Star Army

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Halloween Trick or Treat: Star Army of Yamatai (Kyoto, YE 38)

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William shook his head at the principal. "No Ma'am. One large sword only allows you to strike from one direction at a time. However with two swords one can be both on offense and defense, plus can strike from multiple directions at one time. It gives me greater flexibility in combat than one large weapon." The young nepleslian boy answered with a slight grin.
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Tan handed out another two pieces of candy to William, using both hands, so that he had to be quick to take it without dropping any. "I heard an unsubstantiated rumour that we're working on a weapon that can shoot someone in the behind, from in front. That would do it! Sounds tricky to use, though."

She turned to Sakaki and dropped her a larger share, not having come by her yet, though she refrained from commenting on the costume, only raising her eyebrows slightly.
Zoia continued to assail her principal with snuggles as the gaggle of people around her did various medical things to her. She tried to acknowledge the person who screamed about her being a giant lizard thing, looking at her, but only managing to speak to her in an unintelligible squealing hiss. She was even failing at her own language, but she didn't look aggressive. More like a Dopy dog as she turned back up to the principal to try and figure out what was being said.

Somewhere Else at the Concert.

"You know, this is one of the reasons I don't like Yamatai. Like, I show up, try t find the seediest places to get candy, and still I don't get a single razor blade. Like, come on! Halloween Razorblades are the best! They are like free tools that you can use through the year! On Nepleslia before prison, I used to get so many razor blades on Halloween! It was like Christmas for psycho's!" A dog woman lamented, wearing her IPG Uniform. It was the perfect get up! Halloween? She had seen like, five Nightmare Mishhu in the last hour or so, who the hell was going to yell at her for wearing an IPG uniform. To be safe, though, she kept her rank pins and armbands on the ship. Captains orders after all.

"Joshua, this place is lame... Why did we come here? What is the point of Halloween if I'm not afraid to stick candy in my mouth? This is stupid" She continued, pulling the Nepleslian man along behind her. It only took her a few minutes to notice the one thing here that wound interest her at this point. A Vekimen, clinging to a massive Nekos body for warmth.

"OH MY GOSH! Joshua! Look! It's a Vekimen! Look look look!" She shouted, pointing and running over to the gaggle of people like some crazy person, skidding to a stop and leaning down. She didn't care about the rest of the group, they could keep doing what they were doing. She wanted to see the alien.

"Hmm..." She lamented, looking the intoxicated lizard over. "Rather young... I haven't seen one this young before. Problems standing, disoriented..." She continued, pulling a penlight out of her pocket and from a distance pointing it at the Lizards eye.

Zoia stood, staring at the Dog lady in the big black uniform, uncaring as the bright light blinded her. Didn't even flinch actually.

Cleo stood up, putting the light away and turning to the Amazonian in the group. "No response to light... What did you do to her?" She asked. She may not be fond of Neko... Or anyone for that matter, but this was a learning opportunity! She also had Joshua there to stop her from getting pummeled... Hopefully.

Tan held up her candy-hand, undispensed pieces held between her fingers, and interposed between Zoia, Shayla, and the IPG officers, the muscles in her neck going taut. "Pardon me, honoured guests, but the situation is quite under control, and, I might add, the student is not on public display." She pointedly did not answer the question, smiling through her teeth.

"Please move along and enjoy the night." She wiggled her fingers and made the candies disappear, then revealed them again in either palm, holding one up for each of the officers.
"Huh, good point. Gonna have to be tricky to keep up with these Neko and stuff." The giantess gestured towards Rei and Tsuguka, for some reason not including herself in that warning. Shayla carefully patted Zoia's head with one big hand, hoping to keep her relaxed as the stranger approached them for a closer look at the alien. "Nice costume, darling. Maybe she scared off Tavigo, eh? Eh?" She nudged at Mitsuko with her bare foot, since her hands were full. The smaller Neko sighed and scooted further out of range, helping Tan to block the space between Cleo and Zoia.

"Yes, please do not agitate our student. She is already in the care of a medical professional." Mitsuko relented and let the other soldier offer the strangers some candy, although her eyes were firm behind those tinted glasses.
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“That’s because the seediest place on Yamatai makes the Funky City look like a hellhole,” Joshua replied to Cleo’s remark, wearing his old green flak jacket from his days in the Army Of Uesureya. “Though,” he continued, as the canine pulled him to who knows where, “you must have been in more interesting neighborhoods, cause I don’t remember getting that kind of present.” At her complaining, he could only shrug. You were the one who wanted to come…

Once the mutt had seen her prey, the Nepleslian knew that there was going to be trouble. The only question is if the lizard or the dog is going to get hurt. Good thing she doesn’t have any razorblades.

“Cleo, heel!” the Captain said, snapping his fingers at his side. Once she had backed off away from Zoia, he scratched her head and said to the Vekimen’s caretakers, “Sorry about that. She can get a little, hmm, excitable when she sees something new.”
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Cleo was a little startled at the person just appearing in front of her, about to snap her teeth at them when Joshua told her to heel. She did so obediently, taking a step back but her reluctance was clear on her face. "That wasn't very nice Joshua... She's obviously sick... She grumbled, crossing her arms. She then realised the medical professional comment. "Hey! I'm a medical professional too! I also happen to specialise in Xenobiology, actually, so I know what I'm talking about!" She yipped, sticking her tongue out at the short teacher lady. Stupid Neko and their superiority complex. Think they are better than everyone because they have robo-eyes... "Tell 'em Joshua... I know what Im doing" She pouted.
"If you wish to treat ailing Vekimen, there is an appropriate channel to go through to volunteer for that service. This student is in the care of her kouchou." She planted the four candies, not taken, back in her bag with two quick flicks of her fingers, and started moving away from the scene in an effort to get back to doing her job... though, with a call for back-up on quickdial.

Meanwhile, Sarena wandered up from a cross-street, still shuffling along in her pineapple costume. She squinted Cleo and Joshua as she approached, then looked over at Zoia, Mitsuko, and Shayla with increasing puzzlement, and blurted, "Is she drunk?"
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