• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC The Black Vipers

ITs a combination of personal issues and trying to keep it in line with the main thing to so I donn't get you guys ahead and reach a point where I absolutely can't do anything with you. So basically Since the main RP is going slow so are you guys. I apologize =\
Alright so @Gossamar has vanished, and due to consistent inactivity @BloodyScarlet has been moved to Inactive pending review after the next GM Post if she chooses to do review...

That being said, Audits are starting, so people need to get their pages in order and such for the Audit.

@Centurion0507 Is the only one exempt from this because of his overseas duty and bad internet.

We're going to start picking up so everyone get your stuff ready.

@miss_story @SmokeEmpress @Syaoran

Furthermore @Homeside 6 has shown interest in joining so we may be getting another new player, depends on if he's still interested.
For Belle's sheet, do you want me to just do a summary of what is going on so far? I've mostly done that for my others, but just want to make sure. Otherwise, there's really nothing more to add for her at this point. Also, when are you merging the two? Just curious. I can tell that it's getting close!
Sorry I've been so busy at first I was waiting on posts hoping no one would get left behind then honestly I completely forgot about SA. *slaps own hand* bad me. I'll try to get a post out tonght or tomorrow
@BloodyScarlet is now moved back to active and free to post whenever they desire.

Also a Survey was sent to all of your PM's to be handled, I've had two people do it so far I'll need everyone to do it whenever they can but try to do it within the next 72 hours.

Also posts for each thread is up! We're about 2 posts away in each thread from merging the threads! Woo!
I can't help but find it a bit funny and ironic that Kiet is willing to trust Doctor Morgan, but not Anabel and her crew...not realizing that she had her crew disable the engines to keep them from being able to take the ship itself.