Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

The Ryujo is a cruiser, so it has more crew aboard than can be possibly used as characters. That means there's plenty of room for new PCs to be introduced as having been there all along. I need to set the scene for you before you can interact, I hope to do that tomorrow.

You can write a flashback now, if you want, to describe what your character was doing at any time earlier in this mission. Or at all times, if you're really ambitious. I'll introduce you to the armoury, soon, either way.
Since this came up once before, I'll mention it now: The Star Army standard issue doesn't include a knife, though the survival kit does have a multitool. I'll assume Fyodor has that on him, since he just arrived.

Knives aren't a difficult item to obtain, but I'd still prefer to know in advance what tools the characters have at their disposal. I don't like being surprised by a piece of gear that's not listed.
Achievement unlocked: Stick knife into alien power supply!

I'm game if you'd like to retcon Fyodor's last action, since this is less D&D and more Choose Your Own Adventure. I get the feeling you're totally fine with this, though.

Good thing Fyodor didn't have a real knife, huh? Though one of those diamond-bladed ones might have been safer.
yep, multitool works and I'll edit my post. Should have been less lazy and looked at the star army general equipment list. :/
Oh, no. I hadn't considered that it might be possible for the prisoner to leave this dimension. They're still there. If they'd exploded already, Fyodor would be dead. If Errowyn doesn't check on Fyodor first, he can stand up and get a sense of things. Only his paw is unusable at the moment. He doesn't have any other crippling injuries, although he does have surface burns over 5-10% of his body.
Nah if I joined this mission Argenta would be punching herself in the face over anything that can be considered "going wrong" that had happened already in the mission...
Argenta is already on the ship, either way. The ship just received two new crewmembers and is about to chase after the stolen shuttle, they won't be picking up anyone else.

What's 'gone wrong' is that the ship was ambushed deep in core Yamatai space while waiting to receieve supplies and new personnel. The enemy used overwhelming force to disable the shuttle and defeat the Ryujo's air wing, and were only inclined to leave when another Star Army ship arrived, likely more because they didn't want to lose any of their carriers than because they couldn't win. The Ryujo was hopelessly outmatched, and the reinforcements they received removed the 'hopelessly' but not the 'outmatched'.

My first move as GM was to have some cloaked infiltrators hitch a ride on the Ryujo's disabled fighters when they returned to their launch bays, the next thing that went wrong was that they boarded the ship and began causing mischief.

I don't think any reasonable person would beat themselves up heavily over this. No one could have expected the ambush, and only the truly paranoid would have expected the infiltrators and have put searching for them at a higher priority than making sure the pilots were all okay. If you want to roleplay Argenta having a guilt complex, that's fine, but if she has it so bad that it's no fun to RP, you should tone it down.

Wes doesn't like characters in the Star Army that wouldn't pass psychiatric evaluation, and the sheet doesn't describe it as that extreme, anyway.
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If @Arbitrated doesn't want to play Argenta in the current thread she could play Tomiko until the next one. Having just completed her own mission to recover the Ryujo's wounded chief medical officer, Tomiko is in the medical bay, and has a chance to speak to the patients there. Most of the patients have light or no injuries, though they're still waiting to be cleared for duty, as it still isn't known what had knocked them unconscious.

Among the patients are, notably, the commander of the Ryujo's fighter squadron (Errowyn's superior officer) and Navian, the Elysian infantry recruit who just arrived. Ryujo is currently set in late YE 38, well before Navian was transferred to the Kaiyo.
@Samanthia, since only one of your fellow soldiers is doing anything like standing around and no one's going to fetch a medkit, you might want to make a couple minor edits to your last post. It still works out, in general, since Fyodor has his own medkit in his butt pack; it's easy for Errowyn to grab it and improvise.
So, I just realized that Errowyn in this plot isn't the exact same person as the one in 188604. This is what happens when you don't read character histories. lol
It's up to Samanthia whether Errowyn is picked up and carried to the door by Fyodor. This won't be an easy escape, and the other crewman who hopped inside the Kawarime might have the right idea, but there are ways for them both to reach the corridor despite what's going to happen next.

(It might also be possible for Errowyn to stabilize the prisoner as the captain suggested, but I haven't figured out a way she could do this. It's dealing with unknown alien technology and physiology on the spot, after all.)

If you'd like me to list more options, so you can choose from ones that aren't directly suggested by my posts in the thread, let me know. I default to assuming you'd prefer things on my end to be a surprise, and to have freedom to invent your own ideas based on what you know about your gear, the ship, and the other crew.

If Errowyn does jump in the Kawarime, though, be careful. It's only about 33% functional, and even if it was in perfect condition, there'd be no time for a conventional launch sequence.
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