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OOC Aeon Discussion

Sean_ODuibher said:
Okay, I was going to post, but I really need Phacon to double check his post. You need to clarify whether you were writing about KIM Eun-Kyung Chui or Shina KIM Nito Heisho. It's a bit confusing at the moment.
Thanks for point that out Sean. I meant to say Shina Kim, though my character would be just as concerned if you or anyone on the crew that she had recently lost.

Anyways, I grammar checked it, so it should be easier for people to read.

Enjoy. I am going to edit this, so people who have read it will know any other major changes.
ShotJon, just to let you know, I was playing Arkase to his character. I wasn't personally attacking you for asking questions or trying to flaunt my command.
Now I'm deciding if Arkase is going to slap Saki for being insubordinate or just rebuke her again.
Well with me out on vacation, you did not miss a bunch, we are underway and Arkase is having a discussion with one of the new infantry.
SSharp after we do our thing with the PA is it okay to go ahead and get our mental back ups and the Type 31 med kit in the medbay?
Well, I am off again, this time to ConCarolinas. Today we will be sightseeing in Charolotte and the Convention starts tomorrow.

Not sure how much internet time/access I will have. So keep things going, no one dies while I'm away.

Whoops on the first name thing. Still, I guess I'll roll with my mistake, considering that Kyoka is supposed to be a little more friendly than I've been RPing her.
Back from the CON, expect posting tomorrow.
Please make sure your character sheets are current. I've done some spot checking and found that folks haven't updated them to reflect the last round of promotions and awards.

Sigma, it was five detonators for the five explosives devices. The two satchel charges and the three plastic explosives... I really don't understand why he's bringing more than that anyway. Also, Arkase wasn't vague at all. He sent you the entire list and OOCly I included the link to what he was talking about: there's only one type of plastic explosive on the ship.
Satchel charges should already have priming devices, usually timed. They're ready made explosive packages so they should already have a detonator. If not, then the wiki ought to be edited to clarify this.

There's only one type but the quantity of the explosive package is variable. Saying "Three Plastic Explosives" could mean three plastic explosive packages (of which I can determine the charge) or three blocks of plastic explosives. The latter, if you read the wiki, is rather weak against armor when used singly. So I chose to interpret it as three explosive packages. Nor did you mention that I couldn't make "improvements" to them. I've already said that Takamori likes to make non-standard explosives. If I had a bag of marbles, I'd have stuck the marbles into the plastics to add shrapnel. Bullets will have to suffice for the shrapnel.

Give the pyromaniac even that much vagary, he WILL go for the more liberally explosive definition. And if you say that you want to be safe, then I will, liberally, interpret that to mean we're playing things safe and nothing's safer than bringing more than the minimum.

I don't see why anyone would complain if I brought lots of explosives.
None of the explosives have detonators. The selection of the type of detonator to be used was intentionally made an option that the user could decide depending on the situation. I should know as I was the creator of that page.
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