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wulf soban

  1. RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission 20: A dance to fight in the Void

    Kaiyo II Wardroom William sat alone in the wardroom, mug of coffee in one hand and his datajockey in the other. He had recieved specks for a new armor that Nepleslia was developing. It was an impressive design, however wasn't quite ready for field testing. He sighed softly. At least his new...
  2. RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission 17: Breaking it In

    Kiyo quietly placed the oily and dirty rag down to the table beside her after cleaning the inside of the back of her Mindy “ah. I see the problem now, ” she muttered to herself before she grabbed a wrench and got to work. Even though she was not an Engineer she loved doing his maintenance for...
  3. RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission 16: Movie Night

    Wulf moved uncomfortably on the neko nest he was currently on. Sakura had invited him out for a movie night in her cabin and he was still getting use to being around nekos. He thought he would be taking a seat in a standard cabin and instead he found out Sakura was billeted in a nest. As he...
  4. RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission 16: Coffee and Friends

    It was a early day for Wulf on the Kaiyo. Since his injuries and being assigned to light duty by Itto Heisho Sanssinia he grew pretty restless with all the time he had on his hands. Due to this wulf found him self in the galley before most of the crew was due to be up. Having made a nice...
  5. RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission 16: Left behind

    Wulf took a deep breath as he looked down the sight of his weapon. Always taught to hold this moment, let your mind focus on just this one moment. To him this was a mantra and one instilled into to him since he was a child. Like a fresh breeze upon this world he exhaled as he pulled the trigger...
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