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Approved Submission [Lorath] Project Checkout


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
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I don't think it does prove your point, I think it invalidates it. Anyway.

I took our the "Effects" section and added a "Findings" one.

How is something the FM approved multiple times considerably "overpowered"?
The fact of the matter is that Ethreal wanted to mine these, which according to you, is not possible. I would call that very limiting, if RP is only restricted to science and observation stations. Even then, if a mining plot were allowed, it's a Catch 22 as I pointed out earlier, since it runs the risk of making Zesuaium more prominent in the setting when we've tried doing the opposite for years.

No matter what, we're stuck between a rock and a hard zesu place, and I can't approve of that.

The conditions are inherently capable of creation of patterns of space and time, self-sustaining ones, creating a place where space and time move very quickly. On top of that, there are intense gravitational shifts and electrical discharges that can vaporize with arcs of plasma.

What is written here, in the first sentence, confuses the creation of micro-universes and the incredibly common phenomenon of time dilation. Time dilation is entirely caused by the effects of gravity and velocity. Gravitational family factors are entirely canceled by the use of CFS. Read below regarding whether this is used in setting at all.

Time would flow at the standard rate for any visitors unless you want to retroactively state that any ship in setting feels the effects of time dilation (regardless of CFS) at which point any ship passing by a gas giant or travelling at FTL would lose or gain months of time. As time and space are innately linked, the space element of this blockade can also be thrown out.

Electrical discharges may be more problematic but they can still be countered by something as simple as a Faraday Cage covering the ship, which simply stops the electricity reaching the ship at all. That or add more aether gens to the CFS.

As I say, simply add that the influence of the local forces rips space time randomly. These would be impassible as even in CFS one could simply pass through a window into another universe even in CFS, which has been done before - this even happened to the Kaiyo.

@HarperMadi would you say this is a fair solution?
Did you miss that the technology will be begun to be made to navigate these systems, Cadet?
As I say, simply add that the influence of the local forces rips space time randomly. These would be impassible as even in CFS one could simply pass through a window into another universe even in CFS, which has been done before - this even happened to the Kaiyo.

@HarperMadi would you say this is a fair solution?

The article already states that there are "space-time disruptions".
He wants a mining plot, but you said that's not going to happen. I don't see how I can make it more clear than that Ame.
But why do you only need a mining plot?

Why can't you just explore/charter the system to study the anomaly, since everyone is no doubt curious as to how it happened still. Literally many things BESIDES mining exists.
I'm here for the meme insane profitability of the literal Zesu mountains. I'll probably run a few JPs surrounding getting claims to mine whatever IIS can get, maybe put some comms out for miners etc.

It's not about me, but players and the setting at large. My primary concern is the RPability of this, however, this doesn't seem very promising since,

I don't think SAoY/YSE will allow anyone to mine this stuff even if they COULD create the tech to get there.

The article already states that there are "space-time disruptions".

I presume you took that from the "Findings" section Ame stated she added above only 18 minutes ago?

The space around the systems and planets of Zesu are incredibly difficult to navigate due to the EM signatures, space-time disruptions, and pasma flares.

If she added it after I spotted the issue I wouldn't take that as an "already states". I'm glad she's taken my advice, though I would venture to specifically mention "rips in the very fabric of space-time" as distortions is a bit vague/understated alone.
@Cad Why am I being quoted on SAoY/YSE matters as if they're fact? I don't know that. I think it.

OMG @E it had TEN instances before I added one paragraph that says I think says it once. So it had them in there long before you decided to claim the idea as your own. Osaka came up with the space-time anomalies singularly. It also never says rips in space-time's fabric and it will not have it in the future.
OMG @E it had TEN instances before I added one paragraph that says I think says it once. So it had them in there long before you decided to claim the idea as your own. Osaka came up with the space-time anomalies singularly. It also never says rips in space-time's fabric and it will not have it in the future.

Please link me properly next time so I have to defend myself before this slander sits here without my say. How can you not see I was trying to help you. I was not trying to throw you under the bus as I said at the very start. Space-time anomalies are not an idea lmao they're well documented IRL occurances and if we're talking about stealing ideas you know you don't want to go there with me and you since I've talked to Wes about that. If you can't even concede a single word to fix your self described technobabble I can't take this any more.

Disruptions is not a term that describes literal holes in the fabric of the universe. If I cough at a book club it's a disruption. The term does not describe the one thing that I proposed to you out of kindness and in your interest to fix the wishes of the creator of these worlds. If you can't concede that one word then your blockades are totally invalidated like I have laid out in my last few posts, contrary to the creator's wishes and her rights.

Add one word or this is not scientific for what you claim and as I claim there's no danger there at all.

P.S. "space-time anomalies singularly" has no meaning and isn't even in English. You have two nouns together wtf
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The science in very simple terms:
1. Opening up the wormhole require something called negative mass to keep any wormhole open cuz it wants to collapse in on itself.

2. When you bring negative mass into existence (which is very hard to do), it really really wants to stabilize.

3. Constantly, particles pop in and out of existence, called virtual particles which are normally only around so briefly they get pushed back OUT of existence because all of the numbers in the equations that define reality all add up correctly.

4. When it doesn't add up (because we have negative mass in existence), some of those virtual particles remain.

5. The amount of negative mass needed to actually stabilize the process we performed (per kilogram) was enormous

6. It came from an enormous interstellar noded aetheric network.

7. The amount of positive mass kept in existence FROM The virtual particles was whatever the densest form possible was.

8. The The densest material is zesuaium, so thats what the remaining material was, in the shape of the objects that went through the wormhole precisely.

Your best bet to travel this space honestly is to build something pre-SARP era with apogee motors, rockets and simple nuclear reactors that is huge, sturdy and very simple with a very small habitat section and to throw it using a linear accelerator from the boarder of this place.
The science in very simple terms:
1. Opening up the wormhole require something called negative mass to keep any wormhole open cuz it wants to collapse in on itself.

2. When you bring negative mass into existence (which is very hard to do), it really really wants to stabilize.

3. CONCURRENTLY, particles pop in and out of existence, called virtual particles which are normally only around so briefly they get pushed back OUT of existence because all of the numbers in the equations that define reality all add up correctly.

4. When it doesn't add up (because we have BROUGHT IN negative mass in existence), some of those virtual particles remain.

5. The amount of negative mass needed to actually stabilize the process we performed (per kilogram) was enormous

6. It came from an enormous interstellar noded aetheric network.

7. The amount of positive mass kept in existence FROM The virtual particles was whatever the densest form possible was.

8. The The densest material is zesuaium, so thats what the remaining material was, in the shape of the objects that went through the wormhole precisely.

Your best bet to travel this space honestly is to build something pre-SARP era with apogee motors, rockets and simple nuclear reactors that is huge, sturdy and very simple with a very small habitat section and to throw it using a linear accelerator from the boarder of this place.
This. All of this. Bolds mine.

That's what I don't understand. I don't understand why we're defining it, why we're allowing it or how we're going to keep people from exploring it further.

By exploring it, I mean "exploring Aether and Zesuaium." Two things in the setting we have tried to avoid expounding on.

What this does is give a new definition to Zesuaium AND explain how potentially to make it in the future. A restricted tech of Yamatai even now, last I recall. If that's not the case, I stand to be corrected.

I could be satisfied if we had this exact explanation inside the article, so at least people have that in the clearest possible terms.

But ultimately, in my mind, this goes back to a long-standing tension of Leigh's -- we purposely have Aether and Zesu things vague and undefined, at Wes' behest. Leigh never liked this and has pushed against it.

Approving this would lead us toward going against those original wishes.

I'm with Ametheliana that we need to wait for Wes to speak on these points that have been brought up. I'm locking this thread until he does so.
I took your advice and added what Osaka said in a "Science" section, Do, which I wanted you to know. Thanks for everyone's input and help in addressing this article.
Maybe we should just mark these systems on the map the way we do with black holes and basically treat them that way.
I think that idea settles it really easily.

But the article... What do you want from it?
I don't think this settles anything quite yet Ame. @Wes , what is it you'd like to see from this article exactly? Can you lay out some groundwork or directions for us to follow?
Okay, so I've had time to think about this and I've decided that we're going to have the Lorath main systems (Lor, Nyli, Hici'emi) basically be the navigational hazards that Osaka described but I'm not going to include the E-series systems, because canonically (wiki canon, not forum canon) there's nothing in those system articles to support anything happening to them, and it appears they were not even developed in the RP, basically at all. So I'm going to leave them as open adventure areas, in normal condition, for future plots to explore.

I'm going to take over this article myself, and just make it into a very basic overview/summary of what happened, without all the technobabble-psuedoscience attempting to explain how/why the effects happened. The real how/why that needs explaining is the history. All that really needs to be in there in terms of description is what it is in these systems presently and how RPers can interact with it.
Okay so I took out a lot of history I would like you to make sure to check out Osaka's article (and take out the hotlinked images and replace them with the ones I put on the wiki. I never got a chance to do this I am sorry) thoroughly, searching for the things I left out about the members and MOTHER, the beginnings, etc. I did not think it necessary, but you may.