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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Once more I must apologize. I had meant to post something awhile back, but sadly my creative juices were just not there. And then, on top of it all, I didn't get any notifications of you all adding more content...le sigh.
So would Tomiko put him in one of the Hemosynth tubes, the AMTC, or..?
Likely the former, but first she needs to get to the medical bay, and before that she needs to get to deck 4. There's probably going to be a few surprises along the way.
To be entirely specific, Tomiko has to stop to get permission to pass through a door leading out of the Zero-G passage, too. In the meantime, feel free to react or express paranoia at the unseen intruder passing nearby (though, Tomiko doesn't know that there are intruders on the ship until what she heard on the intercom just now; she only knows there was a recent battle, and just before the clean-up afterward her CO went missing, aside from what you've seen during the RP.)
I've been waiting for ArsenicJohn or SmokeEmpress to post, since I don't want to run for just two people.
If anyone's having some trouble, please explain. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong.
Reactions: Wes
If nothing else, you could always timeskip to the next fun segment of the plot.
It's good Navian. I'll post either today or tomorrow.

And technically Fyodor is an Itto Hei, but np.
Oh, I thought I checked his sheet when I joined... I guess he outranks a third of the squad, then!
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