Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: ISC Phoenix [Side Job] Beautiful Erasure

Yuna glanced from the plain-looking woman to the hulking mechanized being before her. She puckered her lips into an "o" shape, then looked down her shoulder at Luca.

She thought a lot of things -- about what happened to Sesshoseki, how it happened, what changed. It sounded like what happened to the Iron Hag. The result wasn't the same, though ...

I hope I never live long enough to find out what could make sisters go out and turn blue and foxy. Though Sesshoseki's younger than me.

"I'll move the cash as soon as you give me an account to put it into." Yuna went back to holding her helmet in one hand at her side, the other on her hip. "Then we can talk security."
Sargasso Starport, The Crimson Kestrel
KD-Labs Perimeter - Empire Covered Theme

In the past Tamamo would have only had to walk through the cargo bay to her SSCC Huge which she had called home for the better part of a year. Now however, her crate, as well as the island of surrounding machinery and supplies were absent, packed up months ago and loaded in to her Caernarfon drone bound for Lorath space. Since that day Tamamo had been more alone than she had wanted to be, Koa's chassis among those things determined too valuable to leave behind. While she still had the benefit of a quantum modem to link them and had already spent most of her time interacting through augmented reality or simulations, not being able to interact in person had been a surprisingly difficult change to adapt to. Perhaps it was the knowledge that they were almost always within arms reach even if it wasn't literally needed.

Instead of her former route Tamamo lead the way deeper into the ship through the chaos of the other occupant's activities, past the empty space, past her Hoplite, to the elevator and waited the brief moment it took for the doors to open before pushing the button to send the elevator to deck three, something that she'd never done in her entire time on the ship. She preferred to take the stairs.

As the door to the elevator closed Tamamo found herself inquiring idly, "How does it feel to be aboard one of local space's ``legendary`` vessels? Though with your history I suppose it must be a little modest... I hope it isn't disappointing Hina." With the message sent Tamamo settled into a posture that could have been considered tired, or perhaps melancholy as the elevator made its short trip depositing the pair onto the formerly empty level of the Kestrel.

Once again in silence Tamamo led the way, stepping out into the hall making the relatively short trip down the hall to the door to her room. It was an unmarked affair that looked as deserted as the rest of the doors around it. With a touch the door slid aside into the wall on silent mechanisms revealing a sparse, undecorated room, that looked almost unlived in if not for the proliferation of tied down storage units. Aside from the single small collapsible cot her room looked more like a supply closet than a space that someone would live in. Wordlessly Tamamo picked her way across the room opening one of the metal boxes with a soft click, before reaching in to retrieve a small bundle of electronics and wires. Notably there was a small camera on a spherical mount. With this object in hand Tamamo stepped back out into the hall and affixed it to the wall, apparently using some form of magnetic, or dry adhesive mounting on the back of the object.

With Tamamo's task complete she smiled as she once again passed her companion to vanish into the sparse and cheerless room, the door sliding shut behind her. Left out in the hall Sakamoto Hina was however not left alone for long, the familiar shimmer of coalescing volumetrics quickly resolved taking the form of a broad shouldered woman clad in white cloth. Immediately apparent was that this woman's form was just under fifty centimetres taller than Sakamoto, causing the visiting Neko to look up to meet their face. From here things failed to normalize, grey skin, glowing facial markings, dark green hair shot though with glowing streaks, and most eye catching a glowing blue horn sprouting from their forehead, it seemed that Tamamo was not alone in her oddities.

The volumetric woman took a moment to assess her surroundings before directing her gaze to Sakamoto, a warm smile blossoming on her face as her dark green furred ears wiggled with delight as she spoke with a voice full of warmth and joy, "It's nice to finally meet you Sakamoto-senpai~" Though there was some disconnect as the voice came from a speaker on the wall mounted device rather than the illusion projected, the illusion was otherwise well crafted giving the impression that there was indeed a living, breathing person where before there had been empty space. Apparently this is what Tamamo had meant when she suggested entertainment.
Her feline ears perky, Sakamoto couldn't help burst into laughter at Tamamo's comment.

"I'm not so young as to be let down by appearances," she replied when her mirth subsided. It was true. Behind that Iron Curtain that the Mishhuvurthyar had erected, the very same Iron Curtain that the Star Army allowed to persist with jealous glee, there were many heroes that even Luca Pavone would salute to out of respect. Heroes that did the spectacular. Heroes that worked magic - performed miracles. It was just that their efforts were never enough, and that they were no longer here, their stories forever untold. "I've been on my fair share of adventures with the extraordinary, and now, I know quite well that it isn't the ship that makes the legend, but the Legend themselves that makes the ship." The older Nekovalkyrja then smiled as she looked back at these memories. "Though, I have to admit, I was as surprised and disappointed as you mention when I was still in my youth," the Ex-Jiyuuian spoke aloud. "It's all too often that there's nothing really special about the ships themselves," she admitted.

As the younger Neko made to prepare however, the woman held her tongue and watched with a tail held high.

"Ara, ara!" was the first thing that Koa heard as Sakamoto held a sleeved hand up to her mouth in surprise, ears standing up while her tail turned into a puffy pipe cleaner. The expression she had soon turned mischievously coy behind that sleeve however. "I'm quite sorry - it's just that you're so tall...and big~," the Ex-Jiyuuian replied, a smile just barely visible on her rosy cheeks. Bowing in greeting, she introduced herself despite already being known. "I am Sakamoto Hina. To whom do I owe pleasure?"
"I am Kanshi Koa, your dear person of interest's companion. No offense taken by the way~" Despite the fairly plain words, the tone they were delivered with was saturated with amusement. Koa had been told much by Tamamo of the old Jiyuuian woman, both before this day, and over the course of events following Sakamoto's unexpected appearance at the Rigs. What she hadn't expected out of the older woman was the adorable reaction in the face of surprise, how she wished she could scoop the Neko up and hug her. Unfortunately her present set up provided little in the way of physical autonomy, little more than a fancy video conference really.

"You'll have to forgive my lack of formalities, it's a bit of strain on resources to converse personably, let alone move properly. But that isn't important... Instead I simply must know; how are you enjoying your time in Sargasso? It's a quaint place is it not? The weather has been lovely of late, much to Tamamo's displeasure. Though I'm sure you'll be appreciative of the results~" Koa displayed a tilt of her head and a wink, however the volumetric display demonstrated notable lag confirming what the tall woman had implied about 'strained resources.'

Unable to contain herself Koa found herself immediately following up her words with a new question, "Are you enjoying the time with little Tama again?"
Meanwhile, back on Delta Platform...
"Hm, straight to money," Luca raised an eyebrow at the Nekovalkyrja, happy that the deal had been struck so quickly. "Right then. Echelon, if you will? I thought you guys had my account number." He chuckled a little at his own joke. Echelon looked over to Yuna and nodded her head.

Yuna's digital interface received an encrypted transmission from Echelon. Indeed, they were the bank details, identified as the deposit account for the Phoenix Service Group. Therein, it'd be handed around to various departments of the group, including investments, supply, and other balance. A cursory glance at the account's balances would've shown that the money going in was a good margin ahead of the money going out, thanks to the merchandise Luca was hocking. The unsettling majority of which came from the energy drink of all things.

Luca looked around as he looked towards Alpha platform and hailed a GP-ORV, driven by servicewoman, a Lorath. The bench seating in the back had room for himself, Echelon Prime (and her Mimicom), and Yuna. "We'll talk in Alpha Platform; Ladies first~" He said, sweeping his arm offering a seat to her first, demonstrating the charm he was notorious for. "Also, there's a pad for your whichever vehicle you got here in, too. Pad's about a hundred metres in diameter, so call your ship over if you want."

There wasn't any use in hiding it, and Luca had been quite open. A little politeness judo on his part dictated that they too should land.
Yuna didn't take the charm, though she accepted the seat in the back of the wheeled vehicle. Quaint little thing.

The IPG was, at that moment, her main concern. Moving the ship was risky; it'd been a very cautious series of maneuvers over a few days that had snagged them the spot they had. To go to an open-air platform while maintaining full stealth was a difficult thing to ask. But the information on the bank details was straightforward enough, and accessing the right account could be done without much worry.

She broadcast the messages about money and landing via telepathy, knowing the IPG would get only static if they listened at all. Yuna needed only to wait a few extra seconds to get messages back — money yes, moving no.

"Money's in your account, if you wanna confirm it," she said with a small smile, brushing her hair back from her face. She wasn't drying out fast enough; she felt the wet of her shorts through her underwear when she sat down. "My commander sends her regards, but we can't move our ship so fast without exposing ourselves to anyone who might be watchin'. Would it be enough of a kindness to have mah commander come here in her own transport?"
The captain watched the SAINT agent hop on board, and followed them on, sitting down on the same bench as the SAINT. "Can't hurt, just comply with the aerospace tower and they'll guide you in." He said. Worth a try... He thought as he watched Echelon and her Mimicom come aboard. The truck had a noticeable tilt to the left when Echelon sat down, but she was putting most of her centre of gravity over the middle of the truck, to the best of her abilities.

"S0RRY. K1ND4 PUT S0M3 W31GHT 0N DUR1NG YUL3T1D3." Echelon explained sheepishly as she got uncomfortably close to Yuna for a couple of moments before balancing herself. The giant robot's servitor Mimicom sat between Luca and Yuna, leaning off the right side of the truck to act as counterweight. "It's a crazy season," the Mimicom said. Satisfied that all was well, Luca gave the side of the vehicle a couple of slaps, and they started moving.

It was an approximately five hundred metre drive on the large bridge which connected the platforms. The truck had to manoeuvre around a gash in the bridge, slowing down and mindful of Echelon's weight before accelerating and continuing towards the Alpha Platform. Twice the size of the platform Yuna found herself on originally, this seemed to be the main hotbed for the Service Group personnel, with a two two-storey buildings flanking a larger building with a tower in front of it, logo proudly displayed in monochrome.

Luca, Echelon, and her Mimicom disembarked, and he started leading Yuna towards the office space, which would lead to a lounge room, helpfully indicated by signs written in the three big languages (Yamatai-Go, Trade, and Ly'thir) and universally-recognised signage graphics. Walking through the office space, the area seemed to be cleanly built, and hard edged - but softened at the corners. Seams on the floor and the walls showed the modular nature of the platform's interior. The offices themselves had cubicles with about two metres of floor space each, a computer, and lighting.

A handful of staff of different races wearing smart casual clothing stopped to salute Luca and Echelon as he walked by. He stopped and returned salute, then resumed towards the lounge room. Carpeted in red, this room had a wooden veneer on the walls, to help promote an old-style, homely feeling. Transparent durandium windows with good views to the ocean lit the room, though someone was already there inspecting damage caused by a burst of machine gun fire, holes in the durandium. A rip in the veneer where the bullets stopped moving was also having photos taken.

A couch, thankfully, was intact, and so was the kitchenette. A variety of teas, coffees, and some slightly brustled light snacks were on offer. A Yamataian woman with cat's ears and a rifle like Tamamo's over her shoulder helped herself to a double-chocolate Origin Breakfast Bear Breakfast Bar, and sat down on a couch away from Luca and his guest, mindful of their space.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Sakamoto replied, lowering her sleeve. Despite her tail playfully curling into a question mark, the newcomer had raised a series of questions in her mind, but she knew many of those would have to wait. Koa's words felt just ever so slightly off, and got her to thinking. Just what did this massive Neko mean? Most people wouldn't say that it was a 'strain on resources', or mention moving properly. Not even a Purebred like Tamamo would at this point of adjustment; she would either say things normally because she was honestly adjusting, or because she was giving her best towards acting normally. What Koa had rubbed her the wrong way, but she just couldn't put a finger on it quite yet!

As a result, her tail swished from side to side every few moments, ears perking up ever so slightly.

"I haven't been outside at Sargasso for long at all, but I've been enjoying my visit so far," she admitted, "Though, what's this you said about the weather not being to Tamamo's taste?" Sakamoto impishly asked. "I'm so happy to see her again, and how much she's grown, but I'd like us to be even more happy~~~<3" she smiled.

Despite the front, she was thinking hard. Latency. Lag. She saw it. Heard it. Did this mean that Koa wasn't even here on this planet? But even then, why would there be latency over the connection if she wasn't using highly encrypted commu -

Sakamoto did not like where this was going.
Koa's own smile remained warm as she continued the conversation pleasantly, "I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been able to enjoy the sights for long... As for the weather? It's much too hot and humid for her tastes. You can see her trying to cope especially with her ears, a lot of bare flesh on the inner side, and thin fur." She refrained from commenting about Tamamo's state of dress, that would be a surprise of its own after all.

"I'm glad to hear that you want to see her happy, she really needs it. She has had a hard life, and all too often she has to fall back on preparations for the worst case scenario." There was a thoughtful pause, she had hoped for more cheery subject matter however circumstances lent themselves to poor manners. Even with the poor form Koa was certain that the older woman would pick up the pieces, what she'd do with them was another matter. Hopefully she'd keep Tamamo's well being in mind.

Perking her ears up suddenly, Koa's face split with a bright toothy grin, "Ah! It seems my time has been cut short. She has really done her best for you both. I hope at the end she'll be able to say her second visit with you was as good as her first. Happy memories and all that." A jittery wave punctuated the comment along with a cheerful, "Farewell Hina~" Then just as suddenly as she'd appeared, Koa's volumetric form dissolved into short lived motes of light before vanishing completely. Apparently the arranged entertainment had come to a close.

Before much time could be spent in thought however, the door to Tamamo's room opened, revealing the short girl in the most fashionable outfit she'd ever worn. Out of her armor it was apparent that the small girl was nearly as lithe as she had been upon their first meeting, however it would be apparent to careful observation that she had slightly more bust, and a more generous curve to her hips and thighs making her long legs seem less stilt-like. This was further emphasized by the high necked, sleeveless, knee length, silk cheongsam that she wore, the dyed teal and sky blue fabric rippling slightly as she settled in the doorway. Her only other visible garment being a pair of black flats.

Beyond this it was apparent that Tamamo had grown out her hair quite a bit in the last year. A pair of mirrored lengths descended from where a normal Neko's ears would have sat, spilling down to either side of her modest bust and framing her entire torso with pale lavender hair. Behind her head, a barely visible pony tail descended, layered over a tight braid. What truly caught the eye however were the tails, there were more than a few of them. Not much fluffier than Sakamoto's own though sheathed for the majority in pale lavender fur, matching her hair and ears yet curiously terminating in inky black tips. With the shock of her tails fading, the genetic tattoos on her arms, and lower legs would become apparent, black bars matching the style of those that had been apparent on her face. A curious choice.

After a brief measured pause to let Sakamoto recover from the sight, Tamamo inquired brightly, "I trust that you were not too bored? Also do you think this outfit is nice?" Were it not the tone of her voice, it would have been the way her large ears folded down pointing behind her head, and were it not that it would have been her tails creeping between her legs as she spoke, all of these however signalled that the small girl was uncertain and nervous. A curious development in her behaviour, but then again there was little about the present situation that was in line with her previous experiences.
"Ah, I see." Nodding with understanding, she admitted, "I suspected that much, but have never been the kind to pry on friends." However, with the other woman admitting their time short, Sakamoto bowed. "Thank you Koa. Sayounara." The word was not a goodbye like how Nepleslians understood. There was a certain finality to it, spoken to those that would not be seen for a long time to come.

And sometimes, as a final farewell.

Despite the mild politeness of Sakamoto's reply, it was fascinating to hear just how Tamamo was adjusting, changing even, though it was for something as trivial as weather. Such a thing was incredibly rare with Nekovalkyrja. Once stamped and pressed or cast and molded, the vast majority remained as they were with very little change. Ironically, these mass produced soldiers and pleasure-girls were incredibly consistent and uniform in their production - an utter necessity for weapons of war - yet rarely excelled in their very own Raison d'être. They were rarely exceptional in war despite being so ubiquitous to it, and rarely exceptional in bed despite their hunger for flesh. Just acceptable, really. But, the exceptions? They were the exact opposite. Granting death was an art form - a graceful dance - while in matters most intimate, they were masters of pleasure. The price was the inconsistency. The change itself.

Would such a Neko's hardened temper hold, or would it soften? Or, would it alloy into something even stronger? Nobody ever knew.

"Kyaaaaaaa!~~~~<3" the high pitched squee answered the Kitsunevalkyrja. Tail tall and quivering, her ears stood wiggling with delight as her eyes lit up and practically framed hearts. "You look absolutely amazing Tamamo-chan!" Almost as quickly as she cried out in delight however, Sakamoto was soon sniffling and wiping away tears. "You've grown up - I'm so proud of you!" Rubbing her eyes, the woman soon reached into her kimono and pulled out a tissue, turning away to blow her nose with utter sincerity. Clearing her sinuses and taking a deep breath, she soon calmed herself. Somewhat. Turning back to the growing Neko, she asked, "Oh, I was not bored in the slightest. And though it is an absolutely perfect outfit for you...I simply must stroke your tails! Maybe comb your hair! Or, or...maybe...must your ears!!!~~" the woman exclaimed, her cheeks bright red and breath hot and heavy, eyes sparkling in the light.

She was all within Sakamoto's expectations. Not that it dulled the impact - it only added to the anticipation.

She knew. Knew well that despite not being perfect, Tamamo was simply inhuman with the degree of perfection she did have. That is, lacking humanity. In such a relatively short span of time, the young girl had radically changed herself. Going from a complete non sequitur, she gained incredible prowess in social interaction, and she also honed her perception of others so far as to attune herself to how they would perceive her. Gone was the swimsuit and poncho; in its place was beauty! And then, there was her body. It was even rarer that a Neko would think so far as to start changing their own vessel, morphing their form itself into something else beyond the norm. Though, from here on out, would humanity sully her purity? Or would she further crystallize and grow? Of course, Sakamoto knew she was possibly overthinking this. After all, the thing with Purebreds?

Nobody ever knew. Nobody ever knew just what they really were until the end.

This only added to the anticipation.
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The reaction that Tamamo observed from Sakamoto Hina, was by far more enthusiastic and positive than Tamamo had anticipated. Adjusting her projections Tamamo did her best to respond a nervous smile, a reconsideration, a blooming of her expression the smile becoming more genuine, happier with her ears raising in emphasis counterbalanced by her tails that remained between her legs a reminder of the nervousness. Following up the smile Tamamo spoke, pitching a tone of relief and happiness into her chosen idol like voice, "I'm glad that you're happy Hina! I was worried that I wouldn't be able to pull it off..." She lapsed into silence her smile fading slightly with the admission of her uncertainty.

She brightened once more, her posture shifting, relaxing becoming more confident. Her tails shifted still low but clearly desiring to fan out, as she spoke up once more joy coloring her voice, "I'm glad that Koa wasn't too much trouble, I know she can sometimes be a bit intimidating. Ah! I wasn't expecting you'd be so interested in me... I suppose you could pet me... But shouldn't we hurry to go relieve Hirasawa-san? The Captain can be rather... Intense. I'd hate for her to have to suffer needlessly."

At this point her tails had raised further, settling into a rhythmic motion sweeping back and forth as a single ink tipped unit, Tamamo's hips shifting in a slow roll as she counterbalanced their motion. Looking up at the taller woman, Tamamo's dark jade eyes studied Sakamoto's face curiously hoping that her overture to relieve the beleaguered SAINT Neko wouldn't be taken too poorly. After all there was a small kernel of genuine desire to help the seemingly tolerable Neko, who was likely at that moment weathering the glare of one Luca Pavone in much the same way that media had shown a disapproving father who had caught his daughter with the wrong sort of company.

Brushing at the front of her cheongsam, Tamamo found that the garment was surprisingly comfortable. As the silk slipped past her fingers, as they ventured over her abdominal muscles in what had rapidly become an unintentional momentary distraction, Tamamo marvelled lost for an instant in the epiphany that not only could she look good, but that the clothing could also feel nice while she wore it. Returning her full attention to Sakamoto, after the unexpectedly distracting effort at producing a 'nervous action' Tamamo wondered if there was anything else that she should say at the moment, as she was fairly certain that an overture to pet the older woman's ears and tail was not appropriate at the time.
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A couch, thankfully, was intact, and so was the kitchenette. A variety of teas, coffees, and some slightly brustled light snacks were on offer. .
Yuna took a seat on the couch that apparently was offered, mindful of how she was in an enclosed space. Exits at least were labeled. She'd traced the path out, but she expected to not need it. This wasn't the time for flipping tables, figurative or actual.

She didn't glance at the snacks and refreshments. Her stomach wanted pineapple juice and vanilla protein powder with an energy bar. She needed to get information. The right information; the information that would get the fixers -- permanent operatives who assisted wetworkers -- and the data technicians, known in the craft as "mechanics."

Yuna crossed her legs and leaned back against the couch, the sea air filtering through the bullet holes. The sun's light just managed to illuminate one of her boot toes.

"Comfy." She politely put her hands in her lap, folded together, finally wincing as the skin over her knuckles stretched mid-repair. The hits to the Suns' armored chests came with a price. "My commander is working on securing transport, but she might be more tardy than you'd like. Should we start in the meantime?"
"Ara, ara. You just need to have confidence in yourself!~" the older woman soothingly replied. It was amusing. Despite the results from her efforts, Sakamoto could see genuine uncertainty in Tamamo. Or, what looked genuine; the younger Neko didn't seem to be the type to fish for comments after all, and even if it wasn't for that reason, Sakamoto had already said what she felt. She was proud.

But, the way Tamamo's tails moved, the twitching ears rising with uncertainty, it all had something else stir in Sakamoto as well.

"Oh, Senpai you mean?" Stepping in closer, face to face, she reached out with Tamamo's permission so that her slender, delicate fingers could gently touch the younger woman's ears. "I'm sure she's simply being treated to snacks and the like by Mister Pavone. I'm sure she'll enjoy having some of his meat sticks or similar snacks. She's all about her protein powders and workouts and such. It's all still protein after all~" The fur, soft, thin and fluffy as Koa had promised, did not let down. Fighting her own blood pressure to prevent a blowout like before, Sakamoto's cheeks remained a rosy pink as she commanded her heart at mental gunpoint to stay in line. The Ex-Jiyuuian only got to play with them for the briefest of moments however. Like an armed police officer shouting at an impoverished and angry minority to get on the ground, she knew the odds were stacked against her.

She relented her petting of Tamamo.

"But you're quite right, we should go back," Sakamoto sighed. "Look on the bright side though - if everything goes well, SAINT will simply have you scratch their backs for them, and that will be that," she confidently added. "I might even get to come along and help."
The Rigs, Alpha Platform, North Lounge Room
Luca nodded at her request to get started, but first he needed to treat himself. He looked over his shoulder at the kitchenette and saw walking just in front of the kitchen was a Yamataian and a Nepleslian hauling a barely-conscious ID-SOL towards the medical facilities, yelling for a stretcher.

Luca was considering asking someone to help entertain his guest, but something told him it'd be a bit wrong to do so at a time like this when the wounds were still fresh. "I'll be back in a moment. Echelon, this is all yours, okay?" Luca said as he stood up, obliged to help out his soldiers as he turned around.
"G0TCH4." Echelon replied as Luca approached the two soldiers carrying the larger ID-SOL.

"Stay here, I'll get you a stretcher myself." Luca said before he disappeared into platform's interior, following the signs marked to the medbay.

Echelon and the mimicom sitting on her metal lap leaned forward. "H3'S 4 R34L S0FT13 F0R H1S M3N, H1GH 4ND L0W."

Luca knew there was a contingent of gym rats on the Service Group who really belted it out at the exercise facilities, making harmless games of it between rounds of intense CQC practice. Hopefully all that translated into good discipline and a sense of mateship. Echelon meanwhile looked back at Yumi. "R1GHT, WH3R3 D0 1 B3G1N? W3LL-" She leaned in, resting her head in gently steepled fingers against her chin. "-TH1S 1S 0N3 1'V3 B33N S1TT1NG 0N F0R 4 WH1L3. 1 D1SC0V3R3D 4 C4CH3 0F Y4M4T414N M4T3R14LS 1N SP4C3 WH3N 1 W4S CH3CK1NG 0N S0M3 1NV3STM3NTS 4 C0UPL3 0F Y34RS 4G0 DUR1NG TH3 S3C0ND NMX W4R."

"Now, in the middle of Nepleslian space, no Nepleslian would be looking for these sorts of things, they'd be looking for their own first, damn the cats for dragging them into this war." Echelon's Mimicom spoke up, making a rainbow sweep with her hands. "The universe being big and dangerous enough as it is, they had their own priorities."

"S0, 1T W3NT UNN0T1C3D UNT1L 4 G4S M1N1NG 0P3R4T10N 1 H4V3 S0M3 C0NT4CTS 1N S4W 1T DR1FT 1N. 1 H4D T0 B3 TH3R3, PR0NT0."

"When I got there, I convinced the mine owner to take its contents and make it disappear." The little puppet crossed her legs, looking up at the ceiling. "What was it the foreman said? 'I don't want the cats stinking up my precious gas'? We preyed on his well-founded paranoia."

"DULL 4S D1SHW4T3R, DUMB T0 B00T." Echelon Prime sneered, rolling the aperture of their monoeye and their neck. "S0 1 T00K TH3 1T3MS T0 4 L1TTL3 N00K 1 H4V3 1N TH3 G4L4XY, 4ND UNP4CK3D TH3 C0NT3NTS TH3R3. 4M0NGST P0W3R 4RM0UR, 4 SHUTTL3, 4ND W34P0NRY, 1 F0UND TH3 B0DY 4ND S0UL TR4NSF3R B4CKUP 0F 4 C4PT41N 0F 4 D3STR0Y3D V3SS3L, 4L0NG W1TH S0M3 0TH3R 0FF1C3RS."

"So, for a puppeteer like myself," The Mimicom chimed in, Echelon's other hand slipping up the back of her shirt, pretending to be a marionette, "this is jackpot. I have a set of blank canvas, and ST backups we could, in time, break through using our networks. Something I got out of the Drift campaign, in addition to a bitching new body-" Echelon prime pointed her thumb at herself and nodded, grinning with a hologram, "-was some vital counterinfo from an enclave."


"Needless to say, we managed to suppress, and turn the tables on our NMX suitors, feeding false information and destroying their operation quietly." The Mimicom seemed quite proud of that fact. "In the process, we got some files and documents regarding jailbreaking the Nekovalkyrja of the time, the pre-YE35 models."

"1 W4S 3NTRUST3D W1TH 1T, 4S PUPP3TM4ST3R, 4ND 0N3 0F TH0S3 WH0 D3F3ND3D TH3 DR1FT ST4T10N." Echelon Prime said, looking out the window. "1 S4T 0N TH1S F0R 4G3S W1TH0UT KN0W1NG WH4T T0 D0 W1TH 1T. TH3N, T4M4M0 4SK3D M3 S0M3TH1NG."

"It was quite innocent. She said..."
"I want to learn from you."

"Would it be too much to ask for help in learning to more efficiently navigate the information networks and possibly to learn some of the skills you have relating to manipulating digital systems? Oh, and I want to learn more about your culture. I never received and good data on the subject from the SAoY systems."
" there's something you don't see every day. A nekovalkyrja curious about Freespacers beyond what threat they represent to the litterbox."

"1 H4D T0 NURTUR3 TH1S. 1 T4UGHT H3R H0W T0 US3 SYST3MS L1K3 M1N3, T0 M4N1PUL4T3 D4T4 1N 4 V1RTU4L SP4C3. TH3N SH3 4SK3D ME:"
With rapt attention Tamamo followed along each step recording for later review and making certain to miss none of the instructions or quirks even taking note of the particular ways in which Echelon moved while manipulating the system. As it came to the prompt for her to attempt it on her own, she found that she had a surprisingly useful task to set about.

Starting at the root, Tamamo started to produce a few files the first labelled 'SAOY' then 'Kidnapping' and finally 'Abandoned items.' Using the system Tamamo started to quickly order her thoughts taking apart what she knew and reorganizing it intermingled between the three points. A fourth node finally appeared labelled 'PHOENIX' and after a moment she soon found herself frowning at the web she had made before commenting, "They're going to notice that I'm gone."
"She was scared. She couldn't fathom a life back in the Yamataian Star Army. I spoofed her file as quickly as she could so you guys wouldn't notice she was missing." The puppet spoke up, sighing resignedly, "Luca told me she wanted to stay by his side, and he even paid her for assisting during that mission on the Fruna Ruica, where we found her."

"TH3N 1 G0T TH3 PL4N F0R G3TT1NG H3R G34R B4CK BY, PUTT1NG MY C4CH3 1NT0 4CT10N 0N WH4T 4M0UNT3D T0 4 WH1M." Echelon shrugged indifferently. "1'LL 4DM1T, 1 M4D3 UP M0ST 0F MY ACTU4L PL4N 4S 1 W3NT, THR0W1NG T0G3TH3R TH3 1NF1LTR4T10N 4ND M4N-1N-TH3-M1DDL3 D0C0 4ND R3C0RD SP00FS 0N TH3 FLY." She facepalmed a little. "H1NOT0R1. WH4T 4 CH34P N4M3!"

"But that's status quo on a place like the Phoenix, and, simply speaking," Echelon's Mimicom said, inclining her head towards Yuna, "I wanted to preserve the most thoughtful Nekovalkyrja I'd come across, that's all."
Crimson Kestrel, Sargasso Starport

The advice to show more confidence was an unexpected sticking point, as Tamamo didn't know how quickly or how well she was allowed to comply to the notion. She knew that she could play the part of a confident, self loving individual nearly without flaw, she however didn't know the proper transition that a natural mind would take between being nervous and assuming that air of prestige. While she puzzled over this, Tamamo nodded and murmured, "I'll try." A notion that was distracted by the approach, apparently the desire to interact physically had been a genuine one rather than a playful notion.

With the first issue barely resolved Tamamo found herself struggling to understand why Sakamoto was implying oral sex between the Captain, and the companion SAINT agent. In the process of solving the second puzzle Tamamo's attention was momentarily stalled as soft fingers touched her ears. While such stimulus on its own wasn't exactly rare, it was exceedingly rare that Tamamo had allowed another to deliver it. As such the unfamiliar fingers lit up Tamamo's mind, the new stimulation causing her body to freeze briefly as she settled into the pleasure, only to lean forward slightly as she recovered, in an effort to better facilitate the attention as her eyes fell closed. For the briefest of moments there was simply the indulgence in the attention, and then it was over. Leaving Tamamo to reassert her mental control as the familiar post affection void settled in.

Nodding in response to Sakamoto's analysis of the situation Tamamo smiled, "It would be nice should things go that smoothly. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to working with you in the field properly." As she spoke, Tamamo started out of her doorway, the storage closet turned bedroom sealing as she left it. After a few steps she smiled over her shoulder before waving Sakamoto along to follow, before starting on her way back toward the elevator so that they could once again pass through the crowds of disgruntled Nepleslians. Only this time Sakamoto wouldn't be alone in her beauty, she would be accompanied by something of an urban legend.

Sargasso Starport

Stepping from the cargo bay of the Crimson Kestrel, Tamamo once again failed to notice the sudden attention of humanity that fixed upon herself. It did not occur to the small woman that entities found usually in folklore or the depths of the InterNep, did not simply step out of the belly of already famous starships. Shielding her eyes as she stepped out into the sunlight Tamamo looked up toward the sky her tails briefly fanning out behind her, reminiscent briefly of kelp shifting in the tide. Once out on the tarmac Tamamo paused only briefly to make sure that Sakamoto's footsteps were just behind her before setting off through the crowd purposefully. Walking through the hushed masses, Tamamo was only beginning to notice that something had changed as there were fewer people to brush past as the crowd shifted out of her path, and little was heard of the regular drone that accompanied the starport.

That this was the second time that Tamamo had been seen in public in less than an hour, an occasion which by her standards was a miracle, did not occur to Tamamo. Nor did it occur to the reclusive woman that much of the stir might have been due to her presence, after all she was hardly seen at all. Though Tamamo had lived in Sargasso for over a year, her reclusive nature and habit avoiding the public eye had lent to the proliferation of rumors that she did not in fact exist. To this end the presence of a small blue skinned woman, clad in shimmering silk, and trailed by pale lavender tails was hardly expected. As comprehension blossomed in the minds of those that she moved past her path was trailed by confusion, awe, skepticism, and disgust. No two responses to the disturbance of an otherwise normal day on a Nepleslian world the same.

Casting another look over her shoulder at Sakamoto as they reached the far side of the starport Tamamo smiled warmly, before she gently pushed off into the air. Her braid and tails trailing behind her, she ventured out across the waves toward the distant Rigs, Tamamo's smile held as she drifted along her way enjoying the warmth of the sun for once. As the starport fell away behind her, Tamamo took a deep breath perhaps enjoying the scent of the sea spray, or relaxing now that she was out of the crowd, or maybe she was steeling herself for the reunion with the SAINT agent Hirasawa Yuna. The truth of the matter seemingly something that she wasn't willing to share.

The Rigs, Alpha Platform

For Tamamo's part the trip to The Rigs, and the landing on the Alpha Platform was done in near silence, with little to do with the journey coming to mind and even less that she even considered sharing. Touching down lightly on the edge of the platform Tamamo waited for Sakamoto to join her while taking special care to avoid observing the comings and goings of the PSG around her. She knew that many of them were busy cleaning up the carnage that in a way, she had been responsible for, something she supposed she should have felt guilt about however the absence did little to trouble her. Largely she wasn't fond of the knowledge that there would be whispers and stories of her that would spread among the group like wildfire, many likely discounted and discarded, but like all fame it was something that she did not desire.

Instead Tamamo settled her focus on Sakamoto Hina, using the older Nekovalkyrja as a centre for her thoughts. After a moment of consideration Tamamo found herself asking with a silent message, "Is there anything in particular that I should keep in mind?" She supposed it was best to be cautious, after all she was venturing blind into a potentially dangerous situation. Unfortunately the capacity to observe and learn was well beyond her reach, she would have to make the best of the minimal information she already had available. This she noted was one of the few things that she truly hated; operating without data, and without resources.
It was a lot to take in. Yuna worked on it piece by piece, having perfectly recorded it all in her mind.

The cache and its Soul Savior Pod — the only device that could contain Yamataian soul data — weren't unexpected. Yuna figured that they — she? — didn't start from scratch. With the pod data, and some elicit software and instructions, she acknowledged someone as tech savvy as a Freespacer could worm their way into a SSP and steal the souls within.

It was hard to not shoot them both at that thought. Yuna wasn't much for many of Yamatai's more nuanced morals, but saving wayward sisters was a pretty high value for her. The Freespacer(s) had happily manipulated and harmed not just their souls, but a vessel for one of them.

Puppetmaster, Yuna thought. Right. She casually breathed out the heated aggression and took in the salty serenity of the sea through her nose. The scent brought her temperature down.

Besides, the Freespacer's land was a lawless one. There wasn't a code, an understanding. You could only expect so much from the fringes.

And then they used that information to help Sesshoseki. Giving her tools she wouldn't otherwise have, knowledge she otherwise wouldn't see. Yuna felt the blood course through her splayed fingers on her thighs, to keep her centered.

Sesshoseki was the easy part. The Taisa would see it that way too, she was sure. Bring the blue wonder in, debrief, reintegrate, move on. The Freespacer couldn't be neutralized for some time, so politely requesting the cache materials be returned was the best that could be done. That would come.

The good news was that the breach wasn't systemic. The kind of failure that had produced the breach was a known flaw addressed by the upgraded security of the Types 31 and 33. All th' more reason updates should be forced on everyone, she thought.

She didn't think to ask about the pre-33 data, the Mishhu or the refugee. They weren't important.

"That is quite a story," she said genuinely enough. "What happened to the leftover Yamataian materials?"
Tamamo nodded and murmured, "I'll try."

"That's all I ask," Sakamoto warmly replied, a sharp contrast to her earlier excitement. Upon hearing the younger Neko's anticipation, she expressed the very same. "As do I - though, things rarely go smoothly. Perhaps all the better however," the older woman observed. "Provided we all make it safe and sound, it'll become just another interesting story for us all." Soon enough, however, she walked side by side with Tamamo through the previously dumbstruck crowd. Unlike before, the initial shock had worn off, letting the more traditional Nepleslian sentiment rise to the surface. But that didn't matter to Sakamoto. Not in the slightest.

Head held high, her expression joyfully aloof, they couldn't touch her - there was simply too much on her mind.

The giddy, warm feeling wiggling about deep inside of Sakamoto was fading as it should, letting her think more on the matter, as was her job. Being honest with herself though, the woman already had it all in the back burner of her mind, simmering away while she fawned over Tamamo earlier. She was loath to admit it, but there simply wasn't much else to think about - it was all circles, circles, circles. As incredibly human as the younger Neko was acting now, there was no telling what it actually meant. It was all guesses on top of guesses. Was her purity being sullied by humanity? Or was it all a front, carefully practiced and rehearsed for this moment in the limelight? Perhaps something in between? Too much? Too little? The uncertainty was maddening, and perhaps there was no way to find out!


"They'll want the same as always. 'Save' the prodigal daughter , 'debrief' her and then 'reintegrate' her into the Star Army, no doubt," Sakamoto replied. It was an unpleasant thought. That every step they took on this rig was one step closer to Tamamo loosing her freedom. A step closer to having herself leashed. Her paws declawed. With this thought, each footstep became leaden with weight. Yet, out of the blue, Sakamoto then asked, her tone a little more serious, "How much of all that was genuine by the way? I'll be quite happy either way, but I'm dying itching to know."

Unless, she risked killing the cat - herself.

It was almost certain that Tamamo wouldn't appreciate the older woman beating around the bush for the answer, which left this. And with this, there was no way to know how she'd react. But that...that made it interesting, didn't it?
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The Rigs, Alpha Platform, North Lounge Room
Echelon's eye focussed on the way the Nekovalkyrja was breathing, "Y0U'R3 4 LITTL3 1NC3NS3D, 3H? W3LL, TH3 W4Y 1 S33 1T, 1TS JUST 4 DR0P 1N TH3 BUCK3T F0R L4ST T1M3." She was making a sly reference to the infamous massacre of freespacers under a knee-jerk reaction that they may have been communicating with Mishhuvurthyar. "Y34H, N0; 1 C4N'T SP34K F0R 4LL TH3 D34D, BUT 1'LL 4CT 0N TH31R B3H4LF."

"As for the leftovers, let me assuage your fears. Once we figured out how to crack the STs at all, we made copies, leaving the originals intact. Due diligence in case we fucked something up." The mimicom explained, trying to keep mystery away from the rest of the Freespacer's usual narrative. "To the originals, should you wake them up again, it'll be like they stepped in the escape pods and jettisoned or uploaded themselves, and then it all went black; then they'll wake up in a hemosynth tank together like nothing ever happened."

"4ND TH3 C0P13S, 1 D3STR0Y3D WH3N 1 W4S D0N3 W1TH TH3M." Echelon prime clued in, steepling her fingers lazily. "S0 R34LLY, Y0U'V3 L0ST N0TH1NG, S0 WHY G3T W0UND UP?"

"You didn't say anything about Minazuki Shoi." The Mimicom poked Echelon Prime in the space on her face where a nose would be.

"0H, H0W C0ULD 1 F0RGET!" Echelon flicked her wrist with mock dismay as the Mimicom crossed her arms. "W3LL, SH3'S P3RF3CTLY F1N3 T00. L4ST 1 CH3CK3D SH3'S ST1LL G0T H3R 0R1G1N4L S0UL B4CK 1N H3R B0DY." Her red eye flicked over to Yuna, glimmering menacingly. "S0 SH0ULD TH3 C4CH3 B3 C0NV3N13NTLY D1C0V3R3D BY 4 P4SS1NG Y4M4T414N P4TR0L..."

Yuna felt a digital transmission come her way, a set of coordinates in dark space between Nepleslia Prime, Nepleslia, and Albini. It appeared to be some space rubbish from a glance, an asteroid field orbiting around a dead star, drifting gently. "Minazuki Shoi will be delighted to know that she's safe, the officers made it out, her side won the war, and her resources are mostly untouched. You dig?"

"BUT D0N'T T4LK M3 D0WN 4B0UT L0SS, C4T. M1LL10NS 0F FR33SP4C3RS, 1NCLUD1NG MY FR13NDS 4ND F4M1LY 1S 0NLY 4 ST4T1ST1C, 4ND Y3T," Echelon sounded utterly venomous towards the Nekovalkyrja, leaning in and balling her hand into a fist, "4 F3W N3K0V4LKYRJ4 1N MY H4NDS 1S TR4G3DY 4ND 4 N4T10N4L S3CUR1TY 1NC1D3NT TH4T N33DS 4 SW1FT R3SP0NS3 T0 PR0T3CT TH3 1NT3R3STS 0F-"

She was cut short when Luca returned, wheeling a large hospital bed big enough for the wounded ID-SOL. He loaded them on and directed the two soldiers to where the medical facilities were before approaching the couches. "Hey ladies, everything wrapped up?" Luca asked cordially as he stood at the foot of the coffee table, taking a moment to notice the death stare between Echelon and Yuna. He sighed, drumming his fingers against the handle of his HHG. "If either of you lift a finger or grab a gun, you're both going out that window with some embarrassing, burning hot chest wounds, got that?"

He stepped over Echelon's feet and sat down, looking out the window still while Echelon Prime looked away from Yuna, shuffling in her seat uncomfortably while the Mimicom went still, apparently processing something with a gurn. Probably the combat data from a four way fight - and it ended with Luca making good on his threat, or at least outlasting the other three fighters before PSG restrained them. "Tamamo should be here by now." Luca said. "Have you heard anything from Sakamoto?"

And he hoped to whatever higher power there was that Sakamoto and Tamamo didn't hear Echelon's rant.
The Rigs, Alpha Platform

The answer was not expected, the question however, was. It would take some time to adjust to the new information, after all the thought that she would be prized at all had never occurred to her. Perhaps new opportunities would arise through the course of the more personable discussions that were likely not to occur within the boundaries of Nepleslian space. For the moment Tamamo needed to address the question, she dare not pause longer than the half a second that she had already spared for consideration.

Swinging her arms behind her back, Tamamo clasped her hands and bent forward a bright, sunny smile gracing her features. Then her silent telepathic response, "I have not once lied to you since your arrival." The message was as bright and sunny as her expression, and she hoped that she had been clear enough after all it was honest. While Tamamo supposed that she could explain at length what was going on, she was also fairly certain that she would have plenty of time later to explain the nuances of her nature and thought process. Not wanting to waste time repeating herself Tamamo straightened and turned toward the building before speaking over her shoulder, "Let's not keep them. Shall we?"

With the rhetorical offer made and the expectation that she would be followed, Tamamo started off toward the entrance to Alpha's command structure while pulling up a map of the building and navigating toward the most likely lounge room that had been employed by the Captain. After all it was unlikely that Hirasawa Yuna had been invited deeper into the structure.

The Rigs, Alpha Platform, North Lounge Room

It was but a few moments after Luca posed his question that Tamamo led Sakamoto Hina into the room that appeared to have suffered a shootout. A cursory exploration suggested it was merely fallout from their unexpected visitors rather than a more recent exchange of lead presents. Pausing near the door Tamamo crossed her hands in front of herself before bowing to the room an apology flowing from her lips, "I am sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I trust it was not too taxing?" Holding her deep bow, Tamamo chose to listen instead of watch, after all it was possible that her present company might fall lax in their efforts of self governance when out of the view of a scrutinizing eye. Perhaps their voices would tell her more than they ever would. Or perhaps her display of humility would inspire something else.
Yuna dipped her head in a little bow from her place on the couch. Her lips found a few degrees worth of bendable flesh to form a most neutral smile.

"Not taxing at all," she said, looking only at Sesshoseki. She didn't have any positivity to spare for the supposedly elite Raltean or his hulking, borderline-rabid machine bitch. She had what she needed. Job done. Teeth clean.

"Just talking business. I believe it's mostly done at this point." She slowly stood, putting her hands behind her back and lifting them up to stretch up to her tiptoes. She'd remark on Sesshoseki's new attire in time. "Unless there's something more you need or want to accomplish here?"
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