Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

Hey everyone sorry for the long post and insane plan but when I thought of this free falling idea and got hooked. So I know it might not be approved but in my heart I know one day we will have Neko's falling from the sky like ancient Valkyries scaring the heck out of the enemy.

So looking forward to everyone's posts especially from our new crew, so on that note keep rocking everyone!
Only three players have posted since my last major GM post, so I am assuming everyone is cool with the plan and that over the weekend I can timeskip us to the next morning. Lemme know if this is not the case, but I will still be doing a weekend post mmk
Ah was waiting to confirm what team I'm on. I assume sneaky beaky team but never know. Any how I'm ok with time Skippy to operation.
I don't think we (even me) are going to know who Aiko is choosing until the timeskip.
I made a year end gift and event survey:

One thing I think I will do is make a quick side thread after the next mission where Hoshi gives everyone a brochure of the latest SAoY equipment that has come into production since the ship stopped using new equipment in early YE 41 and she'll ask the crew to let Boss know what they would like to have on the ship and by YE 42, we'll get the shiny new toys :D

But PLEASE respond to my survey linked above and to the GM post I made today :]
Oh don't give Mikael a brochure of the newest toys. You'll see even less of him. lol
We need player posts to have GM posts.

I'll be on a break from November 24-Dec 1 so I will need to post before or on the 24. That means a few more player posts would help.

Usually in situations like this people will literally teleport to the destination since they've been given it and the go ahead. It's been described well enough to go there in character without any of my GM NPCs having arrived, but you'll get more description when they arrive. Thing is, Eden needs to know others are going and confident before she peaces out. So, I need posts from you guys!

Edit: Wait I got confused how many days it has been sine my post since it's morning here but feels like night. Regardless, lol, posts are nice.
Wait for no one is my usual mantra. But one post from the player base in an entire week is disheartening and I did have some pretty dark thoughts plot-wise when I checked in and saw no posts. I planned on posting before I left and when I came back and I really don't know why I did come back at this point. I can't post in my favorite and only place to write... Which sucks.

I gave the assault team enemies and orders for combat and got near nothing. Please post, guys. I need you as players to do so.

This is @ assault team @demibear, not extraction team. But the first sentence of this post was partly directed at you. You can still get in the shuttle, aye?
He has been long trapped in the closet shuttle.
To rectify this, the assault team members would need to post, seeing as they're the distraction to the extraction team's entrance and the extraction team can begin leaving to extract when the assault team has begun to assault.
Kaiyō sword got art!


I am still thinking up ways that people other than those that were around for when these were made of the first Kaiyō can get ones that look like them. Standby for that.

I should be posting in the next few days, if not tomorrow. Thank you for all of your timely responses. A lot of you really rose to my call so thank you for that!!!
Excited to be a part of this plot with all of you. Thank you to everyone’s continued excitement for their character, effort put into their stories, and honestly? love for one another. I want to say thank you for every single one of you guys because you all bring so much joy to the stories and community here, so thank you so much.

I am waffling on committing to a year end thread because of the busy time of year this is. What if we started a side thread around the 24th and held it in the month of January? Any better ideas from one of you guys? I’ll also pose these questions in discord.

Again, thank you guys for being you guys. There’s a lot of joy and love this time of year and maybe it’s getting to me to make me dramatic, but I do mean that I really love the community here, thanks for being a part of it ❤
Hey have you guys seen the new GM post???

I found it! (link to GM post)

Assault team/distraction is the first one (research facility) while extraction team that just got off the shuttle is the second (living quarters). Living quarters is choose your own adventure style pick a door, so pick a door. Research facility I will give more orders since Eden and her crew have a "leg up"/implied plan but I wanted everyone to write action replies to that post first. :]