Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 43)

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"Query; But what if they want to get married? Query; But what if they want to make smaller versions of ourselves? Diagnostic suggests this unit is not compatible with that kind of physical and emotional output! Will they want to share a power source like robots do? Is this going to be on the test? Is the recruiter going to rate my attractiveness on a scale of one-to-ten? This-unit-didn't-even-consider-that-maybe-this-was-gonna-be-sohardandinvolvesomethingthatIwasn'tequippedforandIwasn'tgonnahaveacommandmachinetotellmenosothisunitcouldn'tjustblankthemandthisunitisn'treadyandIdon'tevenreallyknowifIlik-"

"哎呀,停停停停停!!" (Special Translation: Stop!!) Chuntao said, with her eyes closed and rubbing the side of her head. "You are making a lot of assumptions that don't need to be made at this time."

She then opened her eyes and looked right at Tempo. "A needs to happen before B, B before C. There are alternative ways to conceive in Nepleslia, people do it with their Savantech JANE's, so long as you are truly a cyborg. But that is D. I am not even sure we are at A, social maturity." Chuntao said sternly. She wasn't trying to be mean, but the endless thought experiments needed to end before Tempo hits an error.
Tempo kind of just froze on the spot, still vibrating but maybe a bit less violently. The inventors of cyborg enhancement technology probably couldn't have conceived just how annoying somebody could be when they never ran out of breath...

"Request; Please document functions B and C, Miss Qin Chuntao!" The cyan metal thing requested, sounding respectful, if a little urgent still. "Clarification; There is very little accurate data on romantic relationships that does not imply a fictional element! Additionally, data on specifically avoiding such relationships is practically non-existent!... Is this a type of social interaction you have detailed knowledge of? May I at least request what kind of priority rating it has compared to standard work routines?"
Chuntao just blinked for a moment when Tempo made her request.

"It's non-existent because we are social creatures. Geshrin, Elysian, Kodian, especially the C....Nekovalkyjra; they all require social interaction in order to thrive. Rules might different between cultures and species though." Chuntao said, not really expecting the conversation to continue. But as a responsible member of society, she was not going to leave Tempo hanging. She closed her eyes again and kept rubbing the side of her head as she thought of a clearer explanation.

"I do not speak of personal experience, but rather observations of my circle of social connections on Nepleslia. So do not take what I say as complete fact. Even I am prone to mistakes due to limited datapoints.

B is falling in love. One cannot fall in love if one cannot understand social cues or know that it is more than sticking something in certain body parts. There needs to be a high level of emotional maturity and selflessness to love.

C is getting married and you only should get there after strongly achieving B. Sure you could legally get married and even be successful not loving the other person. But such events are usually truly a contract of different nature such as politics. Unless you have aim for political or material power, don't randomly marry someone. You will regret it." she continued, saying more than she intended. But the words just flowed out of her like she was controlled by some higher being for a moment. She just couldn't help herself, Then she got the urge again.

"As for priorities... I... cannot think like that. But as an organic, I would suggest nothing thinking too much into it. WIll just get in the way of work."
Tempo waited patiently as Chuntao explained this, finally moving their arms from the 'vampire' pose and pairing them in front of her waist instead. The way they angled their head upwards seemed like they were trying to give the ex-Nepleslian woman the maximum level of attention they could... Though it was not beyond the realm of possibility that they were recording this somehow, and just wanted to get a good picture.

"... Function B is what this unit finds most problematic." They responded with a rather blank tone. "78.4% of the media I have observed detailing the subject matter exhibits similar aspects to a fictional setting... Clarification; The 'power of love' is intentionally synonymous with cult keyword 'magic'... In comparison to being 'in love with a space vessel', or 'having love' for a certain activity, a line is drawn under human interaction to separate it... Conclusion; If Yamatai hierarchy demands capacity for human love, does that not delete those entities that are not human in specification terms? Send."

The cyborg rotated away a bit, putting a hand to their chin. It was probably trying to express that it was pondering this further, but ended up so stilted that it was more like a posing catalog model.

"Metaphor and syntax analysis... Compatibility? Is that what is required? Maybe I do require additional equipment..." Snapping back ahead, they held a hand out to the more comely Lianjia, as if offering to shake it. "Personality mode; Agreeable. Thank you Qin Chuntao. Your patient recounting of this data will be added to my memory. Send."
"It is a popular fictional device. Wars have been supposedly started over that simple four-letter word. You would wisely dump it from your memory though, fiction and non-fiction rarely work well together beyond entertainment." Chuntao said, nodding her head. "But you are welcome. I hope you will find this interaction helps in the future if you were recording this."

She then muttered to herself, something about possibly regretting this. "You may contact me in the future if you wish to know something I may know or simple conversation."
"Now serving B-021," a female voice announced over the intercom. It was Chuntao's number, which meant it was her turn to get interviewed by a recruiter.

Once Chuntao arrived at receptionist, she would be met by a Nekovalkyrja military police officer on sentry duty who would show her to her interview room.
Chuntao waved to Tempo goodbye. She calmly, but quickly (range walk) out of that situation. She had done way more talking than she had expected. But at least not one person has poked at her for being Nepleslian yet. The day is looking positive.
Down a side hall Chuntao was brought to an interview room that was basically a small conference room with flags at one end. A serious-looking Yamataian man with graying black hair, green eyes, and a tanned, somewhat aged-looking face introduced himself as Itto Heisho James Guerrero.


"Welcome to the Uesureyan Fortress," Guerrero said. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions to determine your eligibility to serve in the Star Army of Yamatai. This interview is recorded and your answers will be independently verified. You are required to answer all questions truthfully and deliberately lying or withholding information is a violation of Imperial Law. Do you understand and agree to answer all questions honestly?"
Chuntao sat down and looked directly at the recruiter as he spoke. The man reminded her of her uncle Chunwei a lot, same serious eyes as he knew he had the power of life and death over his "subjects" when he was alive. She then nodded her head yes.

"Of course, only a fool would lie to your quantum computers." she responded back.
Waiting Room

Chuntao's account was tracked down and pinged through her communicator before she even left the room, of course.

Jetter went back to just facing the vending machines in the mean time. Oblivious to the world around them, but also trying to take in this huge, unknowable gestalt that was the collective human psyche.... They didn't see why they couldn't contact other people on masse, but they'd never been offered to do it before. Was that significant? Would they ever see the woman again in person, with the statistical improbability of being assigned together?

They hoped they would. Maybe Bralunto too. It was a weird feeling.
Interview Room

"What is your full name, birth date, birth place and are you a legal citizen of Yamatai?," Guerrero started. "Are you currently employed by any foreign government or military, or have you ever been employed by one in the past? Also, do you have a criminal record anywhere or are under investigation or accusation of any crimes? Have you been a member of any religious or political group or any gang in the last ten years?"
"Full name is Qin Chuntao. Born 1st day of your YE 11. I am not a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire, but migrated here under permanent resident sponsorship by the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan six months ago." Chuntao said before pausing to catch her breath for the next round of speaking.

"I am not and have never worked for the Nepleslian government or military. Never had a need to. I do not have a criminal record, though there are persistent rumors a number of my relatives were members of various now dead triads. So that may or may not pop up in the background checks that have already been done. None I have been a part of knowingly." Chuntao finished.

Chuntao was not so naive to not know she likely worked for a number of triads while at Roger Wilco. They were fairly intertwined with the Lianjia after all.
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"Sounds alright so far. You can apply for Yamataian citizenship here in the building, and your military service will ensure you'll be able to earn it," Guerreo explained. "Have you ever been diagnosed with or had reason to believe that you had a physical, mental, or other disability mental illness, behavioral issue, or substance addiction? Do you have over a million KS in net worth including real estate, non-liquid assets, and stocks? Do you have any outstanding debts totaling over ten thousand KS?
Chuntao just raises an eyebrow at the mention of substance addiction. She had forgotten for a moment how sterile Yamataian society was compared to home. "No, substance addiction is for those that lack the will and ability to take life by the groin. I personally do not have a net worth of over 1 million KS and I am always careful no one ensnares me with debt. As for the rest, my family has a history of being overambitious and fits of rage, but no doctor has ever declared either as being a disease of some sort. So no, Guerrero-heisho."
Guerrero nodded. "Have you ever spoken with a Mishhuvurthyar, Kuvexian, or their known allies?" he asked, followed by, "How loyal do you consider yourself towards Yamatai, and what drives and earns your loyalty to the Yamatai Star Empire? How long do you plan to stay in the Star Army and what do you plan to do afterwards?"
"I am not a patriot, but I do not hate the empire. You wouldn't let me remotely near Yamatai if I did. So on a scale of 1 to 10, 7. An employer is an employer and one must honor their contracts honorably so long as the other party holds up their end of the deal.

I plan on only remaining the first term. Maybe longer if the experience is amazing. I am looking for a means to employ my skills for the betterment of society." Chuntao says, sticking her thumb up at the end.

"As for consorting with your enemies. No, they are the enemies of Nepleslia as well. Plus Kuvexians are too fixed on income."
"Specifically I'm trying to weed out people who just come for the training and then leave and bring their training to some other nation, some shady mercenary group, or crime syndicate," Guerrero explained. "Once you have Yamataian citizenship you'll have access to free housing and basic income even if you choose not to work. With that in mind, do you plan to leave Yamatai after your term of service? The recruiter also asked, ""What is your employment history and what sort of skills and education do you have?"

Meanwhile, in the waiting area, Tempo's number finally got called.

OOC: @Primitive Polygon
Chuntao grinned a bit to the part about people just wanting the training and leaving. "That is quite annoying isn't it? You take them in, you house them, and give them job training to better your company and their lives. How do they repay your kindness? They backstab you and promote a shapeshifting horse that initiates a hostile takeover." Chuntao said, getting gradually angry as she speaks. She then sighs to regain her composure.

"I have no intention of joining such groups. I am a cybernetics specialist by trade with a specialty in biosynthetics and neuro implants. I was a vice president in my father's former biotech company, but I primarily functioned as a surgeon and scientist developing cybernetics. Undergraduate and graduate studies at Kennewes University, so naturally I have some experience with military lifestyle and archeology. Just never joined the military until now."
Waiting Room

Tempo Jetter snapped to attention immediately upon having their number called, marching right to the receptionist. They'd seen other people be guided away by the Nekovalkyrja guard before, and so ended up following them with maybe just a bit too much synchronicity.
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