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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

For Fyodor, Zdena, Eisei, and Errowyn, yes, that's fine. The others can arrive later, if they're going, or do something else. Not all interaction has to be with the other PCs, even if that does make things easy for me.
Sorry for the late reply everyone! My character proposed a wrestling match. Maybe we could roll for the result if anyone is up for it?

EDIT: Actually nevermind, I just looked at Eisei's character sheet and she seems to be a good melee fighter so, I think it might be good to have Eisei win if she fights. And...Zdena's not gonna win against a bear lol.
Finally back. Yeah, the internet was terrible there, sorry.

Eisei would normally be more of a force, but A) She still has a broken arm, and B) I think Fyodor weighs about six times more than any of them...

I'd be fine with them just progressively trying and failing to even touch him, lol. Maybe a JP is in order?
Yeah, Fyodor could probably take on one of you guys and be fine, but two-three on one? XD Fun times ahead. And I'd be up for a JP. Just not tonight.
I changed my mind about coming back, go ahead and let someone else in. I would like to transfer Tomiko off of the ship though in case I want to use her for another plot later
If all the players are only interacting with each other and there's no story progress, I really shouldn't be here. I rejected a player already because they seemed to be more interested in creating, well... a character designed to interact mainly with herself and the other players, and now I'm feeling a bit silly because it looks like that's what the plot became. Maybe I should have been more careful, or maybe this is just what everyone wants.

So, unless I'm reading this wrong, I'd like to look for someone else to take over GMing the Ryujo, and I'll help you get started. If I am reading this wrong, then we could try focusing more on the... plot... instead of all the fun you're having, which essentially describes why I don't think I should be GMing here. I'm pretty sure I described the Ryujo as an investigation plot rather than a squaddie drama, not that there's anything wrong with that, etc., etc.. I'm giving you the head-up because the sneaky, 'have someone with a gun jump into the room' method of getting the plot moving again is terribly overplayed.
I think part of it is that many of us don't really... Know what to do? I personally don't know what sort of plot is planned (I.e. What we're supposed to be doing to advance the story right now), and from the GMs I have worked with in the past, normally Pre-and-Post-Mission threads are for social-based interactions and a debriefing... So I've more or less been sitting around.
I was kind of just writing until the plot happened as well. It might make sense to start another thread with the squad officially set up so you can give us a situation to do the investigating, unless you want us to trip over something in the hangar. The squad interaction could either stay in the current thread or move to jps if people want to do them.
I've given you things to investigate and this is the direction it went--Fyodor still hasn't looked at the information the captain cleared him for, and if he doesn't do that before the squad is formed he's going to look incompetent. There's already been a situation, and that's the main reason I'm not giving you a new one--it'd make it more likely the existing threads would get dropped, and too many of those have been dropped already, the mission is already in peril from it.

We could stop here while I get organized and lead you all to it, but there's no point in that if it's not the way you want to play to begin with... If you don't know what leads to follow, you can also interact with NPCs, but if your characters aren't interacting with anything I control, I can't steer you, all I can do is force things along. Or drop new threads until one sticks, but I've explained why I don't keep doing that.
Forgive me if I'm just being really really annoying but... The only active thread is the post-mission thread, and Mission Two is finished and thus its thread shouldn't be used anymore? That would leave us with the post-mission thread, which I think really only seemed to give Errowyn and Fyodor things to investigate, unless I missed a GM post in regards to other people's actions or what-have-you.

I'm not trying to say anything about your GMing, I just think I might be failing to understand what you're trying to do...
Yes, it was a serious problem that we only had two players during the mission thread and no one else wanted to join during it. The post-mission thread takes place a few hours later, though, and while it's no longer possible to change what's available to the characters by altering what happened, all the data is still there, there's plenty of things left unresolved, and the characters have more access to things to investigate now than they did when decks were sealed off and no one knew what was going on.

I can't say I was expecting the new players to be interested in investigating what happened during the mission, especially if they didn't want to participate in the mission, but what I was expecting was for the characters to focus on... well, the plot. And interacting with NPCs at least gives me a chance to do something, even if the characters don't have that direction.
I apologize. This is my fault for proposing the wrestling match. I thought that I was taking the hint, so to speak when @Navian mentioned the wrestling mats in the description of the gym, but I guess I was wrong. @Primitive Polygon or @Acewing13 can reply to Zdena by shooting down the idea so we can move the plot along, or Navian or someone else can make a post glossing over the wrestling match. Either is fine with me.
Well last I checked Argenta ran off to the maintenance tunnels, which probably are crawling with other technicians. I can't really say she's that great at starting a conversation, but she can hold one that's started upon her. Not really the perfect solution, but I think it might work at least for her? Or I could have her bump in to someone literally and start a conversation...
The wrestling match on its own is fine. The basic reason I needed more players was because I needed at least two of the players to be engaged to be able to keep things moving, and Fyodor and Errowyn weren't both looking for answers.

The last I saw was Argenta sitting alone in the Cafeteria. Since this isn't a social plot, and I don't want to introduce more plot threads, it's difficult for me to have characters approach the PCs, since I have to use something that's already in motion. I suppose briefings or work shifts could help.