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OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

It won't be a pre-set date and time, I'll make sure it's a time and date everyone can make before I set it up.
Reactions: Wes
I should be able to make it, though I'm in an awkward timezone compared to everyone else I'm sure! (GMT+7)
I'm not aware of anything IRL that could come up, at least not yet.
If you're not William or Aiko, either wait for their posts or write a prep post and then plan to post again after them ^-^

Just putting this out there that several times this mission I have given players info for their posts, such as Sunny D with layout stuff Morgana would see, Gles with the fact that an enemy (the Delsaurian) was up ahead, and Nameless letting them pull a weapon off the human male. I wanted to be transparent with stuff like that, players aren't making those things up so always trust your fellow player's posts (I'll tell someone if they've written too much of the scene) ^0^

In that vein, I've always tried to write 100% of what the enemies do but I've seen a bit of players taking control of that aspect that mission and think I'll be more fluid with that. I will let you guys know when I want to write every nitty gritty of what enemies are doing in combat but as far as you guys are concerned, I'm feeling good with this dynamic and flow!

Not feeling good about what Hoshi did in that last GM post! Anyway....! @raz @Gunhand4171 @Sunny D @Gles @Nameless Hope you all enjoy! @krisslanza let me know if you want something to do or if you're gucci now that the walk and talk is over teehee : )
Everyone can follow up into the control room and post what your character would do! Whether that's talking, looking around, scanning with devices, listening to the conversation, or simply being on guard and ready to kill is up to you! We've still got telepathy and whispers between characters, so you aren't really limited in interacting with one another simply because it's a tense situation.
Also, GM post! That one is long despite being very very bad. Just read the last couple paragraphs for the action heeheee
We might just do one night, anyway. The extra is just in case there's spillover.
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