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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

The Havok Festival YE 40

"Yes and seem to be doing a fine job of making the situation uncomfortable for him. How about just letting us have some time by ourselves. He was doing rather fine on his own," Betty gave Uso with a smirk before patting the seat right next to her as she looked to Jax, "Well Jax, how about you sit here right up next to me. That way no one can slide into the middle of our conversation."

Jax sighed in relief and did just that. He slid right next to Betty and draped an arm around the back of the couch.

"I'd like that very much, thank you."

Uso understood where this was going,

"My work here is done." She stated, declaring her personal victory before heading off to the bar once more to refill her drink.
"Now where were we? I believe we were getting to know each other better," Betty said with a grin.
"I'm more for the finer arts personally. Racing and fights do not interest me as much. However that little standoff I must say was rather interesting. Why did you yell at the man for doing his job?," Betty asked curiously after giving her opinion.
Jax sighed and rubbed his face.

"Because while yes, Mr. Pine was in fact 'doing his job', he did it in the most boneheaded fashion I've ever seen in my life. He was attempting to arrest and detain active duty Star Army personnel. First off, you can't just do that unless they are actively committing a crime. This guy just had a 'bounty' on his head, which I think is total crap, because if he did, he wouldn't be walking freely. He'd be in a military prison somewhere, awaiting trial through the proper channels." Jax explained. He held up a finger though, continuing:

"But let's say for the sake of argument that he did have a bounty! You still can't just go up and detain the guy, especially when he's with his crew! The smart play would have been to quietly inform the acting captain of the vessel instead of marching in with a bunch of armed goons and causing a scene," Jax grumbled. "The SA's not a bunch of fools. If that man had any sort of bounty, they would have known immediately. But you want to know why I'm really angry? It's because I personally sent every one of those men and women invites to this festival, and was looking forward to bringing the house down with them, but they became so uncomfortable after the incident that they immediately left for Yamatai."

"So to answer your question, that is why I yelled at that man."
"He sounds like a man who doesn't really think highly of the empire. But he does take his job seriously. What group was he with anyways?", Betty asked, more out of curiosity for what was irking Jax.
"He runs S6. The other tech group out here, but there also, like, a military group? Or something? Don't get me lying to you." Jax replied with a shrug.

He paused for a moment. Should he...?

He was having a good time talking to her. That was a definite plus. Many women he spoke to these days didn't have much to say in way of conversation. Personality-wise, she seemed interesting. Similar background, too.

Screw it.

"I'm having a great time talking to you, by the way. Could I maybe have your number? We could do coffee sometime?" Asked the catboy with an innocent little smile.
"Depends, you want it on paper, or the Iroma way?," Betty said with a grin. She felt compelled to spend more time with him, see where the rabbit hole landed her so to speak.
Betty gave a soft chuckle and gently placed a handle on his shoulder, transferring the information along with warm feelings through her races empath abilities. "My number is always open."
Jax leaned close and smirked.

"I'll see you later." he muttered with a little wink and went away to talk to a group of racers.