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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Ten: Takaramono

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Perimeter (The hole, let's be honest.)

Mikael starts to become a bit frustrated with the quality of the audio equipment and sensors over all. He would think the sensors would be able to let him make sense of what was down there. He would have to send a complaint to the manufacturer to stop claiming these things could be useful for recon. He sets it to return to the hole.

He listens to what everyone else is saying over the radio for a moment. Idle chit chat and something about a puzzle is all he could figure is going on. He shrugs a bit and decides to "dive" to get a better look of what is going on below.

He extends both of his palms forward to point the palm weapons as he starts to use his body's inertia control ability to float off the ground and descend down the hole, head first. He still has no real idea what is down there other than something is really loud. No point in being unprepared.

The drone did not trigger anything as far as he was aware of while going down the hole and within the open space. So he was certain the hole did not have a laser grid of some type, though he was paying attention to see if the AIES intercepted a foreign laser beam.

When he reached the bottom of the hole after moving slowly, he peeked just enough to see and spun around to get a detailed look of the room. Palms pointed in front of him just in case he needed to shoot something detecting beyond the visual spectrum.

Upon hearing others were joining him, he opts to send a text message to the AIES of their suits, along with a few images from the drone of the location and dangers.

"Sub-level under first level. Descended down hole. Maintaining radio silence after this message. Can still receive."
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1st Floor South

Ume looked over the group and gave a soft nod to what she saw. SHe then spoke over the com line. "I will head to the second floor to investigate further. Those not occupied can come too, we want to scope this place out quickly." After those words, she waited a few moments before she began to walk and make her way to the toward the stairs at the northeast.

She sent the two of them the data file specifications she meant, which contained the undeciphered words:
“… agh coan dile… opel ako… Odile…
mofel iulais… lem opel… Coan uagh…
… Iso… iol… Poley uagh coan dile…”

"Hai, receiving now," responded Kaede to the prompt from the captain, as she put aside the work on the UNSAFE unit for the moment to ponder the datafile being sent to her over wireless. She was familiar with a few different languages from Yugumo, though this was definitely a far cry from Lorath script. Taking a moment to adjust her glasses with a soft 'hmm', Azai-hei noted that considering their location it did seem at first glance to have some traits of the Nordic root that was often found in Raltean language and the hamlet's mannerisms... perhaps her Type 36 Communicator could give a clue to this line of thinking?

Pulling it from the upper arm cargo pocket on the Shibui suit, the Minkan synced it to the AIES and created a faint volumetric projection of the words in front of her on the wall for Hoshi and Kasumi to see as well. Kaede began running the phrases through the installed translation programs, which included Raltean among many other not-dissimilar dialects on Yamatai and beyond. Hopefully some of the words would flip to readable scripts or fragments of phrases to aid the decoding of the mysterious message...
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He'd step back while the block receded into the pit below, stepping next to the floor's now open maw and staring down. "Well... that was easier than expected." He glances to his superior officer, then down to the hole, then back to Alastair. His Shibui's radar pings against the deepest reaches of the newly formed pit. Without functioning boosters, he would need to make sure he looks before he leaps. If push comes to shove, he may have to run back and get the rope from the center room.

Alastair looked down into the hole and at the now exposed fragments. "Yes cause got some smart players on our team my friend." Alastair reached over and gave him a pat on the shoulder. He had a big smile on his face having managed to move the blocks to open the path forward. "So Darwin, we going to rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to jump in the hole?" As he spoke he looked back into the hole at the now exposed red. For this much protection this seemed a little lack luster.

Alastair linked up his comms and called out to command. "Captain, we managed to move the blocks to expose what was under it. Wish for us to extract what we found or leave it?" He asked calmly though was excited at learning what this could be.
2nd Floor
North Eastern

Eden nodded tersely to Chlorate as she began to clear the upper level's Northern rooms with Ume at her back. The first room was large and empty with Western and Southern doorways. She looked behind herself and said to Ume a few words.

"If you see anything of interest, alert the team. Otherwise, scout the Western part of this level." To the AI, she turned her attention and said, "Let's do the same to the West."

1st Floor

The scans for depth from Darwin would show that the hole was only the size and shape of one of the Zeusuaium blocks. Alastair had shoved aside one of the Zesuaium blocks into the proper niche of the puzzle at some point and now the area over the depression in the ice had been created.


The translator would show some inconclusive readings as far as matching the script found to any civilization Yamatai knew of. The pattern did find that the words followed a certain algorithm.

"Perhaps we should send this information to command for further analysis since ours is turning up nothi—" Hoshi began but was interrupted as the she noticed what Gravity had said.


Once Gravity had spoken, Hoshi requested, "Please make your way to the rest of the temple. Sifsdottir-hei," she said to Gravity. "Good find. Please send references from the book and your considerations to Belmont-shoi."


The Separa'Shan would soon find themselves in the hallway that had the large concentration of stalactites from the ceiling. The hole in the center of the perimeter's Western hall was ready to be entered.


Mikael would be able to see with his own visual range that the cavern was not all-expansive but was just about half more than what his drone was able to pick up when it had been down on its own minutes before. The sound was now visible to him and his suit would begin to pick up signals that were not being received before. It was almost as if the foundation itself was blocking what was below. The signals were anomalous but something about them pinged his PANTHEON access, seeking clearance levels from Mikael.​

As William's search did not seem to find anything useful, he turned back the way he came and looked back down the slope he just overcame. "Well... it's easier to go down then up." He mumbled. He took several steps back then leapt from the platform. He made sure to hit feet first then roll.

Once he was up, he left the room and began searching for stairs or something to lead upwards again. His eye scanned the walls and ceiling, recording everything for the crew to review with a fine tooth comb.
Western Central

Side by side with Nora, the fox boy ventured forward, pistol held in hand as he walked, but lowering it whenever someone else of the group was in front of him. Just for safety, and so noone thought he was aiming at them. As such, he kept walking, carefully looking around, ready for any danger to jump at them.

As they got to a big, dark room with multiple statues in it, Katsu stepped forward into the dark without hesitation and started sweeping the room, his natural, Chi'lerious-given eyes to pierce the darkness and look around in the room. Despite all the training that he had and the professionality he wanted to show, he couldn't resist and looked at the statues a bit more closely to see if they were of equal beauty and dresscode as the first one they had seen.

Mikael raises an eyebrow at the sudden detection of signals. He then did what he could with the limited equipment of his suit to isolate the unknown signal pinging for PANTHEON.

He can only guess that he did not do a good enough job of making his suit completely passive and an interrogative handshake was sent by his suit's AIES upon detecting the signals. The more he thinks about the situation, the more he thinks this temple is but some elaborate ruse. But for what purpose, he is not certain about yet.

He remains where he is and starts to do what he can to ID the signals and isolate the particular frequency seeking his clearance levels. Something about it was odd. Why would something be down here?
1st Floor South

Sacre finished ensuring that the book was preserved, transmitted all of her data to everyone, and turned to Gravity. "Looks like it's time to follow our over-eager fellows." She said, slightly dowerly as she started to fly in the direction that Ume went.
1st Floor South

Gravity nodded and flew after the rest of the group, pulling up alongside Sacre and doing a few obligatory twirls and twists midair.

"C'mon! Don't be a grumpy noodle! We're exploring an ancient temple! Like that movie Nebraska James! This is, like, the coolest thing I've ever done in my life- which isn't saying much, but still!"
Darwin didn't even wait for Alistair's command before clambering down into the hole where the block once was. If it weren't for the boots of the Shibui, he would have slipped and fallen on his rear - though he does have to try and maintain his balance for a moment. Things may get complicated when he tries to get back up, however. But that comes later. For now, he breaks out his suit's scanner and proceeds to get a reading on the hole, particularly on where the vase-shaped indentation lies.

An audible hum escapes the human as he steps towards the mark, even going as far as to run his hand along the reddish dust lining the pocket in the Zesu. "Perhaps this may be what we're getting those readings from?" He murmurs. Even through the suit, the frigid metal could be felt against his knee while he knelt before the outline, though heavily dulled by the temperature control to the point of coming across as mildly cool and oddly pleasant. He pops his head up to look around at the Zesuaium surrounding him before pulling himself back up to his feet. "But what could this all mean...?" He turns to face his superior officer. "Are there any reports of something such as a vase in any of the other rooms, Belmont-Shoi?"
2nd Floor
North Eastern

All of a sudden there was a cubed part of the ceiling, almost a foot tall by four feet wide and long, that fell from the ceiling as Eden strode through the doorway she had designated for herself. It plunged towards the Shosa, herself!

1st Floor

If he took out a science scanner, the scans of the inlay in the cube-shaped hole in the ice block puzzle would show Darwin:

Dentine - trace amounts
Mercury sulfide - trace amounts - WARNING: toxic
Platinum - trace amounts


Hoshi kept a finger on the pulse of everything happening in the temple and ordered, "I want further exploration on every front. Belmont-shoi, Schultz-hei is on to something. Work with the rest of the team to come to a conclusion. For now, I have to tell you all that we have been sent here to discover an ancient artifact, one of several that have been spread throughout the sector. What we know is it will be red. If we found where it used to be, we may be pointed in the right direction."


One of the infantry Nekovalkryja looked around while another took scans.

Madoka said, "We should probably follow Captain's orders and continue exploration."


The sensor scans he was getting made it appear that there was more to the cavern than there should be... as if it led further than even the core of Yamatai. The sensor scans were almost all anomalous, especially the the Time-Modulated Ultra-Wide Band Radar, which was what made it seem that the cavern extended so far.

"Permission to join an exploration team, Taiyou-Chusa? Am I needed anywhere in particular?", Kasumi spoke calmly, after reviewing the translation notes with Kaede-Hei. "Are there any fronts in particular that are unexplored, as of yet?", she added, her mostly neutral tone holding hints of excited curiosity as she spoke.
2nd Floor

Ume gave a nod to Eden and then a salute. "I will investigate" She then began to head west and contacted the rest of her squad. "The stairs are to the northeast, we've been given the western section of the second floor to investigate." As she spoke those words she wandered around and looked down the different pathways, keeping her eye out for anything strange.

Hoshi said, "Hai, yes... The room directly West of this central location. The small hallway that our team went South and North from has a small doorway into it directly opposite this room's exit. That room seems quite large with multiple sections. Please explore it."

2nd Floor

When she had traveled to a little West of the center of level two, the temple's namesake was made apparent by a decoration in the large, doorless, inlet type room of starry metal sculptures that were icy and seemed to twinkle in the dark. In the center on a raised platform of five feet was a frozen over wooden box the width of Ume's hips.
Central/Level One

"Yes ma'am.", Kasumi answered calmly. The white haired Nekovalkyrja then began to float up into the vertical crevice and into the first level of the temple, the AIES-linked sensors in her suit executing and passive scans as she went. When she landed, Kasumi took a moment to visualize the hallway before floating through that, as well.

When she entered the room itself, Kasumi paused in the air, ascertaining which areas of the room to explore first. Gracefully touching down, Kasumi began to quietly walk around the various corners, sections, and crevices, the sensor suite working to feed and filter data into her brain.
"Nebraska James nearly got his over eager self killed how many times? And if you get your over eager self hurt, it's me who'll have to do the fixing." Sacre grumbled.

2nd Floor

"And I'll be in good hands." the Neko giggled jokingly and caught up with Ume, eyeing the box.

"Careful if you try to remove that. Wouldn't want to have to run away from a giant boulder or something." she whispered, still taking in the awe-inspiring sights of the room.
2nd Floor
North Eastern

Chlorate's systems alerted her of the falling cube beyond this doorway of descending demise headed for the Shosa. She was about to warn Eden, but there was no time! She flung herself through the doorway and landed on her feet on the floor next to Eden with a clank, directly under the plummeting box. "DANGER!" she yelled, raising her arms to catch the cube using her advanced muscle structure with increased strength, hoping it wouldn't crush her metallic frame like a tin can.
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