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Readlliea's art

Ooooooohhhh very nice! ^^

More of a personal comment than anything else, the face for Araxie seems like it got crushed or something IDK... Just looks like that to me.

I still love how you did her art though overall! I gotta ask, what's that in the bottom right? Alex yelling at her to come down or something? : p
I'm glad you like her.

I see what you mean and I do apologize for that. I struggle to keep things even and the same size. Her face did look better before I outlined it with pen but I screwed up during that process.

In truth it could be anything. It is a building of some sort with something on top, so it could be Alex lol. I just didn't want to leave the background so empty.

(I've always wanted to do one of these, they can always be fun. Those pick your adventure stories.)

Awakening to a dark and grey world, you can see some fog that rolls by a wire fence. Dead trees litter the area and the ground is hard and cracked, as if instead of dirt it's old stone left exposed to the elements. A crow screeches off before landing on a branch away from you, your necklace hangs from your neck and feeling it swing causes you to grab it and hide it beneath your shirt. Suddenly there is the sound of someone walking and as you stand up, you meet them. The man looks surprised at first, having paused and looked at you as if you might've been a hallucination of some sort. A cheery smile comes to their face though as they hold the cup out to you, holding a small cube like structure in his other hand, between his pointer finger and thumb.

"HI!! I'm Holmes, want a brownie bite? They're really good! Freshly bake this morning!! Here, you can take you." they offer.
As you stand there, you stare at him confused, yet you debate your answer. These thoughts entering your mind. A stranger appears, face covered in crumbs and munching on something chocolate looking in cubes. Their eyes are bright and friendly, their slim build suggests they're not a big threat.)

A: Refuse silently
B:Accept one, but don't eat it.
C: Accept one, eat it
D:Ignore the offer and question the man on who they are and where you are

Art and characters belong to me
A title for this could Fear Rising Series. I had fun doing Wazu's ink picture and I wanted to try doing it with different characters. So I went with my own. First up is Drei, knowing that he's not exactly made in the normal way and suffers glitches. Drei wants to hide what he is and make others think he's just normal. Well he's afraid of being found out and destroyed for it as some might view his glitching as a dangerous defect.

Next up is Lawrence. Lawrence is still afraid of himself, of his other form, and the damage he can do. He wants to free of it but so far, his research has yielded nothing and being consumed by his other form is something he fears even more.

And last up is Tacticus. Tacticus is afraid of being torn apart and discard, of being abandoned once more. Screaming for help as he can see someone in the distance but they ignore his cries.

More art for @Zack !! I'm sorry for Vier not looking right, I didn't know what sporty proffesional was till my mom said it's what a female body builder wears usually and...yeah. I'm not used to tank tops or super short shorts. So I went with this outfit as they are hanging out in a public place possibly so...yeah. Sorry for things not looking right.
wow you've been very busy.
I like how you did the inner demons art for Wazu, kinda want to get one for Jack now.
Yep! I haven't had much ideas for the commisions for Zack and last night I got really down in the dumps emotionally, so I just went at it with drawing.

I'm glad. Do you like the colored version or the black and white version more? I can always do one for Jack, I just need a refrence picture.
color would be great, a very dark color scheme of Blacks, greys, reds, and maybe white would fit him pretty well. If need any details or have any character questions you know where to reach me.

I forgot this guy!! So yes, I'll be making a Yamatia cook eventually!! This is just concept art for him right now. I'm surprised on how well his uniform came out, I thought I'd do worse than this with it.

Geeker- "HEY ROOMIE!!"
Red- "WHAT NOW?!"

Oh god, these two have so much dust on top of em- struggles to remove it all- I may have gotten some colors wrong on my two gems but oh well. In truth, I do see these two sharing the same quarters as Geeker wouldn't like how Red isolates himself from the other gems in the court; though he's fully unaware of the reasoning and honestly, he probably wouldn't listen. Red didn't mind him at first but, Geeker's constant energy and random ways has been getting him annoyed as the former diamond is much more used to silence and solitude.

To those who don't get it, Red and Geeker are Steven Universe ocs. Red is a Red Diamond but he is partially corrupted. Geeker is a Crazy Lace Agate; whose just bonkers due to what he is lol.
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