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So, let's learn about flats! Flats, according to Mark, are the rough outline of how the colors on the character will come out after all the nifty special stuff (fading, blending, etc) is taken into account.

This step exists so that any glaring problems you have with color choice can be fixed before we reach the point of no return.

Here are the flats for Henry Morris.

And here are the flats for Robert Davis.

As you can see, flats are exactly what they sound like. The difference between these and the final product are rather startling, aren't they?

Pretty cool stuff!


That is freakin' insane. Mark, Tom, you guys are awesome. I don't even know how to thank you guys enough.
I think Harrison should ask for a size or two larger tunic. Looks like he's going to bust that one if he flexes too much, lol.
MissingNo said:
I think Harrison should ask for a size or two larger tunic. Looks like he's going to bust that one if he flexes too much, lol.
But how would he hulk out and kick arse if the Mishhu attacked us?

Also... (For Rob Davis)

Separated at Birth?
Henry Morris is completed. Yay!

High five to Luca.

And here are the flats for Akio.

Oh, by the way, I'll happily e-mail ya'lls copies of the originals. They're pretty massive compared to the cap photobucket puts on photos. I figure ya'll want to put these on your profile. :lol:
Henry Morris is probably the most badass looking dude ever drawn for Star Army.
From his Coccoon of unmanliness, reservations, inhibitions and a stuttery voice, he has become a Butterfly -- with a G. Freeman beard, a Henry Rifle (geddit?), along with a taste for brandy, gambling and good literature.

(I felt like ratting off this monologue in light of this new artwork and massive character transition. Hopefully, it'll appear In-Character somewhere.)

"It's true that a man who has experienced earthly success in risky any field, be it killing, gambling, drinking, mechanical repair, or even apparently benign pursuits such as chess and literature studies will lust for further successes in any of those fields and more.

"Whether or not this is a good thing is debatable, since it gives a man a driving purpose in life in a bogglingly large universe with threats and friends everywhere, it causes a man to act, to do, to be. I'm far from exception, and I don't mind. In fact, I've started to embrace it.

"I'm pleased to make your accquaintance. I am Henry O. Morris, Technical Sentry."
Here's the final of Akio.

I swear Mark keeps one-upping himself. PIMP SUIT.

The color and lighting on the face is just so wonderful, too. It's really something to see zoomed in a bit in all it's 3 meg glory. Stupid photobucket.
A bit late to the scene as well, but:

Gratzi on five years! Keep on keeping on, Tom!

Also, I would request Viktor Kingston be added, but art WAS done for him; it seems that for one reason or another though that it has vanished from photobucket.

Anyone able to help me out here?
Maniam Manward Mannison!

Hot damn you're good at what you do. Keep it up and keep it strong and most importantly: AWESOME.
Also, I would request Viktor Kingston be added, but art WAS done for him; it seems that for one reason or another though that it has vanished from photobucket.

Anyone able to help me out here?

I'll see what I can do.
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