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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Probably. To both. The first post of the new thread will include a briefing.

(Apparently I lied. The first post of the new thread is still pretty vague on this.)
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New thread is go. Not counting disappearances, there's officially still a full group here, but we'll keep going so long as there's at least two active players. If you haven't been given a specific prompt, assume your character is wherever they normally are in the middle of the night, reacting to a sudden escalation to full readiness, given that every PC is on day shift. Usually, that means the crew barracks, panicking, but your results may vary.
I can try to work with what PP just posted, but the current timescale of player actions should cover a span of five to thirty seconds, not minutes. Most of the fun (especially for me) is likely to come from interacting with NPCs. There's plenty of characters who can listen and respond to the PCs in the barracks, the corridors, the medical center, or almost anywhere else.

The ship is in space combat and the situation is very urgent, though there's no hull breaches or boarders. The PCs (none of which are involved in space combat) are still just getting ready, but if they take a few minutes they probably won't be ready until the whole scene is over.
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Power armour isn't permitted in the ship's corridors, all that's expected is that everyone puts on their protective suits (like AMES) and has at least their standard equipment ready. The team has an area to patrol (as Shrii described at the end of the last thread) but no established rally point. If everyone meets up toward the back of Deck 5 and rallies around Shrii (or whoever else is convenient) that should do it.
I apologize for not posting in the last few weeks. I lost touch with the character for some reason, and the Ryūjō became a low priority.

However, after speaking with Navian over Discord, I'm going to try again with a different character which should be ready by tomorrow.
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A bit of an OOC spoiler: This enemy is not equipped with any way to board the Ryujo in combat without disabling the ship first. They can almost certainly disable the ship if their fighters are not defeated, and the odds are against you there. Aurélie and Argenta have a chance to keep/put more of the Ryujo's fighters into the fight, so that the odds aren't as terrible. But, the RP is open toward any end for this battle, from the Ryujo being disabled and boarded to the enemy carrier being disabled and boarded, including a possible stalemate where the carrier retreats and the Ryujo continues its mission.

I'd say just have fun and don't worry too much about the pressure. The infantry RP is likely to focus on something other than fighting the enemy for the time being, since there's no enemies on board, and no way for them to get on board while the flight crew are still doing their job. Hypothetically, the aliens could have some kind of assault pods, though. The spoiler is just that those aren't coming, for doctrinal reasons.
I can't seem to write even when I have plenty of time, I need to focus on cutting down on distractions. I wrote half a post last week, but I lost it, and I'm not even sure how. I'm hoping to finish posting on Thursday, since I'm likely to be busy tomorrow and the next day.
Yes. Argenta's job is to make sure the launch goes smoothly, but there's nothing physically stopping it right now. You can write about anything relating to that. After the launch, next would be making sure nothing enters the hangar, and after that, there might be damage control...
Great post Navian! Let's keep the momentum up...

In regards to one detail, was your post implying that the fighters are using active laser targeting systems against the Ryujo if the carrier isn't?

Also, am I able to affect the weapons systems of the Ryujo in any way from where Noa is, or she could make a suggestion to the Neko next to her doing that so to speak?
No, the fighters aren't using active sensors either (at least, not that you've detected). Something inside the enemy carrier is using them.

Noa can contact the command bridge. Her station tells her what's wrong with the turrets, which gives her a lot of information about them, but it's not a gunnery station (and no one is manning the guns, they're automated and under the command of the ship's highest officers).
I'm stalled a bit here since, except for Aya's actions, which are mostly supportive of others, the PC actions this round either aren't consistent with how events are developing (Argenta should not be able to reenter the hangar bay, and if she did, she wouldn't be able to participate; Aurelié's actions assume the enemy fighters are disorganized and would give away her remaining non-material advantages) or don't progress the plot. I don't blame you, but it doesn't seem like telling myself I need to figure this out is helping me figure this out.

Should we keep doing things the way we've been doing them, or would you prefer to get together to plan out what's going to happen next? I'm trying to give you enough options that it won't seem like railroading, but at the same time, I don't want to give you options that, if taken, would take you out of the RP for the rest of the battle. The clash with the fighters Aurelié was engaged in, already, is a potential source of opposition for Fyodor. Aurelié and Nocnimura are outmatched even if the commander joins in--though the commander ought to do something because Argenta set her up to do something.

My top ideas for things for Argenta to do right now while she's outside the ship are to cooperate with Aya on the repairs to the engine, or to interact with the commander, maybe hitching a ride on her fighter. The enemy carrier is inbound with another surprise waiting in its hangar bay, which those two might be able to interact with. She could also stay the debris field or head back to another part of the ship. If I bend things so she's able to get back in the hangar, though, she'd be stuck there until the battle's over, and what she'd be tasked with in there wouldn't matter until then.

There's only two advantages to repairing the engine in the middle of the fight, one is that the ship can afford to lose one of its other engines, and the other is that the ship isn't completely doomed if both of the other engines are knocked out. So, it's not going to earn a win on its own. Even getting all four engines running wouldn't let the Ryujo escape this battle. So it's more an opportunity for your characters to show their skills, and I'd encourage you to plan out how it's going to go to that end. You'll probably want to get it done before the fighter-fight is over, so that you still have time to do something that will have an effect on the outcome.

To rephrase, do you prefer the suspense of no one knowing what's going to happen, or would you prefer to plan it out so you know what kind of RP to prepare for? The former seems to make things difficult, but I don't want to ruin if you're looking forward to big surprises, even if they're hard to work with.