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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 42)

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Mikael slowly moves his head over as he listened towards Melanie as he listened to her. He can't be silent on this one if he wants her to survive.

"If you are intent on going infantry, there is a chance you will go to the ground forces. I'll give you a piece of advice, befriend three types of occupations: medics, logistics, and cooks. Medics will save your ass. A pissed off Supply Clerk will not hook you up with the best gear. An angry cook will make sure you don't get an extra helping of food when you come in starving. Especially if you get assigned to a legion." Mikael says, adding to the conversation.
As Melanie ranted on and on over how she was basically excited to kill others, Venetian's eyes slowly grew wider and wider throughout the course of the discourse. And when the passer-by stepped in and offered his input, Venetian could only barely tilt his head in acknowledgement. When the Custodian had to leave, he simply raised a hand in goodbye. And when it was obvious he had to speak, all he could manage to whisper out was, "How can you be so... excited.. to kill a sentient being?"

Venetian couldn't fathom that. Yet, why was he joining the Star Army? Well, required tenure aside, he did want to help protect Yamatai; he just didn't think he could face someone in battle and knowingly kill them. In self defense, sure. And that was what Yamatai was doing in the long run. But he couldn't be the aggressor. No. That's why he wanted to be a navigator. He still wanted to explore the universe and help his country, but Venetian drew the line personally at planned killing. It wasn't murder- he respected soldiers who fought the enemy as necessary.

But this.. this was not mere acceptance to kill someone. This was excitement, bloodlust. Something that Venetian could not fathom, could not condone. If he fought the enemy, it would be because he accepted the inevitable, that he had to do so for life, for Empress and country.

He managed to recover some of his composure, but he was still shaken. "A-ah really dinnae share your enthusiasm, but if that's w-what you want to do.... but the man here is right. Soldiers rely on infrastructure. Medics, Supply Clerks, cooks...navigators." At that, he pointed to himself. "An army isn't just all about fighters, ken? Who'll feed them fighters? Make sure they got the right weapons? Patch them up? Take them to places they need to go?"

...Venetian was getting slightly agitated at this point. Calm down. Her response really rattled him. He should have expected this level of eagerness. Best not let it show too much. Venetian covered up any agitation he had behind a mask of deadpan disinterest. He remembered his manners as well. He tilted his head more pronounced than before to express his thanks, before turning to Melanie, and simply saying, "Well, ah wish you luck."
"If they don't want to die they need to stop messin' with Yamatai. This is an Empire and we take care of our own real nice, but we crush whoever is in the way. That's why Yamatai stays successful," Melanie explained. "An ancient warrior, Julius Ceasar, once said: Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. Taisho Kessaku Irim told me that. Trust and believe I'm gonna be the wolf instead of sitting in my apartment being a sheep for Kuvexians. Let them come and I will shoot them all day by the hundreds. Maybe they are people but not MY people," Melanie explained. "Also I'm not a dumbass, I know those jobs are important too but that shit ain't what I'm here for."

"Now serving B-507," the intercom said.
"Very good Kleos," Brynhildr observed. She had been peering at her ticket the entire time, and hadn't seemed to have been paying attention to the exchange between Venetian and Melanie, but apparently she had. The great war robot's head rises from her intense focus on the comically-undersized ticket for a moment, but shortly thereafter she returns to her pensive ticket examination.
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After a few minutes, the intercom called for B-508 (Brynhildr's ticket number) and B-509 (Venetian's Number). They led back into and interview room where each of them had a recruiter on each side of the room. Brynhildr got a blonde female clerk and Venetian got an older Yamataian Itto Heisho (Chief Petty Officer).

"Welcome. I'm Guerrero-Ittô-heisho and this is Jôtô Hei Stella Glass. We'll be conducting your intake interviews today," Guerrero told them. "In this process we are going to ask you a series of questions to determine your eligibility to serve in the Star Army of Yamatai. This interview is recorded and your answers will be independently verified. You are required to answer all questions truthfully and deliberately lying or withholding information is a violation of Imperial Law. Do you understand and agree to answer all questions honestly?"
"I do!" Brynhildr assented with enthusiasm after ducking and angling her body to fit through the doorway; she stood head and shoulders taller than a Daisy, after all, and was nearly half again as wide. The ponderous gynoid thought for a moment, then added, "I'm not entirely sure if I am capable of lying. I wasn't before I gained sentience, and I have never had the opportunity or motivation to engage in deception since."
Venetian looked at the colossal synthetic as she struggled to get through the doorway, and smiled slightly. "Ach, seems like they should'a made the doors a wee bit bigger. Ah wonder why they didnae do that, considering they get all types of people here." When Brynhildr managed to make it through the doorway, Venetian made his way in, making sure his wings were folded in enough to not bang against the door.

At Heisho's question, Venetian quietly responded, "Aye, Ah do, and Ah will." It was pointless to lie, anyways. What gain would Venetian get from it? ...Though, he was starting to get the feeling that this wasn't the usual way that a Riezon got assigned to a ship.... Curse Joseph, and his pranks. Venetian could just bet that Joseph was laughing away in his apartment. Ah, well. Best get through this, and then he could go on to pummel Joseph.

Despite being across the room, Venetian could quite clearly hear Brynhildr's deep rumbling voice. The Caelisolan couldn't help but smile wider at her comment, and he managed a slight eye roll.
Guerrero's expression was incredulous. The door wasn't that small. "Right..." he said. "State your full name, aliases, species, date of birth, and place of residence. Are you a citizen of Yamatai? What languages do you speak?" he asked Venetian.

Meanwhile, Stella asked Brynhildr similar questions: "Please give me your full name, alias, nomenclature, creation date, and place of residence. Do you have citizenship in the Yamatai Star Empire? How many languages can you speak and which? Are you a fully self-aware and sapient android with complete free will?"
"Akuro Brynhildr, No-J2-1a Custodian War Android, no other designations. Created YE30, 03-03. Last place of residence was Warehouse 39A, Jiyuu Fleet Depot." Brynhildr calmly recited the information as asked, according to her programmed protocols despite her current state of sapience. It was just easier that way. "I do not have citizenship, as I was still subsentient when given to the United Outer Colonies, and did not gain sentience until after the collapse. So yes, I do have sapience, self-awareness, and complete free will- I exceeded the Merkur Threshold on YE33, 05-25, while in storage." The Custodian pauses, then answers the final unanswered question: "I am fluent in Yamataigo, Trade, Seraphim, and Lor, with plenty of room for new language packs."
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"After this interview, before you head to Star Army Medical or the technology equivalent thereof, you will be provided a free citizenship exam, which I'm sure you'll pass," Stella informed Brynhildr. "Are you currently employed by any foreign government or military? Have you been employed by one in the past? Also do you have a criminal record in any nation or are under investigation or accusation of any crimes? Have you been a member of any religious or political group or any gang in the last ten years? Have you ever spoken to a Mishhuvurthyar, Kuvexian, or their known allies? Have you ever been diagnosed with or had reason to believe you had a physical, mental, or other disability mental illness, behavioral issue, or substance addiction?"
Brynhildr was pensive a moment, thinking, then offered, "I was property of the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces from YE 30 to YE33, but I was not sentient during that time, so I do not know if that counts as employment? I have not been employed at all since attaining sapience." She inclined her head, asking for validation, before continuing, And no, and no," she answered the questions about criminal records and group memberships, adding, "the last ten years is a greater span of time than my existence as a sentient being!"

She thought again, considering something else, then asks, "I was property of the Star Army of Yamatai during the First Mishhuvurthar War, and served aboard the YSS Akuro and YSS Akuro II, and then belonged to the UOCPF during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. Do battlecries yelled at SMX and NMX forces count as speaking to them? I was acting under programming and presapient at the time, of course." Brynhildr paused again, "And I am not sure if those other things are even possible for me, so I will say no." A satisfied nod sent her golden locks bouncing as she finished answering everything.
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As the Joto-Heisho began asking him questions, Venetian straightened slightly. "Mah name is Venetian Anton Gray, born in YE 20, 6-15. Ah dinnae go by any other name, really. Ah'm a Caelisolan, and Mah homeworld is Anisa, though Ah've studied-and lived- at the SSS for the past four years. As such, Ah am a citizen of Yamatai. Ah know Yamataian, Nepleslian, and some Seraphim."

After he finished speaking, he darted his eyes around the room. He idly wondered where the recording device was, before dismissing it and returning his attention back to Guerrero. "It's not so simple as that, ken?" Venetian said a bit ruefully.
Get a load of this guy, Guerrero thought to himself. An Elysian with a weird Scottish accent. We got a lot of weirdos coming in lately, he thought. "Great. So were you were born as a Plebeian? When did you switch bodies and why? Have you been employed by a foreign government or military? Do you have a criminal record in Yamatai or any other nation or are under investigation or accusation of any crimes? Have you been a member of any religious or political group or any gang in the last ten years?"

Meanwhile Stella continued nearby with Brynhildr. "Do you have over 1,000,000 KS in net worth including real estate and stocks? Do you have any outstanding debts over 10,000 KS? How loyal do you consider yourself towards Yamatai, and what drives and earns your loyalty? How long do you plan to stay in the Star Army and what do you plan to do afterwards?"
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At the barrage of yet even more questions, Venetian's lip twisted into a slight grimace. More questions. He knew it wasn't going to be that simple.

Still, at the first question, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow slightly. What else could he have been originally? "Aye, I was born a Plebeian. Ah switched when ah was around ten, because it was offered to mah family. Ah suppose they needed more souls for the defense of Elysia Novus, and adding me to it only sweetened the deal. But, Ah dinnae ken for certain." Venetian rubbed his thumb on his jawline at that thought. He never really considered why he was given a Caelisolan body. Maybe that was why, maybe not. Venetian wasn't going to place certainty on something he really had no evidence to back up with.

For the rest of Guerrero's questions, Venetian simply answered, "For the rest of your questions, no to all."
Guerrero nodded and continued. "Have you ever spoken to a Mishhuvurthyar, Kuvexian, or their known allies? Have you ever been diagnosed with or had reason to believe you had a physical, mental, or other disability mental illness, behavioral issue, or substance addiction? How long do you plan to stay in the Star Army and what do you plan to do afterwards? Would you have any issues putting down an Elysian rebellion if the Elysians tried to break away from Yamatai? Describe your loyalty to Yamatai and why you are loyal to Yamatai."
Brynhildr shook her head. "I have nothing to my name but the clothing on my back, nor need of it, really. And, I suppose I was literally created to serve Yamatai." She leaned back and rubbed the cropped blonde hair at the back of her head with a ponderous hand. "Nobody asked me and my squad if we wanted to be given to the United Outer Colonies, but then again we were just objects. Back then, I wasn't sentient yet to want to or not, but if I had been and anyone had asked, then I would have said no. I guess I just want to come home again."
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Another set of questions. Well, this couldn't go on much longer, based on the fast paced questions that Guerrero was spitfiring out...right? As it was, Venetian could answer this set of questions. "No. Ah have never spoken tae any of that lot. And no, Ah don't have any issues with me, mentally, physically, or psychologically."

At the question of future plans, Venetian chewed the inside of his cheeks. "Ah..dinnae ken, if ah were being honest. Ah have tae serve at least three years, to compensate for mah time at the SSS, but aside from that, Ah have no idea how long ah'm staying after that, or what ah'll do afterwards. Ah suppose if ah did leave after three years, Ah'd try tae join an exploration vessel, put mah education to good use."

And at the question of Elysia, blinked. That was not a question he was expecting. He stopped chewing the inside of his cheeks at that, and closed his eyes for a moment. He then opened them again, and delivered his answer. "It won't sit well with me entirely, at least conscious-wise, but Ah would understand it, and support it. Elysians can be damn fools at time, strutting about their honor, believing themselves superior to other races. Ah suppose they tend to ignore history's lessons..." At that, Venetian trailed off significantly, a small scowl on his face. "But to put it in a nutshell, yes, ah wouldnae have any problems putting down a rebellion. It's not like Elysia wouldnae deserve it if they tried it."

Finally, the question about loyalty. Honestly, Venetian couldn't see the point of this question. If he wanted to join the army at any cost, wouldn't he lie? Then again, he wasn't hellbent on joining the army to kill people. So, why did he want to join, specifically? Sure, serving his necessary time is a good excuse and all, and stopping the Kuvexians was all good and well, but Venetian could serve Yamatai in other ways. So, why did he really want to go into a profession that at the very least put him close to the thing he feared- killing other people?

"...A-ah suppose Ah'm loyal enough. Not fanatically stupidly loyal, mind you, but loyal enough tae seek out joining the army. ...And Ah suppose Ah'm loyal to Yamatai because..." Venetian faltered for a moment, thinking, before continuing, "It's really the only home that's appealed to me. Sure, Ah've visited Neplesia from time to time; but Yamatai has a sense of...hope, if you could put it that way. And it'd be a right tragedy if something were to destroy that, Kuvexians, or any other sort of enemy. A-ah really dinnae what else I can say."
"We ask some of these these because, among other reasons, the Star Army is trying to weed out chumps who join the Star Army for training and then go off to the NDC or some other back country place to become soldiers of fortune, pirates, or terrorists," Guerrero explained to Venetian. "We don't want to hire or train those types. Anyway, that's about it for qualifying or disqualifying factors. What trade skills do you have from your previous jobs? Any occupational preference we should consider?"

Stella asked Brynhildr about her occupational preference as well.
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Brynhildr replies, again on automatic, from the programming she can still access despite her sentience, "Well, my squad were shipboard security, but we were programmed for general ship operations in case the need arose. Like all Custodians. Of course, my Star Army programming is out of date as of YE 30, and the UOCPF programming is, of course, obsolete. I suppose I could do anything once those protocols and skill subsystems are updated." She shrugged her Herculeanly broad shoulders. "Obviously I don't fit in any power armor."
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Venetian rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, ah was told to come here to get my assignment. Ah'm from the SSS, y'see... Ah'm a Riezon, ken? Venetian at this point was a bit visibly nervous. He rolled his shoulders a bit, before continuing, "Ah mainly focused on the astronomical parts of stuff- astrometry and astronomy, and a basic knowledge of what stars are made up of. Ah also have some basic knowledge in Computer Science, though probably only enough to maintenance a computer."

Venetian tapped his chin for a moment. "Oh, and Ah've already been through the training period. Just finished two days ago, in fact."
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