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Quotes Quarantine

MoonMan: top-notch assassins do all of my labor.

MoonMan: Laundry? Top-notch assassins.

MissingNo: Lol.

Lamb: What about assasination?

Kokuten: Bus boys.

Kokuten: Top-notch bus boys.
06[17] * Lam throws down Aendri and drives out the window in a sports car.
06[17] * Kokuten throws a cheeky grin at Aendri as he pulls out a flechette, "Is that so, Aendri?"
06[17] * Arieg stares at chat O.o
06[17] * Lam hits I-65 and keeps on driving
[17] <@Aendri> What kind of flechette are we talking about here? The knife, or the bullet?
[17] <Kokuten> What are you talking about?
[17] <@Aendri> Absolutely nothing, obviously
[17] <Kokuten> It's obvious that the dirtiest, and filthiest member on the site is obviously the one who plays the most innocent.
[17] <@Aendri> Kyoki?
[17] <Kokuten> Kyoki.
06[17] * Lam slams on the brakes
06[17] * Arieg QQs
[17] <Lam> Kyoki?!
[22] Aendri Not exactly. Pnugen was the big bad. Elysia was being framed.
[22] -->| Kai ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[22] =-= Mode #Stararmy +o Kai by ChanServ
[22] Arieg And how did this degrade into the NMX?!
[22] Kai Because Tentacle rape.
[22] Aendri Because Pnugen created the nekos, the NMX, and more or less blamed it all on someone else.
[22] Kai but really, it was because Tentacle rape.
[22] Aendri Well, they created the SMX. The NMX are Wes's private little bastardization of a good idea.
[22] Kai holds up a sign that says "Tentacle Rape"
[22] Arieg How'd they get that powerful that fast then
[22] Kai points to the sign
[22] =-= Hisoka is now known as Hakujou_Hakushi
[22] Arieg tosses Kai into a NMX neko barracks.

Not sure if it should be in the 18+ or not, so I'll just put it in both and see what happens...it's a SARP history lesson!
Jimmy You know what, the first chelti ship anyone will make first contact with shall be named...
Jimmy Aspect Of the Fae.
Alfred More like
Alfred Ass Pact of the Gae
Alfred fist pumps in the most immature way possible
Kai almost chuckles.
*** Alfred is now known as Kampfer
Kampfer I'll take this win, and completely blow it out of proportion in QQ, bitches.

I've won, you've all lost
Luca said:
Taking Life Lessons from Shegorath... said:
[21] <Luca> British people used to be awesome and they should be more like Henry Hatsworth!
[21] <Luca> Zeeky Boogy Doog
[21] <Luca> Sneak Attack with a Ballista!
[22] <Luca> TANK GIRL
[22] <Itkatsu> Luca, I don't think I will ever truely understand what goes on inside that head of yours
[22] <Luca> I have the feeling my train of thought is carrying anomalous materials
[22] <Luca> Like ponies.
[22] <Luca> Or was it pies?
[22] <Luca> I need help, and a pie.
Oh dear god. This was posted on: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:16 pm

It WAS carrying ponies all those years ago, and it just needed a single spark to turn into an unstoppable fiery blaze of Brony. AHAHAHAHA. THAT'S UNBELIEVEABLE. THE HINDSIGHT IS 40/40. OH EM EFFING GEE. MFW:

08:38 Itkatsu: > Moving 100GB between computers, only 29 minutes estimated
08:38 Itkatsu: Glorious
08:40 Kokuten: Solid state?
08:41 Itkatsu: Not even
08:41 Itkatsu: A single WD Green over gigabit network to a RAID-Z
08:43 Kokuten: Mmm.
08:43 Kokuten: That's not bad all.
08:43 Kokuten: What's the 100 GB?
08:43 Itkatsu: Movies
08:44 Itkatsu: Finally getting around to moving stuff on to the fileserver in bulk
08:44 Kokuten: What 'kind' of movies~
08:44 Itkatsu: Hollywood
08:44 Itkatsu: My porn collection far exceeds 100GB
09:49 *** Wes_tablet joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** Blanket joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** DocTomoe joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** Hisoka joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** krisslanza joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** Kalem joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** Demonblooded joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** Ryu joined #Stararmy
09:49 *** Frown-chan joined #Stararmy
Chainsaw: My apologies for the current connectivity problems, which are being investigated. Please hold on tight while we try to compensate for the current bumpy ride.
09:49 Kalem: Jeez, the servers have gone to hell.
09:49 krisslanza: You haven't been getting all these global messages and reconnects?
09:49 Itkatsu: 2 more days before I can play :<
09:49 Kalem: I didn't really notice them.
09:49 KokuWork: If it makes you feel better Itkatsu.
09:50 KokuWork: I've got a Changeling game that keeps me from playing it.
09:50 Kalem: Cheek the Sorcerynet tab Wes
09:50 Itkatsu: Herf
09:50 KokuWork: I've got to stare at that BF3 icon.
09:50 KokuWork: Tempting me.
09:50 KokuWork: Seducing me.
09:50 KokuWork: It's /right/ /there/.
09:52 *** Nashoba joined #Stararmy
09:52 +++ ChanServ has given op to Nashoba
09:53 Itkatsu: I'm reading a bit of manga to pass the time
09:54 Wes_tablet: Oh. You scared me
Chainsaw: A mischievous elf has been removed from near the fibre-optic cables into rivendell. This should resolve the matter. I can only apologise.
09:54 Wes_tablet: Thought you meant our server
09:54 KokuWork: Fucking elves.
09:54 Wes_tablet: Hanako is an elf
09:54 KokuWork: They ruin /everything/.
09:54 KokuWork: /Everything/.
09:54 Wes_tablet: Only Lor
[13] Exhack http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/358bpe/ This is how I feel as a GM.
[13] Amaryllis You sound like a pretty cool GM.
[13] Arieg
[13] Demonblooded Translation. He's going to slip you drugs.
[13] Arieg And your going to wake up with a pain in your rear.
[13] Arieg And a limp.
[13] Amaryllis For a moment I read it as just "Tonight one of you will be taken" as in killed off.
[13] Amaryllis Sounds like a chance for great character development.
[13] Amaryllis heh
[13] Amaryllis Do you like feeling that way Exhack?
[13] Exhack Well, my death record for PCs is still 0 deaths.
[13] Aendri He just violates us. Horribly
[13] Aendri ;.;
[13] Exhack Despite GMing for about 5 years now.
[13] Exhack Yeah.
[13] Exhack Pretty much!
[13] Exhack Mystical adventure~
[13] |<-- Siggy has left irc.sorcery.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[13] Amaryllis Are a lot of tentacles frequently involved?
[13] Amaryllis Gee whiz, I just love all the cheesy names artists have like "Lolita Neurosis."
[13] Amaryllis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJ6bbyXrUw
[13] Guest27969 Lies, Exhack.
[13] Guest27969 You've killed at least 1 PC.
[13] Exhack Oh right.
[13] Exhack Five.
[13] Exhack He doesn't count.
[13] Guest27969 Why not?
[13] Aendri Because everyone tries to kill Five
[13] ShotJon Haha should I QQ this?
[13] |<-- AbwehranWork has left irc.sorcery.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[13] Guest27969 Naw, Shotty.
[13] -->| Blind_Gardener ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[13] Exhack http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/358btl/ Oh oh wait.
[13] Guest27969 Exhack still gets hassled by five in other places.
[13] Exhack This is more like me.
14:10 KokuWork: Let's see.
14:10 KokuWork: The Head of Hooligan Brigade would Rolf.
14:11 KokuWork: As his chin is the pointiest.
14:11 KokuWork: Vice Head of the Hooligan Brigade would be Kyou, since she's banging the Head, hu hu~
14:11 Doshii_Jun: Wow.
14:11 Doshii_Jun: No favoritism there.
14:12 Aendri: Of course not
14:12 KokuWork: Treasurer of the Hooligan Brigade would be Yuzuki, since she's good with numbers.
14:12 KokuWork: And finally.
14:12 Aendri: Ruri is mascot, since she's tiny
14:13 KokuWork: Secretary of the Hooligan Brigade would be Ruri, since she's flat.
14:13 *** Blind_Gardener joined #Stararmy
14:13 ShotJon: Flat secretary? That does not sound right.
14:13 Blind_Gardener: I had a series of really awesome dreams
14:13 KokuWork: Honorary Brigadier 1 would be Tom.
14:13 Blind_Gardener: The last of them involved a bunch of demonically possessed dragons and squirells
14:14 KokuWork: Honorary Brigadier 2 would be Rin(At Kyou's and Rolf's coaxing)
14:14 Blind_Gardener: the demon being refered to as "The entity" and some kid making a deal with "The entity" to get it to stop possessing the squirrels
14:14 Blind_Gardener: (And the dragons)
14:15 KokuWork: So really.
14:15 KokuWork: The only person to really target...
14:15 KokuWork: ... is Yukari.
14:15 Aendri: Is Yukari. :3
14:15 Doshii_Jun: Yukari: *Frowns. Deeply.*
Kampfer: One time Friend3 punched me in the face for waking him up by simulating a vampire biting his neck.
Kampfer: Granted, it was like 4 o clock.
Jimmy: ...
ShotJon: ...
Kampfer: With my fingers.
Jimmy: Oh!
[02] EmoKampfer walks up with an acoustic guitar, sporting long hair combed over in a terrible mockery of a mohawk
[02] EmoKampfer starts wailing on his guitar
[02] Kai hits Kampfer with a Nail Bat.
[02] EmoKampfer continues wailing
[02] EmoKampfer wails on his guitar
[02] EmoKampfer This has been A Streetcar of Hearts on Fire
[02] Jimmy Oh yeah, Kai. Aendri is trying to steal a ship name away from me.
[02] Kai oh, aye?
[02] Aendri Trying implies I might not get away with it.
[02] Jimmy OH HO HO
[02] Kai what's the ship name?
[02] EmoKampfer Pain is the endless rain which pours on top and weathers the stone of my heart.
[02] Jimmy Due Karma.
[02] Kai that's okay.
[02] Jimmy Well, that's the name translated from Kand (A chelti dialect).
[02] Kai shrugs
[02] EmoKampfer Karma, that she-bitch from the East whose gaze falls on those in love. Not I.
[02] Kai has a ship named the Bad Karma
[02] EmoKampfer The only ship you have is a ship full of lies, Ken doll, from which spew inky untruths to stain the hearts of young lovers who just wish to spread their wings and fly amidst a sea of feathery love.
[02] Kai Did somebody give Kampfer stupider pills?
[02] Jimmy Kampfer is being stranger than usual.
[02] EmoKampfer The only pills here are the placebos of love I used to take, now turning into such incandescent pearly liquid seeping down the drain.
[02] Aendri I suspect he's started drinking again.
[02] EmoKampfer A metaphor for that little glimmer of hope in the world; a false drop of hope in a sea of pitch black hopelessness.
[02] Kai Started?
[02] Kai I doubt he's stopped.
[02] Aendri He stopped for a while.
[02] Kai pfft.
[02] Kai lies.
[02] EmoKampfer Pfft. The sound of lies escaping that balloon, adorned with false glitter and given to the stone-hearted, as if to say, "Look! The world is not so terrible!"
[02] EmoKampfer Well I have seen it all. I used to think the road was paved with gold. And now, with opened eyes, do I see the cracked concrete as the gold paint runs off.
[02] EmoKampfer Hope was that bulge in the stomach of the world, a porcelain skinned beauty, only to die shrieking and crying as it's false child tore from her body and bled upon my heart.
[02] Jimmy ...
[02] Jimmy Kampf. Don't quit your day job.
[02] EmoKampfer The only job I have quit is the job of the fool; no longer am I shackled by false chains of happiness. Truly, my dungeon was a pearly white egg, shattered by the piercing dark gaze of the beloved Amaranthine beauty, who had snatched from me my heart and smashed it like so many porcelain angels.
[02] Kai Kampfer has obviously consumed an incredibly large ham.
[02] Jimmy
[02] EmoKampfer The only ham I used to consume was made into a fist; the ham-fisted attempts by psychologists to offer unto me the torch by which I could shrink back the darkness. Truly, I can only live happily if I embrace sadness. The paradox of life and death must be embraced if one is to truly escape the cold, clawing, darkness.
[02] Jimmy Maybe a porkie that had gotten into the secret weed grove?
[02] EmoKampfer The secret grove, where such dark desires were once kept shackled within my heart, where the primal urge to join my body with another had been unleashed, resulting in the issuing of many an ebony-inked restraining order, and indictment against emotion and a suppression of the heart.
[02] DocTomoe Kampfer. The question is... do you guarantee it?
[02] EmoKampfer I do.
[02] EmoKampfer Upon the grey slab of death do I shed the crimson blood of my heart do I guarantee it.
[02] DocTomoe Eh, Zimmer is superior.
[03] DocTomoe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDmIsVQVgrE For your efforts.
[03] Kampfer That porcelain beauty from the East, that song of ancient songs from the tanned summer isles, that music of such sweet sad songs.
[03] DocTomoe I dunno, you made more fuss about the Korean woman at Wal-mart.
[03] Kampfer Wal-mart.
[03] Kampfer It is but a song of laughter in my soul, lost like so many tears in rain.
[03] DocTomoe Needs less Blade Runner.
[03] DocTomoe Sleep time folks, Kampfer, keep on trollin'.
[03] |<-- EmoKampfer has left irc.sorcery.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[03] Kampfer Sleep is but a brief respite from the cold reality of life, a blanket which I may don and imagine and remember times happier, and perversely, a blanket of thorns I may dawn that I might find infinite beauty in infinite sadness

He was in full swing last night, as you can tell.