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RP: NSS Nerkat This is how we do it downtown!

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"Aww, fuck!" Ran got up from the kneeling position he held over Fay, looking up to see a large squad of Cyclones coming his way. Hearing Gyles' request for him to lay off on the suppression fire, the Chief opened up a communications line with him. "Newman, do whatever you need to do to kill those fucking CDs. Weynolt, help him out. Harrison, try and keep up the fire on the Generator, but help Newman only if things get dire. MORRIS, come over here and help me with these fucking Cyclones."

The ground erupted outside his shield in more of those tiny little dirt geysers as numerous round either ricochet'd off his shield or missed. "Fuckin' piece of shit mission planning, I'm getting too fucking old for this shit.." Grumble, grumble. "Morris, take my PLC. I've still got my chainguns and FGL. I'll provide suppression so that you can take out priority targets." Ran started by opening a hole in the bubble shield to fire a DART at the Cyclone lying prone, then soon closing the hole back up. "Take him out first."

Of course, the Crooked Demons had started their little charge, and were just now registering on the Chief's radar. "Holy shit, fucking more of them?" Ran opened a channel with Rose. "Rose, go fucking help Adrian. I'll wake this little guy up." Ran then grabbed Fay's PA by the collar and started shaking him, even going as far as to slap it across the face. "WAKE UP! WE NEED EVERYONE CONSCIOUS RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!"

Just to humor himself, Ran then opened up a communications channel to one of the Viper pilots still flying. "Hey, you guys thing you can fly at low altitude and pick up some of the Marines that dropped far off?"
Kagura, seeing everyone being pushed back by the seemingly infinite amount of enemy force groaned. "This is probably the suckiest mission ever." she said to herself and began to fire PAL shots at the advancing CD's to cover Ran and his men as they fell back to try and recoup their injured. She was being careful not to catch them in the ensuing explosions from the artillery rounds, attempting to blow the CD's back and buy them time to get back.
The scene of battle

Adrian tried to get the smell of burnt flesh and the sound of the armor's alarms out of his head. He certainly couldn't concentrate with them on. Laying in a crater with only arm and heavily damaged armor didn't help either. The medic's head spun, both from shock and pain. He sat up slowly, trying not to pay attention to the world around him as the suit's drug dispensers pumped him full of chemicals. "Medic needed here. Fuckers tagged me," he coughed tiredly into the comm unit.

"Davis, get Adrian out of there. Everyone in FIREs keep pounding their fucking generator." Ran stepped out of his shield for a second to send a volley of Red shells from his FGL at the incoming Cyclones, then started to suppress them with raking fire from his chain guns. "Hey, Viper pilot! What's the fucking word on those reinforcements?"

Alice's vision begin to blur a little. "What..? Agh... Not... Now... Damnit..." She turned to the nearest crooked demon and began firing repeatedly at it. Her aim however, was off, very few shots actually hitting it. She stumbled backwards as her head spun and with one last final curse she fell backwards. She lay still for a moment. Her life signs were still there, but the vital sign on her brain was glitching for anyone who saw it on their HUD.

Ian's PAL sent waves of heat over his armor. It also sent waves of explosion all over the Red shield generator. He also attempted to contact the ships in orbit. "This is Chief Ian McCain. WHAT ARE YOU FUCKERS DOING? I don't care HOW much your fucking paint jobs cost, we're DYING DOWN HERE YOU IDIOT FUCKS! GIVE US SOME GODDAMN AIR SUPPORT!"

"Shit! Weynolt!" Gyles exclaimed, turning to face her when he read her brainwaves go haywire. He pointed his FGL at the attacking CD and fired a BLUE grenade, followed by a lethal ORANGE scalar shot, hoping to score a cheap, dirty kill on the unit while leaving his squad mate unharmed.

"Yes sir." Gran chanted in response to Ran. He had been close to the explosion and had been knocked flat. Thankfully little had actually been damaged beside minor bending in a knee joint. It served only to slow him down slightly. He hooked an arm under Adrian's remaining armpit and started to drag him back away from the fire.

There still would be no communications from above... Well, the Vipers did speak. To Ran. One of them, at least. "You sure about that? We lost two of our Vipers -- Pilot in the crashed Viper is unconscious and... The one is down. With sensors jammed we can't tell where friendlies ARE, or if they are engaging. Or any anti-air..." There was a noticeable pang of sorrow in the gruff voice, mainly on the downed Viper, their weapons firing on the Cyclone infantry now... absolutely ignoring the Flak jackets. The Bunker they were attacking went still. The BoT out of range went out of vision too, as it ducked for quick cover from the ARROWs.

"Fucking piece of shit command..." Ran got up and fired three more Red shells from his FGL at the Cyclones, distracted by the sight of his targets being fired upon from the Vipers and from his HUD warning him that his FGL's ammunition supply was very low. "Roger that. Just blow up those Crooked Demons and we'll be okay." Ran sighed, not wanting to drag the Viper's into a heavy firefight with one of their buddies down.

In the area of Ian, who's hits couldn't be confirmed due to lack of sensors and visual (There was a wall, after all), the ground infront of Ian exploded similarly with Ran as the anti-material weapon hit the ground. It was hard to hit with suppressive fire effecting you. The other infantry exchanged return fire, although only three DIDN'T get up and scatter in a toward the marines direction. The flak jackets stayed in hiding not to far from the marines as a whole for the moment. And that one CD that wasn't to far from Adrian at all (Indeed, the pilot was preparing to make a quick slice) flew by the Marine it was targeting and tumbled over the ground, its thrusters suddenly cold as it suffered a pilot death from the grenade combo. Andrian was saved!

The other three CDs scattered side ways to avoid Kagura's fire, although they still took hits of course. They were, for the moment, kept away.

"Yeah you stay back you stupid bastards." Kagura hissed at them, singling one of them out and firing a PAL shot dead on the armor going to try and just blast him away.

"Fucking shit!" Ran re-opened his comm-link with the remaining Viper pilots. "How about you use those nice fucking missiles to take out the goddamn Crooked Demons?! We'll mark them." Ran then attempted to get a lock on the Crooked Demons that had scattered to avoid Kagura's fire, sending a dart to each of them. "Everyone mark the CDs for the Vipers to blow the fuck up."

The vital signs slowly returned to normal on Weynolt. She slowly began to stir in her PA. "Ugh... ow... what the hell happened to my leg...?" Her voice was a bit softer and not so harsh sounding now. It seems Amelia was back. She started to wonder where she was when she heard Ran's order. Acting on the instinct training had imprinted on her mind, she got up with a small boost and hovering again. She found the nearest CD, which was a bit closer to her position than she would've liked, and tagged it. After accomplishing this, she moved away (c)

from her position back towards the other marines. She grimaced slightly, the thought of what orders she might have missed nagging at her mind.

Gyles slid to the side, darting between foxholes and blast craters to the retreating CDs. All he had to do was screw with their sensors a bit before marking them with TRACER pods. Once done, he'd be able to boost away to safety and await for them to be bombarded.

He stuck to his gravimetric drives, which were many times stealthier than his standard thrusters and once in range, lobbed a string of BLUE grenades at them to disable them and fired a small volley at each of the three.

"Roger that!" And so the guns of the Viper moved along with the body as they moved to target one CD each. Their turrets let loose a barrage of fire at the CDs, who had no hope but to panic and dodge about before missiles hit their position. Only one seemed to actually be destroyed, as the other two were flung away by the blast instead of it hitting. The EMPs DID hit, though, and in combination this saved Amelia from having a aether brick shoot at her face, instead missing rather widely.

Although... One of the Vipers would be once again suddenly flung back from fire from that one Cyclone infantry's powerful rifle, and through the comm came a gruff voice, "Lost my gunner! Gunner is unconscious, I can't bring in much more fire support!" It was relatively panicked, although that probably would be natural.

"Roger that, take your bird out of here and get to a safe distance. Good job on the fire support." Ran raised a thumb to the pilot of the Viper, and then returned to providing as much suppressive fire as he could for everyone. "Newman! You said you had an idea for the CDs?! Let's hear it!"

Kagura shifted her fire on the generators that Ran had said to target before now that the CD's had been forced back and began to fire PAL shot after shot at the targets in question. Just trying to blast the damn things out of commission if she could, her left shoulder getting feeling back and began to throb in pain.

"Close in on them and combo these at point blank. They tend to have shoddy wiring, so even medium EMP disables their antigrav." Gyles unloaded a canister from his backpack, filled with 12 BLUE and PURPLE FGL rounds and tossed it to Ran. One of his shield drones caught it and tugged it to the Chief with its light tractor beam, floating roughly a foot behind the Marine and awaiting for his own units to make the switch. "As for the rest of the squad? I told you all to pack along NAM Infantry Grenades. EMP, then Scalar, on lethal."

Log -- Ended
Fay must have fainted. He didn't remember much after getting picked up by Harrison. Now, he found himself on his back on the ground getting shaken awake by Ran. The urge to vomit consumed him, but the only thing that came out was a drool of blood. He coughed long and hard as he realized that his injuries, both internal and external, were still bleeding slightly.

The medic tried to get up, but his legs complained by aching horribly. "Ack..." he almost cried as he tried to find his barrings. He couldn't tell who was who anymore as his vision was going in and out of focus constantly. Ran was even too much of a blur to recognize. What a pickle that I am in.. he told himself as he said aloud with a few more coughs, "What's happening... I feel like my body is on fire." That was more of an understatement, actually...
The damaged Viper pulled back swiftly, going out of view once more. Back where it came from, with the other one probably. One thing was sure, when the marines got out of this shindig (IF...), they would have to take a detour before going home. No way would these things be space safe!

In anycase, the now one lone Viper moved back suddenly, to dodge some aether flings from the now once again charging (At the Viper, no less!) CD, as well as the cyclones. The guns didn't fire, as it wasn't stable enough for the gunner to fire without just wasting shots.

Oddly enough, even damaged (And they all had, for the most part, a good amount of their original mass missing.) the Crooked Demons didn't back down.

Neither did the Flak Jackets, which came back into play with a roar from the apparent sergeant, "LETS DO IT!" And so, the seven soldiers all in red Flak Jackets with helmets wielding their various arms charged over the small bit of hill they took cover behind, all converging on one Marine in a dead fast sprint.

Kagura! She was a priority target, being firing on the objective and all.

Apparently, as the infantry dogpiled and shot their ballistic weapons inward at Kagura, point blank, their moral was quite high. Or they were suicidal.

Or something very important to them was at stake. But, one never knows.
Dream lifted from the ground, swearing in machine repetition in her head while she sped towards Adrian, feigning in a random zig-zag to escape the chance it would be seen as a pattern. -damnitdamnitdamnit! "COPY!" She yelled back to Ran, trying to gauge the seriousness of his hit. If she could move the bastard, she would at least to get him out of the immediate line of fire.

Even if he was a bastard, she had a job to take seriously and the other two backing armbands were down. She touched down in the crater, bringing up her rifle to check for anyone who would be training a sight on her just in case, then keyed into Adrian, "You still breathing?" She grunted, waiting for the report aside from what obviously was wrong. As long as the arm wasn't hanging off by a thread it looked like she could lift him and jet at least to a less vulnerable position. Which was almost nowhere, of course but particulars particulars..
'What am I doing still standing?' Harrison was now frequently lapsing into blackouts spanning up to one-two seconds in length, and for some reason the suit wasn't stanching the flow of blood- damn malfunctions always seemed to plague Harrison, and nothing else.

By chance, Harrison turned towards Kagura to shell an oncoming Cyclone, and saw her becoming overwhelmed by the infantry.

"Oh shit! Hold on Kagura, I'm coming!" Harrison stood from his crouched position after launching a volley of PAL rounds, then spun up his wrist chainguns and immediately started pouring fire into the infantry surrounding his ally and friend.
Amelia had apparently the same mind as Alice as far as tactics went. Seeing Kagura being converged on, she turned her LPA upon the infantry, firing in bursts to contol her aim. (Her auto targeting still refused to work.) She had no idea what had happened while Alice had control, and that thought brought no small amount of fear to her mind.

'Worry about it later. Focus on the mission first.'

That was Amelia for you. The mission before her own survival.

Her HUD indicated there were no further casualties on her side, although a few were wounded. Not surprising considering the hole they were in which command had dug for them. She thought she spotted what may have been the leader of the flak jacket infantry and turned her gun towards him. She exhaled slowly as she opened fire to steady her arm.
During all of the commotion, Henry, unarmed, attack-less and probably an easy target had taken cover. All the while looking for another gun during the commotion.
He wasn't going to give up yet - even though his request for at least even a tadge of fire support, whether its in the form of a dropped weapon cache or support from the Vipers up above. On that note - he gave them this message. It was worth a shot.

"Hey - How's the, weather up there? Get - down here, and show - some..." Henry hesitated for a moment, looking for the right word: "Balls - fools."
He kept on scrounging the rubble and debris around cover - again searching for something other than his LBR, which if used in atmosphere would explode quite violently. He sighed at his and his group's situation.
Kagura turned to face her assailants, taking the GP-1 shots against the chest plate of the FIRE while bracing herself to let the rounds harmlessly bounce of it. But dodged the GP-12 shot and held the PAL in her right hand and sprayed the flak troopers with plasma chaingun fire, aiming for their heads or legs where the armor would be as effective, firing in a spray pattern to create a barrage of hot plasma as they advanced.

Backing up to avoid the dogpile, she’d engage the thrusters in the armor and “jump” upward into the air over the Demons, and fired two more PAL shots at the generator, aiming to blow it to hell.

“You losers aren’t going to stop me from taking that out, if you try I’m dragging you to hell with me.” She snarled at them viciously, as the PAL recoil pushed her backward through the air, which also put some distance between them.
"You gotta be shitting me..." Ran said in disbelief, watching the un-armored infantry converge on Kagura's position. These had to the the most ballsy, or most fucking stupid Reds that he'd seen so far. While there was still distance in between Kagura and the group, Ran fired several bursts from his twin chain guns at them, hoping to soften them up as he sent several beams of his PLA through the group, aiming towards their legs and arms so that they'd be disabled even faster.
The enemy infantry... Heh.

The Red Flak jackets, who's face was unconcealed and quite open, didn't express much of a look of terror at all. Even as they were shot at and fairly quickly subdued, although only one suffered a true and fatal fatality as the majority of the shots by the marines seemed to be aimed for the non-lethal areas of their bodies. And they went right through. Flak jackets vs Plasma... Plasma wins.

The Crooked Demon that charged the Viper made its mark, having went airborne and punched the vibroclaw it had into the cockpit area. Promptly, though, the Viper's thrusters flared as it did a corkscrew of sorts, slamming the CD into the ground and off of the Viper before the craft righted itself a little haphazardly. The Crooked Demon, though, rolled around the ground in a almost comical manner, right toward the clump of the Flak Jacket infantry.

Now, however, the infantry in question had expressions (And cries) of horror as the partially damaged CD spun around as it stood up, the vibroclaws going into the infantry and cutting them up fairly easy, sending body parts and the likes everywhere, with the flakkies in question making every attempt to run away. The CD, apparently, thought they were enemies in its confusion.

The Cyclones, meanwhile, took another shot at the Viper, causing it to only further lose its 'balance' and, for the moment, retreat to the south once more.

Kagura, though...

Kagura would find a multitude of buildings, as well as some people on the ground, none of which were armors. And, notable, a shield generator looking building with blue coils were several craters and such damage in it from the Marines.

With the very direct PAL shots, though, a explosion would occur. Whether or not the generator was destroyed or not, though, would be a mystery to Kagura as the SAM units that defended the outpost rotated extremely quickly on the armor and fired a missile each. A total of three. One would send her flying back, damaged. Two, even further. Three would be complete destruction.

... Thats all, for now.
More scene of a hard battle

Adrian coughed blood into his helmet. He wasn't taking the massive injuries caused by the Hoplites very well. "I'm in rough shape. Damn it, can't I take more than four fucking minutes in a combat mission without getting sand-blasted?"

A normal person would have frozen on the spot in confusion with all the chaos and explosions happening around them. ...But the Nepleslian marines weren't normal. Amelia was no exception. As she watched the Viper take hits she turned her LPA towards the cyclones harassing it. At the explosion from Kagura's shots, she flinched. "Agh!" She cursed as her aim was thrown off. "...Did we get it?" she asked in reference to the generator. She resumed her fire upon the cyclones without waiting for the answer though.

"Just fucking concentrate on the Cyclones and Crookeds. The FIREs have their job to fuck up the generator." Taking note of what effect his fire had on the unarmored infantry the Chief then turned towards the Cyclone infantry, laying down a wall of suppressive fire with his twin chain guns, the only real weapons that he had left on his VOID.

Kagura, momentarily blinded by the explosion and wouldn't know what was coming until a missile smashed into the chest plate of the FIRE. "Ah!" she shouted in surprise and got sent flying backward until another one followed the first in impacting the chest plate, pushing her backward the others, and ultimately shot down by the last one. Hitting the ground with a heavy clank and bounced, turning over in midair before rolling once more. The chest plate of the armor dented and making it difficult to breathe now. 'Fucking SAM missiles" she cursed, not caring her heard her. Her HUD flashing red in the chest and in the shoulders. "Looks like I'm down for the count..."

The Crooked Demon, having since cut up the ballsy Flak jackets to bits, now turned on the nearest enemy it saw; Amelia. And, a short note of the infantry, only two now live. One managed to escape with only his left arm cut off at the shoulder, the bleeding having already begun to slow, while the other looked quite pale, having both of his legs amputated and a good amount of blood loss. Now, the Crooked Demon flared its thrusters once more and charged the marine, completely forgetting of its Aether weapons.

The Cyclones seemed to take a fatality, although it wasn't really confirmable other then one of the infantry men's body now rolling down the hill haphazardly. The one with the powerful weapon returned fire, sending the high powered shot over at Ran as the other ones charged across the field, taking cover after going distance behind the miniture hills that offered little cover.

A small blip appeared on her HUD along with an alert. She turned towards the direction it indicated to see a Crooked Demon charging her. "Shit!" She hit the boost and hovered backwards away from it while trying to shoot it down. At this point however, she was firing from the hip so her accuracy was haphazard at best.

"Hrmph. Gotcha covered." Gyles barely blinked when he saw the Crooked Demon closed in on Amelia, and raised his autocannon towards the charging armor to take it down. He unloaded an air bursting BLUE shell at the unit's torso to knock it's shields out, then followed up with a rapid stream of hyper accelerated plasma blasts at it's torso and neck to finish it off.

Kagura laid there, praying that no enemies would spot her in the depression in the ground here. Her body was stunned by the impacts and was having a hard time moving thanks to the morphine injections as well. "Hey Ran...or anyone who's listening... I got myself fucked up by a pack of surface-to-air missiles near the generator... be careful if you approach it through the air...if it's still there." she said to them over the comm.

The Crooked Demon collapsed infront of Ameilia, sliding across the grass and even displacing it, leaving a dirt trail in its path. It had a smoking hole in its back, with the smell (Not that it really could be smelt) of burnt flesh filling the air. The two surviving infantry were now, quite literally, sobbing in the pain.

The Cyclones, meanwhile, took another few shots at the Marines in general, attempting to give them suppressive fire to keep their heads down. The high powered weapon didn't fire again just yet.

Kagura could hear something next to her as a man clad in the usual Star military of Nepleslia slid into the little hole in the ground she was situated, he continuing to crawl. For a wounded pilot, he made quite the distance. "Marine? You conscious, soldier?" He shouted, in case there was any deafness or the likes.

"Ah you don't have to yell..." Kagura said and turned a bit to see who the wounded pilot was. "I'm alright, just laying here watching the clouds." She said sarcastically and tried to sit up but had to lay back down from the sudden pressure on teh chest, making her unable to breathe if she did. Kagura would shift to roll onto her side to try and get up. "it's hard to breathe."

"Fuck all, your arm's in bad shape." Rose growled, "Got enough in you to hold it from tearing of while I get you out of here?" The medic didn't like his condition, but it was just good enough she would get them killed without moving him back. "Chief! Any luck on medicvac?" The soldier shouted, despite being in her armour. She could at least move him to the fall back position on her own if Adrian's body would hold together. Her grudge was taking a momentary hiatus.

Adrian did his best to shrug, although thanks to the numerous wounds and heavy armor, it wasn't all that easy. "Doesn't matter. Wounds all cauterized anyway." He replied to his subordinate. "Just try not to drag us into any heavy fire, and I'll be just fucking peachy."

"Negative. We're grounded until we bring down the Shield Generator and Anti-Aircraft battery." Ran loaded up his FLG with the scalar and EMP grenades from the canister that he received, watching the ammunition count on his HUD increase from "0" to "30" as the shells were placed back in. Aiming towards where the Cyclones were, the chief fired on them with two EMP grenades, following up with a few Scalars.

Amelia blinked as the CD fell in front of her. Her heart was pounding loudly. "Thanks..." She realized she didn't even know the soldiers name. Perhaps she would have to find out later. She felt a shot from the cyclones as much as she heard her suit whine at her about it. She strafed to the side and returned fire from her LPA. She took care to aim down the sights this time as her targeting seemed that it would prove unreliable for the rest of the mission.

The high powered anti-armor shot would be fired at Amelia after the woman popped her head up, after a moment to aim of course. The grenades only got one of the Cyclone troopers, the other one was only gotten by the EMP by managed to flee on foot from the other nade. The firing continued.

The pilot nodded faintly, obviously in pain, "I had to take a short medical course... It was advised to take off the armor if it was this badly damaged and call in for immediate medical assistance... Can you call in a medic -- For both of us -- And get the armor off? At least the torso stuff."

Kagura nodded and got on the communications to Ran. "Ran... I've got a pilot here and we both need immediate medical attention if you can send any our way." She said. "And I'm not sure if I can remove the torso piece of armor..." she said to the pilot.
Don John: "Roger that." Ran opened up a channel with Rose. "I need you to get over there and help Kagura and the pilot out. Take anyone you like to give you some cover."

"Don't tempt me huh?" Rose snapped back, picking Adrian up. "Great your ego weighs in the armour too." That little gem at least kept just to herself while she hefted the NCO up and checked where the fire was coming from, "Can you spare Gyles?" She asked, the way she went wasn't pretty, but it easy getting them there. She'd dump Adrian near Kagura, better if they were all in one place anyway.

Amelia only had a short warning flash on her HUD before she realized she was going to be hit. Already a bit worn down from the constant fire, the shell impacted her left shoulder, causing the armor to cave in some and putting what was left organically of her arm in a painful vice. Amelia let out a short cry in pain before the morphine could act. Her armor fell from it's hover, causing her to roll back down the hill. (Out of view this time thankfully) When she finally regained her footing, she cursed. With her targeting gone and one arm basically useless, her aim would suffer terribly. "Damn it... agh..."

"Oh fuck!" Gyles mobilized his drones put a barrier shield between Amelia and the shooter, and kept his drones ready to form a new one should he come under fire himself. He hadn't even the time to to give a short reply to her thanks before the shots resumed, but that was the way combat worked. It was almost lucky that it hadn't been something a little heavier hitting, like artillery or an Aether cannon shot. He boosted, flanking her on the right and placing a second shield to cover his own right at an oblique angle. "You alright?"

Adrian just groaned slightly into the comm. "What fuckin' ever. I just don't want to die again."

Harrison was... Yep, he was still bleeding. Somehow the blood was stanched by now, but the damage was done. Barely able to stand, Harrison propped himself up on the ground, prone, and started shelling the generator again.

"Well fuck guys, it looks like I won't be in the running much longer. When I go out cold, just someone drag me to the back and away from the battlefield." The old soldier fired another PAL blast at the shield generator, then shuddered as the recoil overcame him.
When the handful of marines would rush/drag out to Kagura and the pilot, they weren't fired upon save for one cyclone that lazily fired shots in their direction; Not the dreaded high force shots, but just fairly harmless to the 'rines shots. As if to show they knew they were there.

Kagura and the pilot weren't that far up, more or less a little closer to the marines then where the Flak jackets were set up, really. A lovely little crater, built by some sort of asplosion. In anycase, though, they were in a moderate degree of cover.

In response to Kagura's words, the pilot merely nodded his head gently and flopped to the ground near her, as if he had already overexerted himself.

The high force shot didn't fire just yet at any targets, and, as the pattern continues, neither has the Mindy. Which has done little to the battle, either way. Just kinda... Hang out.

The last standing BoT out in the distance didn't make a peep, either. Maybe it really had been hit by the Darts. The retreating one was no less retreated, though.

The two still surviving Flak Jackets groaned together still, although the more damaged of the two had a much weaker groan. Pitiful, really.

And, lastly, some air support for the Reds had arrived. (The last Viper was still righting itself, apparently.) But not in the form of Hoplites. No, it was the noise that the reinforcement shuttles made, that were out of sight to the rines (And, being that it was no less blocked, out of sensor.). Mainly because it was the same shuttle class. And so floated the flying semi-rectangle which, interestingly enough, had two flumes of smoke from some sort of canister or something originating from its top in the colour of a very snow like white.

White usually meant something.

In anycase, though, the shuttle didn't stay in visual range for long, instead it quickly landed from its fairly fast speed inside the outpost area. Still audible, but not visible.
Fay was finally able to stand, if not painfully. "Let me be of some use, sir!" he requested towards Ran, "I'll go with Rose to help Kagura and the pilot!" Using his gun for a support, he took some more Droksin to replenish the blood that he had lost.. and was still sort of losing.
Amelia got up with a grunt, the morphine still trying to work. "I'll be alright, thanks." Now realizing she could no longer lift her arm, she groaned. "Goddamnit. My usefulness just dropped." She muttered something inaudible.

Her LPA wasn't really meant to be fired with one hand, but she was sure going to try. It's all she could do at this point. She reactivated her hover once again, but staying low this time.

She looked over at her squadmates moving towards a fellow marine who was in a bit of trouble. "...Gah.. we'd better finish our job here soon..." It sounded like there was a lot more she wanted to say, probably rude things, but she didn't.
"Just... try to hold it together for a little bit longer." Gyles replied, attempting to reassure her. He wasn't sure how much longer they'd be in the assault, but they appeared to be on the winning side of the conflict. But for the moment, his primary concern was keeping all of his shield drones active and keeping his squadmates safe from snipers and charging CDs. So far, he'd done well in one of those respects.

"How are the readings on the armor's muscular systems in that arm? If you're still in the yellow, you might be able to calibrate it to function without your natural movements." He inquired over radio, hoping to help her get back to full fighting effectiveness.
Fay made a mental note to give Amelia's arm a proper examination after this mission was over with. In theory, the power armor should be capable of protecting her, but there have been many reports otherwise... Taking a look over at Harrison again, the medic limped his way over to him. "I guess that I should patch you up now, eh? Ah, Remind me to take a glance at your arm when we get out of this hellhole, Amelia.."

He said this to both Harrison and then Amelia as his fingers went to work at the marine's open wounds. Just get the bleeding stopped, and we'll patch him up fully back on the ship.. he told himself as he worked, pouring some alcohol that came from his medical bag onto the leg wound.
Harrison was on the verge of unconsciousness when he felt the impromptu burning sensation of sterilizing alcohol being poured onto his still open, still pumping leg wound. With the sting back suddenly, Harrison seemed to return a bit back to normal- the venomous cursing was back, anyways.

"Whoa, holy fuck! What the hell?" Harrison was more startled than actually put in pain than the sterilizing alcohol. He looked up to see none other than Fay crouched over his leg, still bleeding a bit, and somewhere nearby Amelia with an arm nigh disabled. The rest were within scanner range, crouched over an IFF signature he recognized as Kagura's.

"Fay, how are you still standing? Half of your goddamn torso just nearly got blown off!"
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