I added this before Eden eats into the JP:
"For Meissa Nashira, Arbitrated Shan, Deio Asuka, Yoshida Kokoro, Reina Madoka, Leeta Aoi, Muyomi Peio...Promotion to Ittô Hei!" Eden said ecstatically, though a little less enthused as she had been when delivering her other announcements. "For Ito Arnbjorg, Matsuvo Shinomori, Anastasia Barlow, and Orion Jones, promotion to Nitô Hei! To Mitsuko Murakami, the combat lifesaver award and promotion to Santô Juni! To all of the above, the combat and service award!"
Please update your profiles. I will update the plot page in the next few hours.
I'll post the JP tonight at midnight PST.