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[Yamatai] Hanami Festival & BBQ Cookout of YE 45 - OPEN RP

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Kaiko Park, Kyoto,

Alastair stood for a moment looking at Hoshi and Hanako, his eyes blinked slowly. His lips then curled into a smile and he took a step forward and gave Hoshi a big hug. He lifting her clean off the ground and spun on his heels in glee. From afar one might mistake this scene for one you'd find in a romance manga. The cherry blossoms danced around them, a loving embrace. Alastair however knew this was a special kind of love, one of mentor and teacher. After a couple spins he set her back down on the ground. He pulled away and his shirt had some new character. Normally this might bother him but in the moment he couldn't care less. It would seem like a certain chaos may have gotten him to let go a little.

He took a step back and gave her a reply. "You know it, that ship has come in handy having a little more options at the ready. When your not so busy, should come give it a visit. The Onsen on it is amazing so could even consider it a mini vacation."
Andar Noval, dressed in a crisp white suit with a black tie and black pants, did not often enjoy standing out. He was fine with attention - he had been uplifted from a very good boy, after all - but people staring at him was different than people he could interact with. He had been looking forward to arriving on Yamatai for this reason. He was a minor celebrity where he came from, but here he would be just another face in the crowd. Even his retinue, two maids with clear combat training and a towering woman who somehow mixed the professionalism of a butler with the lethality of - well, a certain kind of butler.

No, it was the gold and silver helmet on his head that made him attract attention. It had been a gift from his mother, an "eccentric fashion piece for an eccentric, worldly young man". It obscured his face from onlookers, which would have been perfect if it didn't draw plenty of attention on its own. He sighed, his breath curling around his face for a moment before the helmet swept it away and replaced it with good, clean air.

It was a handsome helmet, admittedly, but he'd have set it aside if it hadn't been a gift. He'd devoted his entire sapient life to being the perfect heir to Noval's growing holdings, spending countless hours in tutelage and getting practical experience. The only thing he was more devoted to was his "mother", Nevarra Noval. She wanted him to wear it, so on his head it sat.

The two maids were dressed for the occasion in nice white-and-black dresses, also with their own gold flourishes. It was mostly their manner that gave away their role. Somehow they, and the taller woman, had managed to get out of wearing matching helmets, even though they'd been provided with them.

"Did you just sigh, sir?" asked one of the maids, looking at him from the corner of her eye. She was tall, prim, and perfectly officious.

"Of course not," he lied.

She muttered something about serving the least dignified master in the sector.

"What was that?" Andar asked, looking her way.

"I didn't say anything," she lied in return. "You must be imagining things, sir."

Andar looked back to the tall woman, Kirameku Enki, with a pleading look. As his face was covered by a helmet, no one could see it.

Still, Enki gave him a light, reassuring nod. She wore a suit as well, of a similar style to Andar's yet not quite as eye-catching.

"The petals are lovely," remarked the other maid. She was shorter, with long bangs that nearly covered her eyes. She didn't look at the others, but her tone had a light sort of impish delight that suggested she was enjoying Andar's troubles.

"I agree!" said Andar, pleased for an opportunity to move the conversation along. "I'm so glad we could attend the festival. I've heard of it for years, but seeing it in person is something else entirely."

The shorter maid nodded enthusiastically. "I wonder what kinds of food they have? Maybe games? Oh! We could buy one of those fancy robes-"

"A yukata," interjected the taller maid, whose carefully schooled expression did little to hide her disapproval of the other maid's lack of vocabulary.

"- Yeah, one of those yukatas!" finished the shorted maid, her enthusiasm not dampened at all by being corrected.

Andar nodded his agreement. "We should enjoy the festival and its culture as much as we can. We're hoping to trade more officially with Yamatai, after all."

Enki tapped his shoulder lightly before drawing his attention to some of the festival's noteworthy guests. There was more than a few people he'd heard or read about. If the opportunity to talk with them came up, he would, but he was savvy enough to not go pursuing people just to meet his business goals.

"mmf yef thuud shry vomf," said the shorter maid, a bit of meat on a stick in her mouth accompanied by a look of pure happiness. Her eyes were concealed, but her cheeks were rosy with the emotion.

Andar accepted a stick, giving the taller maid an apologetic head tuck, before bringing it to his mouth. The helmet parted automatically, allowing him to take a bite.

"Oh, that is good."

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Kaiko Park
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

"Visit? Who, me?" Hoshi asked, feigning ignorance with a pink hand up to her chest. "I... I have a uh, Well I couldn't possibly! I've got, you know, just so much to do."

Hoshi lit up with an idea at that moment as a cheeky expression raised her smile once more.

"It's a good thing you never became XO and stayed on the Kaiyō for so many reasons. Now you have your own place in the universe as a captain. But what's more is that I have a wonderful first officer who can visit for me. You know Ketsurui Aiko-chusa, don't you Alastair?" Hoshi ribbed, looking towards her first officer with eyes brightened by curiosity at how Aiko would take on the invitation foisted upon her.
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

All too well.

Alastair had been the Kaiyō's second officer for a significant part of the Kuvexian War, after all. And, though the Ketsurui princess had never taken any military directives from him, she knew him well enough through their interactions during command briefings and the occasional officers' dinner. She'd already seen him once this month on the same undercover night out when the Kaiyō's leaders had first met Yuri. Now in his presence again today, the encounters certainly amounted to Aiko's fill of the guy for an entire year. It was not that she held any dislike for Alastair at all, only that he was quite the man of mystery whose secrets she would prefer were kept obscure to her.

"It would be a delightful visit," Aiko said, giving Alastair a sidelong glance before turning her full attention to him and his funny shirt. She wasn't entirely genuine, though it would be hard for anyone to tell, yet was nonetheless glad to give Hoshi a reprieve and allow the pink captain to refocus on what she and Hanako had been discussing. "But only if you convince your brother Mikodimus to come along and cook for me. Surely he could do wonders with the excess of sausage in your galley's stores."
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Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

Both Luna and Yuri were all smiles as they heard Luna’s old captain speaking. Luna was proud to hear her former captain compliment her mother and remembered how she, Luna was complimented by Aiko. The two OON Nekos were about to add to the conversation when Alastair arrived. “Oh hello Captain Alastair, nice to see you again!” Yuri said, causing Luna to blink “you know him?” she asked Yuri with surprised expressions on her face. Yuri nodded ”yeah he went to mom’s bar when we had that trivia night.” She said as she remembered what Alastair had said back then. Luna just smiled “you know all the cool people, don’t you?!” she giggles.

Before both Nekos blinked as Alastair hugged the other two much older women. “Mikodimus?’ Luna asked then remembered “oh! that man who came to the memorial that one time?’ she asked, and remembered that at the time they didn’t actually remember him”
While it had seemed at first that Aerin was intent on approaching the YSS Eucharis, the Ship designer's pace slowed as more and more people gathered in front of the ship, all of whom looked (at least from this distance) to know one another. The raven-haired executive finally stopped altogether, looking up at the taller Iromakuanhe woman who was following her, with a furrowed brow of thoughtfulness.

"I didn't bring my entourage today, did I?" the shorter woman asked to no-one in particular.

"What do you mean?" Zus asked, not understanding what the problem was.

"There's a bunch of Star Army soldiers over there, casual event or no, and there's only two of us. I don't want to be outdone just by sheer numbers-" Aerin explained, before a literal golden beacon caught her eye. Something seemed familiar about the ostentatious luxury of that young man and his small flock of servants. "What about them?" she asked, pointing toward Andar and his maids and butler.

"I think they may be a little rich for us, Ma'am," The blonde began, before being tsk'd into silence by her boss.

"I doubt they're richer than I am, they're just worse at hiding it," Aerin explained, changing her direction and marching toward the small mass of black, white, and gold.

"Nice weather for a festival, eh?" the short Origin Executive began to Andar, waving about her own flavored snack on a stick, acting slightly more eccentrically than normal, much to Zus' chagrin. The taller ship captain tried to keep a straight face, but Andar and his company could easily tell that Aerin was wearing on her already.

Kako Park, Kyoto​

What a treat

Rin observed the nude Nekovalkyrja with a lift of her sunglasses. A beautiful day, and like most Norians she had hung around a few of the tented areas and her cover of her umbrella and comfort of her lawn chair. The smell of meat cooking filled the air and the joyful cheers of celebration made the atmosphere which was intriguing, hopefully, they had thought to BBQ some vegetables, if not she had a cooler of them beside her chair. Tetsuya's twin sister had not been seen publicly since their arrival in the Kikyo Sector and it was rather unusual that it was her that had appeared leading their little group that had ventured from Akina for the celebrations. Similar to another small group of her kind however, despite where she had been for most of the day so far she didn't wear protective clothing, but rather a skimpy black bikini that made her mid-back length dyed electric blue hair 'pop'. Her pointed ears twitched slightly within the confines of the gold elegant cage structures around them which were part of the traditional sign of grief. A new sunscreen was all the rage from the Lo'ken Institute and this was the perfect way to test it out. Though the test would fall on the rest of the swimwear/summerwear of the group, she had a rather unique condition that would surely mess with the results.

She placed her glass of lemonade down on the little folding table that sat next to her reclined lawn chair and got up and walked over towards the BBQ that seemed the most popular, that was of course the area occupied by Hanako and Hoshi. Her walk over was rather uneventful, another brief glance at a few of the nude and proud. Apparently although not seen she was obviously knowledgeable about who some of the people were, she regarded the Captain of the Koun, Alastair with a glance as she remembered him from the recording of the meeting in the Airwins office that involved Aelya.

"Hi," she said in trade, out of place but careless of the fact as she greeted the group of them. She smiled pleasantly, "It is a beautiful day, how are you all?" she was unsure of what to say, so she slyly slide her words in a pause to ensure that she was not interrupting.
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Andar watched the short woman approach, trying to place her face. It didn't take long. Aeryn Tatst.

His retinue stiffened around him until the tallest member made a small hand motion that settled the matter.

He smiled - again, lost to the helmet - as she spoke. Andar rather enjoyed her manner. Knowing who she was, and how carefree she chose to act, was something he could appreciate. Andar relaxed his own body language, getting a faint "tsk" from the taller maid behind him. He paid her no mind.

"Definitely!" he said, his voice warm enthusiasm. Andar had chosen to break character with this girl who seemed to want the same. "I've been wanting to visit for some years now. I often read of the planet - and this festival - but this is my first chance to visit. It's breath-taking. The NDC has made great progress with its territories, but I'm not sure if any have a beauty to match this."

He considered Aeryn for a moment, wondering if his stray thought - or yours - was simply a matter of her freedom, the setting, or something else.

"Have you been able to come here often? I imagine work keeps you occupied."

Andar lifted his own skewer back up, the mask sliding apart and revealing an amused smile that suggested he could share the sentiment.
Aerin took in Andar and his retinue as he spoke, trying to place why everything about them seemed somewhat familiar, despite being an outlandish group she'd clearly never seen before.

Ah, the Noval Kid, she thought as the colors made everything make sense in her head. She'd dealt with he Noval company plenty of times, but had yet to meet the owner's fabled son.

"Well, I've never come to this particular park before, but I would come to the Hanami festival often when I was younger," the green-eyed woman responded, before taking a bit of what was probably grilled squid on a stick. "But you're right, work was keeping me occupied. that and living halfway across the sector doesn't help, either, I'm sure you understand that."

Behind Aerin, Zus relaxed a bit, crossing her arms and leaning slightly into a comfortable pose, one leg doing most of the job supporting her, and the other pointed in front slightly to provide balance. "Miss Tatst-" she began though she said no more, as if she were giving a gentle reminder of what they had been around for.

"Ah, Yes, I was about to go head over to the little booth and talk with that lovely little blue and purple haired thing about starships or something, but she had too many people around her, so I figured it might be nice to have some backup as well." Aerin chuckled a bit, as she was half joking, before continuing. "If you wouldn't mind doing some introductions first. "I am Aerin Tatst, CEO of Origin Fleet Yards, though something tells me you already knew that-" She flashed a bit of a grin, before pointing back at her temporary partner with a thumb, who perked up with a bit of a start at the sudden acknowledgement. "This here is Zus Storhan, from the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth, she's quite the ship captain, but they tell me she used to pilot some kind of Mecha. I know the NDC has some pretty good Mecha as well, so there may be a bit of common ground there."

At the introduction, Zus' body language changed quickly back from casual to more formal, and she blushed a bit. The normally stern captain blushed as her mind flashed back to her younger days, more than a decade ago flying in the Astral Vanguard as a Frame Runner. "Ah, I'm probably just an average captain, nothing special, you don't need to speak so highly of-" she was cut off before she could finish, however.

"Nonsense! You haven't crashed a starship yet in Five years! I went through three starships in my first five years as a captain, clearly, you're much better." Aerin gave a cheeky grin to the blonde Iroma,who turned an even deeper shade of red before Aerin turned back and shrugged at Andar and his groupies. "And you? You're all with Noval, correct?"
Hanako listened thoughtfully to Hoshi's question, her eyes taking on a nostalgic glimmer. "Hmm, there are many moments I look back on fondly from my time as a Taisa," she began. "It is difficult to choose just one, and is challenging to think of the good from that time that was filled with so much hardship. But, if I must, I would say that the camaraderie and the bond I shared with my crew were what made those days truly special. We faced countless challenges together, from combating Mishhuvurthyar to exploration missions. The trust and dedication we had for one another was truly inspiring."

Her gaze drifted to the cherry blossoms around them, as if they held memories of their own. "As for a specific event, I suppose one that stands out was the rescue of prisoners from the Mishhuvurthyar from their base. It was a treacherous mission, but we managed to get in, retrieve the captives including Victory Kuroki, and return safely. The gratitude of those we saved, and the knowledge that we had made a difference, made it an experience I will never forget."

As more people came to join them under the shadow of the YSS Eucharis, Hanako took some time to greet everyone herself with a bow and a warm handshake, and then raised a glass of Champagne. "A toast, to another year of defending the Empire, making the universe move with action, and to renewing your view of the universe with a fresh perspective of places old and new."
Andar wore a light, happy smile as he watched Hanako's toast from a distance. It had caught his attention for a moment, the glint off a glass catching his attention. He politely pointed out the moment to the others standing with him.

He wasn't sure what had been said, not from where he stood, but the smiles and good cheer of those around her said enough. It was a sight he hadn't expected to see and likely one that he'd never see again.

"Sorry for that," he said, his attention back to Aerin. He reached up and pressed a button on his helmet, causing the whole thing to ratchet itself together into a disk the size of a DVD. He handed it over to the more imperious of his maids as his long, wild, black and white hair spilled out and his two ears perked up. He was a gorgeous man, with piercing blue eyes and tanned skin, though such appellations mattered very little in a world where everyone was, or could be, engineered to perfection.

"You're correct - we're from Noval. Hoping to do more expansions into the Star Empire's market, but also just here to enjoy the day. My aides are Kirameku Enki," he motioned to the taller woman in a suit, "Mei Ling," he continued, motioning to the taller of the maids, who put on a perfectly kind smile despite her cold demeanor towards her master, "and Mei Xiang," he finished, motioning to the shorter maid with the bangs. Each of them gave a a light bow as they were introduced; Enki and Mei Ling crossed a hand across their chests as they did so, while Mei Xiang simply beamed at the two from Origin.

He started to introduce himself, but the taller maid held a hand towards him, palm up, her other hand still across her chest. She gave a respectful bow. "And this is our young master, Andar Noval, heir to Noval Heavy Industries."

Andar gave Aerin a polite, please-don't-judge-me-too-harshly smile, and he thanked Mei Ling. "Right. It's a pleasure to meet you both. I don't think I've met an Iromakuanhe before and meeting the CEO of Origin's Fleet Yards is certainly a treat. Your company has accomplished an incredible amount in the last decade and a half. You've certainly set the bar high for people such as myself!"

He laughed, good naturedly, then towards Zus he added, "Though I can't say I've crashed any ships, so it seems I have room to grow in many directions."

The dog-eared man reflexively flinched in response to a faint movement by Mei Ling, but she didn't follow through with whatever she had wanted to do.

"So- if you're looking for backup, we're happy to be it. I'm content to merely wander about, but something tells me that you're likely to get up to something more interesting."
Kaiko Park
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

Alastair reached up and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, was bold of me to assume you'd have time to visit. Us captains do have an unbelievable amount of work we have to do." He then blushed slightly as she gave him praise for his many deeds. "You flatter me Hoshi, but thank you for seeing in me so much more. I promise to not let you down."

He looked to Aiko as he heard the blue captain's idea to have them come visit. Once he heard they accepted the offer he was filled with joy. "Oh, where are my manners, you can have one too." He said as he picked up Aiko and gave her a hug too. "Its a deal, I haven't seen Miko for awhile and be nice to get the gang back together." He placed her back on her feet. He then looked towards Luna and Yuri. "Glad to see you again Yuri, what a fun night that was. And Luna was it, sounds like you knew my brother Miko. A friend of his, is a friend of mine" He walked over to them and put his arms around both and gave a hug. "So good to see everyone here, all cheerful and full of hope.

His attention was then drawn towards a Norian who had just walked up to the group. He gave them a smile and a wave. "Tis a wonderful day. If only I could have shared this with the one I shall not speak of."
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

When Alastair moved in to wrap his arms around Aiko, the tall Nekovalkyrja princess placed her right hand on his left shoulder and her other hand firmly upon his chest to keep a polite distance between them. It was one thing for Hanako — a fellow Ketsurui and Aiko's sister through Yui — to present such a gesture, or for Aiko and her senpai Hoshi to share a friendly embrace in private. But even Alastair should have known, as Aiko did, that his attempted hug was inappropriate. Mostly because it could prompt swift intervention from the samurai Rei or Mao, who were doubtlessly watching while their sword hands itched to strike him from somewhere hidden nearby.

"Do not think too hard about your manners, Belmont-chusa, such overexertion might land you in some trouble," Aiko said with a friendly grin. He'd only ended up putting his left hand around her waist following her quick intervention, and her warrior's expertise over Neko inertial control kept her impossible to shift from her feet. It was just then, too, that Hanako began to speak her exaltations of the season, Empire, and future, allowing Aiko to step away after saving herself from the awkward indignity of being lifted up by a man barely four inches taller.

"Kiite kiite!" Aiko cheered when Hanako was done. She'd deftly created a holographic champagne flute held in her right hand's fingertips, having not noticed where Hanako had retrieved hers from, and raised it for the moment before letting the illusion fade. "The spring comes again!"
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

Hoshi watched Hanako as she spoke with a soft, attentive expression. Only when she mentioned Victory did the Taisa blink a look of surprise. She had always assumed Victory was a mascot of the ship. She wondered why, maybe because the MEGAMI's name was Charisma. She got lost in her thoughts momentarily. When Alastair tried and failed to hug Aiko, Hoshi's smile cracked once more and she had to close her mouth to avoid letting her snicker draw too much attention to herself. Hanako's speech and Aiko's cheer brought her thoughts to what her crew had accomplished thus far in the year.

"I feel like we faced a dreadfully cold winter," Hoshi said. "The spring and warmth it brings is welcome. I have been fighting in the Uesureyan frontier, working to reclaim the planet I mentioned with Uesu's and Nepleslian forces."

"That new place has certainly given me a renewed perspective," Hoshi said, citing the end of Hananko's toast. "It's been arduous and tougher than the Kuvexian War in some ways, but it means he'll have a better shot at building a thriving home of his own down there. He's a father to all Nekovalkyrja. Even more so you, Ketsurui-shosho, to my understanding."

Her pink brow had furrowed, blue brows pressed lower against even darker blue eyes. Even so, her expression was open and caring. Hoshi had put her neck out to work with Uesu's forces because she implicitly trusted him as her creator. But she was curious if that same feeling extended to someone that had been close to him while he lived on the soil they stood on.
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

It was a shame that part of the Nekovalkyrja’s senses didn’t include being able to sense when a Norian in a bikini was looking straight at them. As it was, the two Nekos didn’t notice, instead placed their attention on those in the group, first to Hanako who had given a toast. Luna and Yuri lifted their own drinks, (both Apple juices) and toasted along with her. “To the Empire, the greatest in the universe,” Yuri said before she and Luna drank along with the others.

Yuri knew that each nation around them had their strengths and weaknesses, but she was very partial to the empire. Yuri and Luna were both hugged by Alastair, and for Yuri, who didn’t have a dad, it felt odd to be hugged by a man. Even so she didn’t complain.

Yuri’s head turned when she heard movement behind her, and got sight of her first Norian. She had to admit, she was beautiful, and the bikini looked nice on her. Even so she didn’t regret choosing to be without clothes. She didn’t think she could pull off the bikini look. Luna on the other hand, greeted the newcomer politely”hi! I agree it is a beautiful day, ” she said in reply, then glanced to Hoshi. “I’m just glad that there are younglings like Yuri here, who got to grow up outside of war and Minkan kids who’ll grow up in this new year. Even so I believe that we can overcome any obstacles set before us.”
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Rin partook in the handshakes and bubbling champagne which reminded her of chacelle fondly. "To the Empire," she said quietly and sincerely. The Empire was grand she gave them that, even if hesitation had plagued her since their arrival, she was slow to trust and that was neither a crime nor consequence. It reminded her of the toasts she too had given not so long before, a pleasant thought when deep within strange territory with a thousand dark clouds at one's back. She smiled and was courteous to let these people speak, they had served together maybe even on the ship that hovered above them. She was curious about each of them in the group, so she just waited to see what would follow.

She smiled and nodded back to Alastair and said quietly, "I often regret the days I spend away from those I care about, those I care to mention or not, but specifically the who is my stars to my moon. Just remember that in saying you won't mention them, you still say who they are when within context. You seem to have a heavy heart with such a statement, hopefully, the champagne warms your belly as it has mine. " She paused a moment and then introduced herself, "I am Rin, a Tal'Cel of Tsenlan. Airwin is my twin brother," she said, oversimplifying it all as usual.
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

Majnun seemed to have zoned out for a few minutes as there was not a small crowd gathered by the ship. She noted the presence of Zus Strohan a noted war hero and turned off the theatrics covering her horns. While Majnun was not about to all out fangirl it did make her smile a touch to see another of her kind out and about. Well better do something other than stand around making people think she was some kind of stalker.

She approached the group and noted Alastair really seemed to enjoy hugging people. Although not everyone seemed to enjoy it in return. Upon approach she overheard a touch of conversation from the one who identified herself as Rin and decided to stand next to her offering a silent nod and slight smile. Respectfully she nodded to Hanako as the woman seemed to have a commanding presence, then cheerfully grinned looking to Yuri. "So is this lack of attire permissible to all? I must admit this fabric is killing me and it would be delightful to be relieved of it."
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

Alastair paused as Aiko put her hand on his shoulder. For a moment he thought that maybe she wanted to dance instead of hug. Then his gaze caught the bodyguards looking at him with fire in their eyes. It was possible that word of his side arm traveled far so had them on edge. Though he had no ill intentions. He took a step back and gave her a quick nod. In a low voice he spoke to Aiko. "I am very aware of that, Good quick thinking." He said with a wink towards her as he gave a half wave to the bodyguards nearby.

Alastair had procured himself a drink prior Hanako giving her speech. He simply put his glass in the air though did not follow in the cheers. For him, these moments were only possible from the sacrifice of the many. It was bittersweet to him, a reminder of more to be done. Though he was happy to be among friends and able to keep pushing forward.

Alastair stood and looked the Norian from head to toe. He taken notice of her wonderful outfit and great looks. Though this had more to do with the fact she introduced herself as Tal'Cel of Tsenlan, sister to Airwin. Which meant she was the sister to Aelya. Alastair thought he was just getting excited for a Norian but instead it was a disturbance in the force. "It would seem fate has intertwined my path with the Tal'Cel of Tsenlan once more." He said in a light hearted voice. "Yes, context makes all the difference. Though I can see we both agree on this matter as to the importance of said person." He then lifted his drink towards her. "Aye, the drink is very good and feel blessed to have run into you Rin." He tilted his head downward and paused. He then looked back up towards Rin once more. "I do not wish to jump into private matters, though I cannot help but ask, so how is she doing?" He then paused and gave a side eye towards the newcomer. It amused him how they would ask about being relieved of clothes. He couldn't help but chuckle a little.

Off in the distance another of the famous Belmonts had entered the race. It was none other than Mikodimus wearing only his apron with a big bear on the front of it. He made his way over to the group with a big smile on his face. "Oh look at all my friends here. I am just glad I wore the right outfit for this."
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Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

Majnun's eyes widened at the conversation overheard from Alastair and made note to avoid that drama. What a shame, she was looking to have fun of some kind today and Rin was rather cute. With a grin she greeted Miko, "Welcome! I am not sure we know each other, but you unknowingly answered a question for me!" she ditched the kimono cradling it over her arm as her polished horns shown in the sun. "Pardon my asking, whats with the bear on the apron?" Perhaps he would know where to acquire an apron with a different image on it, what she was not sure yet.
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Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis

Alastair's approach on Aiko had surely tested the Ketsurui Samurai Mao's patience. With the bevy of Kuvexian bounties on Aiko's head, someone who had visited Sood Zadra (even a Star Army captain who was the princess' former crewmate) was difficult to trust. But the yojimbo's concern may well have been a good distraction from the nerves she felt being in Hanako's presence. Years ago Mao had been the new Imperial Premier's assigned samurai bodyguard — and her last. So useless had Mao once proven to be that Hanako never again took on another samurai protector.

Having momentarily revealed herself from the invisibility of her Eihei body's stealth holography, ready to defend Aiko alongside Rei without hesitation, she lingered for a few seconds when her old mistress gave the toast. Standing tall in her red-and-white samurai's uniform, Mao regarded Hanako with a reverence that broke through her shame as she stared from her place faraway both among the crowd and in the time since Mao's service to Hanako.

The Premier's words were heartening, especially at their end, and helped to wash away feelings of humiliation Mao felt even seconds earlier. The young samurai's view of the universe had been refreshed unequivocally, and as she listened to Hanako while looking into the famous admiral's eyes, Mao remembered all that had changed for her. Far from the girl who had failed Hanako, today Mao guarded one of the Kikyo Sector and Ketsurui Clan's most recognizable heroes absent of the dithering and doubt that had made her so ineffective in those early years.

When Hanako was finished speaking, Mao waited for the Premier's gaze to meet her own and presented a deeply respectful bow, and then took a step behind one of the multitude gathered there. With that, she faded from view again and resumed her post watching for anything that would threaten Aiko or any member of the Star Empire's ruling clan whose members she lived to protect.
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