Star Army

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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 44)

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RP Date
YE 44.1
RP Location
Uesureyan Fortress

In downtown Kyoto, there was an ancient, charred castle that stood out amongst its more modern neighbors. Built of car-sized blocks of stone, the hulking structure had weathered the destruction of the city and of Geshinopolis and the witness the birth of Kyoto. Covered in heavy guns and parapets, it was the city's old citadel, the Uesureyan Fortress.

Located at the intersection of the gray, utilitarian buildings and spires of West Kyoto's military district, the fancy white marble walls of Kyoto's government center, and the seemingly endless gleaming skyscrapers of civilian East Kyoto, its giant brass-covered doors still had "ARMY OF UESUREYA" engraved above them. A newer, larger sign out front read "STAR ARMY OF YAMATAI - RECRUITING DEPOT - MILITARY DISTRICT OF KYOTO." Outside the doors were several poster encouraging Yamataians to "ENLIST TODAY!"

Stepping from his friend's car Yujin waved to him, "I'll give you a call if I need to be picked up. but if I am accepted, see you on my next shore leave." he smiled some. Turning to face the building. " oh hey I know this place, its the old Uesureyan fortress! Glad to see some of the old city from my childhood." He would smile some and move to walk into the door.

Inside the great building there was a security checkpoint and a reception desk manned by an old Nepleslian with a cybernetic arm, where each recruit could get a their ticket number for an intake interview where, if all went well, they'd be offered an enlistment contract to serve in the Star Army for three or more years.

Stopping at the checkpoint he put his wallet and small items where they asked if needed and then stepped on through. Gathering up his items after he was cleared, he made his way over toward the reception desk.

The old veteran looked Yujin over. "Welcome," he said in a gravelly Nepleslian accent. "You looking to join the Star Army?" he asked Yujin.

"Yes, I am looking to join the Star Army"

"Here you go, then," the guy said, grabbing a paper ticket with his mechanical arm and offering it to Yujin. "Good luck," he added.

"Thank you." Yujin said as he moved to take the offered ticket and nodded some. Then moves away and headed over to find a place to sit down,

Yujin found himself in a large interior lobby that was filled with other people sitting in chars from old starships. Viewscreens on the walls played informational videos about the various available job occupations of the Star Army of Yamatai. A row of vending machines lined one of the walls ready to dispense snacks, soda, or hot drinks, but the coffee aroma from the vending machine only partially masked the room that smelled primarily like sweat and dusty carpet. A series of electronic signs gave directions to the applicants.

Yujin was wearing his shoulderblade-length hair up in a topknot letting the hair fall down to his collar now, He moved over gather a clipboard and looked it over front to back in length even before picking up the pen to start to fill it out.

Shortly after Yujin had made his enterance to the recruiting station, a tiny woman appeared in orange Lianjia inspired orange and black clothing. With asian features that would make most people think she is Lianjia, her dark orange eyes and silver hair would make them doubt themselves as to what she actually is. She made her way to the security checkpoint and then the old Nepleslian she had heard about. Around her neck was a necklace with the Tymian Star hanging for all to see. Chances are, she's a Red.

"Welcome! Are you a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire?" the old man at the desk asked the woman.

The woman presented her Yamataian ID to the old man, proving that she had Yamataian citizenship. Or maybe it was an elaborate forgery since she was technically an artifical Nepleslian, part of the first 100 successful subjects made by a joint project between Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing and Ryu Keiretsu. Since the RyuK cared about being legal, it is a very high chance it was indeed legit.

"Yes I am."

"Alright, head on in," the cybernetic veteran told her, waving her through to enter the lobby.

The woman looks over at the ticket machine for a moment. She opens her mouth as if to say something, but then closes it. Nodding her head with a smile, she makes her way into the lobby.

"Nice hairstyle," someone said to Yujin. There was an anthro bunny girl seated in one of the seats near him, sipping a hot coffee. She hat a top bun and a ponytail, but a vivid red color. She had long, droopy rabbit ears and short white fur covering her body, and she was wearing some sort of leather romper reminiscent of a motorcycle gang outfit.

Hearing someones comment on his hair he looked up and toward the voice, spotting the bunnygirl nearby he smiled. "Thanks, Signing up also I take it?" he would ask in his soft voice, taking in her outfit and then over to her coffee. Unsure of what else to say he moves back to filling out his paperwork till her response.

"Yep, people are always saying how the Star Army has good benefits and I don't really have much else going on right now. Oh, and hello! My name is Bronagh Bunny. What's yours?"

Yujin nodded some and then said, "Yes it is what I was being told also at my last job, and some were even saying that I was wasting my talent flying the large transports around. So up till maybe a week ago if you spoted one of them large transport craft zipping around it might have been me." hearing her name he smiles some " Ah nice to meet you Bronagh Bunny, I am Toyoda Yujin. A pleasure to meet you!"

The anthro shook his hand. "I honestly don't know what job I want," Bronagh told him. "I hope I don't mess up the interview."

Entering the lobby, the woman looked around to take in the moment. She was actually going to do it, enlist into the Star Army of Yamatai. She had always been interested in the organization since she was a wee Kikyo Scout on what she thought was Tatiana instead of the time compressed virtual reality representation it really was. She was aware of this, but she still preferred to think of it as the real world. As real as everyone laughing at her for the idea of joining the SAoY.

A smile on her face, she made her way over to the electronic applications and started to fill in the information.

Name: Radcliff Yingzi
Species: Nepleslian
Citizenship: Yamataian
Place of Birth:

She placed her finger on her chin before filling it in as Fujiko, Red Sands City

Yujin taken back by the hand shake, but accepted it and shook back firmly and nodded some. "Yes it is hard knowing what you want to do. I hope that with my training and my past history of flying that I'll be accepted into being a pilot of a fighter, or a bomber. Over that of a transport like my last job, I did love flying since I was a little kid, and even did a few weeks of shuttlecraft taxi driving till I quickly found out it was not for me. The people were rude, and complaned that I was too wreckless in my flying. " He srugs his shoulders filling out another section as he spoke.

Yingzi looked over towards Yujin, but doesn't say anything for the time being.

Just then Bronagh's number got called. "Looks like it's my time! You should be right behind me!" she encouraged Yujin. "See you around in the Star Army! Wish me luck!" she said, heading to one of the counters.

Nods with a smile and then as she leaves he'll say "Good luck, and sure thing I hope to see you again!" After a moment Yujin, looks down at his paperwork and sighs some glancing over toward the vending mechines and though he already ate he had the urge to go get something to drink or snack on.
Yujin sighs some as he stands up and makes his way over toward the vending machines and he gets a cup of coffee and a small bag of chips. Making his way back over to where he was seated a moment ago he sets the coffee down and opens the bag of chips and quickly finished the page that he was on and turns it before taking a few chips out and placing them into his mouth to break up as chew.
Entering the lobby, the woman looked around to take in the moment. She was actually going to do it, enlist into the Star Army of Yamatai. She had always been interested in the organization since she was a wee Kikyo Scout on what she thought was Tatiana instead of the time compressed virtual reality representation it really was. She was aware of this, but she still preferred to think of it as the real world. As real as everyone laughing at her for the idea of joining the SAoY.

A smile on her face, she made her way over to the electronic applications and started to fill in the information.

Name: Radcliff Yingzi
Species: Nepleslian
Citizenship: Yamataian
Place of Birth:

She placed her finger on her chin before filling it in as Fujiko, Red Sands City

Yujin taken back by the hand shake, but accepted it and shook back firmly and nodded some. "Yes it is hard knowing what you want to do. I hope that with my training and my past history of flying that I'll be accepted into being a pilot of a fighter, or a bomber. Over that of a transport like my last job, I did love flying since I was a little kid, and even did a few weeks of shuttlecraft taxi driving till I quickly found out it was not for me. The people were rude, and complaned that I was too wreckless in my flying. " He srugs his shoulders filling out another section as he spoke.

Yingzi looked over towards Yujin, but doesn't say anything for the time being.

Just then Bronagh's number got called. "Looks like it's my time! You should be right behind me!" she encouraged Yujin. "See you around in the Star Army! Wish me luck!" she said, heading to one of the counters.

Nods with a smile and then as she leaves he'll say "Good luck, and sure thing I hope to see you again!" After a moment Yujin, looks down at his paperwork and sighs some glancing over toward the vending machines and though he already ate he had the urge to go get something to drink or snack on.


Yingzi looked in the direction Yujin was looking at, having finished her application. "I was thinking of getting something, want something as well?" Yingzi asked Yujin.

Yujin blinks some as he hears another voice and then looks over " ER um hello, Then tilts his head some . " I'm thinking some coffee and maybe a bag of chips? You?" He turns from looking at the vending machines over toward Yingzi.

She nods her head and smiles before giving the universal OK hand sign. She walked over towards the vending machines and just stood there for a moment as she thinks about what kind of chips Yujin was interested in. She hadn't the slightest clue since she forgot to ask him. She sighs to herself over not being detailed enough in her questioning. She could already hear her medical professor screeching at her.

After a few more moments, she taps in the codes for the following:
- "Uncle Will's Famous Ice Coffee"
- "Zhang Mama" Lianjia Spicy Chips
- "United Kikyo Food Corporation Ukmirt Apple Sauce"

Once the machine released the items after paying, she made her way back to Yujin and handed over what he wanted with a smile.

Seeing that she had gave the Ok sign he moved to stand up, but hearing her moving she tilts his head some and then asks. " um what did you want..." seeing her head over to the vending machine. Wait he didn't mean for her to get her the items... Confused he sits back down and finishes up filling otu the form as she looked at the machines and then got the food items.

Sitting down the paperwork and clipboard he smiles some " You didn't have too but thanks um, I'm Yujin " He gently takes the offered items and then sips form the coffee " oh its iced i was not expecting this. " he smiles and opens the bag of chips and takes a few into his mouth and chews them. " oh spicy!"

"You are welcome, mother always said to be of service to others. More people had done that, the universe would be a better place." Yingzi said before taking a seat opposite of him. Though she could clearly see the look of disappointment on his face.

"I'm Radcliff Yingzi."

Yujin nods some and then says after taking another sip of Coffee, " that is nice and yes if more people would think of others more than themselves it would be much better i think." Hearing her full name he smiles some and then stands bowing slightly "Toyoda, Yujin at your service. .. Er or i would be if i was still at my old job! " Yujin would smile some and moves to sit back down some leaning back and looking over at the number sign.

"What was your old job?" Yingzi asked.

Well before the last one I was a taxicraft driver, I used to fly passengers all over Kyoto and sometimes the nearby area around it.. Too many people complained that I was reckless because I would fly more or less a direct path after getting clearance for the hop, instead of taking the assigned airways of the city. After that and my last job I was a transport pilot of some of the larger cargo craft in the megacity

Yingzi blinked when Yujin said reckless but the movement was approved. "Sounds like people that just want to complain to complain." she said after he finished. She then sighed, thinking about those kinds of people.

"I used to volunteer at a medical clinic on Fujiko. They were in need of trained personnel to deal with all the gunshot wounds civilians were getting from the cross fire. One side didn't want to lose their power and the other side got tired of trying to convince them with words."

Blinks as Yingzi started to talk about being a medic and the horrors of having to try to save people that were getting caught int he cross fire of what sounds like a turff war.

" Yikes that does not sound good at all, At lest you were there to help save the victums of the stray shots. "

"Thanks to Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing and Ryu Keiretsu for giving me the chance to be there." Yingzi said with what seemed to be her "trademarked" smile, it seemed both natural and something created from months of practice in the mirror at the same time.

"Helping all those people made think of how else I could help the universe as a whole. Hence why I am here despite all my friends being against the idea. "Why should a Red go yoke themselves to the Imperial Cats" they said. Delusional and stuck in the past I say." she continued, the last sentence seemed more directed to some ghost on the other side of the room than to Yujin as she looked sideways.

Yujin nods some not too sure what to say to it all, but blinks shaking himself back and then says " You i had a lot of my friends say that i should go be a pilot in the Star Army, that my talents are being wasted in the cargo business. They have seen the way i can make a craft fly and even do a few things that some would not think the craft i was in could do. " he smirks and then says " I once did a crazy flip combat move with a large cargo transport empty of choose."

"If you are capable of that, definitely wasted on being a logistics pilot. But someone needs to fly the transports to keep everything flowing in the economy. If you want everyone to be gainfully employed anyways." Yingzi said.

Nods with a slight laugh and then says " Yes you do need to keep the good moving around. there is too much that needs to be taken to the stores for people to buy, and many more items that need to be dropped off for hospitals, and other government places. "

{feel free to go on as long as you want}

"Now serving B-601," a female voice announced over the intercom. It was Yujin's number. That meant it was his turn to get interviewed by a recruiter.

Yingzi looked around hearing the number.

A military police Nekovalkyrja brought Yujin to an interview room down a side hall It was a small conference room with flags at one end. A serious-looking Yamataian man with graying black hair, green eyes, and a tanned, somewhat aged-looking face introduced himself. "Good morning. I'm Jôtô Heisho James Guerrero, lead recruiter for the Uesureyan Fortress recruiting center." He offered Yujin a firm handshake.

Blinks hearing the number and looking down to see it was his, he smiles some and then looks over to Yingzi and says. "That is my number thanks for the food and drink." standing up he quickly finishes off the chips and washes them down with the coffee, Placing the bag into the now empty coffee cup and making his way past a trashcan to throw it out. Meeting the Nekovalkyrja that was to take him back and follows them back to the office. with a bow he would say in a soft voice, "Good morning Sir, um I am Toyoda Yujin!" But seeing the hand out for a handshake he would step forward to grasp and return an equal firm handshake.

Guerrero continued. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions to determine your eligibility to serve in the Star Army of Yamatai. This interview is recorded and your answers will be independently verified. You are required to answer all questions truthfully and deliberately lying or withholding information is a violation of Imperial Law. Do you understand and agree to answer all questions honestly?"

"Yes, I do" Yujin would say.

"What is your full name, birth date, birth place and are you a legal citizen of Yamatai?," Guerrero started. "Are you currently employed by any foreign government or military, or have you ever been employed by one in the past? Also, do you have a criminal record anywhere or are under investigation or accusation of any crimes? Have you been a member of any religious or political group or any gang in the last ten years?"

Toyoda, Yujin, I was born 17.3.9 within Geshrinopolis, I am a citizen of Yamatai. No I am not under the employment of, nor have I been under the employment of a foreign government or military. I am not under investigation of a crime nor have i done a crime. I've not taken part in any religious or political group or any gang in the last ten years.

"Have you ever been diagnosed with or had reason to believe that you had a physical, mental, or other disability mental illness, behavioral issue, or substance addiction? Do you have over a million KS in net worth including real estate, non-liquid assets, and stocks? Do you have any outstanding debts totaling over ten thousand KS?

No I have not had a physical, mental, or other disability, illness, or behavioral issues, and no addictions to substances. I do have savings but no were near the amount of 1 million KS, and I have debts but they are below 5 thousand KS.

Guerrero nodded. "Have you ever spoken with a Mishhuvurthyar, Kuvexian, or their known allies?" he asked, followed by, "How loyal do you consider yourself towards Yamatai, and what drives and earns your loyalty to the Yamatai Star Empire? How long do you plan to stay in the Star Army and what do you plan to do afterwards?"

I have not, I consider myself very loyal to Yamatai, I enjoy the people and places of Yamatai and wish to share that with the others of Yamatai, I plan to stay in the Star Army um well I thought I knew but now I am not sure. I know I don't plan to get in and rush though anything and get back out. I see this as my new job one that I will do till I am fired, or I no longer breath I guess.

"What is your employment history and what sort of skills and education do you have?"

As for my education I have had I took four years of university to learn how to maintain, fix, and operation of powered armor, vehicles, and both atmosphere and space craft. For job history there was 6 months Taxi service driving, and 4 years of cargo operations as a driver.

"Do you have a pilot's license?" Guerrero asked Yujin, interested.

"Yes I do, and it even has Hazmatt endorsements " Takes out his license and placed it on the table for Guerrero to take a look at.

"That sounds great. We could use more qualified pilots. Are you more interested in shuttles or starfighters?" the recruiter asked.

I have more of a knack with the starfighters, I only took the cargo job as it was something a close friend of mine hooked me up with.

"Sounds great! That's give you a great edge in flight school. If you're ready and willing, go ahead and sign here and I can give you the oath of enlistment."

"Yes I am" Yujin would say a little more confident, moving to take back his license and place it back into his wallet and moves to sign where he was told.

Upon Yujin finishing signing the enlistment contract, Guerrero stood from his chair and went around the table in front of the set of large flags at the end of the room. One of them was the Yamatai Star Empire's flag, a regal blue flag with a white circle with a red outline and purple bellflower. The other was the Star Army's flag with the Star Army Hinomaru, the red disc outlined in white and black and emblazoned with a stylized Mindy suit of power armor.

"Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, (state your name), have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."

Stands up and raised his right hand and repeats, "I, Toyoda, Yujin, have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."

"Congratulations! Medical is down the hall, where you'll get inspected for vitality. After that, you're off to personnel to get your papers. Good luck, and welcome to the Star Army of Yamatai!"
Back in the Recruiting Center's lobby, Yingzi looked around as she waited. She pulled out the paperwork explaining her existence since she anticipated it was going to be a hurdle she was going to need to overcome. Especially since her citizenship registration states her date of birth was late last year.

Thankfully for her, the medical education she received in deep learning let's her actually explain most of it.
Yingzi's number finally came up and she was invited to one of the interview rooms where a blond clerk with big blue eyes was waiting for her. "Welcome to the Uesureyan Fortress! I hope you didn't have to wait too long. I'm Nitô Heisho Stella Glass, one of the recruiters for Star Army Personnel Command. I'm here to see if you're qualified to enlist in the Star Army."
A group of Oni had shown up each wore kimono and other types of robes and with skin tones of various colors. A Oni with red skin and black hair lead the group, his face covered in scars. The Oni group had a look bewilderment but the red skinned one led the group into the building. He had a katana at his hip and a gold necklace with gold bars and wore a white robe. The group stopped at the check point and watched the leader of the group remove his necklace and katana and offered them over for inspection.

The guard looked at the katana and then at the big Oni. "Im going to have to keep this here with me." He said and the others in the group started asking a bunch of questions in their native language to which the red skinned one held up his hand and calmly explained to his companions what was going on before addressing the guard, "Very well." He said and took a number and so did the others of his group before going to wait.
Yingzi smiled and made her way over towards Glass-heisho's room, escorted by another MP. Now it was go time, she was going to be officially known or she was going to have to return to the Reds with her imaginary tail between her legs. Something she was not particularly looking forward to.

When she entered the room, she promptly sat down and waited for the interview to start.
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A tall and slender Nepleslian woman with mocha skin, dark brown hair styled in a bob, and mismatched brown and hazel eyes strode confidently into the Uesureyan Fortress. The impractically high heels she wore clicked loudly on the floor as she crossed the distance to security, giving her a boost from merely being taller than the average Yamataian to being imposingly tall and suggesting some ID-SOL in her heritage. She was stopped briefly by security, but they needn't have bothered. For clothes, she wore some kind of semi-transparent blue liquid that rippled and flowed in a thin layer coating the surface of her skin from her neck to her knees and elbows, which made it exceedingly obvious that she had nothing at all to hide. Though the scans did detect she had cybernetic augmentations to her eye, ear, and a simple control interface in her jaw, nothing presented any kind of threat. As far as Nepleslians went, she was practically unaugmented.

Once inside, she followed the electronic signs to get a ticket before finding a comfortable place to lean against a vending machine and watch the soon-to-be new recruits sitting and waiting nervously to be called. Most looked like children to her, and she couldn't help but worry that they might not get the care they needed once they had enlisted. But Thia had learned at a very young age to hide her feelings, so her entire body language emanated the impression of calm confidence bordering on playful amusement.
Interview Room

"Good morning Yingzi! I'm Nito Heisho Stella Glass, one of the recruiters here. I'll ask you some questions about you that help me determine your eligibility to join the Star Army and what your occupation will be. The interview is recorded. Do you have any questions?"


The Lobby had suddenly become packed with people waiting, Thia could see. A large group of red-skinned horned demon-people had just joined her as well as an ever-increasing number of other Yamataian species. It was clear there was some sort of major recruiting driving happening. A screen on a wall offered some explanation: SANDRA news was running a story about the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet being reactivated after a 14 years of being disbanded. A new fleet would need a lot of troops to staff it.
Yingzi simply shook her head no. "Straightforward."
Interview Room

Stella grinned, "Okay, let's do this! What's your Yamataian calendar date of birth and where were you born? Are you legally a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire?" asked, followed by, "Are you or have you been employed by any foreign government or military, such as Nepleslia? Do you have a criminal record anywhere or are under investigation or accused of any crimes? Have you been a member of any religious or political group or any gang in the last ten years?"
Interview Room

"I was born YE 43, month 9, first day. So I have only been alive for the last 7 months." she says, presenting her birth records. Someone didn't seem to either understand what she was or there wasn't a classification for artificial humans/clones since under species there was a blank. "I am a Nepleslian Red, it is why I exist to serve. I just would like to serve and save lives beyond just the Reds. Something urges me to be helpful." Yingzi said before pausing.

She then pulled out a pamphlet on the Lily-type clones. A joint project between Advancer Enterprises (providing the medical equipment, implants, and deep learning technology) and the Reds (cloning expertise), the document states what they offered to employers/people who order them, what they were (artificial humans in the sense they are born from vats), and what they were not (slaves and will get violent if treated as such in the Red fashion: homemade firearms). She slide it over towards Stella in some attempt of an explanation for the awkward documentation.

"Have always lived on Fujiko, so never been part of a foreign military. And especially not the Greens. Have stayed away from illicit militias. They do more harm to the name than anything else."

Thia spotted one of the red-skinned horned demon-people who had just sat down in a seat recently vacated by someone whose name was called. She watched them nervously shifting in their seat for a full minute, according to the digital clock image superimposed over the vision from her cybernetic eye. When she finally moved again, the clicks of her high-heeled shoes pierced the murmur of a hundred voices as she crossed the distance between the vending machines and her prey.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked in a deep but feminine purring voice. But she did not wait for a reply before sitting in their lap. The thin layer of blue liquid that somehow clung to her body to preserve a semblance of modesty started crashing gently in waves against this person, though it surprisingly didn't feel wet or leave any trace of itself. "Call me Thia."

Thia wrapped her arm around the back of the person's neck and extended her hand up to begin caressing one of their horns. "Tell me about yourself."
Interview Room

Stella took a moment to read over the planet. "Are you considered a legal adult by the government of the Yamatai Star Empire who can consent to join the Star Army of Yamatai? Is your mind 21 Yamataian years old, similar to how Nekovalkyrja are given 21 years of simulated life in a computer before they get their body?" she asked. If Yingzi wasn't technically an adult, then the Star Army couldn't accept her. "Also, I need to ask: have you ever been diagnosed with or had reason to believe that you had a physical, mental, or other disability mental illness, behavioral issue, or substance addiction?"

OOC: Tag @ajax228 (respond to @hyralt ) and @demibear
Interview Room

Yingzi nodded her head affirmatively. "From what the technician told me after my graduation from university, the 21 years of life I experienced was something similar to Nekos. Only it is over a course of a month in real time. Imagine the shock we all had when told of the reality we were about to enter as adults."

"As for your other questions, no to all. At least I would certainly hope not. I was fine in the last health check I had."
"No its not." Akuma said and was surprised when the woman suddenly sat in his lap. The other Oni looked shocked and spoke to each other in the odd dialect that was very close to Yamatingo but also different enough to be its own language. Akuma raised a hand and spoke to them, he was having doubts his companions would be joining him in the Star Army. "You will have to be specific, what would you like to know?"
"I want to know everything interesting about you, my little cinnamon stick," Thia cooed as she drew the very tip of her finger up and down his horn, seemingly entranced by it. "I like to ask broad questions because it tells me what kinds of things you find important. For example, if I ask what do you do? You might answer about what you do for a living, what you do for volunteering, or what you do for fun. That tells me if you're more career, volunteer, or pleasure oriented."

Thia brought her other hand up to his chest and started idly drawing spirals. "But if you want more detailed instructions, I'm more than happy to oblige. First tell me your name, then tell me why you decided to enlist, and I'll let you know what to tell me next after that."
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Interview Room

Stella grinned. "I'm sure you're about to get a very thorough checkup from Star Army Medical shortly. Let's continue! Do you have over a million KS in net worth including real estate, non-liquid assets, and stocks? Do you have any outstanding debts totaling over ten thousand KS?" Stella asked Yingzi, followed by "Have you ever spoken to a Mishhuvurthyar, Kuvexian, or their known allies? How loyal do you consider yourself towards Yamatai, and what drives and earns your loyalty? How long do you plan to stay in the Star Army and what do you plan to do afterwards?"
"Izaizumi Akuma, as for what i do i am a warrior for my clan. Times are changing for us Oni so i decided to enlist with the surface world, go see new places and learn new things." Thia would feel his powerful build through his robes however he didn't seem to mind her touching his body. "It is nice to meet you Thia-san."
"Please," Thia said, tilting her head to one side and giving him a wry look as the finger was previously drawing spirals on his chest poked him "Call me Thia."

As if noticing them for the first time, Thia looked around at the other Oni and gave them all a warm smile. "I'm not sure if I've ever seen an Oni before today, and I get around," Thia explained before her eyes returned to Akuma. "What exactly is changing that's pushing y'all to enlist? I hope something good, but experience tells me to expect something bad."
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