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  1. SYNC OP Fireplace IIS Assistance

    TO: Taisho Ketsuri Yui FROM: Iemochi Innovations & Sales Ketsurui-sama, We've heard of the sudden refugee crisis and wish to extend a hand from the civilian economic sector. We've assisted the people of what was once 188604 (USO/OSO) in a similar emergency and are willing to do the same here...
  2. Approved Submission Wingpack / Jetpack

    #12 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. Made for winged individuals, but can also give people wings who want them.
  3. Approved Submission Scalable Explosive Backpack

    #11 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. For those times when you don't know if you need a hand grenade or a torpedo.
  4. Approved Submission Pain Dampening Headband

    #10 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line.
  5. Approved Submission Hacking Wristblade

    #9 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. Why mess with firewalls when you can stab through them?
  6. Approved Submission Assistive Exosuit

    #8 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. Used to help human-strength individuals catch up where it's useful to do so.
  7. Approved Submission Cutting / Welding Torch

    #7 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. Used mostly for damage control, but also usable by engineers. Useful for boarding actions too.
  8. Approved Submission Sensory Assistants

    #6 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. Equipment to help with scouting activities. Contact lenses and ear plugs.
  9. Approved Submission Hardening Spray

    #5 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. Can be used on people or equipment, but is designed to protect arteries and the spine.
  10. Approved Submission Inertial Cuffs

    #4 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. Designed to retrain high-strength individuals and also anchor the person in place in space, as if the cuffs were affixed to a wall.
  11. Approved Submission Tazer Gloves

    #3 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line.
  12. Approved Submission Homing/Returning Knife

    #2 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line.
  13. Approved Submission Self-Destruct Implant

    #1 in IIS' new "Catacombs & Creatures" inspired product line. The DR may need some tuning as it should erase not just the user but all adjacent equipment.
  14. SACN New Product Line Available

    TO: Material Acquisitions Division, Star Army Logistics | Acquisitions Division, Star Army Research Administration FROM: Iemochi Nagamura, Iemochi Innovations & Sales To whom it may concern, Please find attached a number of brochures for our newest line of technologies, many of which we...
  15. Approved Submission IIS-G1 "Last Resort" Self-Contained Survival Apparatus

    Hello everyone. I just saw that there was a niche for life support equipment that is rugged, simple and can sustain the user indefinitely. It uses very practical and low-tech components which have virtually no energy requirement or fancy bits and bobs. Tradeoff being this is not a hardsuit or...
  16. [IIS] New Dusk Conclave Proposal

    To: New Dusk Conclave Council From: Iemochi Chiyo, CEO, Iemochi Innovations & Sales Greetings. We here at IIS recently saw your advertisement for corporations to become involved in your nation. IIS currently has trade deals with nearly all nations in the Kikyo Sector and are in talks with...
  17. SYNC To: Byujura Niniko

    To: Byujura Niniko CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych I have recently stumbled upon the existence of Iemochi Health and Psych, and see a niche in which it can serve more people in a decentralized form, including those in active service. I invented the Star Army Bunk Bed, Type 40, which is for sale...
  18. RP "Dark Apostle"

    Reservoir system/Vice/ M.E.C.H.A. apartments Kaya hummed where she was curled upon the couch, only a few days after having been rescued by Lazarus. The Helashio was watching a nature documentary about the local wildlife, slurping some noodles she had fixed for the two of them with glee. A tank...
  19. SYNC To: Drakon Company From: IIS

    Greetings. You are likely surprised as to why a company such as yours is being contracted by one such as ours. Following several recent events we would like to acquire some Drakon Units from you for the protection of several executives. Let us know what you would like to see in a deal for...
  20. [IIS] Emergency Rebasement

    From: Iemochi Chiyo To: All subordinate CEOs Attention. It has come to our purview that a hostile presence is currently invading markets our commerce is occurring in. In fact, it is likely some of you are receiving this message from bunkers and hideouts. Remember, follow procedure. This...
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