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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

I'm a little lost. I guess this means Navian either has minor or serious injuries... it's still not clear what happened... and was brought to the medical bay somehow, and is there with unknown others. Even if I fill in the blanks as much as I can, that starts with deciding what the weapon did, then how the recovery was performed, and finally how she regained consciousness, and where, and with whom, all before I start RPing again.
Basically all that happened to Navian is that she was knocked out, effectively, from sensory overload. She would be in the medical bay at the moment waiting an official diagnosis from either Zion or the AMTC.
Does anyone want to take over as GM? We could ask Ametheliana to fill in as GM here instead of starting up a new plot, too, since we're all ready and waiting and the new player she's starting the plot for wants to play a fighter pilot, anyway, a role this plot provides for pretty well.
Reactions: raz
Give Rhysis until after Christmas. And if someone needs to take over, I think someone in the plot should rise to the position.
Yep. @Samanthia is still around, so I think she'd post once there's something to post to. If there needs to be more players, there are new people on the site you could probably recruit. I'm still interested in playing my Kodian.
Since Rhysis has not posted in a month and a half, the GM position of this plot is being passed to @Navian.

Thank you Navian for stepping up to get things moving again.
It's a mystery. Only, well, not. Anyway, I'm getting started responding to the last player post.
Quitting what plot? Ryujo is still in YE 38, and Kaiyo is in YE 39. It wouldn't make any sense to change what's already happened.
No, though Navian'd have to leave the Kaiyo if she was going to return to the Ryujo months later in the timeline. I'm not likely to give that a reason to happen, even by accident. Plus, we'd be getting way ahead of ourselves, I don't even have this mission planned yet.
I don't think Navian the Character is really qualified to be The New Captain, anyway. Conflicts=eliminated.
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