Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Bloody Claws Second Period - A Trip through Adversity

Ra'chel looked at the rules as she listened to Aka. She reached up to make sure her swords were secured crossed on her back with the hilts sticking above her shoulders. Her chosen rifle at her feet on the floor before her.
Kit'suki thought on the idea that was presented by Aka as he looked around amongst them wondering ho would be the best to fill the role of a scout. He wasn't really the best suited for this position though but he could imagine some being seen as otherwise. Bull'a for as annoying as he was seemed in shape enough to be able to move as fast as a scout needed to be but he was unsure weather the other was level headed enough to do so
"If we're sending out a scout then who ever has hunting experience should raise their paw. I do not think scouting would be that dissimilar, and the most important thing would be not getting noticed by their scout." Cy'jiro looked around after speaking, hoping that someone might raise theri hand.
Kaui, having just seconds before mentioned she was a really good hunter, raises her paw looking a little annoyed that she had to to say it twice effectively. She closed her eyes however, to avoid showing such annoyance and took a deep breath. "My mother was a professional hunter, and I was taught by her, and have also experienced hunting... Where I come from I'm actually the best hunter."
Bu'lla cleared his throat loudly and stepped up. Not one to be outdone at any point. He stood straight and haunty, almost aristocratic deigning to explain why nobility was so.

"I am not a hunter of animals, it is true. Instead I am a hunter of shukaren, by far the more dangerous prey." Bu'lla pounding his own shoulder as he placed his fist against in a propaganda pose. "All I need is for you to make the right choice, and I will go!"
Ra'chel yipped/giggled at seeing Bu'lla posturing. "As my joint sis would say, 'recon by force'. Just storm the place and let the cards fall where they may.' Bet they wouldn't expect that at all. Sometimes chaos is the best answer to a problem."
"Well, we may have some hunting expeditions in the future, I know I wouldn't mind it," Aka' said with a cat-like smile on her face, before her ears twitched upon hearing Bu'lla, she didn't dislike the kid but was annoyed with him espically with his comment about hunting their own people, she knew she should put that to the test.

"Very well then," Aka' cradled her weapon and turned toward Bu'lla. "You scout on ahead and see if you can find their positions, but do not take on the entire group yourself, if you find their scout then you can take em out," she said and looked at the rest of the class. "Let's go!" she bolted into the simulation, crampling over gress and wheat that crunched beneath her feet before she landed near a rolled up hay-bail.
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Vin'cent visibly frowned when he noted Aka' had decided to go with Bu'lla. From what he could glean off of the Laibe in the short amount of time they've interacted, he seemed far too eager to jump into the fray. "Though, I will concede and repeat that I haven't had much time to get in his head." The nobleman shook off his misgivings, it was not his place to render judgement on the decision. He gave another cursory glance over his rifle to familiarize himself with it before running after his class president. He decided that perhaps he shouldn't call attention to his peer's position and instead opted to take cover behind a different hay-bail, looking over at her nervously for guidance.
Kit'suki had his own misgivings about Bulla as well given he had a feeling the other wanted to be in the spotlight. He figured though if Bull'a ended up screwing up he'd probably take the brunt of critisim if the game went south for them. "Well if Bu'lla's the one going he should at least have a ranged weapon in case he encounters their scout." he said

He hoped that Bu'lla would take his words to heart but there wasn't any time to widly debate as it would seem Aka ran off to get a good postion and he headed off as well moving to cover as well opening up his comm line to his teammates. "We should try to move into the city it's self it's easier to fortify and has better cover they just hay "
Kaui looked visibly upset that Bu'lla was chosen over her, though only for a moment, before she returned to looking neutral. She figured if she couldn't use her best talent, at least she could do something else other then hunting and scouting. She was somewhat relieved that she wasn't completely useless in the art of combat. She looks at Bu'lla for a moment before he left and took a breath before speaking as her ears perked up a bit; "Don't do anything stupid, like engaging them on your own. You're stupid, but I hope you're not -that- stupid... Come back safely."

She was concerned, but Aka was the team leader, not her. She turned and headed after Aka while keeping her footsteps light, even for Laibe hearing it was very difficult to even know that she was stepping. She looked around for a moment and ran into some nearby shadows, vanishing into the shadows as her black fur rendered her exceptionally hard to see within the shadows. She limited her breathing to short, quiet breaths while moving to make sure she didn't get out of breath by running. She paced herself really well.
Cy'jiro did not much like the way Bu'lla replied, but even if he didn't mean literally he was still the most qualified to track down the opposing team so he had little complaint, plus the greatest danger would be on Bu'lla anyway. He rushed out with the other, trying to find something with more structure than a hay barrel to put himself behind, not very confident that they would hold out past a few shots.
Bu'lla looked surprised for a half-instant before catching himself and flexing triumphantly. Nodding as though the outcome was never in doubt.

"Hehehe, I can't believe that actually worked..." He thought to himself as he took his bow from his back and flexed it to show off as mention of a weapon came up.

"Aw, babe, dun worry none. When I get back, I'm gunna hit dat!" Bu'lla replied to Kaui, pointing with both hands vaguely in her direction, one above his head. Vulgar machismo, but it came more out of reflex than thought.

Distracted for a minute he looked around as the other ran into the arena, bounced a little as he cautiously trotted forward and then rapidly accelerated into a steady run. His legs pumping him easily over the field towards the city. Jumping high, he caught the bottom of a windowsill on the second story and hauled himself up. Looking down and spotting Ra'chel, he immediately identified with another athlete, swinging his torso back down to offer her an arm and paw up.
Ra'chel jumped up and caught Bu'lla's paw and using her momentum and his help to clamber into the window to stand next to him inside the room. She nodded to indicate she was ready to move forward as her eyes became used to the dimness of the room. She moved deeper into the room to avoid silhouetting her in the windows. "which way?" She spoke in a low tone that wouldn't carry.
As the class moved cautiously through the town, the only noises that could be heard was the occastional sound of an animal, and branches breaking in the wind. Dark clouds continued to hover over the place, dumping rain onto the ground below - heat lightning in the clouds illuminated the surroundings with every flash.

Aka' stayed next to the hay-bale before she moved toward a wooden fence, bolted over it, and then rested herself against an old piece of farming equipment. I wonder where they be... she pondered as she checked the map on her HUD to see where the rest of the class was. Most were actually staying close as a group to cover each other - but a few had actually taken their own action and seperated, heading deeper into the town or skittering the edge of town itself. Well, if they don't want to be part of a team then at least if I see their positions go away we'll know that something is over there.. she muttered and double checked the charge on her rifle and then switched to her sword.

In the distance, a tree could be heard falling over.
Kit'suki really wished Aka had moved to the city while the chance was there. Still it was too risky to just run out into the opening like that. He tired keeping track of Aka's six as well as his own surroundings. Hearing the sound he tried using his HUD to help him see over to the tree
Cy'jiro soon found himself behind some plowing equipment a dozen or so meters from Aka's position. With his body it was easy to lay down and be totally covered, giving him a chance to relax his body. The map display on the HUD worried him a bit however so he spoke up to Aka'. "Does this map only show us, or will it show the team members of the other team if we have them in our sights? It has me a bit concerned."
Aka' glanced at the map for am oment before turning toward Cy'jiro position. "Only us, even if the other team get's close it won't show them; even if they fire," she peered around the edge of the building to see if there was any movement - minus the simulated towns people. Aka' could see a large faire going on in the town's centre and she knew that would create a problem, the townsfolk may be nothing more than holograms but they were considered a 'solid' hologram, which meant that if the other team were to hide amongast them they'd be entirely unable to tell the difference between a townsfolk and an enemy.

She thought for a few moments before changing to a squad-wide frequency. "Slight change of plans, if you are in the town, turn on your suits camoflauging systems so you'll look like one of the townsfolk."After saying that she turned her's on, the camo system would only hide them from the other team - so far as their team was concerned they'd see a holographic person in place of the student but that the holo would fade in and out to reveal whom they were. I just hope our opponents didn't think of the same thing.. otherwise this will be a very long match...
Vin'cent looked over his left shoulder, for his right was currently pressed against the hay next to him, upon hearing the sound of a felled tree. A curiosity tinged with caution caused him to raise a brow, but he decided not to check in with the others near him in that regard. He returned his gaze to Aka' when she gave them new orders. He nodded in acknowledgment, regardless of whether she could see him or not, and faffed about with his camo system. Due to their current position, he decided that wearing a farmer's skin would make him look slightly less overt. "Wearing new skin... Makes you wonder..." He verbalized, looking over his shoulder again as he waited for the rest of the students to advance.
Cy'jiro gave a nod to Aka' and then activated his own camo systems. "If that is the case then we're in trouble. That are likely to spot someone posing as a civilian much faster than we are. We might end up having to go on the attack." He looked around some and then to him map, checking on the recon teams location.