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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Hokay finally caught up a bit. Guys, do please concern yourself with a wiki abit. Yugumo cluster is not exactly bountigul and Leo.station is not super sugoi happy place.
By the way I don't want to be an arse but we should fit in the setting.

Granted with my JP with Acturis is pry a major setting destroyer and I take full responsibility for not doing my research on the subject matter at hand, but if we wanted to fit in the setting the condo's would technically be gone as well, seeing as how quote "Leo's vast facilities are being used to house displaced United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces and Jiyuuian refugees." and also "The station is fairly crowded with the large amount of refugees that were displaced from the Cluster's planets." and not to mention the fact that parts of the station are still run by criminal orgisations so Leo wouldn't really be a shore leave place more so a mission or something to help the remaining UOC forces sweep and clean out the remaining pockets 'o resistance.

Though on the other hand if I wanted to meta a wee bit to make it all fit, the item in question (the boar if i had it right) could have been purchased ala 'requisition' from the influx of SAoY supplies that are being pumped into the fortress from earlier this in game year. Also along with that it could be the main source of meat on a nearby planet that is shipping it to Leo for conviences purposes (no sense in shipping beef all the way from Yamatai if there is a closer meat souce, saves on shipping cost and logistics work (then again this is the SAoY and a lot of things don't make to much sense, (a certain A word comes to mind....)))

TL:DR Making a slightly butthurt post because of something I brought upon myself and pry didn't need to make this post but i'm doing it anyway cause hell I feel the need to explain myself and do research for further self mistake corrections.
Actually, that's a great start. As for the condos, I think those can be handwaved as well; so long as they're in the Jinsei District. Having the condos looking out over the docks... Well, that's just physically impossible because of how SAoY docks work. The station is not exposed to outside space and unless there's a maintenance bay or hangar, most ships are docked outside the station and accessing it through a service tunnel. Again, though, if you want condos at all, they need to be in the Jinsei District. The Jinsei District is pretty much, as far as we've written in other plots, safety-town. The Chou district is also peaceful, as one mission in TFL was to rid the area of their local Yakuza, 'The Waking Dogs'. Aside from that, the Chou district was mostly peaceful before hand anyway, being a more upscale place with hidden criminal elements.

The Yatagarasu District is the only true wild land in the station, at the end of the day. As an arm, it's damaged. The artificial sunlight normally provided is gone. Jiyuuian patrols of former peacekeepers do little more than keep the infestation of gangers and filth out of the rest of the station. Chusa Belinda Blake was, at the time TFL ended, looking for volunteers to lead a team into the Yatagarasu district to repair the damaged systems, re-establish control, and reconnect the zone with PANTHEON.

While each of the other districts are home to powerful and unique gangs, they work with the Former Peacekeepers in a sort of mutual begrudging acceptance. While the SAoY puts pressure on them in the form of Taisho Morioka Naoko sending special forces groups in to kill everything that pisses her off, the Jiyuuians seem to prefer just being good cops and trying to keep innocent people out of trouble. So, if say, you wanted to do something in the Fushibachi district, you could probably have a nice meal there and enjoy yourself-- but it would be apt to describe a gang of scraggly looking men in tracksuits eyeing your Star Army uniform or your tell-tale cat-ears suspiciously.

If you want to wander into the Yatagarasu district, on the other hand... It's just best you didn't.

These things, if not available on the wiki, should be available from any of the former TFL players. Most especially, Kim, Kokuten, and Gallant can provide good information about the situation on the station. I know Jimmy, Shotty, and Myself did a lot of writing on the station as well; and CadetNewb may also be a good source of information regarding Leo Star Fortress-- I know his character was on it a lot, I just don't know if he's around so much these days... Well, neither is Gallant, so whatever.

Cadet is over in 5th Fleet, back in the past with Anzu.

I'll be really busy the next few days with work, probably won't post at all until after the weekend.
Also quite a lot is on Leo Stations wikipedia. Serisouly though, Kokuten and Lamb are probably best source of information and you can always send him a PM.
The wiki exists so people don't have to ask. Get it updated if it needs updating.
Perhaps, also, it may be time to update the wiki article. All that happened on TFL did and only caused a few minor changes in the wiki's text. Some stuff was just mentioned, and other stuff was mainly spoke about OOC to explain certain details and NPCs. Which would be fine if we were still riding towards a big spooky reveal. However; at this point, it's probably better to write it down since all those intricate plot twists may never happen. I need to talk to Kokuten and find out if he's planning anything more for Tenth Fleet before I just go through the TFL forum and old Skypes and old IRC logs and and old Etherpads harvest this information. I should probably get with Doshii, too, since he now owns Taisho Morioka Naoko as a character and as Tenth Fleet's IC supervisor.

Once I do these things to ensure I haven't treaded on anyone, I'll do a big wiki update. Then, Gunsight, we'll get together and fit Sakishima into the grand scheme of things-- since most of the wiki article concerns the Motome and Task Force Lantern, we can expand it to include your vision and your plans for Sakishima. This way, we can do Leo Station right.
So let me understand what is going on here. You two are upset because the rest of the crew didn't know about stuff that are hidden in Skype logs, random pads, and old IRC logs. I can slightly understand the idea of reading TFL., if nothing else for something to read. But that is the whole reason for the WIki.

Why Should the players here be held to some concept of a station that we have no accesses to the information that describes it as such. You could have in some pad somewhere that the station has a massive water park. Poof therefore the rest of us better damn well know it is there.

Oh the Wiki mentions names of gangs, but never goes into any detailed information. Nor does it explain the rationing, or strict limit on items or supplies. Sure I can grasp that with the influx of refugees their would be rationing. though that would be called an assumption, and apparently only assumptions that are allowed on you two station are ones that may jive with some mythical documents that the rest of use have never been privy to because we didn't play in the TFL.

So I am left here with two view on this situation. Either we, those who didn't going the glory that is TFL, are lesser players for it. Thus not allowed to leave our imprint on this location.

OR that this mythical information that is out there either needs to be updated into the Wiki before complaints are lodged or you two need to just chill and let it go.

So far from reading these OOC and hearing the Skype chatter on the topic, has left a bad taste in my mouth. Causing me to consider my future involvement with this plot setting in general.
Ok I think we need to all take a moment here and step back before things get heated over this. Shorty, Lam I understand you guys have played in this setting for a long while and know a lot more about it than the rest of us and care about it and that the rest of us have not. I understand this, but asking us to read through all of TFL and inquire about details on the station is a bit much. Other than sharing a common location and maybe some NPCs at some point, the Sakishima is not a component of TFL and has never been intended to be so. Leo Star Fortress for us is a hub to operate out of and take breaks on between missions on an otherwise ship contained plot. It is a stopover point of interest.

Going off the information that is on the wiki no ones done anything to violate the setting. My thoughts to Leo is that its very much like Babylon 5. There's nice upper class places, then there is brown sector where you just do not go without a full security force watching your back.

If you guys think that there is something you have in notes or on the tfl list or that you know that is vital to the portrayal of the station you need to put it on the wiki, please. I am not going to make reading TFL a requirement to playingon the Sakishima.

I also do nnot want to lose players over this issue. This hasall cropped up over something very minit and should not have gotten to the point where I have people questioning their involvement in this plot. Guys we are here to have fun and getting worked up on details that arennot available to all or require reading through another plot that not everyone may be interested in doing as a requirement, isn't worth the possible repercussions to those on the receiving end of it all.

Again I think updating the wiki is a great idea. I think it is severly lacking in information and detail and the feel of the envyronment, ammending this would be awesome. Please do and please do get me
involved with that process but let's not get
after each other over minor things okay?
So let me understand what is going on here. You two are upset because the rest of the crew didn't know about stuff that are hidden in Skype logs, random pads, and old IRC logs.

That's not what is going on here. Updating the wiki was an afterthought. Riko has already shown just from his digging that there is pertinent information on the wiki, and it hurts my feelings for you to imply that I was just acting high and mighty because I had access to vapor data that is just floating around on the web. This is not just over some random crap that was passed around a table. Much of it does exist on the site; and was written in TFL. Gallant, Kim, and Kokuten worked really hard to paint a vivid picture of this thriving station and I kind of fell in love with it. The wiki article for Leo, while extensive, is not exhaustive of all that information. This is something I intend to rectify.

Oh the Wiki mentions names of gangs, but never goes into any detailed information. Nor does it explain the rationing, or strict limit on items or supplies. Sure I can grasp that with the influx of refugees their would be rationing. though that would be called an assumption, and apparently only assumptions that are allowed on you two station are ones that may jive with some mythical documents that the rest of use have never been privy to because we didn't play in the TFL.

This is also incorrect in some sense or another; when you use the phrase 'mythical documents'. Sure, it may not be on the wiki (which is what I hope to rectify by updating the wiki page) but it isn't in some holy grail document hidden in the mountains in Peru. It's written, in canon, in an old plot that died earlier this year. The information is available for all to read, but I do understand having neither the need or desire to read an entire plot just to give one place the right atmosphere. I'm not trying to be forceful or be a twat and you seem to think that I'm some sort of stuck-up asshole who doesn't care about you or your character.

Especially when you say things like:

So far from reading these OOC and hearing the Skype chatter on the topic, has left a bad taste in my mouth. Causing me to consider my future involvement with this plot setting in general.

Don't be like that. There was no need for this to get mean. No one was trying to be mean. I really didn't mean to sound offensive if I did. I was just really excited to be in a plot that dealt with Leo Station because I had such fond memories of it and I wanted to share that experience with everyone. If I, in my excitement, seemed like an asshole, then I'm sorry.

But it really did make me feel hurt when I read your message. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to be the Lead Captain of the No Fun Patrol and I'm not out to ruin your plot. Please understand my feelings and don't think of me as this terrible person.
A never though you a twat nor dick, or any other awesome dis in there... though those would have been close if I did. I'm pretty clear when I'm calling folks stuff.

B. Mythical yes, as in you listed off tons of notes and what not that may as well be in the Peruvian mountains. for at lest I have not access to them. Though you are right there is a bit in the wiki.

I need to talk to Kokuten and find out if he's planning anything more for Tenth Fleet before I just go through the TFL forum and old Skypes and old IRC logs and and old Etherpads harvest this information.

C. I wasn't going to leave the plot, not post when the ship is in dock, sure but I love this plot to rage quite. Though I wonder sometimes if I can give what I want to this plot at a 100% all the time. there I feel I you all of the crew and Gunny the disservice.

C. NOT MY PLOT!!! GUNNY'S PLOT!!! It's only mine in the sense it is your or Shotty's, Bio's Riko's, Dakura's, Sage's, Renyold's, or the others I'm sure I have forgotten and now will hate me until judgment day. :P

D. I would love to endeavor to convert the different dead plots into Epub (and other E book file types) for folks to read in leisure, but I'm not fucking nuts to take that all on at the moment. in the future though I plan on reading every plot out there.

As for the rest I was mainly venting on the fact that how it came off from you and Shotty was that you two were the keepers of Leo and said setting was formed in the eons past in stone by the great ones, and thus should never be tampered with. (The allusion is there not for sarcasm but to be some what silly. like most bits in life i have come to understand.) I get you two's love affair with the setting. But we are not TFL and as you said it has died. The Station should continue evolving to fit with the new residents.

If you Two are truly the keepers of Leo, Then by all means go forth and make Leo exactly what it became in the TFL plot, but do make sure the information is readily and easily assessable to the rest of SARP. I applaud the desire to keep it sound and consent I do. I really do.

Past that, If you like we can move this conversation to Skype and you and i can BS this out until the computer run out of power and all we have is stupid sounds croaking from our sore throats.