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RP: NSS Nerkat This is how we do it downtown!

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"You drag, I'll push and shoot!" Harrison said, figuring towards his PAL and his good leg. His bad leg was now practically dripping with blood, and Harrison's vision lapsed in and out of blackness. Nevertheless, he managed to bring up his PAL and lock onto the Hoplite.

"Give me a sec." Before Fay started dragging, Harrison readied a few ARROWs and fired them off. "ARROW volley launched. Let's hope they make contact. Now get moving!" With that, Harrison levelled his PAL and started firing towards a bunker.
Fay nodded and while Harrison prepared to fire his Arrows, the medic raised his own, yet unused until now, weapon and fired a few volleys at the Hoplite before continuing in the effort to drag the marine away. The Geshrin/Nepleslian also made a mental note to give his comrade some Droksin after patching up his leg.
"Just get me back to the main group and find a raised location I can cover behind, then put a few band-aids on the leg and get back to the fight!" Harrison said, aiding the smaller Marine by pushing with his good leg and dragging his bad.

"An impact crater will work just fine if you can't find one of the raised positions."
"I don't have any fucking ARROW's! The stupid bitch put DART's in it instead!" Alice growled. Nontheless, she fired the DARTs at the requested target in place of an ARROW barrage

Seeing a few of the Infantry go down, she decided to switch her attention to the hoplites now that there were a few less guns firing at her. She hit the boost to both keep a safe distance away from the Crooked Demon's claws and to dodge the fire from the remaining infantry. She fired her LPA in short bursts at the hoplites, having to rely mostly on manual aim since her targeting was acting up on her.
Amelia said:
"The stupid bitch put DART's in it instead!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Weynolt?! Have you snapped or something, started referring to yourself in third person!?" Harrison yelled from his position, taking a potshot at another Crooked Demon, which impacted the ground in front of it, close enough to make its energy shields crackle close to depletion.
The bad news, first...

First, to Adrian.

The Hoplite that targeted Adrian, while they both boosted in speed and launched passive flares to lose the ARROWs, made its mark. A beam of light, five in fact, launched from the Hoplite before it broke its lock. The disappeared 3/4 of the way down to Adrian, although the beams moved faster then the eye could perceive.

Probably the first thing Adrian would beable to use to realize he was hit was the damage reports on his armor. Five beams. One would hit the fleshy bits of the body. The beam teleported through, as it was designed too.

Fay, now, had a similar effect. Although the Hoplite for him only shot three, and one of them missed, putting a bit of grass near the medic on fire from the energy being released from the beam. The HUD would read a damage in the armor, as well... Although once again, only one made the mark at the fleshy bits.

A sudden change in speed did a lot to one's aim.


And now, the nukes. Or bunker busters.

Probably best for the marines in general, even if sheilded against such a threat, the first BB, after gaining the necessary altitude, fell down to Earth.

And hit the bunker hard, causing the thing to partially collapse. However, there was no 1 megaton yielded explosion. The BB lost all contact to Kagura after it reached the peak, as it had been disabled by the outpost's countermeasures. Electronic, for the most part. In anycase, it did not go off. Harry's PAL fire didn't go unnoticed from the bunker, either, and it took further damage. The fire from within was silenced.

The one launched at the BoT, though... Also did not set off. This, though, was a safety measure installed into the device. It had not reached the minimum distance and quite possibly would have ended the operation for the marines. Instead, it hit the mecha with full force and... Caused a chain gun to rip off haphazardly. The blow, though, send it down into the ground where it partially buried itself. Still quite active, mind you.

From the PALs, though, the BoT began to look quite worn and damaged. The chaingun continued to fire on the one Viper, though, and it probably wouldn't be a surprise when the craft in question exploded violently.

The other BoT, the one a mile out, now, though, ceased its fire for the moment.

All in all, fifteen seconds passed. Give or take.
"Holy sh-" Harrison watched from his prone position as Fay took the hit. The hole looked like it hurt quite a lot. "Fay, are you alright?" A stupid question, but well-grounded. Harrison, in better condition, grabbed Fay and started gently tugging the man to the main lines. Blood now pumped from his wounds, but the adrenaline rush and morphine the suit was administering to him in steady doses kept the pain in check and Harrison in motion.
Fay was indeed hit. It felt like more of an internal injury, and his armor had taken another hit. That, added with his still-bleeding back wound, was fairly painful for the poor medic, even with morphine. "Ack... I'm.. alright.." he breathed while attempting to drag Harrison along before collapsing from agony.
"I got you man, take it easy!" Harrison said, pushing himself to his feet through several layers of raw, tearing, unbidden pain. He grabbed Fay by the shoulders and lifted the smaller man up with relative ease then, taking care with his wounds, slung Fay around his shoulders in a fireman's carry. With that, he gritted his teeth as he waited for the morphine to set in and sprinted for the main lines, his vision still blacking out occasionally.
Ran noted the FIRE carrying a damaged WATER, assessing it to be Harrison, as Kagura was in his direct vicinity and McCain was further off in the distance. "Kagura, keep up the suppressing fire on those Crookeds!" Ran immediately sprinted over to Harrison, taking Fay off of his back and lying him down on the ground in front of him. "Medic needed at these coordinates! Get up here, Dream!" He then set up a bubble shield around him and Fay, turning the Marine over on the ground, inspecting his wounds. Fuck this... Ran looked to his radar, seeing the shield generator was less than 600 meters away.

"McCain, we've sustained too many fucking wounded to be effective in combat for long. I'm gonna have all the FIREs pound the shield generator to shit while the rest of us cover them. Afterward, I suggest that we retreat and regroup." He said this over the all-hands channel, making sure that everyone heard.
After a while, the Type 2 that Henry had on him began to run down - it had run out of ammo, but it still had a grenade left in it, which he gave to the Bringer of Thunder which looked like it was about to cark it with another good hit.

He dropped the depleted rifle and immediately bought up a Radio channel to the NSS Nerkat. He decided that now would be a good idea to request for weapon backup.
"NSS - Nerkat. Respond, this is Henry Morris. We need a - weapons, cache dropped - on our location..." He thought of what to get, but wanted to keep it simple, "Make it deadly - and atmosphere ready. We - don't have much time."

He tried to look for cover and broadcast this to Adrian and Harrison: "Adrian, Harrison - don't worry about me for now - you two, have bigger issues!"
"Shut the hell up." Alice retorted. "If you want to whine at Amelia for her weapon choices, you can do it later when she wakes up. As for right now..." An explosion tore up the ground near her as she kept up her sustained fire. "..I'm using what I've got. If you want some fucking ARROWS fired, then shoot them yourself." She located the FIRE's on her radar and started to shoot at those targeting them. "Let's just blow this piece of crap into oblivion already."

Alice obviously wasn't very nice, an interesting contrast from the quiet and obedient Amelia.
"STOP FUCKING REFERRING TO YOURSELF IN THE GODDAMN THIRD PERSON!" Harrison yelled through the all-hands frequency at Amelia, already shelling the shield generator with everything he had.

"We need new weapons; and Henry is trying to help, so stop being a douchebag and clear the drop zone."

'If the Nerkat even decides to drop that cache in the first place...'
"IM NOT YOU DUMBASS!" Alice yelled back just as loudly, if not louder. "My name is Alice. If you have a problem with Amelia, wait till I give her back." With that, she shot at another Hoplite with a well aimed burst, indicating her growing frustration with the mission and at having to work with other people.

"...If I even decide to."
"Alright you two. Settle down and keep firing." Gyles' VOID settled on the ground between Alice and Harrisson, as he fired another rapid burst of plasma fire at the CDs. He placed his barrier shields above the three of them at an oblique angle, to protect them from the initial bombardment by the Hoplites. Thinking he might obstruct their shooting, he set his system to synchronize the movements of his drones with the fire of adjacent teammates.

He preloaded an EMP grenade, followed by a scalar one, ready to put the hostile powered armor down with a cheap, dirty combination attack. He contacted Ran, and grinning, announced his intentions. "Can you cut on the suppression fire for a second, Sir? I might have an easy way to take those CDs out. Just be patient."
"Just don't forget, pilot's in the back Newman!" harrison said, already pumping more artillery shells into the enemy. He didn't hit the target he was aiming at, but the CD did get flipped headfirst onto the ground from the shockwave.
Speaking of pilots...

There was a bit of movement from the inflames wreckage of that lone Viper... Through the crushed cockpit a man in the usual pilot's outfit dragged himself out of the wreckage, his legs not moving, gripping clumps of grass (That wasn't on fire, of course.) and propelling himself along. The flak jacket infantry, who was in front of him, didn't notice... They had their backs to him, of course.

Speaking of the flak jackets, one of their number roared in a booming voice, "THEY'RE HITTING THE GEN'! MOVE! IN!" Apparently the subject of the shield generator was very, very dear to those infantry, as they broke from their minimal cover and charged/sprinted across the field toward the marines. The men that could die quite easily, having almost no protection from the marine's weapons, and their own weapons could do little hard to the marines, charged at them.

Into the face of death, if you will. The pilot wouldn't be harmed from them, apparently. Although... Wasn't there two pilots to a Viper?

The closer of the two BoTs began to walk backwards, not firing the other chaingun it had at all. In reality, the ripped arm had damaged the ammo belt, too, causing a jam. Although, the marines wouldn't exactly know this. In anycase, the mecha spun on one leg and turned around completely, moving in a full run (Measured at about one hundred miles per hour) toward the other BoT, which rained the bullet-y rain down on the Marines still.

Two Vipers, though, would come into audio range, staying behind the marines. They didn't want to get hit by the Hoplites, of course. But wasn't there... Four, including the crashed one? Bah!

In anycase, ARROWs shot from the two Vipers. One of which angled upwards, sending the missiles toward the aircraft in the skies, while the other decided to gain vengeance by launching ordnance at the BoT a mile away, the undamaged one. Meanwhile, the assault ordnance cannon on both fired their loads toward the somewhat intact bunker as the Demons inside attempted to crawl out, being a bit stuck. And then dead, too. Ho hum.

Anyway, from Ran's position, the ground near him (Or infront of him, if he was in decent cover) exploded into the air, sending dirt flying every where and a good deal of a shock wave to send him back.

Reinforcements had come in. On the western wall of the outpost, was several men, to a total of eight, decked out in power armor. The weapon that did the deed against Ran was a man, lying prone, wielding the above armor and this weapon. He didn't stay on Ran, though, instead moving his sites up onto one of the Vipers and taking another shot. The top of the cockpit took the hit, sending the Viper backwards in a half backflip from the force of the shot. The other troops, spread out about five meters apart, began to fire their own weapons at the marines, too.

In addition to the new infantry problem, two Crooked Demons burst out in a bit of speed over the Cyclone infantry, charging across the field with thrusters on full. The unseen shuttle DID drop troops! Same set up as the other two, vibro claws and aether, which they shot in the general direction.

Adrian would have a small issue, though, as the one that charged at him was now in range, beginning to attack the Marine with its claws.

Above, with the threat of the ARROWs and Amelia/Alice's fire, they once again disengaged for the moment, their engines bursting with a flare as they sped away, probably to come back again of course. One had a very light smoke trail, too, indicating there was a decent amount of damage on one.

The NSS Nerkat, or anyone else out of the battle area, didn't respond to Henry...
"Oh shit. Henry, I don't think the request got through." Harrison said on the all-hands channel, once again turning to face the enemy with his PAL raised. However, he was running low on morphine, and his strength was beginning to wane from blood loss.

It would only be a matter of time...
"Bastards.." She turned in time to see an aether blast from one of the crooked demons charging up. She jumped to the side to dodge it barely in time. Of course, by 'dodged' that meant that it didn't directly hit her. It was enough to wipe out her shields though and wear away at the armor some. She fell backwards and tumbled down the hill slightly before landing on her feet again. "Fine... Ten come, ten die."

With the hoplites leaving them alone, for however brief a moment, she turned her LPA to the cyclone troops. She fired in bursts to increase her accuracy instead of a steady blast like she had been doing. She hit the hovering again and slowly backed away from the reinforcements while shooting.

Her leg began to burn horribly, as if something had happened to the morphine that the suit was supposed to be giving her. She winced but didn't say anything. Nontheless, her adrenaline mixed with her bloodlust allowed her to eventually ignore the pain to some degree.
Harrison's own PAL fire consolidated targets with Amelia's weaponry, and in a matter of minutes the head and chest of one of the charging armors was burned away, turning the "Crooked Demon" into a "Cook-ed Demon".

"Keep hammering 'em! It's not over yet; but the ranks are starting to thin! It's only a matter of time!"
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