Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Halloween Trick or Treat: Star Army of Yamatai (Kyoto, YE 38)

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"Nice costume, kid."

Tsuguka felt a friendly pat on her shoulder from a very large hand, as Shayla loomed over the red Neko-oni. She grinned down at her, nodding to Tan as well, before glancing behind her. The band was still playing on the stage off in the distance, faintly audible, but that wasn't what she was looking for. "You comin' or not?" A rather plump Neko was hurrying to catch up to her longer limbed partner, struggling a bit due to the heavy winter clothing she was wearing. A thick parka of some sort, with snow boots, as well as some sort of toy gun in one hand. Mitsuko adjusted her glasses with her free hand, a bit difficult with the thick gloves she was wearing. "Really, shouldn't we be keeping up with the students...oh!"

There was a flash of recognition as she realized who the similarly dressed Neko was the amazonian Principal was accosting. "Tsuguka-Hei! How nice to see you. You look well." She gave the pair a friendly, polite smile, bowing to them as best she could in the bulky outfit, some sort of canister slung over her back bobbing around as she bent.
Ogre Battle; Let Us Halloween Together

There was an awkward moment as Tsuguka opened her mouth to verbally leap to the defense of Star Armies' medial core, but before any words could come out, she released it was probably just a reflex she had built up to defend Taharial's honor. Empress bless her heart, but there was a reason why the girl had made the nickname butcher into a running gag. The blood red nekovalkyrja snatched the free candy perhaps a little too agitatedly, placing them briskly into a chest pocket which her unnatural body's volumetric projections had disguised.

"I'm not here about the bodywork! I'm a nekovalkyrja!" Hands crossed her chest now, club leaning over one shoulder. The remembered feeling of Elysian feathers which had once given her pleasant daydreams, now only made her feel unreasonably compromised. "Joto Hei Toyoe Tsuguka of the YSS Eucharis! You'll be serving with me soon! I want to know what my team can expect, Santo Hei Pan!"

A few paces past, within which Tsuguka realized how angry she sounded. The fact that her expression matched the costume perfectly made it more than a little embarrassing. Some times it was easy to forget that Nepleslians lacked the digital brains to download personnel files like she could, too...

A shrug. The oni placed the head of her kanabo on the floor to use as a walking stick, observing what seemed to be a more voluptuous not-Hanako glomp another woman with an inaccurate blue bodysuit. They looked kind of familiar? Further investigation required.

No time. A massive hulking mega-neko accosted her left shoulder, too big to be cheating with volumetrics. Tsuguka immediately began wondering how she could get in on that level of swole. The walking ball of padding took several paces too long for the soldier to recognize as an old friend.

"M-M-Murakami-Heisho! It's been too long!" An immediate humble bowing motion, which the weapon made extra awkward. "How have you been? I heard something about a martial arts college?"

"...I'm sorry for the outburst, Santo Hei, people are not my specialty." A quick glance back to Tan Ann, now sounding a little more empathetic. Or perhaps slightly less far out of their comfort zone. "And this celebration, it... confuses me greatly."
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Tan nodded hesitantly, looking Shayla up and down, and briefly wondered if her cyberware was malfunctioning. She then answered Tsuguka, "It does, at that. My secret is to remember it doesn't make sense, therefore no one has to make sense of it. So, you're Tsuguka-hei? I didn't recognize you in the costume, not that we've met.

"I'm no fortune-teller, but in keeping with the spirit of the season... I should warn you that I have a poor success rate for head reattachment, when the victim's neck is fully severed; nor am I well-seasoned when it comes to torso replacement surgery, unless the procedure is voluntary. You'll be in good hands in case of dismemberment, organ rupture or loss, disembowelment, and most cases of skeletal bifurcation, though! Gangbangers do the darndest things, so I've kept in practice.

"Did you have any specific concerns? We could discuss them in private. Which reminds me, I've been meaning to ask if you wouldn't mind sharing your cabin, aboard ship in the coming year." Tan's mood wasn't easy to dampen, nor was her focus easy to shake; she remained bright and ready to continue to distribute sweets. Still, she was having trouble keeping her eyebrows from rising at the school nurse/principal standing across from her, and settled on offering Shayla the stock phrase, "What are you dressed up as?"
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To The Moon!

"My own good!?" she, shrunk back from her shipmate, trying to imagine what slight could have turned Shiho-san against her! Was it that time she got the last springroll? Maybe it was the costume? Mehitabel would perhaps have flapped her wings in fright if they hadn't been immediately wrapped up tight by hands lusting for candy. As it was, Belle crooked her legs over the serious red neko's arm and pulled her arms in tight as she began to spring.

"AaaaaaaaahiiiiIII guess so!" she shouted, calming down to coherent speech once they were airborne. It did make much more sense now, however. Treat collecting was serious business! If you could fly, take advantage of it!
<<Kyoto Megacity>>

Junko gave out a high pitched "eep!" as she felt a pair of arms around her waist. Then that voice came across her ears, reducing her to silly putty. By the time Freyja made her initial observation, Junko was about as red as their taciturn squad leader. That kiss, small and playful it was, practically made her skin leap.

"I'll b-behave!" Junko squeaked and stuttered, trying very hard not to lose her composure right then. Yes, more of that was a very effective incentive. Enjoying the sight of her fellow soldier wasn't exactly a new hobby, but the teasing and the feelings were a new factor. Mentions of nothing on were giving her ideas, and she was having a hard time keeping them out of her head.

"You look pretty." Junko tried for a compliment. She'd intended to say nice, but pretty came out before the brain to mouth filter could kick back in. Freyja had really knocked out the look, including the skin tone. In hindsight, she was even more glad she'd agreed to the suggestion.

Spacecase didn't respond to Tan Ann until the candy bounced off of him. Taking it as a challenge he chased after her. "Hey you got a problem with me? Why are you throwing random stuff at me huh?" He reached for his hood to pull it off but stopped not wanting to make too big a seen he just grunted.

Tavigo chased down a group terrorizing smaller kids for their candy with great success. A giant cat in a hot dog suit was supringly fast much to the dismay of the harassers.

Ace snuck around to where where he saw a fairly large group and jumped out at them. Stopping for a bit when he noticed one of them had two swords and was obviously with the girl next to him. "Heh sorry didn't see the weapons." He then slowly went back to his hiding spot.
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Shayla let go of Tsuguka's shoulder as she bowed, which caused Mitsuko to bow to her again in return, and then bow to Tan as well, just to be polite. "Oh, yes. It's in Tsubomi...I thought it would be nice to stay in one place for a change. Somewhere that was supposed to be safe and quiet..." The tall Neko let out a guffaw at that, giving Tsuguka a friendly slap on the back that threatened to send her stumbling. "Happy to say, it's been anything but quiet, darlings!" Mitsuko readjusted her costume after all of the bowing, sighing quietly at Shayla's enthusiasm for chaos.

"Huh? Dressed up as?" Shayla blinked at the question, as Tan looked her over. "I'm wearin' my normal clothes, darling. Oh. You mean these?" She reached up to remove the two small horns from her head, attached with a small band that easily disappeared into her mane of hair as she popped them back into place. "One of the kids said I should wear 'em and say that stuff, datcha~" She chuckled, then squinted at Tsuguka. "Wait, why have you got 'em too? I thought you were dressed up as me! Even if Gale doesn't look quite right..." She prodded at the iron club with one big finger.

Mitsuko leaned in a bit and cupped one gloved hand, as if she was trying to speak where Shayla couldn't hear her. "This is Shoi Shayla McBelle-" "Retired!" "...retired." Obviously she could still hear her, although Mitsuko continued trying to be discrete for some reason. "She was the survivor from the YSS Nightingale." She dropped her hand, raising her eyebrows behind her glasses and giving a little nod, assuming they knew (or could look up) what that meant.

"Um, maybe you two would like to meet some of the students? There's one in particular you might find interesting, Tsuguka-Hei." She glanced at Tan, not wanting to leave her out during the reunion. "Oh, and I'm sure they'd all enjoy more candy..." Turning aside for a moment, Mitsuko stood on tiptoes to try to locate any of the Zenjinkaze students, looking for one in particular that should have been standing out. She'd been expecting Zoia would have made a scene by now, or have come to them or another teacher with a million questions about this strange Yamataian tradition. In the background, the Avatars were starting up one of their own songs now.

Neko are truly courageous!
Truly, truly, truly courageous!
Tan returned the bow stiffly, with her hand out to balance her candy bag. She was still more accustomed to nodding and hand-shaking, and put little effort into bowing, except to her trainers. "You are quite a pair," she commented, gazing between Tsuguka and Shayla. To Mitsuko, she replied, "I must have missed that one, Muhmurakami-Heisho. I can visit your students, on the condition I give them candy." She substituted a grin for a wink.
Withstanding the blow to the back, Tsuguka was just plain perplexed about how there could be another model of neko she didn't know about. A quick access to the SYNC using her mind's eye, and the massive info dump that was laid upon her only made things even more confusing. Her expression accurately represented this.

"...Gale?... It's culture! A mountain ogre!" Was the rather random outburst that she leveled back at Shayla, realizing she was also being cross-examined. Tsuguka actually couldn't remember the specific name of the monster in question, but not being the most macho nekovalkyrja in the vicinity was becoming a bit of an annoying common occurrence now, and it was effecting her psyche in weird ways. Holding her head back, standing up as straight as she could, and leaning on the butt of her mace only helped just a little. "It sounds like you have some serious survivalist training, Shoi Shayla McBelle! I would love to get some insight. Maybe we should talk fighting moves."

Tan Ann Pan's questions were a little more straight forward, at least.

"As for procedures... The team mostly has problem with shrapnel, even through we are using the new armor. It's quite worrying." Tsuguka didn't let up the increased amount of stern posture, through. "Cabin allocation is granted. I have no qualms about that sort of thing. To be entirely transparent, I was just interested in meeting you before we are stuck in deep space."

"I take it your group is here at the festivities, Murakami-Heisho?" Attention returned to the former logistics officer. She was genuinely interested in what kind of person Mitsuko would label even more interesting than the nekobarbarian they were currently standing next to. "I would be honored to exchange information with your new charges."

It all reminded her of the year she took off to teach herself, except the red soldier would never have been able to run a school like this. So many people had fallen off the Eucharis, that it was quite heartening to see an old friend doing so well for herself outside of it. Perhaps the world at large wasn't so malicious after all.
"Pffft, culture. Overrated, if you ask me." The Amazon chuckled, grinning at Tusguka's display as she tried to puff herself up. "A lot of...on the job training, you could say. I guess I could teach you a thing or two. The <wet cough plus a tongue click> seemed to pick things up from me alright, so I guess I'm a good enough teacher. I got the Principal job and everything, right?" She let out another loud laugh, although Tsuguka had moved out of back-slapping range by now. The red Neko noticed Mitsuko had also learned quickly to be out of arm's reach of the giantess. "Do you have enough time during shore leave to visit Tsubomi, Tsuguka-Hei? I doubt the Principal will be able to hold a clinic tonight..."

Mitsuko turned to look for students again after asking that question, spotting a familiar shape. Being even taller than Shayla, it was hard to miss. "Tavigo-san!" She waved a gloved hand at the tall, furred alien. "Have you kept track of the students? I'm worried about Zoia!" She had to raise her voice to try to be heard over the band's continued performance.

But we're the Mishhu
Our clones are better
Some Neko Mishhu
Clone Mishhu
We're gonna get 'em!

"Muhmuh? It's just Murakami...Mitsuko..." She started to bow to Tan yet again, before finally spotting Rei, William and Sakaki at their table near the festival concert, apparently finishing carving pumpkins. She turned and waved to them instead, trying to get their attention. Although the mousy Neko was easy to overlook.
Tan returned at least a quarter of Mitsuko's bow. "I am Tan Ann Pan! Though I'm still on duty the rest of the night, I hear the Eucharis will remain grounded until the new year. I expect I'll find out where I should be assigned, in the meantime. More training, maybe?"

She set her sonar to search mode, scanning for man-sized moving objects, rather than making detail maps. It wasn't much to go on, so she also adjusted her glasses slightly, to squint against the light and see the shapes of the three Nekos around her, smiling carefully. "Are we looking for something that goes 'bump', in the night?"
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Kyoto Megacity

Freyja giggled at Junko. " Thank you. You're pretty too Junko-chan. And your costume is great!" She said, admiring her date's body and outfit. The last mission had been her most stressful one yet. The chance to unwind and spend time with Junko would help her get over what she perceived as her failure. Her crush on Hanako had faded once she got used to being near the real Hanako. "I'm really glad we ended up on the same ship."

She gave Junko a proper hug, noting how amazing the smell of her hair was. If she didn't back off, she might end up stripping off her date's clothes right here in front of everyone. During her time spent recovering, the only thing she thought about was keeping the promise she made. This would have to do until the night was over. Freyja pulled back a little and gave her lips a soft kiss.

She took a step back. "You won't believe who I nearly ran into on my way here. Tsuguka-hei! In an ogre costume no less. Should we go say hello?"
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<<Kyoto Megacity>>

Junko smiled bashfully, briefly turning her eyes down. Her face was still blushing red from before, and would for some time by the look of it. Being the center of attention wasn't typically in the red eyed soldiers interests, but this didn't bother her at all. "Thanks, Freyja-chan. I'm... I'm glad we stuck together."

Their wasn't any hesitation when Freyja went in for the hug. Junko's arms slipped around her waist and pulled her in, her face dipping slightly into the shoulder. For a moment, she felt safe and warm and loved in a measure she hadn't ever before in her short life. A soft, low rumble came from deep in her chest.

The kiss was like a lightning strike to the face. Right from her lips, down the spine and right to the toes. Her one and only coherent thought was Hey, this is kinda nice. The look on Junko's face was proof enough that she'd blown her digital brain in the best way possible.

"S-sure!" Junko recovered quickly enough, shaking the happily dazed look from her face. Without thinking about it too much, she stepped next to her date. Looked around for a big, buff red shape that signified a certain squad leader.

And then she held Freyja's hand.
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Zoia had been gone for a while now. No one had seen her since they got out, ad she had vanished into a costume store shortly after. She didn't want to be followed, but she was also not expecting people to be giving out free candy to people wth scary costumes. She would jump down from a building, scream at a couple people, they would drop their candy and run. It seemed like a remarkably easy game. Some of them she had taken a liking too. She enjoyed the way some of the candies inside would just melt, even without the use of her bacteria.

However, after some time she started to feel... funny. Her hands shook, and she found it hard to get a purchase on any walls, deciding that she would be grounded. Great. Still, she needed to find her way back... She didn't really know where she was. She needed to find someone... Maybe... Maybe where all that noise was coming from?

So, naked, and covered in fake blood, she shambled on over to the concert, leaning against walls and posts. Anything she could really support herself on. It took her a little, but she eventually made it, shielding her eyes from the glare of the concert lights. She looked around and saw quite the familiar sight, even in her current state. A very tall, fur covered Neko who was obnoxiously loud. Yep! That was the principle!

Opening her muzzle a bit in some goofy smile, her tongue lolling out a little she stumbled on over, falling into the large woman. "Hello Senpai Shayla! How are you?" She asked, looking up at the large woman. She was obviously drunk, but she didn't smell at all like alcohol, and all she had was a few partly full bags of candy with her. The Principal wouldn't have much of an opportunity to retort before the Lizard rubbed her race into her body with a content growl. "You are warm... And fuzzy... Always so fuzzy... Why are you fuzzy again?" She asked, not moving away to look up this time.
"Bump? She should stand out almost as much as Tavigo-san..." Mitsuko turned one way to look for Zoia again, as the alien stumbled in from the opposite direction. Shayla blinked as something wet and scaley thumped into her side and back, lifting one arm to let her look down at the creature suddenly attached to her. "What? What is this?" Mitsuko hurriedly turned back towards the group, a bit confused at the sight. "What is it?"

"Blood...hope this is not Zoia's blood..." The Amazon sniffed at her, wiping off a bit of the substance to rub at it with her fingers. "Eh, false alarm, it's fake. But, uh..." Shayla shimmied a bit, using one big hand to try to pry Zoia off of her side, although the Vekimen seemed intent on remaining stuck fast to the large source of heat. "I'm not fuzzy, I'm just wearin'..." Grumbling, deciding it was unwise to attempt to remove the toothy, clawed alien in this situation, she instead began examining her as best she could. "...eyes glazed, impaired motor functions, inappropriate behavior...who's supposed to be watchin' this kid, it looks like she got into the booze or somethin'."

"Ah, McBelle-Sh...san..." Mitsuko used the barrel of her toy gun (not wanting red stains on her gloves) to lift up one of the mostly empty bags of candy Zoia had dropped in her haste to cuddle up to the Principal. "Isn't Sivaro-san's diet almost entirely comprised of raw meat?" She gave the little bag a shake to emphasize her point. Shayla slowly nodded. "...guess a sugar high in a species with no sugar tolerance might be...huh..." The giantess glanced over at Tan, the other medic in the group. "Got anything to check her vitals on ya? I can walk ya through Vekimen Physiology 101." She grinned toothily. "No more candy for this student, though, darling~"
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"As it happens..." Tan's sonar vision jumped back to normal as it became apparent nothing was going to be leaping out of a dark alley, or off of buildings at the group. She patted down her coat. "Yes, yes and no. I have my medical scanner, but it's not designed for this. I'll use ultrasound, and leave the temperature check to you, kouchou."

Tan clasped her hands behind her back and stepped around Shayla, aiming her ultrasonic emitters at Zoia's chest at high focus, to observe the Vekimen's respiration and heart rate. She counted and waited while a computerized voice up her sleeve counted out the seconds.
"Tsubomi? I've never been there before, but it sounds like a good enough use of my shore leave." Tsuguka remarked simply, nodding along as Tan explained that the ship had until the end of the year. "Only other training I have planned out is some shuttle flights and th-TH- G-GIANT L-LIZARD THING!..."

Train of thought was completely derailed by observing the new student. The red soldier bared her fangs, but was also quite frozen in place by the confusion. There was an android that she had met a long time ago which wasn't too dissimilar physically, but the way that a real living, breathing thing slinked about made it immediately obvious that this was something entirely new they were dealing with.

Rather than just standing useless and idle, the Nekovalkyrja snapped their eyes into infrared vision mode began recording a feed of the lithe creature's chest palpitations... A pause, then a quick glance at Tan. Was... Was this woman blind? Could they even process visual data, regardless of how Tsuguka transmitted it over?

Only way to attempt avoiding that awkward conversation was just to beam her line-of-sight feed to both the woman's medical scanner and augmented sunglasses at the same time. Presumably the doctor had been dealing with this somehow, if they were really Star Army material.

~"Murakami-Heisho, Miss McBelle, perhaps you would like to begin with explaining the intentions of your new training facility?"~ Her voice was also sent through data this time. Moving her jaw caused an unacceptable deviation in the picture quality. ~"It occurs to me you may not be training your charges with standard tools or tactics."~
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As the festivities of the night went on, William looked around as everyone played and were generally having a great time. He looked over at Sakaki and smiled as they finished carving their pumkins and moved on to another section of the festival. "So, what would you like to do next Sakaki-Sama?" He asked looking over to her with a smile.

Rei noticed the principal waving over at them and nodded to her, then turned to collect the children and bring them to her. Before she could start to do that, though, Sakaki raised a good point.

"The principal seems busy right now and William needs new swords. Sensei, could we pick up training swords for William?"

Rei deliberated on this idea for a moment before nodding tersely, "Hai!"

William looked at Sakaki and nodded. "Thank you..." He said as he reached down to where his swords normally were. After they were destroyed during the fight back at school, he hadn't quite been himself. His hand rested on the hilt of his sword and looked to Rei and nodded to her as well. "And thank you..." He said turning to follow Rei.

As they walked, Sakaki said, "You're welcome, William. When did you buy your old ones?"

"I got them back when I was..." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Eleven. Up until then I was using sticks that fell from the huge tree in the courtyard.

"Eleven?" Sakaki asked, "You've been training yourself even before you were that young? I now know why you are so attached to Sensei Rei. If I had never had a teacher before her, I don't know what I would do."

"Yes... I never had a formal teacher before. I used to sneak into the dojo closest to the orphanage and watch them practice. After their sensei taught them something, I would run home and practice it for myself. After awhile, sticks just weren't cutting it anymore." He added. "So, I saved up and bought them. I had to start saving when I was ten." William said as they walked.

"I had a much easier childhood. Were you ever very lonely? I," Sakaki stopped speaking, then picked it up again after taking a breath, "I'm sorry for asking something like that. I should be more sensitive."

Rei looked out of the side of her eyes at Sakaki, then shifted her glance to Wil, wondering if the boy she had adopted would be forthcoming or hold back for Sakaki.

William looked down at his feet in thought, then looked back up at Sakaki. "It's okay Sakaki-Sama... Yes I was..." He finally answered. "The other children always picked on me cause I was quiet." He explained softly. "So I leanred Kendo to protect myself. When I beat up my bullies, I further isolated myself from the others." He added softly, finally falling silent,

Rei nodded to Wil, even though his gaze was elsewhere.

Sakaki spoke up, "I'm sorry you got bullied at school and at the orphanage you grew up in. That bully at school was really awful to have broken your kendo swords. Really awful."

He smiled softly, "Thank you Sakaki-Sama." He said looking at her, then to Rei. "It doesn't matter now. After Sensei-Sama adopted me, i wasn't alone anymore. And since I meet Kunio-San and you, I won't be lonely again."

"That is good to hear, I like knowing your life is better, now, partially because of me and also Rei as well as Kunio. We're all here for eachother."

The trio had made it to the store and walked in. Sakaki found that you could buy anything your martial arts-enthused heart desired there, such as belts of differing colors, including white and black. She held up a black belt in surprise.

"What do you think of this, Sensei?"

"That's the only way some of my students will ever be a black belt- by buying one!" she exclamed. then she added, "Not you two, though."

William smiled at Sakaki. "You are a huge part of why I will never be alone again." He said as they entered the store. He looked to Sakaki and chuckled softly. Then smiled at Rei. "Thank you Sensei-Sama."

"Hai!" Rei told William and she perused the selection with her hands behind her back, eyeing everything.

"Konichiwa!" said the shopkeeper. "What can I help you with?" he asked, looking between the three of them. Rei waved her hand, deferring away from herself.

William looked to Sakaki and back to the shopkeep. "We would like to get some Kendo Swords please." He stated.

"Ah, I have an assortment, would you like black or natural bamboo?" he asked William.

"I would like to see the sturdiest Black swords you have." he said to the shop keep.

"Aaah, you would like something sturdy?" the man asked. "I have just the thing, here." He walked out from behind the counter and got from a top shelf a long rectangular box, from which he removed two glistening black bamboo swords. "Like this?" he asked William.

William nodded and grabbed them. He looked closely and examined them. They looked almost like his old swords...almost. The swords were a tad longer and much denser in his hands. William could tell that these swords could take a hit and keep on going. "How much?" He asked.

"For you?" He asked, "What do you have, hmmm?"

William looked down and opened his wallet to find..."I have 142KS." He said looking at the shop keep.

The shop keep smiled at him, "Then they're 142 KS, young boy."

William instantly handed over the money, knowing a good deal when he saw it. "Thank you." He said as he made a quick flurish he slid the swords into his belt. He then took out two familar blue stips of cloth and tied them around the two new swords. He gave a contented smile as he patted his side and felt the new swords.

"Very good," Rei said, turning out of the store. She turned to the shopkeeper at the entry way into his store and bowed deeply before turning around and exiting.

"Come on, Wil, let's go! Arigatou gozaimasu!" she said the latter statement to the shopkeeper and exited behind Rei.

William bowed as well and quickly followed the two out. "Thank you both. What would you like to do now Sakaki-Sama?" He asked.

"I'd like to go visit the river and walk along it, if Sensei Rei wouldn't mind."

"Not at all," Rei replied.

William smiled. "I love that idea. Lets go." He said offering his arm to Sakaki.

Sakaki held his arm as they made their way to the riverside and watched the parades of children frollicking past them, enjoying their night free from reality, where they could be whatever their heart desired. As they watched the children run and enjoy themselves, Sakaki wondered aloud.

"What is it like to have so many more experiences and memories than me, but to be the same age? I am years and years younger than you, you know."

As William walked he looked to Sakaki puzzled. "What do you mean?" He asked

"I mean, I am a Neko born just 15 months ago and you have been alive for 16 full YE!" Sakaki said to him.

William stopped in shock. He looked at her. "You're only 15 months old?!?" He exclaimed. "But... but...You...How?" He looked completly baffled.

"You..." Sakaki said in disbelief, looking to Rei, who had also stopped, hands clasped behind her back, face stern. Sakaki went on, "You didn't know? Neko age very rapidly at first and then, they kind of stay where they are. You really didn't know? Sensei Rei, how old are you?"

"Two years old," Rei replied quickly, eyes downcast.

"See? We're both different," she said. "You and I."

He looked at Rei, baffled for a moment, then busted out laughing. "Sensei-Sama I am older than you." He said smiling. He then looked at Sakaki. "I guess we are very different... I guess we just have to play catch up then. Come on!"

"O-okay!" Sakaki said, following his lead as Rei shook her head slowly.

He dragged her along with the other kids, stopping at all the stalls to play games. After William won Sakaki another bag of candy, Rei ushered them away from the stalls and towards Shayla McBelle.

"The students have had a fun evening so far, is there anything you would like of them, other than to continue to have aforementioned fun?" Rei asked in a tone that showed her sincere interest in the plans Shayla had for the children she watched over. As an afterthought, she said, "William, show her your kendo swords, if you will."

William did as requested and drew both of his new black kendo swords. He moved and offered both swords to the principle.
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Tan reached up to accept Tsuguka's transmission as her watch counted up to fifteen, and held the pose as she reached up her sleeve to stop the count, listing her beats and breaths per minute. "She's neither dead nor undead, but I wouldn't rule out some sweet, sweet, demonic candy possession. I suspect you can also confirm that she's not a homeotherm, and make a better guess at what's a safe temperature.

"I don't have the authority to tell anyone they can't eat all the candy they want, but in the interests of not being held liable, I'm going to have to suggest you rely on your own expertise to decide what would be safest. I don't know any drugs designed to control sugar levels in non-mammals, let alone whatever these are."
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Shayla helped hold Zoia still for the examination, although she seemed content to stay attached to the large beacon of warmth on this cool night. She nodded at Tan's report. "That's a bit off, but well within a safe range. N'yeah, she's not as hot blooded as some of us, darling~" She grinned at the pair while Mitsuko rolled her eyes behind her glasses. "Should be fine, long as we keep her close for observation. As long as we keep her away from any more sweets, she'll probably crash before too long. Guess I'll be the first to document a Vekimen hangover as well. Don't worry, I'll give ya credit in all the reports, darling~" She chuckled, grinning at the medic.

"Ah, Tsuguka-Hei...well...we're supposed to be encouraging interaction between Neko and the older students, and introducing others like Zoia to Yamataian society. As far as the, um, training goes...everyone has their own way of doing things, and if we all share that knowledge...oh!" Mitsuko stood up straight as Rei arrived with the two students in tow. "And here's one of the instructors now. Rei is our resident Samurai, and has expressed a keen interest in gathering knowledge of lesser known fighting styles, especially ones foreign to Yamatai." She bowed to the teacher after introducing her.

The giantess had one arm around Zoia to keep her in place, waving the other at William as he presented his new swords. "I'm a bit of a mess right now, datcha~" She barked a laugh, her hands, arms and most of her body now streaked with fake blood from Zoia's makeshift costume. "Looks good, though, kid. You ever thought about, ya know, just one big sword?" She raised her eyebrows at the suggestion, tilting her head, curious.
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