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Readlliea's art

Most of these will already be on my DA; which shares my username, before I link them here. The pictures are rather big, so I'll just put links if that's okay so I don't stretch the page. Once in a while, some might get posted as the image rather than the link. So long as I'm certain it won't stretch it.

Depending on if I believe I can draw someone else's characters well enough, I might have pictures with other characters. Sometimes it might just be a headshot instead of a full body.

My whole avatar-

Displeased Tacticus-
Your art has a distinct look to it. I really think you should try getting into digital art. Scanning the images in and doing colors there would really make them pop.
Reactions: Wes
Thanks. I'm just worried about destroying it by accident and understanding all the mechanics of it. A new laptop is a must though to do anything new on as mine is getting picker on charging.
Here's a repaired Tacticus

And here's a short comic inspired by a OOC conversation with @Jack Pine I didn't really have much to work with making Mark's design so...it's probably not what Jack wants him to look like. Also I posted the pictures wrong. The page on the right is what is meant to come first, while the left is second.
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In the dark of the night is one of my favorite songs and the cover by Jonathan Young is great too.

The Red husky is a character of mine on Devianart and he's been through hell. A nervous submissive dog who fell in live, the friend of his love interest tried to kill him with bears, and he got dragged into the illegal dog pits in Nome.

I won't bore ya with anything else
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Damn....that Facial hair!!
I wanted to experiment with facial hair and well, I refrenced a character called Bernie from Puffin Rock. So this guy's facial hair is meant to kind of look like that. A big beard and a mustache; along with a robotic hand. Don't know what I'll do with him but he's mine!

The first picture is of Alex and Uso. I never read any bits of their bios till now but I learned that Alex has a ugly christmas sweater and was adopted by Uso. I don't know if Alex likes his ugly sweater but....here it is. I don't know how to do dirty blonde hair so I am sorry on that. Along with hand issues and well all the issues. So much of these two was new for me that I struggled with both of em.

I tried to do a sunset sky with Araxie, I'm sorry. I didn't have cobalt blue so I went with Cerulean but I tried to make it light enough. I wanted to do a different position with her wings but nothing looked proportioned right. I actually messed with this thing for almost a week now. Sorry.
I'm surprised that you guys like em. When I was trying to do them and looking at the art in the wiki of em, I just felt like anything I did wouldn't be good enough and would just look blah in comparison to what you already had.

I don't know what Virol from TTGL is, I'll look it up. Usually when I give the chin a point, it looks better than when I make it flat or try to make it slightly round. I'm glad that you liked Alex's expression.
there's a lot of things I haven't watch. Though my parents comment about the slight anime look my art has. So I guess the chin thing is from that as well as I do watch animation more than anything
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