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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

I've been at work, and you guys seem to have stuff going on, so I didn't bother to post. I'll have Anzu dump her stuff at her condo on Monday if I have some free time.
Well i haven't arranged the JP for the shopping trip as of yet, cause you said fir-sun you were working, so yeah put what times you are available up and we will try to work to it.
I'm usually around all night during the week, although I plan to go see a movie one night. Probably Wednesday.
kk then I will talk to sage tomorrow and see what we can get worked out, possible tomorrow night
I'm seeing an awkward and unscheduled double date in the near future for four unsuspecting crew members...
Give me a rundown of the JP please. I will read it later whole, but for now I would like to just go on.
Yoshi took Saya and Anzu to a bar. Dakura, Dakaru and Momoka met them there. They drank, then went shopping for clothes. People started passing out, but before we stopped Anzu bought sensible things and Momoka bought a dress for her date~
Haha nice. Dakaru is just watching them in a half sober stupor while Saya is hanging drunk off his arm. Yay for fashion week.
Greetings gents,

I play the new incoming personnel for the YSS Sakishima, Yuu Magnusson, a grunt who is true blue. I look forward to RPing with all of you guys.
Reactions: Wes
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