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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Ten: Takaramono

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1st Floor South

Sacre extended the photonics of her suit, "I'm working on it. It may take a few minutes." She replied to Ume. Using the photonics to carefully separate the pages of the book, scan them, then she dried each page. It was in many ways, like surgery, without all of the blood. Somehow, the lack of blood make it different, less viscerally satisfying. However, she remained focused, carefully making sure that every bit of information from the whole book was scanned.
North Eastern

Her eyes are big and fully open as the blue irises flit about the room, her attention given more to her surroundings than where she was actually setting her feet. Not paying attention to her walking, she would accidentally drive her toes right into the hard, icy ground. A chocked yelp would leave her as she bends over, the pain coming on slow but becoming more intense, an annoying, radiating pain, until finally subsiding into a throb. For a good couples of seconds at first, she stayed there bent over, sucking in breath through her teeth to make a hissing sound. But after the pain had subsided enough, she would stand up again, walking with a bit of a funny waddle as she walked on only her heel with that one foot.

Good thing only Shiro was here with her, she could guess at the hard time the crew would give her if they saw the newest recruit, who was supposed to be a soldier, practically brought to her knees by a stubbed toe. She shakes her head to dispel the though, finally walking normal now. Her eyes narrow to the strange ice window, her eyebrows furrowing in contemplation. She turns her head to see Shiro near her. She gives a slight jerk of her head and a flick of her eyes in the direction of the window. "Care to check that out, see what's on the other side? I'll go check out what's passed that archway." Nora finishes her sentence by letting her eyes set on the dark archway at the end of the room. Where it lead, she did not know, but she didn't know Shiro, let alone trust him yet. It would put her mind at ease to have someone she trusted scout out unknown areas, and the only one she trusted right now was herself.

With that, she breaks away from Shiro, headed across the room to the unknown opening on the South West side of the room. Her hand would slip down to rest on the handle of her standard issue service pistol as she neared the entrance.
North Eastern

Shiro cringed a bit, watching as Nora ran her toe into the floor. He didn't know exactly what to say about it, but it made him feel a bit bad for her, especially since she was a new person, but he decided not to say anything, in order to not embarrass her or make her feel any worse about what had just occured. He then listened to what she briefly asked of him, and decided to do it, walking over to the window without even much of a noise. He quietly eyed it over, wondering what would happen if he was to hit the window. Of course, he didn't want to draw attention to himself, so he simply tapped on the ice covered window, knowing nothing bad could come of it. There was a bit of hope he had that Nora had found something interesting, but hopefully nothing too interesting, or dangerous...Or nothing more dangerous than the ice.

He soon quit looking at the ice covered window, or even bothering with it, simply standing there, waiting for his partner to return. He saw no reason to go off for her, as he wouldn't be following her directions...Which really, he saw as a bad thing, since she was taller than him, and there was a fair chance she was stronger than him, plus she could probably throw him like a ragdoll, so with all of this in mind, he decided to stay completely put. Shiro was still alert though, still waiting for a loud noise or warning of some sort.
Northern Central

Peregerine, Alastair, Darwin, and some others were there and needed to get below the North Western side of the room's transparent Zesu block floor.

Northern Western

Muyomi and Katsu would see the same room that Shiro was in that Nora was now leaving, which was plain and not too ostentatious. Muyomi guided Shiro and Katsu to follow Nora.

Western Central

As they followed Nora out of the small Western room and into a more central room, all of them would run into Yoshida and whoever had decided to join her, such as Lauren Strong.

This room was obviously the entrance room to the palace and had statuettes of the same deity that was in the central room on the Western wall in several poses for when temple-goers entered. On the ground, frozen over in many layers of ice were morsels of color that could have been age old flowers or ribbons. They were long preserved in ice, whatever they may be, at the foot of the statues of the maiden deity in this ornately decorated foyer. There was a less decorated wall with an exit to the Eastern wall to the perimeter that Eden was scouting.


Hoshi looked to Azai and Kasumi and asked them, "Can you make anything out of the text that was found in the Southern room?"

She sent the two of them the data file specifications she meant, which contained the undeciphered words:
“… agh coan dile… opel ako… Odile…
mofel iulais… lem opel… Coan uagh…
… Iso… iol… Poley uagh coan dile…”


The ice didn't crack underneath William, but there was a steep ascent if he wanted to get to the platform Sacre was on, possibly too steep to climb.

Hoshi said to the Southern group, "Clear more rooms and further floors looking for items of interest and investigating as you have been. Good work so far but we've only scratched the surface of what this temple has to offer."


Eden called back to Chlorate, "Second floor, Chlorate." To Mikael, she said, "Explore ahead. When you can, inform me further of what you find."
Northern Western

With the pistol raised, Katsu walked forward and went directly the way he was told to go by Muyomi. He even maintained proper trigger discipline by placing his finger against the side of the gun instead of holding it at the trigger. As the fox walked, he carefully looked left and right to sweep the room, not directly looking for clues on how to solve the puzzle the others were trying to clear, but looking for dangers, like creatures, gaps in the ice, holes, or even traps, just in case there were things like that.

It turned out that they were going the same way Nora did, and even though Katsu smiled about that, he moved on forward to get to her side and make sure that the place was secure. He knew Nora after all, they even shared a room on the Kaiyo, and with her he knew what kind of training she has gone through. With this girl, he knew that he could trust her. At least more than some others. He gave her a quick nod and then focused on sweeping the area again, following Muyomi's instructions on where to go.
"Understood," beeped Chlorate. She was now hovering right-side-up, though unstably. She looked like she could crash out of the air and into the floor or the wall- maybe even the ceiling at any second. She looked at Eden, somewhat worriedly, constantly checking to make sure she was still above the ground.

"Aye aye." Mikael responds to Eden. He debates dropping down the hole himself and use his body to float in order to prevent the creation of vibrations. But if it is actually ice down there and not transparent metal as it is up here, he ponders if the tiny amount of heat he is giving off will disrupt items down there. He sighs a bit and instead opts for the drone for now, as limited as its sensors are.

He starts slowly moving the drone towards the audio source in order to properly ID it.

Gravity's smile only grew at her captain's praise. Her first real mission in the Star Army and she'd already made herself useful without even stepping into a cockpit. With a giggle, she dove off of the edge of the pit, then stopped herself with her gravity manipulation. Facing the ceiling, with her hands behind her head and legs crossed as if she were lounging on a beach, she casually drifted towards the other side of the pit.

"Need a hand, hun?" she asked Will as she stopped above him, peering at the incline.

William looked up the step inclimb and huffed. "Well then..." There was no way he was getting up without some assistance, as much as he hated to admit it, If he had that rope from earlier he'd be able to climb the icy incline.

As he was racking his brain on how to climb up, Gravity floated floated over him. William sighed, looking defeated. "Yes please, Gravity-San..."

"Aw!" Gravity laughed quietly at Will's expression. So adorable!

Swooping down, she hooked her arms under his shoulders and easily lifted him to the upper ledge.

"Don't look so down! Lot's of people can't fly." she whispered and patted him on the shoulder. Moving past him, the azure Neko peered over Sacre's shoulder. She hadn't known her long, but she liked being around her so far. Gravity had the impression that she annoyed the snek girl, but that didn't stop her from trying to strike up conversation.

"Watcha reading?"

William blushed softly as he was lifted up the incline, and he pulled his hood a little further down. He turned around and looked around the space, possibly for a way up to the next level. That was after all that was there orders.

He moved around the room looking for a way out or up.
Western Central

Her swift steps would slow before coming to a stop as she made her way into the sweeping hallway connected to the room she had just exited. She would be greeted with the sight of two other members of the large party that had entered this place together. Just as she goes to greet them, she would see a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye through her helmet's wrap around glass face. Her head turns to see Katsu now at her side, one of her cabin mates. She gives him a tip of her head before her head turns to see just who else had followed. Another bob of her head, barely visible, as she confirmed who it was that had followed. Shiro was keeping up along with Muyomi, looked like the now party of four was doing just fine.

She inhales before letting out a soft sigh, easing the tension in her shoulders as she found comfort in not being alone in this mystery room anymore. She would turn her head forward again, seeing the two at the other end still headed their way. She takes a step forward and continues until the two groups have met at the middle. Now they would all be standing at the entrance to the grand room swallowed in darkness, it's space filled with statues of that same girl from before, all expertly sculpted. She wasn't how well the others' night vision let them see details, but her Daur eyes allowed her to pierce the dark and see quite well, albeit, all in grayish tones.
Northern Central

Alastair took out one of his picks from his back pack and started to mess with the blocks. It took him a few moments but it clicked based on how everyone was talking that this looked to be some kind of game. Odd to make a game out of the Zesu but maybe they were just bored one day.

He pulled on the pick to see if he could get the block in the bottom right corner to move.

Sacre was focused completely on her work. Gravity's question barely penetrated her awareness. "This. Translate." She said, pushing the information about the book that her sensors were finding to Gravity. Then she was back buried in carefully separating, scanning, and drying the pages.

Eventually the block to the NorthEastern edge of the Northern room gave way. When it did there was a large depression of something the size and shape of a gripped vase. It was as if the vase had disintegrated or decayed long ago and all that was left was empty space and a faint red sheen.


Hoshi inhaled when visual and sensory scans from Alastair's Shibui suit showed comprehensive analysis of the void in the ice, then spoke.

"I want personnel in the Northern room to take scans and bring back a sample of the residue from the NorthEast corner."


The book would become apparently overly worked when one of the pages made a crisp sizzling sound, though it showed no outward appearance of deterioration. The only way off of the ledge was by jumping down and walking up the slope to the Western section of the large room or to be flown again. On the last page that Sacre and Gravity had been looking at before the burning sound, there was a picture of an amphora with clear indicators towards the bottom of the object.


Mikael's scans would show the sound became overbearing for the audio equipment. It was something so loud on the audio equipment, though, that the frequency soon cut.

Level Two

Eden turned to Chlorate at the top of the stairs and asked, "Do you want to pull back, Chlorate? Are you feeling confident?"
Western Central

Yoshida kneeled down and peered down at the ice, shining a light through it briefly to get a better idea of what was down there before nodding and taking a stand once again. "Hi..." Yoshida wracked her brain for a moment as she recalled the crew's updated roster with perfect clarity. ".. Shi'non'ha-hei! I don't think we've talked before! Wanna take the chance as we explore the spooky temple ruins?" She grinned as she took out her plasma blade, and carefully shooed the others away before holding it out, and with a flash, the room was fully illuminated by the bright blade as she lowered it down to begin the process of melting the snow. Having watched at least one anime that had an antagonist who died from a steam explosion from holding a plasma blade and being pushed into the water, she was hesitant to plunge it straight into the ice to clear it away, instead having opted to melt it away relatively slowly, considering the blade's absurd temperatures.

"I wonder if this room is some strange puzzle with a secret entance. Don't worry i'll be extra careful to not burn the ribbons! I'll switch to my... What is it, tomahawk before getting too close with the shiny blade here." Yoshida of course, flashed her newly greeted fellow kaiyo crew member a grin under her mask. While not visible, it could be seen in every aspect of her movement, completely excited, as if she had both had one too many caffeinated drinks, and saw an adorable puppy at the same time.

Sacre was focused completely on her work. Gravity's question barely penetrated her awareness. "This. Translate." She said, pushing the information about the book that her sensors were finding to Gravity. Then she was back buried in carefully separating, scanning, and drying the pages.


With a shrug, Gravity tried her best to follow along and translate the ancient tome.

Turns out her best was significantly worse than everyone else's, given that linguistics was not her jam and that she wasn't even a year old. Oh well, might as well have some fun.

"...Ah, yes! Of course! It says: two cups of flower, a half teaspoon of baking soda and salt, three quarter cup of melted butter, a cup of brown sugar, half a cup of regular sugar, and two eggs. Mix until dough is solid, then add chocolate chips, then drop 'em on a baking sheet and toss it in the oven for fifteen minutes at three-twenty-five degrees. Deee-lish!"

Once she finished snickering at her own joke, she pointed to the picture of the... vase? Yeah, it looked like a vase.

"Huh... that looks pretty important, though. Think it's somewhere in the temple?" Gravity hissed to Sacre.
"I..." Chlorate stammered. "My systems appear to be fully functional but I do not feel confident that I will successfully be able to use my Gravity Manipulation System without crashing into the floor." Chlorate nervously peeked at the floor, wobbling mid-air. "However..." she said, "... it would be inefficient to pull back..."
The two snakes took a brief moment to let the dizzy Abart regain his bearings. "Hnngh.....heck, this thing's got more oomph than i thought....."

Nerai, being her usual old self, couldn't help but crack a that's-what-she-said joke. "Oh come on, you thought it was funny~" Hilarious. Shaking his head with a deep breath and an even deeper sigh, the snakeman was back to normal, ready to move out. "Let's just get going..... my head's been bonked enough already, not looking for another one from a grumpy Hoshi....."

Meanwhile Nerai had been keeping in check with some of the other radio communications, getting a fair idea of what was going on. Multitasking was just one of the qualities that made her well suited for her job. A quick comms message to Eden is what followed. "Alrighty. Shosa, Theisilis-hei and myself will go and assist Harris-hei with his business. It would be unwise to let one go about this place on their own."

With a quick bow, the Heisho set off, leaving a Barry in her wake to do the same and quickly catch up to her, on their way to Mikael. Nerai's little FARS drone wobbled about idly as if floated around her, not unlike a bored child who had to come along with shopping.
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