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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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@Navian I'll leave it up to you what happens to the NMX squid that is attached to your ship.

I will give you bonus points if you detail the collateral damage from shooting at your own ship.

Feel free to kill your target however you like.
The ships are done for. At this point none of the NMX ships are capable of fighting back so you're free to do what you want with them.

The only remaining NMX 'on the board' so to speak is Fhion. Once she is defeated we're done!

We'll probably be starting the wrap up JPs this weekend.
Serra is fiercely protective of Saja. If anyone makes her lose her smile. Serra will have words (lit. VIOLENCE) with them.
Alright, we're going for it!

There are a few changes to how we're doing things, and new OOC threads have been started for those. If you are looking for more RP there is now an OOC thread to request that. There is also another thread regarding how we're going to keep track of events going forward.


The next thread where anyone can show up is this one : https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum...apital-3-not-trying-too-hard-this-time.43921/

Uso doesn't feel like dealing with the aftermath of Star-Wasp right now so she's taking some time off to enjoy herself. Anyone who wants to come along can assume Uso got them a hotel room as well. This is mostly just a casual, social thing for now.
From the other thread, because I like to spread my seed.

I want to have a AR 942/YE 39 PARTY at Nath Tower plox

She just got a WHOLE bunch of legal and recreational drugs, so be prepared for a high time! The party will be at the Nath Tower Thread, New Years Eve (All day will be from now onwards), midnight (Which will be two hours before or after midnight PSD) and the morning after (The morning after will begin in RP on the morning after New Years Eve OOCly). Every floor is open to be reserved for free for the night, just talk to the front desk (I can RP them, just tag me in OOC or make the interaction brief on your own)! This should be lots and lots of fun!

[EDIT] Here it is!
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It has come to my attention that our resident MechaMeme @Alex Hart has not seen Gurren Lagan, and is only on the 8th episode.

I wanted to see if Alex would be up for a let's watch Alex watch Gurren Lagan for the first time time party. This is pretty much the exact person this series was designed for.
I'm down with that. But how will I set skype or some such up to show the episode and me at the same time? Or should I do this not live? In any case, once that's decided, I'll let you know when it's all set up.
For the most professional looking way of doing it, I would put Gurren Lagan up on the screen, setup Skype next to it, and then use some screen capture software to record both at the same time.

I think we all have our own ways of watching the show. I know the series is on netflix, and it may be easiest for us to just watch you, and then also watch the show on our own screens.
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