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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Post summary:

  • Arccos ECMly fakes own death, and death of I'ee. Covertly gattais with waspers to create GUTTAN LAMENT for a surprise attack.

  • Daniels moves mercenary fleet to force enemy into a two-front battle. Fires on ships with main weapons to blow a couple up, maybe.
  • Mechs swoop around disabling external components on ships, focusing on torpedo bays, since they're directly connected to pillager engines.
  • Alex saves the guy who makes a pillager unable to steer properly.
  • Fighters are vulnerable for the sake of covering mech advance.
  • Boarding parties space-fulton a bunch of dudes and commandeer two vessels to ram a carrier, only one of these two attempts succeed.
Coolio. Quick question though, do you want me to have Spacecase hold his Junkers or send em out.
I think that is up to you.

When I have bunkers doing something, they are junkets that belong to Vier.

Arccos has her own junkers too
I edited this post to fit with the GM posts, as in my original post I had one of the carriers destroyed. The edited portions are written in gray text.
I'm rolling with things as best I can, but for the Second fleet was still inside the star system so that ships couldn't FTL into range and get free shots off.

Also, the shot would have been absorbed by the shields.

In SARP you can't ftl into star systems, you have to go to the edge (about an hour out) and then STL in. the damage raiting rules also cap weapons at 5 SDR worth of damage and the carriers have 100 usable SDR worth of health.
Another quick update! Mostly because I'm falling behind in GM stuff so I'm posting these things when I have time / as I think of them.

DR Guide: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:damage_rating

Personal level weapons can't hurt Armor level things.

Armor level things can't hurt Starship level things.

Hit change at max range is supposed to be 1/3rd.

Hit change up close (less than a light-second) is pretty much 100%.

You can't use FTL near a star system, but the boundaries for that are very nebulously defined.

Finally, you gotta deplete a ship's shields before being able to damage the ship itself.
Also, that latest post from me isn't my GM post. I'll be responding to everyone's actions on Saturday.
the damage raiting rules also cap weapons at 5 SDR worth of damage

For ships. However, there's no damage cap for mecha as far as I know.

Mecha are become death, the destroyer of worlds.
Ugh, more instances of Sigma trying to edit already approved articles improperly.

Yes it is fine to use, but we should find something else to use sooner rather than later as that article could get changed without notice.
I thought Sigma wasn't around anymore
He isn't. The last edit was done on 2014/12/28.
We'd have to ask Gunhand about it now if we wanted any changes.
Sigma isn't but he went in and changed a bunch of wiki articles that were approved, and never got them re-approved.

Since this is one of them, it is one of the things we should work on getting our own version of sooner rather than later.
So here's a question...

The set of 30 drone fighters took off from the Necromancer and began attacking the incoming battle pods in a swarm, pulling off maneuvers that would kill normal pilots for the amount of G's they were pulling.

Obviously this wouldn't be possible in a gravity-free environment. Is this really a problem in artificial gravity? *Ponders*
Is this really a problem in artificial gravity? *Ponders*

Rather than it being 'on' or 'off', I find it's better to think of it like a buffer that applies a certain amount of force depending on how big it is. In English; they would be effected by g force, but not as much.
As far as I know, g forces are an equivalent measurement of pressure. IE, 1 G is equivalent to pressure exerted from just existing on earth within its gravity field.

In piloting, the problem in question is the centripetal force generated by turning at extraordinarily high speeds, which in turn can treat you to equivalent amount of forces equal to many times the force of earth's gravity, and thus may be measured in G's; but it's not actually caused by gravity in and of itself.
For non-cinematic clarity, here's what the Hive fleet is doing. None of them are engaging the second NMX fleet.

Alpha Wing (three gunships) is providing 'covering fire' for Nirvana from about 2 AUs distance, bombarding the broad sides of any Pillagers that turn to fire at Nirvana and its escorts. They're only using Red Mercury Blasters, a long-range, moderate damage, bomb-pumped laser weapon with a modest rate of fire. They certainly aren't targeting particular sub-systems.

Beta Wing (Sraveena and two other gunships) are performing an attack run on the formation of Pillagers, without focusing on any one ship. Each has two Baby Nuke EMP torpedoes, which they'll attempt to use to disable key systems after opening up with their main turret weapons. They each have four autocannons, but even Sraveena isn't crazy enough to try to use those as anti-starship weapons. They're within 0.5 AUs.

Nirvana is unarmed, but its corvette escort is bristling with anti-ship lasers and ECMs. Though Starjammers are powerful (SDR 4), they won't have enough energy to fire continuously unless the Pillagers fire their main cannons into their energy-absorbing shields... Freespacer tech is funny like that! They're closing within 1 AU of the enemy to confront the NMX cruisers.

They say no plan survives contact with the enemy, maybe that's why they couldn't decide on a plan.
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