The Rigs, Alpha Platform, North Lounge Room
Luca nodded at her request to get started, but first he needed to treat himself. He looked over his shoulder at the kitchenette and saw walking just in front of the kitchen was a Yamataian and a Nepleslian hauling a barely-conscious ID-SOL towards the medical facilities, yelling for a stretcher.
Luca was considering asking someone to help entertain his guest, but something told him it'd be a bit wrong to do so at a time like this when the wounds were still fresh. "I'll be back in a moment. Echelon, this is all yours, okay?" Luca said as he stood up, obliged to help out his soldiers as he turned around.
"G0TCH4." Echelon replied as Luca approached the two soldiers carrying the larger ID-SOL.
"Stay here, I'll get you a stretcher myself." Luca said before he disappeared into platform's interior, following the signs marked to the medbay.
Echelon and the mimicom sitting on her metal lap leaned forward. "H3'S 4 R34L S0FT13 F0R H1S M3N, H1GH 4ND L0W."
Luca knew there was a contingent of gym rats on the Service Group who really belted it out at the exercise facilities, making harmless games of it between rounds of intense CQC practice. Hopefully all that translated into good discipline and a sense of mateship. Echelon meanwhile looked back at Yumi. "R1GHT, WH3R3 D0 1 B3G1N? W3LL-" She leaned in, resting her head in gently steepled fingers against her chin. "-TH1S 1S 0N3 1'V3 B33N S1TT1NG 0N F0R 4 WH1L3. 1 D1SC0V3R3D 4 C4CH3 0F Y4M4T414N M4T3R14LS 1N SP4C3 WH3N 1 W4S CH3CK1NG 0N S0M3 1NV3STM3NTS 4 C0UPL3 0F Y34RS 4G0 DUR1NG TH3 S3C0ND NMX W4R."
"Now, in the middle of Nepleslian space, no Nepleslian would be looking for these sorts of things, they'd be looking for their own first, damn the cats for dragging them into this war." Echelon's Mimicom spoke up, making a rainbow sweep with her hands. "The universe being big and dangerous enough as it is, they had their own priorities."
"S0, 1T W3NT UNN0T1C3D UNT1L 4 G4S M1N1NG 0P3R4T10N 1 H4V3 S0M3 C0NT4CTS 1N S4W 1T DR1FT 1N. 1 H4D T0 B3 TH3R3, PR0NT0."
"When I got there, I convinced the mine owner to take its contents and make it disappear." The little puppet crossed her legs, looking up at the ceiling. "What was it the foreman said? 'I don't want the cats stinking up my precious gas'? We preyed on his well-founded paranoia."
"DULL 4S D1SHW4T3R, DUMB T0 B00T." Echelon Prime sneered, rolling the aperture of their monoeye and their neck. "S0 1 T00K TH3 1T3MS T0 4 L1TTL3 N00K 1 H4V3 1N TH3 G4L4XY, 4ND UNP4CK3D TH3 C0NT3NTS TH3R3. 4M0NGST P0W3R 4RM0UR, 4 SHUTTL3, 4ND W34P0NRY, 1 F0UND TH3 B0DY 4ND S0UL TR4NSF3R B4CKUP 0F 4 C4PT41N 0F 4 D3STR0Y3D V3SS3L, 4L0NG W1TH S0M3 0TH3R 0FF1C3RS."
"So, for a puppeteer like myself," The Mimicom chimed in, Echelon's other hand slipping up the back of her shirt, pretending to be a marionette, "this is jackpot. I have a set of blank canvas, and ST backups we could, in time, break through using our networks. Something I got out of the Drift campaign, in addition to a bitching new body-" Echelon prime pointed her thumb at herself and nodded, grinning with a hologram, "-was some vital counterinfo from an enclave."
"Needless to say, we managed to suppress, and turn the tables on our NMX suitors, feeding false information and destroying their operation quietly." The Mimicom seemed quite proud of that fact. "In the process, we got some files and documents regarding jailbreaking the Nekovalkyrja of the time, the pre-YE35 models."
"1 W4S 3NTRUST3D W1TH 1T, 4S PUPP3TM4ST3R, 4ND 0N3 0F TH0S3 WH0 D3F3ND3D TH3 DR1FT ST4T10N." Echelon Prime said, looking out the window. "1 S4T 0N TH1S F0R 4G3S W1TH0UT KN0W1NG WH4T T0 D0 W1TH 1T. TH3N, T4M4M0 4SK3D M3 S0M3TH1NG."
"It was quite innocent. She said..."
"I want to learn from you."
"Would it be too much to ask for help in learning to more efficiently navigate the information networks and possibly to learn some of the skills you have relating to manipulating digital systems? Oh, and I want to learn more about your culture. I never received and good data on the subject from the SAoY systems."
" there's something you don't see every day. A nekovalkyrja curious about Freespacers beyond what threat they represent to the litterbox."
"1 H4D T0 NURTUR3 TH1S. 1 T4UGHT H3R H0W T0 US3 SYST3MS L1K3 M1N3, T0 M4N1PUL4T3 D4T4 1N 4 V1RTU4L SP4C3. TH3N SH3 4SK3D ME:"
With rapt attention Tamamo followed along each step recording for later review and making certain to miss none of the instructions or quirks even taking note of the particular ways in which Echelon moved while manipulating the system. As it came to the prompt for her to attempt it on her own, she found that she had a surprisingly useful task to set about.
Starting at the root, Tamamo started to produce a few files the first labelled 'SAOY' then 'Kidnapping' and finally 'Abandoned items.' Using the system Tamamo started to quickly order her thoughts taking apart what she knew and reorganizing it intermingled between the three points. A fourth node finally appeared labelled 'PHOENIX' and after a moment she soon found herself frowning at the web she had made before commenting, "They're going to notice that I'm gone."
"She was scared. She couldn't fathom a life back in the Yamataian Star Army. I spoofed her file as quickly as she could so you guys wouldn't notice she was missing." The puppet spoke up, sighing resignedly, "Luca told me she wanted to stay by his side, and he even paid her for assisting during that mission on the Fruna Ruica, where we found her."
"TH3N 1 G0T TH3 PL4N F0R G3TT1NG H3R G34R B4CK BY, PUTT1NG MY C4CH3 1NT0 4CT10N 0N WH4T 4M0UNT3D T0 4 WH1M." Echelon shrugged indifferently. "1'LL 4DM1T, 1 M4D3 UP M0ST 0F MY ACTU4L PL4N 4S 1 W3NT, THR0W1NG T0G3TH3R TH3 1NF1LTR4T10N 4ND M4N-1N-TH3-M1DDL3 D0C0 4ND R3C0RD SP00FS 0N TH3 FLY." She facepalmed a little. "H1NOT0R1. WH4T 4 CH34P N4M3!"
"But that's status quo on a place like the Phoenix, and, simply speaking," Echelon's Mimicom said, inclining her head towards Yuna, "I wanted to preserve the most thoughtful Nekovalkyrja I'd come across, that's all."