Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō [YSS Kaiyō] Pre-Mission One: Hajime!

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Once out of the captain's suite, Eden spoke up to Boss, saying, "Please have everyone gather in the wardroom."

Boss then spoke to each group of crew members individually and asserted that they go to the wardroom for the mission briefing in a friendly, shipper female voice.

Eden strode towards Yoshida and Navian, who had just entered the bridge and smiled widely, "Ready to get this going?" She walked past them and let the door open for her, making her way to the wardroom.

She stood at the front of it, back to the wall of the kitchen, and awaited her crew's entrance.
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Navian was about to speak when she saw the captain, but it was easy enough to assume her concerns were already going to be addressed in the wardroom. She simply saluted and followed on. Asuka took a few more moments to match speeds with reality, and ran to catch up.
Once out of the captain's suite, Eden spoke up to Boss, saying, "Please have everyone gather in the wardroom."

Boss then spoke to each group of crew members individually and asserted that they go to the wardroom for the mission briefing in a friendly, shipper female voice.

Anastasia, having finished inspecting the row of power armor, received the order and headed towards the wardroom. Along the way, she gave polite nods and quiet hellos to anyone she came across.

Anastasia quietly made her presence known once she arrived, poking her head and shoulders through the door at one side of the Wardroom, taking a look inside.
Arbitrated found Airi at her station, though the medic was busy counting supplies and reorganizing. Airi gave her a small wave as she stopped by.
The wave is returned, and on a whim of deciding to know your doctor Arb changes her unpacking plans to say hello. And maybe more that just, "Hello, I am Santo Hei Arbitrated Shan, pleased to make your acquaintance, and you are?"

-wardroom summoning announcement interrupts this greeting, postponed-

She turns and starts heading towards the indicated room, taking what she believed to be the most efficient pathway. Once inside she takes a place against one of the walls, to not be in anybody's way but also, not in their immediate line of sight as they enter the room.
"Airi-Hei. We'll talk later," Airi whispers to Arbitrated, as she closes the drawers and heads to the wardroom at her own pace.
Once out of the captain's suite, Eden spoke up to Boss, saying, "Please have everyone gather in the wardroom."

Boss then spoke to each group of crew members individually and asserted that they go to the wardroom for the mission briefing in a friendly, shipper female voice.

Eden strode towards Yoshida and Navian, who had just entered the bridge and smiled widely, "Ready to get this going?" She walked past them and let the door open for her, making her way to the wardroom.

She stood at the front of it, back to the wall of the kitchen, and awaited her crew's entrance.
Carter quickly hurried into the wardroom, having arrived at the ship only minutes before. His red uniform instantly identified him as one of the new technicians assigned to the ship. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Eden standing in the room, and started to attention, saluting. "Taii Eden! Santo Hei Carter Dynamis reporting."
Happy to see fresh faces, Teien Eden saluted back and said, "Hello and welcome. Please, take your seats. We will begin shortly. You may talk amongst yourselves until we get started."
Happy to see fresh faces, Teien Eden saluted back and said, "Hello and welcome. Please, take your seats. We will begin shortly. You may talk amongst yourselves until we get started."
Anastasia nervously steps into the room, giving a salute before taking a seat. "Hei Anastasia Barlow, present."
Happy to see fresh faces, Teien Eden saluted back and said, "Hello and welcome. Please, take your seats. We will begin shortly. You may talk amongst yourselves until we get started."
The Shan sits down, as instructed. Maybe this specified action was unnecessary but I'm saying it anyways.
She takes a look at the two people sitting next to her, and who is sitting across if applicable, and politely introduces herself to them.

"Quite a few Elysians here, if I have to be honest. Not that I'm complaining

"Guess you could say that... At least the ship doesn't have to haul us around as much because we weigh nothing!" ^^;

...she isn't exactly a joke person, but she tries, and usually fails.
"Guess you could say that... At least the ship doesn't have to haul us around as much because we weigh nothing!" ^^;
...she isn't exactly a joke person, but she tries, and usually fails.
She earns a light chuckle and a form break from Meissa. Not that, you know, Meissa is a stone-faced soldier. In any case, Meissa has a seat as well. Next to her new Elysian...friend? I'm not sure. To be fair she just tagged around because boredom.
"wardroom time?" Yoshida exclaimed as visions of steamed buns appeared before her very eyes. "On my way!" With great haste she made her way to the wardroom, coming in maybe a bit later than the others, having been loitering in the bridge, just about skidding into the room, waving her arms about for balance for a moment before she planted her feet on the ground once more. "Santo Hei Yoshida Kokoro present!"

After she gave a quisk salute, she took a moment to glance around the room and went over to plant herself next to the nervous looking Anastashia "hey there!"
After she gave a quisk salute, she took a moment to glance around the room and went over to plant herself next to the nervous looking Anastashia "hey there!"
Anastasia, being mostly leg compared to torso, was sitting somewhat awkwardly in her chair. She looked over and smiled, for probably the first time most of them had seen, except Yoshida of course. "Hey Yoshida. How did it go?"
"Oh it went amazingly!" She let out a giggle as she recalled the talk with the captian. "She's very nice, treated me to some steambuns and everything! You'll like her I bet." In stark contrast, Yoshida's feet barely reached the floor, this didn't seem to bother her all that much though as she let her feet swing around a bit.
Navian sat near the table as well, pushing her seat back and crossing her legs to take up a bit less of the table space than she would, otherwise. "It does seem a bit unusual. Even one of us tends to elicit surprise..."

Asuka immediately took a seat just to the left of the Taii, and claimed this spot at the table by bringing both hands down onto it, leaning forward, and gazing around at anyone who might potentially (at least in her mind) challenge her for it. Airi sat to her left, in turn, with much less commotion.
"Santo Hei Yoshida Kokoro present!"

After she gave a quisk salute, she took a moment to glance around the room and went over to plant herself next to the nervous looking Anastashia "hey there!"
Carter looked over at the vertically challenged Neko and broke into a smile. "Hey, Yoshida! I remember you from basic. Didn't expect to see you here."
"Oh it went amazingly!" She let out a giggle as she recalled the talk with the captian. "She's very nice, treated me to some steambuns and everything! You'll like her I bet." In stark contrast, Yoshida's feet barely reached the floor, this didn't seem to bother her all that much though as she let her feet swing around a bit.
"Sounds nice." She spoke short and quietly, classic Anastasia.
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