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OOC The Fringe - Discussion


I've seen you logged onto the forums several times today, and your post has not as of yet been edited. If it remains unchanged in the next couple of hours, I will assume that Dylan intends to try to dock with the Veil, and write up the consequences of his actions accordingly.

You aren't listening/reading what I and the other players are telling you, Yoerik. Read this passage from Foxtrot's post again:

I'm going to list out the problems with your latest post very clearly.
  1. Dylan does not know how to pilot a spacecraft, no matter how small, as per his character sheet.
  2. Docking a shuttle to another spacecraft is a delicate process that requires a lot of training and practice, none of which Dylan has, as stated above.
  3. Dylan made no attempt to communicate with the Veil's cockpit or crew (Amelia) to let them know what his intentions were, opening up the possibility of all kinds of accidents, both from Dylan's inexperience and Amelia making moves that Dylan is not expecting.
  4. You autoed Dylan's actions - that is, you went ahead and posted the results of his attempts without waiting for GM intervention, which is something I have already discussed with you.
  5. You ignored my OOC message to edit your previous post due to the fact that it clearly disregarded/ignored Foxtrot's actions.
I'm going to be as plain and honest as I can: I'm rapidly growing weary of asking you to correct your posts. If you can't pay closer attention to what's going on in the plot, then I'm going to have to eject Dylan.

I'm sorry, but this has gone on long enough. I'm going to have to remove Dylan from the plot. Going around in circles with you like this every time you post is going to slow down the RP and place unneeded strain on the narrative. I'm also going to modify your last post so that I can reply with the actual consequences of an inexperienced pilot recklessly trying to dock with a moving object.

You can plan on having Dylan leave with the Yamataian rescue team (tagging @Wes here so he's in the loop). From here you can do as you wish with your character, but he will no longer be aboard the Concordia Veil.

Please take some lessons from your experience here and try to be a better reader in the future.
I intended to have it up yesterday, but I had a very, very trying day yesterday. But... a new chapter thread is up!

Everyone, let's try to wrap up the dealings with the Star Army, and maybe beg for a little compensation for our "heroics." Feel free to start RPing in the new thread as well. I intend to lock the Salvage thread in a week's time if possible.
I'm waiting for a post from Riko in the Salvage thread and then I'll post Six Four getting returned to the Veil.
My IRC client has decided to be obstinant lately, so I'll ask for discussion here instead.

I plan to start the next mission in the near future, but not before everyone has had the chance to do any "off-duty" RP that they wish. How long does everyone want to wait before continuing, both in RL time and in-universe time?
I use Nettalk on my computer and did not fail me yet. And yeah for browser, what Fox suggested is really great. When I still used to got on on my phone I used AndChat and that was okay.

As for your other question, I think anothe week IRL would be nice, I for example didn ot even get to chat with anyone yet as Shrie is too shy to butt into conversations.
I know Foxtrot and Yoshi are working on a phenomenal JP that should be going up soon, so I won't start rattling the Two Day Limit Sabre at the two of you.

However, @Gunsight1... *poke poke poke poke poke!*
I did a timeskip on the 2.5a thread, which should allow plenty of time to have passed for Sienna to be nursed out of the worst of her drug-induced stupor, as well as given Amelia and Crash ample time to return to the Veil if they so desire. Shrie, Six Four, and Oreza can do as they please for now - I'll note here that the captain's door is unlocked, but at least Oreza would probably know that she won't want to be disturbed, and entering uninvited (i.e., without knocking) will likely elicit a hostile response.

The next mission will begin by the end of next week, depending on how the off-duty RP goes, and player preferences.
crash needs to jump start the spiderbot, then I was going to have him bug the capt... but past that I'm good either way.
YAY!! are you going to start the next mission on top of leaving the play thread open?
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