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[Yamatai] Hanami Festival & BBQ Cookout of YE 45 - OPEN RP

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Aerin politely nodded to each of Andar's entourage as they were introduced, grinning a bit as the tallest of the Heir's followers introduced him instead of letting him introduce himself. It was almost a shock seeing the young man's appearance when the helmet had been removed, though Aerin had seen stranger and so brushed it off, placing her hands on her hips and giving Andar her attention as he spoke. Zus did her best to re-compose herself, taking the man's joke at face value, and clearing her throat slightly before Aerin took the chance to respond.

"Well, there's plenty of time in the day to wander about, so a bit of a diversion now shouldn't matter. And besides, the festival goes on for a while, you may have a chance to come back, or perhaps catch it at a different park," the short woman explained, waving for Andar and his fellows to follow her as she turned and headed toward the steadily increasing crowd at the Star Army's booth.

"We might as well crash their party, as it seems the toast's already been done, but we can be fashionably late, after all," the black-haired woman remarked, stretching her small frame as she walked, the taller Iroma following dutifully just behind. "What brings you out this way, anyway?" she asked, "Certainly a trip out here from the NDC is a bit much just to look at some flowers, beautiful as they are. We're out here making some preparations for an upcoming conference, which, you're quite invited to, by the way"
"Just looking to forge some business connections in this part of the sector," he replied with an easy smile. "I wasn't expecting to meet you, but it's exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for. As Noval expands, we'll need new business partners, markets, and so on. We already do a decent bit of business with corporations in Yamataian space, but not much with the government or its military. No reason to ignore the opportunity - or insult them by thinking we're not interested."

He shrugged a bit. "As for today - well, just sightseeing. I'm happy to talk business if you'd like, but I didn't come here to make you work during such a nice festival. I am interested in whatever this conference is, though!"

The two maids and the taller woman walked behind him with all the proper etiquette. Their young master was an important figure where they were from and they didn't want to mess up his image. Andar himself was keenly aware that in a place like this, you didn't need an entourage to tell others that you were important.

His mother had other ideas, however, and so the collection of Noval representatives looked something like a low-key fashion show wandering about.

The three with him were also some of his closest friends, so he'd have felt bad leaving them behind. There were always trade offs.

"I'll have to repay you for allowing us to join you at some point," he said while tucking his hands into his pockets on their walk towards Hanako and her crowd. "I'd offer you a gift, but I don't think you're the sort who is lacking for much. A favor for a favor, perhaps?"
YSS Resurgence

Hanging out with his new crew he popped the cork of the sake bottle and poured glasses for each member of the crew. "Anyone else want a glass of sake?" He asked and after a few moments of thought, he raised his glass to the sky and toasted his deceased dad. He had been killed, having his head blown off during an evacuation of his home town so he could not be respawned anymore.

His father told him that he loved festivals, especially Hanami because of the beauty and it showing the impermanence of said beauty. "Here's to you dad. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for you raising me." Yoshiro said "You were the greatest man in my life and will always be." Yoshiro gulped down the sake with tears in his eyes.

He had always fought with his father when he was young but when his brother and sister were born, he knew that he had to change as well. When he heard his father had been killed permanently, he was crushed. That was when he vowed to protect the people of Yamatai as best he could.
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Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis


He paused and looked at Majnun for a moment. He was curious to hear her asking about the bear on his apron. "Ah, this is Kuma and is a reminder we should always stay connected with nature. It is after all where we get all these wonderful foods." He then paused and looked her over from head to toe. Her pale skin matched well against her black hair and horn. Eyes green as a garden salad. "Since you are the first to greet me, I shall cook for you first. Fancy some chilly or how about a cobb salad, green as your eyes are." He said with a smile as he slipped his hands into the ties around his waist.
Premier Hanako brow furrowed for a moment. "I would not put it that way. We have come a long way since the days of slavery but remember I started as a simple servant to meet the needs of those in power and I means all their needs. I am not going to gripe and seek revenge for the past but it was not a father-daughter relationship for me. I may be a Nekovalkyrja physically and perhaps in other ways, but I started as an Elf who was exploited for what she was in a world where that was normal. Thankfully it gave me connections and then I earned my place through hard work as a soldier. Yui's Star Army gave me a place to grow. Now that I am premier I will work to make sure Yamatai is a place where everyone gets their opportunity for success with dignity. We can be a strong country without taking advantage of people and abusing our power. Emperor Uesu left because he was embarrassed by his past indiscretion at PNUgen. He wanted to redeem himself in battle with the Mishhuvurthyar. Let's do better than that. Let's be better than him."

Majnun tilted her head to the side just a bit curious as to why the bear reminded Miko of such things. However, she was rather pleased with the offer of food. "That is such a delightful way to stay connected with nature!" she said moving over next to him so as not to be shouting across the crowded group of people. An inviting smile spread across her face as her emerald eyes lit with the promise of adventure. "Perhaps this chili you speak of could be interesting, depending on how spicy you like your food! In that case I would owe you a meal, I tend to like a little heat in my kitchen though so I hope you do not mind food with a kick." she said with a playful wink. "Although I do dare to guess that I will need to acquire an apron like yourself. What is the spiciest ingredient you have here in Yamatai?" she inquired as her eyes drifted over to a redhead in the distance.


Loken institute had recently come out with a sunscreen that let norians be out in such weather however they chose to be. She walked through the park in unabashed nakedness looking for the tented area where others of her kind were gathered. It had been far too long since she had been out in her natural environment since things had gone sideways. She could not stay cooped up in her room any longer waiting for Airwin to return from his meeting with Yui, which led her to be at Kaiko Park for such a beautiful occasion. That is until she stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her sister Rin standing in a group with Alastair. Not that she was worried in anyway about her deliciously psychotic sister, more she was worried her peaceful day basking amongst the other unclothed celebrants would be interrupted. Quickly she made her way away from the group towards where the other norians gathered, with the hope that no one had noticed her. After all the last thing she wanted to do was cause her brother more trouble.
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Beneath the YSS Eucharis
Yuri smiled at Majun who asked her a question. “Yup! In Yamatai nudity in public is allowed... Just not so much what usually happens when couples are naked together,” she said with a little giggle. Then she turned her head to see the others who have arrived. Luna recognized him, as the man Hoshi had trouble recognizing. The blue Neko waved at him “Hello again!” she said then turned her head back to Alastair when she realized he hadn’t been on the ship when she was born. Yuri was the first to spot Aela and smiled as another had decided to join them in freedom of clothes.
YE 45.3 (Spring)
Kaiko Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Under the Eucharis

There was a moment after Hanako had spoken that Hoshi took to process all that Yamatai's Premier had said. She stored a lot of it to churn over later, unwilling to pry into a lot of the personal details that Hanako had shared. Finally, the Kaiyo captain knew what she wanted to ask.

"Thank you for sharing that," Hoshi prefaced. "You said he wanted to redeem himself in battle but that we should be better than that. How then should we seek redemption of our own, if not through battle?" Hoshi's blue eyes were dark with the weight of Hanako's words. "Sorry if I sound naive or like the only thing I know how to do is fight. But, I mean..." She looked around at the blossoming park, thinking about how much she had gained from battle and what really could be attained beyond it.

"We just have to be careful about being the best people we can be so we don't have to go seeking redemption in the first place," Hanako told Hoshi. "It's not always the easy path," she added.

"A path worth taking," Hoshi said with a tilt of her head and a smile. "Thank you for taking the time, Taisho."

"Just like the cherry blossoms show a new beginning of spring, so too does Yamatai start a new season of existence in the galaxy and we have a chance to try to do things right," the new premier told Hoshi. "It is why I chose to run in the election. I just want to be somewhere I can make a positive difference for people whether they're Kodians or Nekovalkyrja or humans, and so on. At the same time, the Kuvexian War showed us this is a very dangerous universe outside of the Kikyo Sector and we need to get out there in it if we want to protect what we have."

Aiko seemed to be listening with a respectful contentedness as Hanako waxed philosophical in response to her captain Hoshi's thoughts, her face and form a statuesque image of interested attention. But inwardly, the tall Ketsurui warrior was lost not so much in the conversation as she was the scents of the flowering season — and even more in the savory aromas of all the barbeque and other treats being served up here today both from vendors and personal grills that attendees brought along. Two years ago she'd had her first set of ribs alongside Hanako and Hoshi, and was eager to eventually find her SAINT mentor Saiga-taisa to sample the springtime hibachi he was doubtlessly cooking alongside his squad of off-duty operatives.

"You have come so far in your years, Hanako," Aiko said, in large part to get her mind away from thoughts of BBQ meats and the hungry growls even her Nekovalkyrja belly would grumble if she dwelled upon them too long. "The premiership in your hands is a gift to the entire Star Empire, and suits this new part of your storied lifetime for sure."

Hanako offered a modest smile in response to Aiko's kind words, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "Thank you, Aiko. I hope that I can live up to the trust that has been placed in me and truly make a difference for the people of Yamatai."

As the group continued to converse, the enticing aromas of nearby food vendors grew stronger, eventually catching Hanako's attention as well. "I must admit," she said with a small chuckle, "that the smells of the barbeque and various treats are quite tempting. Perhaps we should all indulge a bit and enjoy the festival while we can."

"I'm going to take you up on that. It was really lovely to meet you like this," Hoshi said to Hanako.

Alastair rolled up along with his brother Mikodimus. The wonder twins had finally met up after so much time apart. Miko had in his hand a tray filled with different types of BBQ meats. "Did someone say something about eating. Cause I got some real meat to dish up right here." The tray was filled with pulled beef, sugar cured bacon, rump roast, beef sticks and a dipping glaze.

Alastair grabbed a couple bacon stripes and offered some to the crew.

Quickly nodding in agreement with Hanako, Aiko's eagerness to feast broke through her dignified countenance for a brief moment. And then when the brothers Belmont popped up, having apparently absconded long enough to retrieve some of Mikodimus' famous cookery, Aiko unashamedly went in for her first sample of the day's flavors.

"No brisket, though?" Aiko questioned, looking across the smörgåsbord of smoked slices at Miko with a critical grin on her lips. She chose a slice of bacon to satisfy her cravings instead. "Still, this will be as fine a start as any. Perfect timing, chef."

"You're welcome to the ryokan for a different view of the festival, Hanako-Taisho." Hoshi then turned to her XO with a delicate smile, "Aiko-sama, I'm going to go change and see what Saiga's cooked up."

Hanako nodded with a warm smile. "I'll join you there shortly, then."

Giving her captain Hoshi a knowing grin, Aiko chewed the slice of bacon Miko had brought on his platter. If the leggy Nekovalkyrja war hero's pleased eyes were any indication, glittering with the same glassy intensity as the red-gemmed Blazing Sun medal worn high on her uniform's neck, the Belmont chef's bbq still failed to disappoint.

"I will be along soon enough, Hoshi," Aiko said, still looking at the pink captain while she nabbed another bacon strip with her fingertips. To hear Hanako planned on hanging out, too, prompted her to smile even wider while she dreamt up the funny faces Saiga might make upon the Premier's arrival, since the two were old comrades with him serving on Hanako's Eucharis several times.

Majnun eyed Miko's return curious to what treats he brought back along with his troublesome brother Alastair. "Oh do you now? We'll see about that, if the offer is open to everyone that is."

Miko looked at Aiko like a deer caught in headlights. "Ahhh, how could I miss to have brought the brisket." He then stopped and gave her a wink. He passed the tray over to Alastair and reached up and clapped his hands. The motion causing his behind to jiggle around. A moment later a small team of people walked over with another platter. "Perfect, we have more treats." He then popped open the tray top, the steam lifting slowly into the air. The smell was heavenly and was going to blow the clothes off anyone that tried it.

"So, who is first, slow smoked brisket. First dry then finished with a wet mop. Personally I am proud of this one." He said as he reached into and grabbed a peice. He looked at it, then smelled it. Finally he put it in his mouth.

"I personally am partial to spicier things, but Ill give it a try!" Majnun chirped. Eagerly she reached to try a piece without interfering with others who may wish to partake. "Not as spicy as I thought, sure would blow ones clothes off though." she said with jokingly.

Miko blinked for a moment, looking Majnun over. He knew this was going to be a tough crowd, so had come prepared. He reached into his apron and pulled out a bottle that had a big X on it. "I have just the thing, some BBQ that is spicy with a hint of sweet. Come, give it a try."

Majnun eyed up the apron Miko was wearing wondering just where exactly the hidden pocket was on this apron of his. "X marks the spot. So how can I say no?" she moved more towards him. "How exactly do you want me to try this allegedly spicy sauce good sir?" she said with a hint of sass and slight tilt of her head.

"I'd recommend to dip just the tip. Anymore and will have an explosion in your mouth." Miko said with a sly grin. He took his own instructions and put a few drops onto the end of the brisket. He took a bite and paused for a moment. Then his face turned beat red.

She smirked a little getting an unbitten piece of meat dipping almost the entire piece. With a bit of a chuckle she plopped it on her tongue savoring the flavor that seemed to be as promised. "Now that is delicious!" she said hopping joyfully. "Where may I ask, did you get that?!" However, she paused momentarily with a worried look on her face. "Are....are you going to be okay?"

It was the perfect day to bring a rented outfit to the big Hanami downtown, and Misaki had taken full advantage of one of the specials. She wore a breathable cotton kimono with a lighter blue color that was somewhat close to matching her hair. It had cloud and wind patterns all over, but wasn't overall too dark. Her hair was held up with two long pins, and in one hand she held a matching bamboo umbrella with a light hiding inside of it in case she got stuck in some sort of inclemate weather. It was not likely to happen, but it granted extra style as an accessory and shield from the sunlight. If she had to cross something other than a path, she decided to float rather than wear down the vegetation, and this is what brought her floating by Hanako and her crew by coincidence. She froze and squeezed the bottle of alcohol under her other arm a little more tightly. The time she had spent serving Hanako as well as other things floated to her head, and her mouth opened into a little shape like pursed lips. Her mind being a computer did not really do more than assist her in playing out way more ways to say hello if she was going to say hello in the first place. The crowd seemed busy to her.

Hanako's eyes caught a glimpse of Misaki as she floated by, her lovely kimono and umbrella drawing attention. Recognizing her, Hanako offered a warm smile and waved at her. "Misaki! How wonderful to see you here! Please, come join us."

Oh. That was easy. Misaki's mind was quickly put at ease. "お久しぶり, Hanako-sama ("It's been forever, Hanako-sama)." The blue-haired officer floated her way and set down once there, bowing swiftly, and deeply enough that she looked like she was about to take a header to the ground. It was the proper way to greet her after so long, and in public no less. A smile was plastered on her face when she righted herself. "It is such a treat to see you here, but you do have a habit of brightening these sorts of events. I am even more glad I decided to dress up today." All of her time aboard the Eucharis (except the part where she died) with Hanako was very precious to her.

Hanako returned the bow with a more modest one, a warm smile gracing her features. "Misaki, it is truly a pleasure to see you again as well. It has been too long," she agreed, her voice affectionate. "Your attire is absolutely beautiful, and it suits you perfectly. I'm glad you decided to dress up as well."

"Some of your fashion sense must have rubbed off on me." Misaki replied, though she had the impulse to hug her, she decided to let that plan go for the moment, even if she got closer enough to signal what she was going to do. The smile would not leave her face, "I did not stop working with my hobby with beautification and personalization, even after I was transferred. Oh forgive me, congratulations as well are in order. I never had a doubt, but I voted for you anyway." That was definitely Misaki's attempt at a joke, even if the tone of her voice was a bit stale. The officer sounded more comfortable than she had back at the start of the 30s. "I was at a base at the time on-world, it was practically buzzing."

Miko could not speak for a few moments. Then the redness moved from his face, down his body before it vanished. "Yeah, sweet love does that have some kick. Though it seemed to be just the right spot for you." He said walked towards Majnun. He gave her a small pap on the back. "If I need someone to try my spicy food, your getting a call. He had grinned from ear to ear as he looked onto her.

The raven haired iromakuanhe became increasingly worried at the spread of redness on Miko's body. She let out a small gasp at the pat on her back and glared at him. "Do you always touch people without asking?" she chuckled a bit. "Its alright, you brought me this delicious sauce, so as long as theres more where that came from you just might keep your limbs. For now." she eyed him with amusement. "How is it do you plan on calling me if you do not know how to do so?"

Miko grinned, hopeful that someone might ask for more. "Ah, yeah, old habit of being friendly with people who love my food. Tis an odd twitch of mine." He then reached into his apron pocket once more and pulled out another bottle. This was had a Y on the label. "How about a trade, my more spicy goodness for your number?" He said with a smile as he waved the bottle in front of her.

Majnun was doing everything she could minus outright asking him where the pocket was in this apron. "It's alright, I am more open to surprise contact from friends. Though for you I will make an exception just this once if you don't mind answering a question for me. Where is this magical pocket and how does it hold all this sauce?" she said eyeing the latest bottle he pulled out. Surely this apron had limitations to its capacity. "That sounds like a fair trade to me!" she whispered her information into his ear and stepped back out of his personal space. Playfully she held out just her pointer finger, "Just the tip."

The grinned only widened across Miko's face. "I accept your exception. As for where is this magic pocket. Tis a secret though I shall give you a peak." He gave a wink and pulled the apron away from his body. Behind it was a pocket hidden from view. Though the view she'd get was anything but hidden. "Now, just the tip as requested." He said taking the bottle and putting a few drops on her food.

For some unknown reason Majnun hastily covered her eyes almost afraid to see what was beneath. Separating her fingers to peek through at what he had unleashed. She was surprised to see the pocket on the back of the apron. Stepping forward she peeked inside, "Impressive that it was able to hold so much!" Whatever other view that had been exposed did not cause enough havok to shock her. However, she withdrew her finger from being offered as a sacrifice for hot sauce as she watched him put some onto her food. "How delightfully polite of you, thank you."

"My pleasure, I do hope you enjoy. I worked hard to make this have some kick. In fact I made these to be paired together. Like a couple sharing a bite to eat." He then took the other bottle and put more on his food. "Enjoy" he said lifting it up and then taking a bite of it.

"Oh I quite clearly do very much enjoy it. What does one need to do to persuade you to make them a couple bottles. Regrettably I do not have any pockets as you can see." she watched the insanity as the man who turned red at a drop proceeded to increase the spice level of his food. "Dear me, are you sure you're going to be okay? Or are you perhaps just a wee bit insane?"

Miko let out a chuckle. "Well, given who my family is some might say I am a little crazy. Though it is the good kind of crazy." He then looked at her and tipped his head to one side. "You know, if you want some pockets, I have a spare apron that would more than likely fit you." He grinned once more. "Though, I will leave to you where I am hiding it." He said taking a another nibble of his food. Though this time he did not turn as red as before.

Majnun raised an eyebrow at his statement of family. "Who is your family that people would say such things?" she asked. Emerald eyes watched as he looked at her with a bit of a grin, "I would love some pockets! This kimono here did not have any I'm afraid." she walked around him looking for this alleged second apron and stood in front of him with a shrug. "Beats me, is it in your transport or in some kind of other residence?"

"Oh, that would be the Belmonts. Though we are completely harmless. At least I am." He then eyed the kimono with one eye brow lifted. "That is a crime not to have pockets. Where does one stash things without pockets." He then reached up and snapped his fingers. One of the servers walked over and handed him an apron. "See, magic." He grinned and gave a wink.

"Well you are the only Belmont I know and I see, that I am aware of. So far you're not all that bad, but if you pat me on the back again you're getting a hug and thats your only warning." she watched as he eyed her kimono. She held it up in front of him, "Did you want to try it on or something, commit the crime of no pockets? Although the suffering may not be worth it if you are able to store so much treats in such a contraption as a pocketed apron." she eyed him befuddled at how he did not know where some women stashed things with no pockets, "Usually bags or purses I think." she stopped short as he snapped his fingers summoning her an apron. Gracefully she accepted it, donning the pocketed wonder. She did a little spin and smiled, "Oh this is just magical! What do I owe such a favor?"

Miko leaned back slightly as she suggested to him a hug for pats. "Oh my and I am not even wearing my hug the chef apron today." He let out a giggle. "After a few more drinks I may just try on your outfit. I am sure there wont be a misunderstanding as I walk around in your outfit and your in one of my aprons." He paused and looked at her after putting on the apron. "I do say, this is a very nice look." He put his thumb and index fingers to his lips and kissed them, enjoying the sight before him.

Sakura Treeline

According to her internal map of Kaiko Park, Okimi had successfully managed to traverse every festival pathway, stopping to look at every stall, vendor and performing act she had come across. All those new experiences meant that today was ticking just about every box in the 'win' column for the Festival. In fact - aside from making at least one new friend, helping someone in need and giving joy hugs; there was little else the young neko could have hoped to achieve. Vowing to herself to keep her eyes and ears open for opportunities to bring some joy into someone's life, Okimi decided it was time to track down her fellow crewman from the YSS Resurgence and make sure they were enjoying the Festival as much as she was.

As Okimi meandered through the park, she spotted a familiar figure beneath a picturesque cherry tree. It was Pidole, dressed elegantly in a silk kimono, enjoying a picnic with her beetle companion, Bidole.

"Oh, hello, Okimi," she replied, her voice soft and melodic. "I've been having a lovely time. The beauty of the cherry blossoms is simply breathtaking. How about you? Have you been enjoying the festival?"

Okimi smiled widely at the redhead with her ever-present companion. "Oh, hi there Pidole!" She deliberately turned her eyes to the beetle. "And hello to you too, Bidole!" Even had she wanted to try, she couldn't have kept the excitement from her voice. "I'm loving this! All the wonderful colors, people, smells, sights and sounds - it's like nothing I have ever experienced or even dreamed of." Okimi nodded enthusiastically as she spoke. "At least now if in the future, the ship I am on cannot be home for this, I'll have some idea of how to bring the Hanami Festival to the crew instead!"

Pidole's eyes sparkled as she saw Okimi's enthusiasm and listened to her excitement. "That's a wonderful idea, Okimi! Bringing the spirit of the Hanami Festival to those who can't experience it firsthand would be a great way for a caretaker to spread joy."

Bidole, seemingly pleased with the attention they received, buzzed happily and moved a bit closer to Okimi, as if to welcome her into their little picnic area.

As the two chatted about the festival and their experiences, Pidole couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Okimi's boundless energy and optimism. It was contagious, and soon Pidole found herself feeling more energized and excited to explore the festival alongside her friend. "Let's make a promise," Pidole suggested, her eyes shining with determination. "No matter where we are or what we're doing, let's always remember the spirit of the Hanami Festival and do our best to bring its beauty and joy to others."

Okimi's eyes lit up to match Pidole's and she practically bounced on the spot. "It's a promise!" The neko took a moment to set a pair of permanent reminders within her internal calendar, one for the first of nigatsu and another for the thirtieth. That would make sure she couldn't miss the Festival in the future.

Pidole grinned, feeling content and satisfied. What a beautiful day. She was glad Okimi had joined the crew. It was great to have someone so positive and helpful. Even if it was her job to help the crew that way, it felt like having a new friend.

"Hey Ruru," Narapara Apparata nudged her companion, after spotting the Resurgence crew. "Do those kitties look familiar to you? I think we've seen them somewhere."

The former officer peered back at the former senior NCO, and responded, "Yeah, they were with that bunch that came to the snowball that time, Nara. They were looking for the boss"

"It's the group that had the one that was too shy to blow up the hoversled with the MANPAD, from the Deluxe Romance Package Tour, tch." Narapara, the former Superior Elite sneered, giggling as she nudged Rurunaru. "They don't tube them like they used to back in our day."

"Hoi! Kittens! We came to your party this time!" Rurunaru Kamatara, former Commander of the NMX, former Shift Supervisor of Quallox Vaibal Colonial Security, waved at the Resurgence crew, then nudged back at Narapara, "I wonder if the angry green-haired one is with them."

In a heavier getup than her crew had seen her before, Mineko was looking for the Resurgence crew in the drapery of a hana bira-emblazoned kimono. She had seen Okimi earlier while she was performing and, now done with her dance and free for the day, was seeking out her newfound friends in the crowd. The former NMX Nekovalkyrja's calls drew her attention and the analyst raised a long sleeved hand to wave at the loungind Pidole and Okimi, too.

Okimi spotted motion and trained her eyes upon the waving Mineko. With a wide, happy smile for one of her first friends aboard the Resurgence, the caretaker waved back.

In a reminder of her Lianjia Nepleslian heritage, the very, very long Cheongsam worn by the positively titanic Emiko Freyjasdóttir, or properly in that language, Hóng Diànmǔ, had a similar print to Mineko's kimono. Perhaps they coordinated? "Who is the waver, small friend, you know them?"

"Not them, no," Mineko said, shaking her head. "Hey! You made it, big friend! Look, that's the ship's caretaker Okimi over there. Let's go join them!" Mineko said, tucking her hand around one half of Emiko's forearm to guide the Lily-type along.

Half was an optimistic description of how much of Mineko's little hand could fit around Emiko's substantial forearm. "Yes! I got relieved of watch after rotation. For brief shift, Emiko was in charge of entire ship!" Looking down at Okimi, Emiko smiled broadly. "Bon Dia Caretaker Okimi. Have seen in ship's corridor, never said hola, ho sento." Of course, she was a Sardinian Lianjia, so Lianjia-speak was secondary to that dialect of Mutari. And Trade a third, let alone Yamataigo her fourth tongue.

Okimi blinked and checked again. No, the woman Mineko had dragged over to them really was that big. The young neko couldn't help herself and ran a hand from the top of her head over towards Emiko and back again. Yup, now she felt short. "Wow, you're really tall, Emiko!" The caretaker rolled her eyes. "Which of course you are fully aware of, sorry!" She smiled. "I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to meet properly before now! But wow, you were in charge of the whole ship? How was it? Do you think its something you would like to do again? Are we looking at a future Starship Captain?" Oh right, if she didn't stop asking questions, nobody would get a chance to answer. So she swallowed the next question and rubbed a finger across the base of her right ear.

"No, no, it was just the rotation for deck officer so everyone can enjoy the festival! I am an infantry officer!" Emiko laughed. "And I am tall, am I not?" She flexed in her cheongsam, upper arms parallel to the ground, then made a scrunched-up sort of face. "I thought there would be food. Gymnastics-friend? Is there not food?"

Okimi offered an understanding smile and nod. "Still, it's impressive and yeah, I think you're the tallest person I know?" She paused to think back through the people she had met, but got distracted by the follow up question. "Ooh, there is ALL the food! I didn't even know half of this existed before today!"

Mineko sort of shrugged, "My old dance instructor had a salmon bento for me this morning before I performed so I don't know. It all seems too... much for me. Definitely up your alley, Emiko-chan!" She finished her statement with a jovial tone as she looked about. "Could start with some takoyaki balls and move onto the harder meats. Hmmm, maybe best to start at the protein, actually."

"Oh yes, the meats!" Emiko's eyes were fixed on the stands, and she began to drift in that direction, as if guided on rails and the others she was with didn't exist.

Of course, near the meats is also where a pair of hungry stray kittens were lurking, trying to figure out with their limited budget what the best strategy for maximizing it would be at the food stalls.

Okimi watched, highly amused at the way the massive infantry officer was drawn towards the food like a moth to the flame. Not seeing anyone else she recognized just yet, she decided to follow Emiko and Mineko.

"How have you been enjoying your role on the ship?" Mineko asked Okimi, curious about the caretaker occupation and how her crewmate had been taking to it.

Okimi couldn't help the happy grin that formed in response to Mineko's question. "I can't believe it has been two months already since I joined the crew! It some ways, it feels like it was only last week that I boarded the Resurgence for the first time." She let off a soft chuckle. "I know some people see the Caretaker as being one of the 'lesser' roles we can have but, honestly, I can't imagine being anything else. Even back as far as basic socializing, I discovered that I am at my happiest when I am helping others. Being a caretaker is like having a license to do that, all the time! It's the greatest!"

Mineko nodded, listening. "You've certainly helped me a lot, so I wouldn't be one of those thinking of it as lesser, not by a long shot." She watched the hulking Lianji order quadruple portions with a smile. "We all need different things. What feeds me would never satiate her and if you fed me what she eats, I'd be sick. I notice you do the same for our crew. Supporting everyone differently." Mineko's toothy smile widened as Emiko hadn't even finished her order.

Offering a rueful smile, Okimi rubbed a finger across the bottom of an ear. "Well, as you said, everyone has their individual needs and desires. So, everyone needs something a little different to keep them happy. Beside it being my passion, it's also kind of my job to keep the crew happy, with high morale. So, I learn what a person needs and then try to give it to them." She smiled happily, even as she made a mental note of Emiko's increased appetite. "I'm just lucky to have found so many new friends aboard the Resurgence!"

"Me too," Mineko couldn't help but agree. "It's a good ship not just for serving the Empire but also full of a crew you can lean on. You make it that much easier."

Okimi tilted her head and smiled softly. "You're totally getting a hug soon, saying such nice things!"

= = = = = = = = = =
JP by Wes, Ame, iaincarter, raz, Yuuki, Miko, Miyako, Nakshatra

While the other festival goers gathered around Miko's barbeque preparations Aelya had arrived under the shade where the other Norians were gathered. She slipped deeper amongst them so that she would be harder to find if anyone other than say Rin would have bothered to look for her. Although she did not see that as being much of an issue as no one had bothered to check in on her before, why would they now? Settling into a nice shaded spot she rested enjoying the conversations of those amongst her people who had decided to come out and enjoy the festivities of their new home.


Majnun chuckled a bit, "In all fairness I was not wearing a pat the cook apron." She looked around wondering if this is where the barbeque was, were there drinks nearby? "Well where would one find these drinks you speak of?" she asked almost choking on her words as she realized it was one of his aprons on her. However, she swiftly composed herself holding out her kimono to him, "Turnabout is fair play, lets go get you those drinks. As I am sure you will look just as good in my kimono and if anyone has problems with it, they can talk to me." she smirked a bit half seriously. "I mean with the variety of attire who would have a problem with such a thing hmmm?"

He took a step back and motioned with his hand towards a full bar that had been setup. "This way my lady." A smirk grew across his face. He was enjoying having found one who enjoyed cook as much as he did. He paused and look at the kimono for a moment. It had not been since his time as a kid that he had worn one. Him and Remy use to play dress up all the time. He reached out to took the outfit and let it unfold. He looked it over with a smile. "Ah, now this does look amazing, minus the lack of pockets." He then reached down and pulled at the string that was keeping his apron closed. With a flick of his wrist the apron jumped up into the air. The god rays reflecting off his finely toned body. In a big spectacle he put on the kimono. The fine silk confirming to his body tightly. "Mind help with tying the sash?" He asked with a smile.


Alastair was waiting for a reply back from Rin when he thought he seen something of interest. If Rin had started to speak with him, he'd not hear a word of it. Off in the distance, walking in the cherry blossoms he thought he had seen his destiny. More specifically his eyes were playing tricks on him as he thought he had seen Aelya. Normally he'd just brush this off as his mind wishing into existence his beloved. Something his mind would do on those cold nights on the ship.

He gave a quick bow and excused himself. His blood hound sense pulled him along, hot on the path of the one who he seeked. In his sharpened focus, he bumped into people as he moved along. One had been caring a platter of food which was now ant food. "Sorry, in a rush" He said as he distanced himself from the gathering crowd. He then stopped and looked around. The scent had gone cold and things around him were only a blur. He thought that maybe it was a Norian who happened to look like her. Though he was not one to make this kind of mistake. Though when Aelya was on his mind, mistakes were abound often. Slowly the wind kicked up and cherry blossoms once more filled the sky. He looked to the sky and asked to be given a sign.

Then out of no where a wet bathing suit slapped him across the face. A couple of nekos ran past letting out giggles as they did so. He removed the suit from his face and was about to teach them some discipline when his eyes caught a glimpse of a form. In the moment his mind was not sure why this stood out but his heart knew. This was without a doubt Aelya, standing under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. His mind eye panned in and around her. In all his years he thought he knew beauty but seeing her standing there, in all her glory was a sight to behold. His legs started to carry him towards. Then he stopped, unsure what to do. Would it be proper for him to see her he asked of himself. He knew the breakup was no doubt hard on her, would this open new wounds? He reached up and slapped both cheeks with his hands. Now was not the time for doubt but for action. For he knew he was the one who would be crazy enough to chase after her. The choas was now a calling for him. He crouched low and made his way over to the tree. He made sure that she did not see him.

He leaned up against the tree and slid around closer towards her. "Sure is beautiful isn't it." He said with the biggest smile. He stood there, in his full birthday suit, his clothes hung from a tree branch above.
Rin was going to answer, but Alastair's retreat at the sight of her sister just made her sigh quietly. It was a complicated situation it seemed, perhaps this was the time to observe rather than speak. She glanced upwards at the ship overhead briefly before she slipped out of the way of the gathering thrall of people toward one of the blossomed trees. She missed certain luxuries she had in the Elysium and Chrystalis Unvorsum, like the ability to merely be unseen. Rather she just watched as the naked Captain pursued his 'prey' in ignorance of the fact he was not the predator at all in the situation, but atlas she remained observant but didn't go after him or try to stop his approach of Aelya. She closed her eyes a moment and pressed her back against the trunk of the tree and took a deep breath of the blossom and BBQ-scented air.

//"Sirrw, I srouk si iccephw hom les hu auphphuaurs si uoshur lu hojhlw ilsurzauns ir krozun. I hauzu si hilk mw sinjeu fir Aorwon's sauru, fir Tsunlaun's sauru. I'll tess ruuph mw jrouf fir shu nin-aulimonausoin soku if wier liss si mwsulf.Elhaumoih's phwrus ssaurzu on shos phaussozu crauwl." ("Sorry, I tried to occupy him but he appears to either be highly observant or driven. I have to hold my tongue for Airwin's sake, for Tsenlan's sake. I'll just keep my grief for the non-abomination side of your loss to myself. Elhamioh's pyres starve in this passive crawl.")// she whispered with bitter imagery to her sister through their vesper. The pyre was the least of which things starved. She used her fingers to rake through her own hair to fix it as she pushed off from the tree and just began to slowly wander toward the two but still kept her distance. She thought to herself, 'Airwin, it is good I love you.' She suffered from much less moderation than her twin. It was one of the reasons why she had previously refrained from the limelight.

She smiled pleasantly a sunny facade which kept the inner desires at bay.

Majnun offered him a smile, "You lead the way then, I do not know what I am getting myself into here." she said remaining in front of him. Her smile only widened as she saw him looking over the kimono, it seemed as if he might take her up on that statement of turnabout being fair play. "There is a stunning lack of pockets given the lack of underclothes that would function as such." Supremely unfazed by the shining display he put she could not help but to chuckle a bit as he slipped into her kimono. Honestly she had not expected him to do so without the aforementioned drinks he had required in trade. "Well I must say, it looks better on you than it did me!" she said doing a little hop and clap wiggle number. Stepping towards him she got within arms reach guiding his hands to either side of the ties to hold the sash out wide behind him. "There, hold them like this and I will secure it for you. I apologize if I get to close" she said simultaneously releasing the guiding hold on Miko's hands to grasp both ends. With the softest touch she pulled the obi firm against his back and stepped in close to wrap the remaining sash around his waist securing it tightly. "There, that should do the trick. Did not tie it to tight did I?" she said stepping back to look over the quality job she performed. "Now about those drinks, shall we?" she said walking past him in the direction he had gestured earlier.


Lost in a relaxed daze under the shade Aelya almost did not hear what was spoken. Jolted from her peace she shook her head as emotion filled thoughts flooded through her mind. Surely it was someone else talking to one of the other Norians next to her. That is until her eyes drifted to the side in the most daring display of cold hearted side-eye. Her gaze fell forward with a sigh as her eyes closed.
"You are not here, this is not happening." she whispered leaning her head back against the tree. "This is what I get for leaving the house." she thought to herself right as Rin nudged her vesper connection.

The twitch in her ears this time was one of anger, not that Alastair would have seen this one before. What her sister had said only confirmed the dreaded truth. That it was in fact her ex, if you could even call him that since nothing ever was titled between them. //
"Ni nuuk si lu sirrw kuaur sossur, os os aus of hu cauejhs mw scuns aunk ninu ishur wielk kossraucs hom. Unfirsenausulw I waus lufs ensephurzosuk fir au siech sii linj aujauon. Thu shonjs wu ki fir Aorwon aunk Tsunlaun." (No need to be sorry dear sister, it is as if he caught my scent and none other would distract him. Unfortunately I was left unsupervised for a touch too long again. The things we do for Airwin and Tsenlan.)// she paused in vesper with her sister, rolling her eyes, at Alastair or both no one would know. There was no measure of comfort for her to find anywhere it seemed. She used to be so open to new cultures and other ways of life, but after that horrendously scarring experience she began to see why her people had kept to themselves for so long. Shame no other Norian male was around to persuade into pretending she was claimed or at the very least she could pretend to fawn over for a moment of false comfort.

Not that she would genuinely be interested in anyone again after what had happened. It would take a miracle of the utmost patient proportions for anyone to get past those walls again. // "Lus es nis phrusunk uzurwinu lusokus mu os kionj aunwshonj les cululrausonj shu somulw liss if shu inlw cruauseru shaus woll uzur iccephw mw wiml. Yus, sech au liss kuaur sollonj." (Let us not pretend everyone besides me is doing anything but celebrating the timely loss of the only creature that will ever occupy my womb. Yes, such a loss dear sibling.)// Aelya finished the vesper communication some what harshly doubting anyone gave a damn about her loss. Releasing a heavy sigh she turned to face Alastair, "What is it you want from me, hmm? Did some part of forget I existed or the fact that you do not seem to care about our loss sing to you that I was still interested? There is nothing beautiful about this pathetic existence any longer. Find someone else to pass your time." she said pushing herself to walk away from him. It seemed like there was no reason for her to leave the house or have any hope of joy while they remained in Yamatai. All she wanted now was the sweet release from this pained existence.
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Luna and Yuri​

Luna and Yuri were left alone as the two were so quiet, which was fine with them, as new concerns, started entering their minds. That of food, the Hanami festival also had a BBQ session included so the two Nekos decided to go eat. Arm in arm the two skipped over to where the food was located, and as they did, in one fluid action, they also grabbed towels that were being handed out to the clothing-free participants.

The two grabbed plates of deliciousness and glanced around to see where they should sit. “Oh look, that naked Norian is there, shall we go to meet and make her a friend?” Yuri asked her older cousin. “Yes, we simply must make new friends,” Luna said in reply, but the two used their Neko ears to hear the conversation between Alastair and Aelya. “Did Mister Alastair do something bad?” Yuri asked, and Luna shrugged. They didn’t know the circumstances, but still hoping to make friends the two decided to leave the two alone, as they glanced around for new targetsFriends to make.

The two approached the Norian and Alastair group, rather than being rude, they waited for permission to speak to them.

Kiyo and Yayoi​

Fabrication center
“You done yet?” Yayoi asked, her blue-skinned sister as she watched her work the machine in front of them. “Patience sister, there's still time, time enough for this to work and time enough for us to reunite with our daughters,” Kiyo said as she pressed buttons and turned knobs. “Our naked daughters… I know it's legal in Yamatai but come on! I thought I raised Yuri with a bit more modesty than that” Kiyo just giggled. “Like mother like daughter,” Kiyo replied as she pressed a button. “What?!” Yayoi asked in surprise. “What, you thought I hadn’t seen you spend time naked? In the woods near our training grounds?” Yayoi blushed and turned away. “My clothes got wet! I had to dry them off while not wearing them.” Kiyo just smiled as she worked then stepped away from the console. “So you didn’t get naked? like during an activity on the Resurgence?” Kiyo asked

Yayoi remembered the truth or dare session, but she couldn’t quite remember much of the event. ‘Nope, I mean there was a truth or dare game I joined to watch and make sure the crew didn’t do anything dangerous or stupid” Yayoi said before Kiyo gasped “You?! Truth or dare, you joined?!” Yayoi raised an eyebrow “Yes” she admitted. “Those… mean.. jerks! They didn’t tell me about that! then again... I didn’t ask.. “ Kiyo said before she thought. note to self ask certain crewmates about the truth or dare game

The machine dinged and presented them with a necklace that looked like it was made out of cherry blossoms, but as they touched they could feel the solid transparent Durandium. “Looks like it's done, and it appears it will fit around Yuri’s neck.” Kiyo said and Yayoi nods before taking the necklace. “come on, let's return to our girls.” Yayoi said and the two left.
"Ah, perfect, it looks like we waited just long enough," Aerin commented as the crowd around the Premier began to disperse, with only a few stragglers and a solitary newcomer occupying Hanako's time. "Are you ready to cavort with someone who's arguably more important than seven of us combined, at least in this nation, anyway," the raven-haired CEO joked, trying to lighten the mood while also reminding the younger business heir just how important their current target was.

Zus, upon hearing what Aerin had said, seemed to become even more pale in complexion than she already was, but she held her head high, despite the realization that they were, in fact, approaching someone who's importance and influence was much greater than anyone she'd met before. Nominally, they both held the same positions as war heroes and starship captains, but it was no stretch to say that Hanako's resume made Zus' look like some notes scribbled on a scrap paper. Whether Aerin's words had helped Andar or not, they seemed to have served to only make her current Protégé even more nervous, which was odd considering how cool headed the Eyr Ranr was in battle. This was, indeed, a type of battlefield, one which the blonde had no experience in nor preparation for.

Aerin, on the other hand, was an old pro. the small woman exuded a confidence much larger than herself, yet at the same time seemed to stray from being outright cocky. She knew she was important, and had connections, but she knew there were plenty out there who were clearly above her own station. And yet, that didn't stop the CEO of Origin Fleet Yards, former CEO of Origin Industries itself, from trying to expand those connections. Sure, she knew plenty of people in the Star Army, and sure, she worked with KFY directly on occasion, But the Imperial premier was definitely someone you'd want as a friend, especially when that Premier was The Ketsurui Hanako.

Upon arriving at the booth, Aerin waited for Hanako to finish greeting the floating Nekovalkyrja, before giving the Premier a Bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you at this beautiful festival, Premier Hanako," She greeted as she righted herself. " I am Aerin Tatst of Origin Industries, and accompanying me is one of my Captains, Zus Storhan, as well as the Heir to Noval Heavy Industry, Andar Noval, and his assistants, Kirameku Enki, Mei Ling, and Mei Xiang" As if immediately switching gears from the rather formal introduction, Aerin motioned with the last of the skewers she had acquired, continuing "It's a shame to be stuck at a booth with all the festivities, could we tempt you to accompany us to try out some more of the vendors here? And anybody else who wants to, it's always great to see everyone enjoying themselves."

He waited his time before he spoke more than he already had. He had little doubt this would be painful for her to see him once more. Though the silent suffering she no doubt was dealing with was far more concerning. He knew if someone was allowed to look into the abyss of despair for long enough the urge to jump would seem all but certain. Her own words was more than proof of this.

"If I forgot you existed would it get you to smile?" He asked letting the question hang for a moment. "We all have our ways to deal with a loss, I am no more immune to this than anyone else." He waited a moment more as she went to walk away from him. Which he once more paused but only for a moment. He had tried letting her go but doubted any good was going to come of that. He pushed away from the tree and walked slowly behind her. "I will not fight you over that one, though I do agree about having others to pass the time with." He then reached his hand in the air so that Luna and Yuri would notice him. He motioned for them to come over. "Hey, you seem curious, care to join us?" He called out towards Luna and Yuri who were not far off in the distance.


Once everything was secured in place, Miko did a quick spin in it. "Ahh, this is just like old times with my sister. We use to play silly dress up games all the time. Job well done on the ties. It fits perfect" He said with a smile. He walked behind her and caught up. He reached out and gave her a quick pat on the head. "So looking for a fancy drink or something with a little more kick. I have heard of adding hot sauce to certain drinks if that would be of interest." He comment as he walked ahead of her. He did a quick turn so he was walking backwards and looking at her. He smile filled his face and was little doubt he was enjoying himself with her.
Rin didn't reply to Aelya's response. Visibly they were of equal rank even though Aelya likely knew that it was a hoax in terms of her. There was no room for a War Aester in this new frontier, a place where unless they joined the Star Army they had been pacified under Airwin's rule, under the Empire's rule. A situation was developing where her and Airwin's opinions were growing apart for the first time in their lives. Aelya's sharp, well-worded response merely cut another invisible line in that. Rin held a stoic look on her face despite the conflict within herself, she tamed the urge to respond, but she neither could show her true emotions nor reveal what had been discussed in private. Maybe she needed to derail the whole process, it certainly was a consideration. Rin turned and retreated back towards her chair under the tents that had been raised for the other Norians. She looked back only briefly before she sat back down and motioned for one of the girls to bring her some chacelle.

A few moments later, the sealed niranium cask in her hand she twisted the top off then broke the seal and poured the frothy red liquid into a glass. Her attendance at this particular event had not gone the way she had hoped.
Kaiko Park

Having had absconded from the crowding throngs around the Eucharis and Hanako, Hoshi looked around, taking in the park as she walked from the main thoroughfare. There had been so much struggle to get to this point, the park was testament to the grind of war. It was obviously a day of joy and love, but her head was swimming. Her dark blue eyes met those of an olive-haired woman and she nodded dutifully to the guard before she tucked into the less filled woody pathway.

The verdant light passing through the non-sakura trees was renewing in a way only spring leaves could be. Now detached from the masses, Hoshi allowed herself to fill her chest and breathe. Her pink fingers ran through her hair and she pulled out any reeds, which were now dry like her hair. Her bangs splayed to the side of her eyes, having grown out a bit in the past few months in core Yamatai and her blue to white hair retained a slight wave to it.

The shibui-clad captain couldn't help but wonder if this was a tranquil period to be valued before the inevitable next conflict. Thinking such things made it impossible to appreciate the calm before the storm. Her expectations were clouding her experience. Try as she might, she couldn't part the clouds of her mind to allow for an unbridled enjoyment of the day. Perhaps it was Hanako's warning that had imbued the sense of dread in the small captain. Hoshi tried to shake the idea, which was as fruitful as she found shaking the mood altogether.

Aelya stopped dead in her tracks , balling up her fists to keep the quarrelling feelings at bay. With a sigh she turned to face Alastair stepping to within an inch of him as ruby eyes filled with tears. Her gaze searched his as she looked up at the face of the man she once loved. The grip of her fingers relaxed one hand reaching up as if to caress his cheek, "Is that what you think I want? What I wa.." she stopped short of touching his cheek pulling her hand back sharply as he waved the others over. A sorrow filled sigh slipped past her lips as her head dipped, a hand reaching to wipe the tear that fled down her cheek.

On top of everything that was going on in her life this confusion was the last thing she needed. Perhaps she was not ever meant to live a more peaceful life, only destined to forever be at conflict and alone. So much left unspoken between them only seemed to drive whatever might have been repaired further apart. Red locks jostled as she shook her head a bit to clear her mind before turning to face Luna and Yuri offering them a small smile. Then she began to head for the gates of the entrance to Kaiko Park aimed at heading home to Saleloria. It had been a mistake to think such an event would be beneficial for her to attend. Another notch in the belt of failed attempts to integrate into Yamataian culture. Perhaps it would be best if she simply stopped trying.


Majnun let out a hearty chuckle as Mikodimus spinned. "Well thank you. Although I must ask about this sister! What is she like?" she asked tilting her head to the side as she felt the pat. She turned to face him with a raised eyebrow accompanied by a small smirk returning the headpat with one of her own upon his head. Before crossing her arms in contemplation tapping her right cheek with a finger in thought. "Something with a little more kick!" she said her arms unfolding to press her palms together rhythmically tapping her fingers in anticipation. "What do you recommend to start?"
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Yoshiro had eaten a bit much and decided to walk away the fullness. He was walking past the entrance when he saw a lady about to walk out. The way she carried herself, it looked like she was upset about something and he wasn't about to leave someone who was upset alone. "Excuse me, miss are you alright?" He asked as he slowly walked up to her, so as not to scare her.
Luna and Yuri
The two were pleased to be invited to join though they were feeling hesitant. Aelya seemed to be walking away, and the two decided to leave her be. There was later or even the next time for three to meet each other. “ Hello again mister Alastair, though we’d like to ask if you were being naughty or something?” Yuri asked him before Luna turned to Rin who she spotted was leaving. Judging, however mistaken, she might have been that Yuri was ok to be around Alastair, she moved to follow Rin. She could see she was unhappy, but maybe a friendship or thoughts of it might be better? She didn’t know.

She took the chacelle that Rin desired and handed it over to her. “here you go, ” she said to her, “I don’t know what happened, and not sure if it's my business.. But Yuri, the other Neko and I wanted to meet you, and the beautiful naked Norian and be friends. I understand if now isn’t a good time, but when you feel ready, we’d be happy to talk.” Luna said and began moving away unless stopped.
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