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Quotes Quarantine

- Kokuten joined
<ShotJane>Hmm sharp nails
<Kokuten>Good evening, everyone.
<ShotJane>I will give this a thought.
<raz>hello Kokuten
<ShotJane>Might write somethin for NTSE
<AbwehranWork>GTFO Kokuten
<Doshii_Jun>Righto, Janey.
<raz>How are you on this chilly winters' night?
<Doshii_Jun>'Ey Kokubolts.
- Kokuten quit (Client Quit)
* AbwehranWork cackles maniacally
<Doshii_Jun>Matt, you bastard.
<Doshii_Jun>You killed Kokubolts!
<Gallant> Well bro,
<Gallant> I started when I was 13. I remember my first character was a fox demon from Japanese mythology.
<Foxtrot813> nina_noone: viewtopic.php?p=143482#p143482
<Gallant> I, uh, roleplayed on Yahoo! chat.
<Gallant> Before they killed private rooms.
<Gallant> That stuff was kind of interesting. But I noticed there were these eliteist bastards who tried to write as much as possible and be as flowery as possible.
<Gallant> So I tried to get like them.
<Gallant> And eventually I started whittling my writing down.
<Gallant> And somewhere along there I found my Voice.
<Gallant> And then I became a badass.
<Gallant> And I fought dragons.
<Gallant> And I wrestled bears.
<Gallant> And I swam the English Channel.
<Gallant> And I hiked up Mt. Everest.
<Gallant> And I landed on the moon.
<Gallant> And I was there when the Declaration of Independance was signed.
<Gallant> And I was there at Gettysburg.
<Gallant> And I was there when we stormed the beaches of Normandy.
<Gallant> And then I was there in the suck, in Vietnam, and Korea,
<Gallant> And I was there when we shot Bin Ladin and then shoved him overboard on a Navy ship because Lol.
<Gallant> And I was there when Obama was re-elected.
<Gallant> And from there it's just been downhill.
<@Kai> Gallant, you're spamming.
<nina_noone> I don't mind.
<Gallant> That's OK because the story is over now.
<nina_noone> Let him conitnue
<nina_noone> And I'm yet to get out of bed.
<@Kai> lol
<@Kai> Hi. I'm Kai. I make things.

The story of my roleplaying career.

I thought I would keep it here for posterity purposes.
- Ariegtab joined
<Jimmy>I think Docs cat is on the keyboard again...
<Fian>Did some house chores
<Fian>Also, if I were RPing a russian, my emblem/callsign will be a donkey
<Fian>Because in Soviet Russia, ass kicks YOU
Ira	Now what I WILL do
23:45	Ira	 is make Sarp's online galatic dating site.
23:45	Sham	...
23:45	nina_noone	hurr
23:46	nina_noone	Wait, online dating or real life dating?
23:46	nina_noone	'cause I wanna hump wes.
<SSharp>....Giant Robot Sushi...
<SSharp>Do Volumetric projections taste like anything?

Why do you have to crush his dreams so coldly, Wes?
[22] <Fred> redshirts are important
[22] <Fred> they prevent important people from dying for plot reasons
[22] <Fred> I proudly wear redshirts
[22] <Fred> And see? I'm perfectly al-
[22] * Fred has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22] * Blind_Gardener has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[23] * Cromy has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- DwarfofDefeat joined
<Jimmy>Hi. :3
- DwarfofDefeat quit (Client Quit)
<SharkJane>Hello again Dwarf
<Jimmy>I'm not that scary, am I?

Well, if you really want to know. . .
- Doshii_Jun joined
- `Osaka joined
<Doshii_Jun>'Sup SARP.
<Doshii_Jun>'Ey Leigh.
<`Osaka>Hi Dosh :3
<SharkJane>Hi DOshii
<Phoondelmar>Hey, Doshii
<Kalshion|Kyle>Doshii! :D
<Brett_M>Hi, Doshii.
<Jimmy>Hey Doshii. :)

This is how you know you are popular.
Wes Bbl foraging
Jimmy Not just now. I'm on four hours sleep.
Mog yikes
Gallant Everytime someone says 'Foraging' I get the idea that they don't know what's in their own kitchen. They are rooting through the errant forest of bullcrap and dragging some large, live cockroach kicking and screaming from its home in their laundry room.
CadetNewb That is....that's just f**king epic Gallant.
Ariegphone feeds roaches to his fish when he finds them.
Kai stabs the Cockroach with his sword
14:21 KonokaMiyazawa My friend loaned me a fork yesterday. I gave it back to her in five pieces.
14:22 SharkJane ...
14:22 SharkJane How?
14:22 FoxtrotAwake ...............
14:22 FoxtrotAwake WHAT LOL
14:23 sigma oh dear
14:23 sigma oh dear oh dear
14:23 sigma someone fired off active sensos
14:23 KonokaMiyazawa Friend: "You're supposed to eat whats on the fork. Not the actual goddam fork."
14:23 SharkJane ?
14:23 SharkJane I would get you the package of chopsticks
14:23 SharkJane those are expendable
14:25 KonokaMiyazawa The other day I dropped my phone in a pile of whipped cream. I had to be reminded not to lick my phone, as its broken-glass surface (apparently youre not supposed to drop phones into ariver, over a waterfall,a nd then off a cliff) would hurt.
14:26 SharkJane You attention span is all over the place isn't it?
14:27 KonokaMiyazawa That it is. Much like my character's.
14:27 SharkJane I cannot wait to RP with you.
14:28 KonokaMiyazawa :)
14:12 Exhack: Those people make me rage. Like a lot.
14:13 Exhack: Especially when they get mad at their fellows for 'selling out' by losing weight.
14:13 Exhack: And promoting their own weight loss.
14:13 SharkJane: these peopel are stupid
14:13 Arieg: THose people shouldn't be allowed to breed...
14:13 SharkJane: i think it is okay if you wanna be fat, I think it is not good, but wahtever it is your life, but do not try to make a good thing of it.
14:13 SharkJane: And do not try to make other people fat just so you feel okay.
14:13 SharkJane: that is bad
14:17 *** Tyliumtop joined #Stararmy
14:21 *** Soresu joined #Stararmy
14:27 Gunsight1: Bleh so tired today
14:28 *** Soresu quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344])
14:28 KokuWork grabs his belly.
14:28 --- KokuWork is back
14:28 KokuWork: EXHACK
14:28 KokuWork rolls his belly, "ADIPOSE PRIIIIIIIIDE."
14:32 Exhack: D:
14:32 Exhack vomits everywhere.

Another great night on Star Army IRC!
OMG .////.
This.....is the danger of having two conversations going on at once in IRC.
For the record, I was talking about anime merchandise and didn't even see these two had started discussing underwear.
Kill me now... T_T
<ShamCraft>I hate when peeps say my name "Shame" when it is clearly "Sham" on XBL, Even when I state that how it is, and how to say it right
<Kampfer>That sounds pretty annoying, Shame.
<ShamCraft>Call me Sham, or Shammy, either works for me, and they still screw it up!
<ShamCraft>No, the only people that should be shamed, are the people on my team, when I carry it
<ShamCraft>Backpacking the team is a hobby
<Kampfer>The people on your team are that bad? That's a crying Shame.
<ShamCraft>I have a guy, who calls me
<ShamCraft>"Sham Sham Shammington"
<Kampfer>Shamma Ramma?
<Kampfer>M. Night Shammalan?
<Foxtrot813>LOL KAMPF
<SharkJane>Wild Kampfer has appeared.
* SharkJane sends Luca in action!
<ShamCraft>And my response, is, as his GT is "ImmaGonnaJewYou"
<GunsightAtWork>Lol luca
<Kampfer>"Shame on you"
<ShamCraft>Go away Kampf
<ShamCraft>I'll use this diamond sword on you
<Kampfer>Sorry, Sham. I shouldn't make fun of that name.
<Kampfer>I feel really ashamed.
Me and DocTomoe talking about the YSE/LSDF conflict in the Yugumo Cluster.

[04] <DocTomoe> Things are pretty much self-sorting at this point.
[04] <Gallant> Yep.
[04] <Gallant> We've reached a point of mutual non-aggression in-theater. I imagine there is a lot of sneering involved.
[05] <DocTomoe> This is indeed accurate.
[05] <Gallant> And preening and maybe dipping back and forth into each other's space. You know, the America/China dick moves that happen in the South China Sea sometimes.
[05] <DocTomoe> As planets rotate so their surfaces face the Yamataian settlements in the core of the cluster, the Lorath people collectively look skyward and sneer.
[05] <Gallant> Where we all sit out there and stare at each other for a few months while the Filippino fishing boats drift slowly by.
[05] <DocTomoe> I'm looking forward to a sort of China and Japan fuss over that little island they squabble for.
[05] <Gallant> And maybe, like N. Korea, the Lorath launch a missile... or something. You know, just for shits and giggles. And the Yamataians post something demeaning about the High Priest or something on the internet.
[05] <Gallant> And then,
[05] <Gallant> Asura comes up with 'Oppan Osaka Style'
[05] <Gallant> And it becomes a big hit in Yamatai where someone earns like shit tons of money and doesn't even like the Empire.
[05] <Gallant> Everybody forgets it for a time,
[05] <Gallant> Except for the unlucky sons of bitches sitting in the cold staring at each other.
[05] <DocTomoe> Posting videos of Osaka Style dance on the public network.