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The Havok Festival YE 40

"As long as you behave yourself, I don't mind. I hope my performances were worth what you paid for them. As for being lonely, I'm used to it, and most people don't get me anyway," Betty said with a feint chuckle and a slight grin. She figured he was just showboating and would probably leave her company after a bit. She took a sip from her drink as she waited for his response to her, ever slight sassy manners.
Jax stared at the strange Iroma for a moment, blinking a few times. So sassy...

...He loved sassy. Made things challenging. He'd originally planned for a few quick flirts, and then bailing. But now he wanted to play.

His tail flicked in amusement.

"Worth every penny. I may even stick around to try and get to know you." Jax mused with a joking little shrug. He reached his arm past Betty and pressed his palm against the wall, resting against it.

"By the way," he asked innocently, taking a sip of his drink. "What's this 'behaving' thing you speak of? Is that some kind of Iromakuanhe custom, miss....?"
The Iroma woman gave a grin at the move, "I certainly don't, but hands that wander tend to pay a price. If you want to get to know me, then I suppose it's good their are open seats here."

I doubt that wall can hold up his ego for long, she thought. He was cocky, and self-esteem.....but he was bold, and she liked that. She'd play along, who knows, Maybe he turned out to be a good time.

Akemi shimmied himself onto a couch adjacent to the world leader's own sofa and the little mewser wondered aloud.

"What would the Star Army of Yamatai be like if Uso never left it? Changed for the better? The food would have been worse for a time, that's for sure..."

He gave a side smile to Uso but then let himself go back to looking at the party's happenings instead of focusing all of his attention on her. Just his words were probably enough to put her at ease knowing someone was thinking deeply about her.

"Ooh! Me-ow!" Jax chuckled, removing his hand from the wall slowly before gesturing to a loveseat. "Please, I insist. Let's just go ahead and get this out of the way: I like cats and my favorite color is blue. Now we can skip to the fun questions!"

"You know, as space-empress I can have you killed for that.... "

Uso's eyes suddenly lit up, a sudden bolt of inspiration jolting her upright,

"No. Wait... I can just have everyone say I'm the greatest cook in the universe and then never actually cook anything... Holy fuck, no one should have this power."

"No one should have this much power, but you do," Akemi said with a grin. He stretched out on the couch and languidly sipped at his drinks.

"I'll always be serving myself to hungry folks. I'm happy with how you are so self-serving, though. You wear the crown well."
"I wear everything well." Uso said, pausing for a moment before adding, "If we just started spreading the word that I'm the ruler of Nepleslia, how long do you think it would take to become true?"
"Depends on the cat for me," Betty gave with a sly wink, "And as you can guess, My favorite color is black."

Oh she loved to tease, she liked how she got them excited. But she was not won so easily.

"What kind of fun questions did you have in mind? I'm not one to turn down a seeker of answers. As long as they aren't looking for them across certain lines, and are ones they can handle."

"I'd have to ask the Sky Marshall how he feels about that," Akemi said, not at all planning on doing so. "He'd probably be stoked if you were into the whole marriage aspect of the deal."

Uso pressed her fingers together, holding them out infront of her face as she 'Hmmmmm'd.

"So. The question is would I for all the tea in Nepleslia?" The neko was clearly giving it some thought, "That totally sounds like something I'd do. Even though I don't think Mr. Marshall is my type. Kinda wish I could just go back to charging hourly rates for killing stuff... at least then it was easy to put a number to how much shit I'd put up with in exchange for money."

She'd then turn her attention to Betty,

"Who is that anyways? I don't think I've seen her face before."

"Woah, that's cool to hear you would seriously think about getting married for the sake of wealth and power!" Akemi was somewhat enthused, but he was willing to change the subject.

"That's a singer. She looks like she's about to get married for the sake of wealth and power, actually. I hope Jax has enough bills to pay for that pretty penny's tastes. They are like a yin'n'yang, aren't they? Quite opposite but they go together real nicely. I at least hope." He added, "Do you want to butt in? You want to butt in, don't you?"

Jax internally rolled his eyes. He wasn't quite sure what Betty meant by "lines", but decided to roll with things regardless.

"So what's your story, Betty? What's an Iroma doing out here so far from the Commonwealth?" the catboy asked, leaning back and draping his arm over the back of the sofa.
Betty chuckled, "Oh well it's nothing special. My parents were asses and didn't appreciate my talents, so I ran away from home. No money, or support given, and made a name for myself doing what I enjoy. I ended up here eventually, I didn't really fit in there anyway. What about yourself Mister Jackson?"

Jax smiled and mulled it over. That was pretty similar to him, truth be told, so he told her with a shrug:

"Same story here. Graduated high school, didn't have the grades for college, and my parents, of course, were being asses. So I left for Yamatai and joined the military, where I found out I had a talent for machines. Thus, here I am some eight years later, talking to the prettiest girl in the room tonight."

"Ugh, Does Jax even know I'm here?" Uso asked after Jax's 'prettyist girl int he room' comment.

Uso grinned wide and leaned in towards Akemi,

"We should totally butt in,"

Uso moved forward, just a bit of active-stealth being employed to help mask her movement. The Neko could be uncharacteristically quiet when she wanted to be, moving around the sides to stay out of the pair's vision as she made her approach from the side. She would keep a 90 degree angle as she closed the distance, looking to only appear in their peripheral vision once it was too late. As the distance was closed, she'd stop using her skin to play tricks with the lighting, her hand ending up around Jax's shoulder,

"HEY JAX!" Uso said, having already calculated the optimal wingman maneuver, "How you doing you billionaire you? How 'bout you tell us about that time you saved the YSS Eucharis from certain doom?"
Betty was about to comment on the obvious flattery before the neko cut in.

oh look, the show boat brigade.

She gave a smirk as she spoke, "Oh hello, who are you? Another of the Jackson fan girls?"

"Quite the opposite. If anything Jax is a fan of me." Uso said, pointing to herself with her thumb to emphasize the herness of it all. "I'm kinda famous, but this is about Jax right now."

Jackson's ears flattened against his head in awkwardness. Keeping his eyes on Betty, he mouthed 'No.'

He never bragged about his time aboard the Eucharis. Sure, maybe he'd saved the crew once or twice through his mechanical genius and quick thinking, but he was an engineer; machines were kind of his jam. Furthermore, he'd done it out of love for his old crew rather than a quest for glory or fame. He would never hold it over their heads in any way. He would never brag about it as if he were better than them in some respect. Candon and Tugs shot things, Masumi and Wazu studied things, and Jax, Cherry, and Becker fixed things. Simple as that.

Looking over at Akemi, he shot out a telepathic message for the other catboy only.

<How much has Uso had to drink- actually, better question! Did you put her up to this?!>

"W-Well, I... Um... don't really like to be boastful." Jax muttered awkwardly to both Uso and Betty from his position between the two. This had definitely thrown him off his groove, and that stuttering idiot he'd used to become around women began to show.