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The Havok Festival YE 40


Hoshi's nudge seemed to rouse Sacre from where she had been lost in thought. "Oh, right, long story." She said to Gravity distractedly as she slid into the back to work on Wyatt. She took the shuttle's medkit as she slid past it. Normally she might have some quip about Wyatt being entirely over eager or stupid. However, she took a look at it carefully. "I'm going to make sure there's no infection. This is going to hurt." She warned matter of factly, spraying antiseptic directly into the cut to clean it. She wiped the antiseptic off to make sure it was clean. Then she used a bandage to close the wound. "It looks fine for now, but I'll want to redress it when we get back to the ship." She instructed.

Then she moved over to Mark, checking his arm and eye a bit more carefully, wanting to make sure that the oddly formed parts were indeed not badly injured. A frown crossed her face as she worked. "Are you ok Mark?" She asked bluntly.

Wyatt made no complaints as his would was tended to, if you could even call it a wound. He saw it as a small cut and nothing that a little applied pressure for a few minutes wouldn't fix but it was Sacre's job to make sure people didn't fall apart so he let her work. His torso tensed up slightly as the antiseptic came into contact with his raw wound, he got the feeling that the snake was getting some kind of kick out of all this but he dared not voice that thought - instead he just gave a thankful nod once she was done and fixed his clothing.

The marksman grabbed ahold of a hand-hold near the door and took in the whole scene that was taking place inside the shuttle, he let out a quiet scoff at himself. To think, he was going to skip out on this in favour of cleaning guns or something like that, he did not regret the last minute decision he made... hell he might need to thank Eden for unknowingly twisting his arm.

Wyatt knew how bitter he could get, he would have beaten himself up over this if he had chosen to stay behind and things ended up going worse than they were right now.
Howard Station
Jax's Penthouse
Six or Seven Drinks Deep...

Jax made one last sweep of his penthouse, making sure everything was in place for this party. The floors were a rich, cream tile, with black marble countertops and polished wooden cabinets. The walls were a similar light tan color.

Coming in through the door, one would be immediately greeted by a spacious living area, with maroon carpets, brown leather furniture, a massive display screen above a fireplace, and the opposite wall giving a massive view to the still unfinished city-zone of the station, with Origin employees working around the clock to bring the dream closer to reality. Above, the reinforced glass ceiling gave a breathtaking view of the planet and the stars beyond.

Immediately to the left of the door was the kitchen, with a massive, well-stocked bar and a table for six. To the right of the living room was the master bed and bath, and to the left was Jax's private office.

The floors were scrubbed, the alcohol was stocked, the music was set, and the people were coming!
Mark sat through the examination as if a little too deep in thought which he was not. "There's a pain in my leg, sharp. It's not broken, but there's a possibility of fracture. Other than that, just minor cuts and bruises.", he said neutrally.
Howard Station
Jax's Penthouse

1 havok festival deep


Uso opened the door to Jax's penthouse with a kick, having made her way up there at some point... probably by shuttle.

"JAX!" she shouted, her eyes twitching... even with her older model brain the NH-7 could still scan a room so fast it looked like they were stroking out. In moments she'd make her way over to the Genius Billionaire Cat-boy Philanthropist. After all he was the only one that could answer her question.

"Did we declare war on Yamatai while I was doing that announcer thing with Alex?"
Howard Station
Jax's Penthouse

One Contract Deep...

Anastasia had made it from the shuttle to the station as fast as she could, but it was no where near fast enough to match the power of an angered Nekovalkyrja.

The well-dressed Elysian slipped through the door a few moments after Uso busted through. She herself had some news and some questions, but she couldn't resist an opportunity to mess with her employer.

"JAX!" she shouted in a similar manner to Uso. The tall Elysian made her way over to the minkan, clearly still working off a case of helmet hair. "I don't know if you heard but our guests are headed the other way." Following the small jest, she motioned her hands in a way that said "we need to talk."

"No," Jax muttered as he focused on loading an industrial-grade blender. "But Jack Pine... has got to be... the dumbest motherfucker I have yet encountered in my twenty six years on this earth."

God, he didn't even want to think about S6 for a while. He just wanted a piña colada.

At that moment, several Havok employees filed in through the door.

Jax sighed and looked at Ana with a questioning look.


A reassuring pat on Jax's shoulder was the first thing the little Nekovalkyrja man did when he entered. His security bot was close behind, doing the exact thing Uso's tantric eyes had been doing a few moments earlier, albeit with less NH-precision as they scanned. Still wearing his full diamond skinsuit, he began taking off his gloves and face-mask, then shook out his luscious black hair so that it fell in sheets down his back.

"Uso, that was so you..." Akemi said. "Pitting your star pupil against a Yamataian enlistee. I don't know how you one up yourself every time. I wouldn't worry about a war, though. It's just not so you to worry."

He smiled warmly at Uso, nodding at his own statement. He didn't understand Anastasia's statement so didn't say anything about it or to her. His crimson eyes were focused on Uso.
Anastasia sighed, resting her elbows on the bar counter as she adjusted the loose "sleeve" of her dress. She looked at Jax directly clearing her mind and addressing the Minkan telepathically. "... First off, could you make two? Nepleslian style, I need to loosen up. " She eyed the industrial blender, smiling.

Back on topic, she continued. "Eden contacted me on her way to Yamatai proper. She says she needs me for a small job regarding Yam." She paused, looking at Uso momentarily before directing her attention back to the catboy. "Once we're all wrapped up with the festival, I may need to take a vacation. A few weeks, tops."

Jax looked at Ana and blinked a few times. Then, he opened the blender back up and poured a sizable portion of rum into the already mixed drink without saying a word.

"Sure. That's cool. We don't have much going on, just that little project I discussed with Gravity. Uh... if you could, please don't die. You're an important part of the team here."
Betty strolled into the penthouse but did not say a word. Her headphones were still on as she hummed faintly to a dark beat. She only gave a cursory glance, hmm only a couple people here. Guess I'm just early.

Anastasia smiled, nodding her head as she run her hands through it for the tenth time. "Thanks, and thanks again Jax."

She held her hand out as she leaned over the counter, waiting for the finished drinks to be served. Once she got it, the engineer turned around and slipped her wings around her seat. She then proceeded to down the drink at a rate most would consider unhealthy. After the 'loosening up' she grunted and spoke back to Jackson. "Please, I'm getting a back up this time for sure. If the bullets, aether burns, reactor meltdowns, and three weeks of L'Kor rations haven't snuffed me, I'd rather not not know what will."

"but for now, we've got a party to run," Anastasia said after a long exhale.

"Ok, so sounds like we managed to have a party without burning the whole place down, but like, only just.... Who's in charge of your bar here?" Uso asked.

Jax smiled at Ana, then smirked evily at Uso.

"No one." he nearly cackled. So much for not burning the place down. At that moment, the door hissed open, and a crowd of people surged in with cheery moods. Some were already stumbling. Several famous faces were among the crowd. Rockstars, DJs, racers, the works! Jax hit a button on his datapad, and music began jamming from the massive stereo system set up throughout the penthouse.

"Good work on PR, Akemi! Feel free to help yourself to the bar... and anyone you feel like!" Jax called over the noise, clapping the other catboy on the back.

Though there was a sizable amount of people filing into the building, Jax took note of some faces he wanted to meet throughout the night.

One of them was a dark-skinned iroma woman who'd showed up a little early and seemed rather awkward. He wanted to make sure everyone was having a good time. He said a quick goodbye to the two girls and made his way through the sea of people to Betty, stopping to pick up some cocktails on the way.

"Hi! I think I saw you performing earlier today! Betty Arturius, right?" he asked over the noise, offering one of the drinks in his hand to the space-goat. That was always how Jax thought of her kind. Like the Neko were space-cats, Iroma were space-goats.
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Betty removed her headphones after the music began to drown her's out. As he approached, she looked at the billionaire curiously, how odd for such a well known figure to approach someone like her.

"Yes that's my name, and you must be the prestigious Jax." She said accepting the cocktail, "Come to visit little old me?" She added in a slightly playful manner.
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Akemi punched two cups of concoctions into the air, without spilling, and enthusiastically spoke out.

"Now THIS is a party. Well done, Jax the man! Well done, indeed!" He gulped some of both drinks and made sure Uso was imbibing, too.

"So what if you kill a man with a thrown horse? So what if you blow up a few planets? So what if you steal a national treasure or eight, so what if..." He trailed off, sucking down some piñata coolers or whatever they were. He didn't much mind nor care; his attention was back on Uso. "So what if you do all the 'bad' things this universe allows you to do? You do what makes you happy."

He smiled at Uso and sipped the other drink, which was a scary mary or something.

Uso laughed,

"I sleep well at night."

She'd then finish off her drink,

"Besides, they literally don't make em like me anymore.!"

"Yes, that's me, and yes, I did. You seemed a little lonely over here and I wanted to make sure you were having a good time. Do you mind?" Jax asked with his own cocky grin.

"Awww," Akemi said, "I'm joking when I say this, Uso, but you sort of make me wish I had deserted with my neato bandito body, too." He looked to be pouting, but it was just for play. Of course, Akemi liked being able to visit and work on his own projects in Yamatai so he wasn't too upset about not being a military-grade Neko. Besides, he was born as a 29h so it didn't have as many cool features as Uso's bod, anyway.
Penthouse, whichever sofa Uso ended up on...

"You can always get a new body if that's your thing," Uso laughed, "Ahhh.... yeah I mean like. TO transfer into you know, not for the other thing."

This was a time for Uso to kick up her feet and relax. Her energy already having been spent throughout the day.