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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Do you mean the Type 22 one? The Type 30 one hasn't been used by the Star Army in several years, but the old Type 22 one was reauthorized.
She's been offduty alone on a ship for several days. Think of it as her own personal collection.
You'll need to post her up I think before he can approve her @SmokeEmpress I don't see her in the 'approved' section of the characters.
We can always "pick her up" during the mission, since we're going where no Valkyrja has gone before with no command oversight. She's not going to get paid though if she does that, no sign up, no pay.
Welcome to the Army.
Poor bugger.

At least with such a mixed crew, we won't automatically be flagged as Yamatiian anywhere we go.
I took the liberty of updating the crew roster, quite a bunch shaping up here! We've got pilots flying in by the squadron full.
Horrible post on my part, hopefully it is ok; let me know if I missed anything :<
"I apologize, Johnny, I forgot you were there. You may go now."

I'm sorry Kyle, I meant for Holliday to report in to the XO first but I neglected to specify her name. Sorry, that was a mistake on my part.
Okay, so Sebastian has gotten there, but being a civilian, has no clue where exactly she should go. First person to post for roommate gets her once I am able to post again.
@Yarub99 Hey, welcome to SARP, but the Ryujo, even though it's in the Open forum requires a full sign up to participate. You will have to make a character sheet on the wiki and get it approved before you can play.
Smoke, you literally had to walk past both the captain and the XO to get on board. Everyone's been getting greeted right as they get on the ship, and neither the captain or the first officer has gone inside yet.
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