Bangkok and a zepplin.
[02] Luca We will have the -best- night in Vegas ever.
[02] Hildr O_O
[02] Luca And three feet of dental floss~!

Couldn't have put it better.

Also, My belated response:

[03] Kai Luca. Can I have your babies? that was brilliant.
[19] Aendri ]-OPP0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[19] Aendri ]
[19] |<-- Centurion has left irc.sorcery.net (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[19] Doshii_Jun Is Aendri's cat sleeping on the keyboard?
[19] Harvengure Either that or her op is now over 9000.
[16] -->| YOU (Luca) have joined ?????
[16] Kai LUUUUU
[16] Kai CAAAAAA
[16] |<-- Exhack has left irc.sorcery.net (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[16] Kai holy shit
[16] Kai it Killed Exhack!
[16] Luca POW!
Some posts were deleted due to mature content. Remember, those type of quotes go in the Mature QQ thread.
Osaka's and Cipher's posts now look out-of-place. May as well delete those too, they have nothing to do with the precedeing SSharp quote.
Wes would it possibel for you to just move them to "that place" next time? It is sort of shame for them to be deleted.
[21] <Blind_Gardener> I should probably go to sleep
[21] <Blind_Gardener> I can *feel* my wants, my desires, and my ability to judge actions and objects in compareson to other actions and objects vanishing rapidly
[21] <Blind_Gardener> But I don't want to sleep
[21] <Blind_Gardener> I don't know what I want to do
[21] <Blind_Gardener> But it's not sleep
[21] <Blind_Gardener> I guess I'll watch an episode of my little pony
The only answer.
I have to Agree. My little Pony is probably the best thing I've seen on TV since Mythbusters.
kai said:
I have to Agree. My little Pony is probably the best thing I've seen on TV since Mythbusters.

People keep trying to convince me to watch it; one person even tried to convince me my personality parallels the unicorn one... Twilight whatever...

I don't see it.