• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

Quotes Quarantine

@Fian : If you're using an Android phone, try AndChat. It runs in the background just fine for me on my Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Tab.
I already use andchat on your reccomendation on my Galaxy Tablet, before I lost it last week.

Was trying to get something to work on my Windows Phone as a replacement.

Nothing is safe from the Botstapo.


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First post of the new year in here, yay! Also, when we get "SARP: The Game"

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A guy posted an egg for his character submission, after already posting Kermit T. Frog as a character. We decided he was a troll.

Wes: Kyle, I'm going to just ban him.

Compouds117: Why Wes, he sounds like an eggcellent person.

Wes: Because he kept shelling out bad bios.

Ninjasokipool: -_-

Kalshion|Kyle: lol Compouds117

Kalshion|Kyle: Will do Wes

Ninjasokipool: oh lord,

Kalshion|Kyle: Well, the guy's officially been scrambled :3

Ninjasokipool: bad jokes are bad

Wes: It was kind of rotten of him to troll us.

Ninjasokipool: least he wasn't poaching on us

Compouds117: I think Soki is just being hard boiled

Compouds117: Don't you think you're being a little eggs-treme Wes?

Wes: Perhaps. I don't want you to think you have to be walking on eggshells around me.

Luca|Work: Eggselent.

Compouds117: egg-sactly Wes

Wes: You guys are cracking me up.

Li: I don't know wether to be impressed or facepalm

Compouds117: This sure is an egg-citing conversation

Wes: Well, I'm glad it went over easy.​

I am so proud of you all.
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