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OOC The Black Vipers

The power armors and the LEAFs from Origin can probably do some heavy boarding actions together
Sounds good. When your ready send me a PM and we'll work out how he can come into the current thread.
Alright so, I think we're good to start Episode 1, I don't want to leave @miss_story out because she's on the main ship.

A few reminders though, People still haven't put their characters on both the Crew Page and the Ship page itself...Only Miss Story has. I would request that everyone do that.

And secondly I'm going to start picking up posting again, every 3 days shall be a GM post so you'll have that much time to do your posts.
@Semjax: I've added you to the SARP Game Masters group so you can now access the GM forums.
I just updated the Crew Page with more indepth information on the Cabins, But since we agreed ICly, she's going to be staying in Abigayl's Officer Grade Quarters, I think, right?
Furthermore, Our first Plot Audit is coming up! A few things I've noticed all throughout our plot are:

@miss_story and @Syaoran : Kiet and Daman are not on the Iroma Character Directory, please do so as it does effect our Audit Score. I need Both of you to put yourselves on the Crew Page and Choose a Cabin.

@BloodyScarlet : Lilith should be put in the Yamatai Character Directory, I was a little lost too on where to put her. I also ask that you put some type of Anon art there that covers the picture area.

@Centurion0507 You're pretty much set actually, only thing I need you to do is place yourself on the Crew Page and Choose a Cabin..

Finally all of you should have received a PM to do a Survey, just do that and post in the PM that you've done it when you can.

I'd like all this to be finished before the 18th if at all possible!
Reactions: Wes
Lilith is in L and have put some anon art on her now.
I moved her to the "O" section of the Independent characters list, based on her last name and because she's not in the Star Army of Yamatai.
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