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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

I just wanted to pop in and say that I got the reference. Петр и Волк(Pyotr y Volk), one of my favorites. I seriously like to listen to the theme of the hunters on loop sometimes while writing posts about mischief. Also, dem horns on dat wolf section, f'real dog.
I'm going to be out of town at a convention for the weekend, so just assume Anzu tags along if there's a group activity going on, otherwise she'll wander off and reappear later.
Ok, so I am officially back from vacation!

Over the next couple days I'll be sorting out our audit and getting that rolling.

Also posting requirements are back in effect, save for those I know are on LOA. So enjoy shoreleave, thats an order!!
Reactions: Wes
Wondering why none of the new crew members are reporting to their CO before rushing off for fun.
Are They afraid of the CO... Cause Yoshi doesn't bite... Well At least not with out some one buying her dinner first
Working on pages for Asrid's family. Lars has been finished and added to the non-crew role on the Saki's stuff. The rest won't be added, just linked from Asrid's character page and between each other.
Oh I didn't bring it up yet but as with all early characters of mine they are somewhat subject to change. I have given her more catlike ears and a tail, as I have learned I can do that here. Changes pictured here.
Hey Crazies!

Don't mind the new stuff in Interlude 3, just wanted to get posted a bunch of old stuff that recently got finished.
Before any one goes on a mad googling spree, it's a fucking condom.

I don't want this to be like before with the 'Kurei fishi'.
I'm sorry I disappeared off the face of the earth for a while... School started and my boss upped my hours, so now I have effectively 18-hour days during the week. I've worked a new schedule with my boss, so I have a bit of time on Monday, and Thursday. Can I still participate? I should be able to meet posting requirements now.
Just posted a crew wide invitation in my last post. If TL;DR, scroll to the bottom of it. Yoshi and I figured, with posting languishing, something needed to be moved on.
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