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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

I see, well i figured he'd want to know either way, but thank you for that neat trick.
Those images are hilarious. I needed that laugh.
wut.... We don't need any little Goto's we already got enough mini things on the ship
I don't know what to do about the broken image because every time I refresh it on my browser it works just fine. :<
Worked fine for me too.
bah Riko! We need more and more mini things on the ship! Bwahahah!

So it's audit time again. Everyone take a little time to get your character bio's up to date as soon as you are able.

also expect a GM post from me tomorrow evening
I have a theory that Gunsight would love to have a certain plot. The plot would be about a cruiser and her intrepid crew. The particular thing about this cruiser is that it would be about the size of a Toyota Tercel and that its crew would be made up entirely of mini-Neko.
Funny thing about that, such cruisers actually existed in ancient, pre-RP SARP lore.

I don't have an article for them posted, but you can see two mentioned on the Uesureyan Star Empire's page. The mini-cruisers.
LOL Lamb how did you know? ROFL!

And I see a mini carrier too Wes. Why are these no longer a thing? lol
In case there's anyone in the plot who hasn't had the new Goto and Momoka picture shoved down their throats yet, here it is.

EDIT: And yes, before you ask-- he has seen her naked. And yes, he did put on the jeweler's monocle.
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Hate to get off the subject of how awesome the new art is, but what exactly is the bridge crew looking at here, Gunny? I get the idea of the size, but not of the systems. I feel like, as a thirty-year-old history nerd my character would be able to recognize the ship's class and be able to have some idea of its systems.

Here are a few that I think it could be from your description:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:ayame-class_cruiser (well, maybe not... or maybe so!)
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:yui-class_scout (even more doubtful, but certainly old enough)
I must just be missing it somewhere, but where is the Sakishima at right now? Like the system/planet. I was trying to update Anzu's history with a mention of that, but I couldn't seem to find the name anywhere, just that we'd been given coordinates.
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