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RP: YSS Soyokaze Breath, A Long Time coming (3.0)

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Freyja still wasn't completely sure Elina was allowed here, but wasn't all that eager to go running off to wait in the medical bay for Misato to finish her recovery in the tubes either. Freyja tilted her head and observed Elina's mannerisms for a moment longer before saying anything. Any one who manages to go unquestioned in such a vision assaulting outfit on a military ship, trained or not, Freyja could learn a thing or two from just by watching how she acted. It would certainly help supplement her own skill set. " I'm Santo hei Freyja Horikoshi..." After a slight pause, "But I guess since you aren't exaclty military, call me whatever. It's uh, nice to meet you Elina, and I guess since Misato is a bit... incapacitated, I don't have much else to do, so why not?" Freyja loosened up just a bit, deciding that whatever it is the neko had planned could be some fun.

"Just... don't get me into too much trouble." Freyja said half jokingly to the rainbow haired girl. "I don't think it would look good for me to find some trouble before I even report in properly." She never thought that she would meet so many... interesting individuals aboard a single ship in the space just a few minutes. She didn't really bother to question what Elina would have in mind for fun, but was pretty sure what whatever it was, it was going to get her in some form of trouble or another.
Elina smiled warmly at Freyja. "Just pass the blame onto me that I am corrupting you from your true path as a loyal soldier of the empire." Motioning Freyja to follow. She took off towards the exit. "you sing? Play a musical instrument?" Glancing at Freyja.
Freyja looked around questioningly again looking around to see if there was anyone that could confirm that she wasn't being incredibly stupid and walking into a trap, or stupidly paranoid about a harmless civilian stationed on the ship for... some reason. Seeing none, she shrugged and followed, and in response to Elina's question."I uuhh, Kind of. As in, not at all but I would like to learn how to do at least one of those things, but I don't think I could ever really perform in front of a crowd larger than two or three, and I am probably not one for actually composing songs." She looked back questioningly and asked "What about you?" She felt fairly confident that Elina did one or both of those two things since she asked out of the blue like that. It would really fit with her whole get up, maybe she was some sort of entertainer aboard the ship... She supposed it wouldn't be that odd to have one if they went out on particularly long, boring patrol missions a lot, it would help crew morale.
Elina nodded in response to Freyja question. "The best. Even the NMX loved me!" Giving Freyja an award winning smile. "If I wasn't assigned to this tub, I'd be enjoying a lucrative contract with a band right now."

Slowing down her pace to let Freyja to walk beside her. "I'll teach ya when your duty permits. So that means we gotta find you an instrument. You have any preferred instruments that you would like to learn?"
Definitely an entertainer of some kind. She thought to herself as she followed and listened. "Um, I'm not sure. A guitar, violin, something with strings I think." She stretched as she followed her, looking around slowly. "A couple different instructors all said that I should learn things without just downloading some information about it, saying things like 'knowledge is only useful if you have experience.'"

She blew out some air and said "They were probably right, I watched a couple people fail advanced training with me because they just downloaded a text on how to pick locks and ended up simultaneously unlocking the practice locks, and a couple of others that shared some information on stealth and all tried to get into the training post the same way." As they finally entered the station again, she continued with "So what are we doing any ways? Got any plans?"

"Experience is the best teacher possible where you can learn." Elina looked thoughtful. "mmmmmmmm..." Spying a information kiosk that had a map of several levels. She made a beeline to it and looked it over."Gon-Hun Musical Instruments... good place to start with." Looking at Freyja. "Whadda ya think?"
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Freyja shrugged and said "Hey you're the expert here right? I have no idea what's a good place to start." She obligingly followed, and as she looked around noticed more than a few stares in their direction.

She raised an eyebrow at a group who looked away, before turning inform Elina "I think you're being ogled."

Elina shrugged in the way of acknowledgement. She was used to being stared at, whispered about, that she ignored those who did so, unless they approached her or spoke to her directly. "Nothing new. We go this way." Leading off in a new direction than the direction she came from. "Where you on the Raid of Moontown?" Glancing Freyja as they headed towards Gon-Hun Musical Instrument store.
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Freyja just shook her head with a "No." at Elina. "I haven't been on any real missions at all yet, this is my first posting, so whatever happens after this will be my first ever mission."

The Raid of Moontown? Freyja silently mused as she followed Elina. What a weird op name. Somehow Freyja hadn't been all that nervous at all with the civilian compared to meeting pretty much any one else so far, almost all of whom were military who outranked her or others training in the same way she was, of course that was probably the problem right there.

"So, what got you aboard the Soyokaze anyhow? I'm guessing you are like, an entertainer or, something for the ship, or did I guess wrong?"

Elina just smiled that expressed nothing yet left one's imagination to roam where it will. "Civilian Contracted Specialist." When she finally answered. Spying the desired shop up ahead, made a beeline for it. Letting Freyja follow at her leisure.

As the great furry Blake worked through his fishing magazine, Misato's eyes opened for the first time. Fluttering open, she froze slowly taking in everything she saw. The medbay was empty. Her last memories were of her growing more and more sick and Bors bringing her here. What had happened? She fought to try to gain access to memories she would have gained if only she hadn't been unconscious at the time. Slowly here eyes pained over and saw the Chief Medical Officer sitting near by reading a magazine. Slowly she reached up and tapped on the wall of the tube.

At the sound Blake looked over the top of his reading material, and smiled. "Good morning Miss. Misato," He spoke as he got up and moved to the controls of the system. As the liquid matter lowered and drained out of the tub Misato reached forward with both of her hands and braced herself against the wall. It was only then she noticed her arm was back. Gasping and gagging on the liquid still in her lungs she started coughing and hacking up, trying to clear the rest of the Hemosynth out.

"Breath, your body will take care of that," Blake said knowing the routine that most nekos go through when the first awake in their new bodies. Once the tube was drained he opened the tub and helped Misato to walk over to a bed. Once she was settled in a safe place he turned and grabbed and towel and handed it to her. "There you go, you dry up and I'll grab you a uniform." He gave her a large Ursel smile before turning off and getting the basket of clothing that he had a Hei retrieve from what was left of her quarters.

Misato had taken the towel and slowly started wiping herself off, still in a slight daze from the operation of gaining a new body. This was her second time and she still didn't do well coming up from it. Slowly the towel stopped drying her off and started just wrapping around her and covering her shaking form.

Freyja stood outside the music shop, wringing her hands and looking around nervously for a long moment. "Well, I guess this can't go too badly can it?" She stepped in behind Elina, and begun taking in the variety of instruments, and the few people, that littered the store.

Elina smiled, "Music is a gift from the gods and these are our instruments to show our appreciation for the enjoyment of playing. Letting our inner being which has no voice a chance elighten us and those around us." Moving through the other patrons that where meandering the isles. "Does anything grab your attention?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at Freyja. She paused at the rack of guitars and held out her hand to run them along the guitars lining the shelf and walked down the isle. She stopped suddenly and pulling the last guitar she touched off the rack. "Mmmmm.." Softly as she slipped he shoulder strap onto her. It was slightly larger than she could handle. But it didnt phase her abit as she plucked at the strings softly, bringing forth a soft melody.

As Freyja listened to her talk, and watched her pick out an instrument to try, she quietly thought how odd of a pair they looked here. A scantily clad, rainbow haired civillian leading around a white haired, red eyed neko soldier around a music shop. Rather than answer right away, she took a look around, noting the positions of the various instrument types. "I don't know... but I'm definitely thinking either a guitar or... well, probably a guitar." She said as she swung back around to look at the rack.

After a moment, she frowned and said "Uh, any suggestions? I don't know much about guitars to begin with here." She then turned to frown at the selection of instruments again with crossed arms and a glare. She didn't seem to like not knowing anything about something, especially if it interested her. She did however, enjoy Elina's playing of the guitar, and asked "What kind is that?"

Elina looked at it for a second or two as she read the label, "Strato Electric Guitar. It does sound better when hooked up a sound system." She stopped playing and put the guitar back on the rack. Seeing a glimmer in Freyjas eyes. "Come with me. We will start off with something simple."

Elina took off farther down the isle to the selection of non-electrical guitars. Looking over the Selection, she spotted he perfect guitar for Freyja. A Spanish style guitar. She snatched it off the rack and held it out to Freyja, "try this to see how it feels."

Freyja grabbed the guitar and held it like Elina did the electric one, putting the strap over her shoulder, and plucked a few strings hesitantly. She grinned and said "This one is pretty nice." It wasn't really akward to carry at the least, and if she ever learned how to play it, might make some music that didn't sound like a chorus of dying cats. "I still can't play it yet though."

Elina smiled encouragingly, "You will. Just get used to playing it and develop finger pad calluses on the hand that changes the tone of the strings." She moved behind Freyja, and made adjustments to the shoulder straps. "Let the guitar hang in front of you." She instructed Freyja. When Freyja complied, she took note of how the guitar was positioned, making adjustments on the strap to reposition it to a better more comfortable position and reach of Freyja. "How’s that?" Moving to the front to take a look.

Freyja nodded, saying "It's better." She hadn't been aware that the strap lengths were that far off in the first place. Having someone that knew what they were doing was certainly a pretty big help. "So, that's pretty simple I guess." After a moment of making another chorus of dying cats, "Huh... whats the price? This one seems good." She started looking around, either for a price tag or the manager of the store. Finding none, she looked to Elina. "Help?"

Elina smiled at Freyja, "no worries. you couldn’t afford it anyways on your salary. I got it covered." She had spotted the pricing for the guitar on a little sign above the rack of guitars they was in front of. "Lets get some beginners books and you will be set." She took off down the isle to where the books were at, by passing the disks that held albums of various bands. She smiled at spotting one of her older album on display. She grabbed it and resumed her journey to where she could get Guitars for Beginners.

As Elina took off, Freyja looked around, awkwardly standing around, still holding the guitar. After a few moments of this, she took off after the rainbow haired neko, somewhat desperate to not be caught sitting in the middle of the store, just sitting there with what Freyja assumed was a pretty expensive guitar considering Elina's reaction. "You find a book?" she asked as she stepped up behind her. Before Elina even had time to answer, Freyja looked down and saw the album, with a suspiciously familiar face on it. "Uhh, is that your twin or are you a best seller?" Her eyes were practically jumping out of her skull as she asked that.

Elina laughed at Freyja naivety, "That is me!" She spoke with pride. "I am surprised my music made this far into the core of the Empire!" She exclaimed. "I come from the fringes." Giving Freyja a smile after she stopped laughing. Turning her attention back to the rack, she picked one at random and leafed through it quickly. She made a few funny faces and set it back on the rack where she got it from and picked another Beginners to Guitar book up and looked through it. After looking through several of them, she picked the best one according to her judgement. She didnt want to steer Freyja wrong in learning the basics. "This ought to do nicely."

Freyja grabbed a hold of the book, and leafed through it for a few moments, absorbing random information. "Huh." As she did this, she looked back to Elina and said "Thank you, I can’t really say how much I appreciate this." After another moment of thought, she said "Uh, I'm not killing your savings account am I?"

"No. My Employer was kind enough to give me what I was owed for services rendered. And was able to recover what I had earned before NMX destroyed my homeworld." Elina smiled happily. She turned from the rack and headed to the check out stand near the entrance to the store. She reached into a hidden pocket on her skirt and pulled out her Rainbow colored KS Card. Motioning Freyja to set the guitar and the book on the counter along with the album she picked up.

She quickly obliged, and waited patiently for 'the set', already picturing the horrified screams of those that would have to listen to her practice sessions. She giggled a little at that, slightly maliciously "Oh, this'll be fun." She then turned to Elina, asking "So, what's next?" She was sure that Elina's idea of fun didn't stop at buying musical instruments for people she just met.

Once the stuff was ranged up and paid for, Elina handed the book along with the guitar back to Freyja. She kept the album disk for hersef along with her card. Putting them both back in the well blended in pocket of her skirt. "I m famished! Lets go have some fun. And I know of a purrrfect spot!" Heading out from the music store. Looking Freyja over. "We gotta get you something more fun to wear."

Freyja bit her lip at the 'get you something fun to wear'. "Right, that'll probably let us go around with a few less stares, but where are we going to keep... everything?" indicating the guitar, book, and her clothes. Somehow, she hadn't really thought about that before now, nor had she thought about what employer would offer someone back pay while a hostage of the NMX. At least one of those things suddenly piqued her interest.

"My leased room. We are still on shore leave from the ship. Unless you are restricted to the ship?!" Elina came to a sudden stop looking at Freyja.

Freyja shook her head at that. She was almost positive that she wasn't restricted to the ship. "No, I'm on shore leave just like everyone else. I think. I haven't gotten a chance to report in to Misato though, apparently she was in the medic bay getting a respawn." At least, she was mostly sure that she was on shore leave too for now, despite having only just arrived, since everyone else was on shore leave too. She didn't let her moment of doubt show though. "Allright uh, off to get clothes and drop off this stuff?" she asked while nervously scratching the back of her head.

"Yup!" Elina took off again, heading to sore that sold clothes close by the music store. She entered the store, "Pick what you like and try it on. Then we will swing by my leased room to secure your stuff." She motioned Freyja to go ahead and shop. She tagged along with Freyja. enjoying sharing time with another.

"Hmmm... all right I guess..." She took a few awkward steps, drawing the eyes of a few customers, whom she made sure to ignore as she searched for an outfit. "Ummm..." She spied a pair of sandals, grabbed them, and shot down another isle, where she located a sleeveless, simple blue shirt, along with with a slightly darker blue dress that would just barely reach her knees, all of them around standard 'neko size'. She found this surprisingly easy to find something she liked out of the store, and looked to Elina for her thoughts on them, holding out the shirt and dress.

"Go try them on," Elina pointed towards the dressing rooms in back, nodding her approval at the selection Freyja made. She could give Freyja some advice on more enticing outfits. But didn’t want scare the poor girl off. It was going to be a culture shock just by the place they were going to hang out at.

Freyja gathered up the various odds and ends, and spun around, nearly slamming into a clothing rack before skirting around it and making her way to the changing room. Upon her closing of the door, she, once again, notices the stares that several of them give the poor red eyed, and now red faced neko, before she shut the door. "All right, just... try the clothes on..."

After some minutes of awkward fumbling with the items of clothing, she turned and looked at herself in the obligitory mirror that all changing rooms seem to posses. She did not look too bad in the dress and shirt, but she wasn't too sure about wearing it. "This is going to be a total fiasco isn't it? she muttered to herself as she changed back and stepped out with the dress, and assorted items. "All right, looks good to me..." She was still a bit emberessed, and iffy on the whole thing, but Elina seemed pretty nice, so she went with her advice on the clothes.

Elina suppressed a giggle when Freyja nearly collided with the clothes rack. But a smile still formed. Then she glared at those that saw the incident. She browsed he clothing on the racks while she waited on Freyja to show herself in the outfit. She was a bit disappointed when Freyja returned still wearing her uniform. "So the clothes fit?" Nodding to the collection Freyja was holding.

Freyja nodded quickly "Yep, they uh, they fit." She sidestepped a customer, making her way to Elina. "Yeah I think I'm ready to get this and head off." she muttered, indicating the curious customers around them. In fact they fit very well.

"Awesome!" Elina exclaimed as she spun around to face the front of the store and headed towards the register. She paused at the accessory rack and looked over the purses there. "You need to have something to conceal your weapons." Pulling a purse that was big enough to conceal Freyja sidearm and maybe a few extra surprises that made Freyja comfortable. "Now we go pay for the stuff." Handing the purse off onto Freyja. "Need me to pay for this? Or you got it covered?"

Freyja thought a moment and checked the various price tags. these were, what... together, just under 250... wait, 300 KS. "Yeah," She nodded to Elina for a moment. "I got this one." Freyja had already been paid for enough as it is in her mindset, already she considered herself owing Elina at least 2000KS... although she never saw the actual price tag for that guitar. she quickly, and painlessly paid for the outfit before leaving in a hurry.

Elina nodded and headed out of the store while Freyja paid for her purchases. She looked back to see how Freyja was doing fine. She lead the way to her leased room once Freyja had joined her. It was a typical hotel room with two beds in it. One bed was messed up from being used. Her two bags were on the only chair in the room. Which Elina quickly grabbed and tossed on the unmade bed. "Get changed. I dunno when my roomie will show up. But you can be assured that your stuff will be safe."

Freyja raised an eyebrow at Elina having a room mate in a hotel, but quickly nodded and gathered her stuff in a small corner of the room before making her way to the bathroom to change. "Uh, yeah I'll be right back!" she said as she begun to change once again.

Elina secured her newest disk with her stuff, and straightened up a bit, while she waited for Freyja to get ready. She was having second thoughts in having Freyja tag along. But what was done was done. This ought to be an interesting situation for Freyja. Poor girl needed some excitement in her life.

Having finally changed, she came out in the blue/dark blue outfit, plus the sandals, and looked pretty out of her element in the outfit, hovering just outside the bathroom door with her fists clenched together infront of her. "Um... I'm ready." She gave an awkward wave to Elina as she folded her uniform and put it with the rest of her stuff.

Elina gave a low whistle of appreciation seeing Freyja come out of the restroom."Relax girl! We aint going into battle." Seeing Freyja all tensed up and hovering. "You might want to put your service pistol in the purse to take along. Hate to see it come up missing. The staff do have access to the rooms." Elina spoke softly to calm the girl down.

Freyja, just noticing she was hovering apparently, dropped down to the floor and listened. She was about to tell Elina that she'd be better off pistol whipping someone with it, as she was a terrible shot in the 'fire fight' range of shooting, but nodded when she said that it could get stolen. "Uh, right... gotcha." She quickly stuffed the service pistol into the purse, and turned to Elina. "All right, I'm... I'm cool..." She took a breath to calm down before asking "Where are we going exactly?"

"The Due or Die Lounge." Elina smiled and lead the way from the room, once Freyja was ready. She made sure the room was secured before taking off to leave the hotel. She made a beeline for the lounge. If Freyja wanted to stop someplace, Elina was sure she would speak up.
Due or Die Lounge

Elina pushed her way into the club, getting a bunch of remarks from them, hoping that Freyja was able to keep up in the crowed club. Flashing lights, noise level was high as everyone pretty much shouted to be heard over others and the music playing by the live band on stage.

Freyja barely kept up through the flashing lights, noise level, and crowds so thick she could practically swim through them. This was probably one of her most... unique experiences so far. "Ooookaayyy... this is.... different." she muttered to herself as she carefully avoided stepping on any ones toes, or getting too much attention. She couldn't even her herself as she talked, she had no idea how these people around her were able to stand it.

Elina glanced back at Freyja to se if she was keeping up. She adjusted her pace as she rudely forged a path through the crowd. People parted willingly at the sightless forceful nudge of those wanting to get through. Those that didn't move out of the way, She deftly moved around them, glaring at them, even if they was taller or bigger than she was. The crowd lessened a bit once they made it past the bar area of the lounge/club. "Name your poison!" Elina yelled at Freyja.

At the sound of 'name your poison' Freyja gulped and said "Uh, I've never actually... had alcohol before... suggestions?" She was understandably, pretty apprehensive about trying it for the first time in a crowded room, where the average blood alcohol content was probably high enough to kill most small mammals. But hey, this was supposed to be fun, right? If she loosened up a little and got used to it, it probably would be.

Elina nodded and got the attention of a passing waitress. She pointed to the volumetric display that was circling the walls above the patrons heads. Then she held up 4 fingers and pointed to Freyja. Then to herself six fingers. The waitress nodded and scurried off into the crowd. "I got it under control!" Smiling at Freyja, moving once again to the area that had tables to sit at. This was going to be funny to watch Freyja get sloshed for the first time

Freyja Stared after the waitress for a moment, and then looked back to Elina. "You sure this is a good idea?" she yelled over the music, and other people's yells. "I mean, I will hold you accountable for my actions!" She sat down and waited any ways, staring around the club in all its... seizure inducing light flashes.

Elina yelled back, "I got ya back covered!" Finding a table for them to sit at. It was like moving into an entirely new room. Yet they was still able to hear the music and the white noise of people yelling. It was due to the acoustic arrangement of the ceiling and the materials to line the it with. "Enjoying yourself, Freyja?" At a more level tone.

Freyja nodded, and said "A lot more now, its nice to be able to hear myself talk." Freyja took the moment of relative quiet to observe the club goers, most of whom were obviously drunk, or trying to take advantage of drunken club goers to take them home with them. "I guess how you could see this as being pretty fun, not really my style but I could get used to it."

Elina listened to Freyja, "Usually I'm the one on stage performing. Not out here in the crowds." Somehow the same waitress found them and served their drinks to them. Elina took care of the payment for the drinks and pressed her thumb to the KS card reader that the waitress carried with her. "Looking forward to your first assignment?" Once the waitress had taken off.

Freyja eyed her drink for a moment before palming it and looked back up to Elina. "Um, yeah, it'll be another interesting experience I guess, but right now everything is a unique experience to me, so as long as I live to remember them I'm okay with it." Freyja then looked back down and squinted at the beverage. "Uhh, down the hatch?" and she took a drink. And boy did that stuff burn. She managed to get the first gulp down, and spent a moment processing the first time she drank. "Okay, that's something new." She then took another drink from the cup, slowly getting used to the burning.

Elina, being an old hand at drinking, took smaller sips of her drink, allowing her body to deal with the alcohol out of habit. Making it look like she was devouring her drink at a faster rate than Freyja was. She relaxed back in her seat and looked over the other patrons. "Take a look at that dude?" Pointing to a guy sporting a multi-colored Mohawk greased to stand up in spikes running across the center of his skull. "You think I should do that? I think it would look good on you." Giving Freyja challenging smile.

She grinned at Elina's challenge, and said "Pfff, you kidding? It looks like the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen." Of course, she could already feel the effects of the alcohol somewhat, even with only half a glass. This was not going to end well. "Never, not in a million years, will you convince me to put rainbow spikes on my head. I like my normal, non colored hair." She took a few more drinks of the glass, finishing it surprisingly quickly, not letting her metabolism break it down. This was something she felt she should experience at least once, if only to swear to never do it again

Elina made another signal at random in the air, knowing the a camera would catch it and would be served another round of drinks. The guy with multicolored spikes approached the table. "Hey babes! Care for a spin on the floor?" Looking at the two of them, "I like your hair! Its the same as mine!" Looking at Elina.

Elina smiled at the guy, "Maybe later Dude! Catch us on the flip flop! We need a bit to get into the groove first. Long patrol." Watching him move off, pointing his finger at them two. As soon as the dude left, their drinks showed up. One for Freyja and another for Elina.

Freyja stared as Elina began talking with the rainbow hair guy. "What is this bizarre new language I hear?" She said with a joking laugh. "Okay, Rainbow hair? that's not bad. spikes? weird but okay, but if you put the two together, that's just too much." She took another drink and winced. "Of course, maybe that's just because I was trained to be a sneaky little blighter, rainbow spikes kind of clash with that whole image." at this point, she definitely felt a buzz, and was feeling the effects. She took another small sip of the drink, and wondered how someone could ever think rainbow spikes were a good idea. For some reason she was totally baffled by the idea.

"Oh? Your white hair stands out more than my rain bowed colored hair." Elina spoke conversationally. She sipped on her drink, enjoying the music of the band.

Freyja grinned as Elina said that. "Then explain how I can sneak through a whole military outpost, full of SAINT and infantry alike with my white hair? to top it off I had half of their key cards by the time I was caught." Seeing Elina's shocked expression, Freyja quickly added "My instructor told us to all sneak as far inside the complex as we could without getting caught, I came in second."

Elina was shocked with a serious trace of disbelief, but quickly recovered. "The spiked hair guy that was talking to us? I challenge you to get his KS card." This would be interesting to watch. She tossed back the remainder of her drink. "If you get his KS card, I will jump up on stage and perform one of my songs."

Freyja Looked back and tracked her challenge's movements. She bit her lip for a moment, and took a gulp of some liquid courage, and went past the point of no return, that point where regardless of whether or not you realize its stupidity, you do it any ways. "I'll be riiight back." she drawled for a moment, and disappeared into the crowd like a shadow. Obviously, that story she told had been somewhat exagerated, but even in her semi drunken stupor she made her way to the rainbow hair man mostly unseen and unnoticed.

Elina watched Freyja make her way through the crowded room. She had to nod at her prowess. But would she escape the notice of his buds that came and went. Specially one that had a sudden interest in Freyja. She winced as this wasn't going to turn out nicely. She stood up to go interfere with the dare before it turned ugly for Freyja.

Freyja, nearly completing her trek across the deadly dance floor, nearly reached the rainbow guy and was about to do the ol' bump into the mark and steal his stuff while apologizing, when some other random dude came up and started talking to her. She sat in stunned silence for a few moments, questioning how he noticed her when he practically answered the question himself by saying "I've got a real eye for sweet babes, and I've gotta say you must be one of the sweetest ones here."

Right then, this was going to be a problem to get away from. "oh um, hi..." She still couldn't help but blushing despite him also having the standard ridiculous club goer look going on. She took the moment to look back at Elina, a silent plea for help, along with some part of her finally realizing stealing some guy's card was probably an awful idea, thinking that she should probably abandoned the idea in favor of say, sitting down and talking like a normal person.

Elina was already moving towards Freyja. Easing herself through the crowed room. Coming up besides Freyja, Elina put her arm around Freyja shoulder a bit possessive, glaring around her at the males. She yelled above the noise, "I leave you for a second and off you scoot! I thought we had something special happening!" Gently trying to move Freyja back to their table. It gave the guy making his move on Freyja pause. Hopefully to allow them to return back to their table. "I owe you a performance!" Willing to concede the challenge.

Freyja, despite its near impossibility, got even redder when Elina's solution to the problem came up, her face nearly as red as her eyes now. "Uh, yeah, I think that'll be nice." She wasn't sure how she felt about Elina's solution herself, but it seemed to work, and the punker went back to his group of buddies, which included rainbow hair among a few others. "Yeah, I feel like that was a really dumb idea" she said as the pair made it back to the table.

Elina gave a sigh of relief as they settled in their seats. She scooted closer to Freyja to keep the act up to prevent the Punkers showing them more interest. But it didn't work as the group of them made their way to their table. "Yeah! Ladies give us a performance!"

Elina scowled, then smiled brightly, "Of course! Just get me and my friend here onstage!" Standing up just as the group grabbed them both, hoisting them above their shoulders.

Freyja was equal parts shocked into doing nothing, and horrified at the prospect of being one of the two to preform on the stage. "Uh I'm not really a-" But what little voice she could muster was drowned out by the music, and the sound of her being tossed onto the stage.

The Punkers bowled their way through the crowd towards the stage, yelling, "Gangway!" Make a hole!" "Move it pansy!" Reaching the foot of the stage, tossed the both of them onto the stage with the band. "Yay! Let the ladies perform!" began the chant as others joined in around them.

Elina smiled at one of the band members as he pointed to a spare guitar. Stage whispering to Freyja, "Just follow my lead, yell anything that comes to your mind!" Moving to grab the guitar off the stand and putting it on to play. Hitting a few warm-up rifts as she moved back next to Freyja. She began to make the electric guitar sing. She would bump into Freyja to signal her to start yelling as she played. This was a punk rockers club after all.

Freyja took a breather and started calculating the notes that Elina would probably be playing. She has sung before but not spectacularly well, but there's no time like the present to learn how to swim, or sink like a stone. Being a complete light weight certainly helped. She grinned and, started singing to the beat.

Elina was amazed at the creativity of Freyja. Even her stage fright caused just the right amount of stutter that drove the Punkers wild as they began to mosh-pit type of dancing, slamming into each other. Elina making the guitar sing and wail and scream and the band adlibbing along with the two girls. One by one the group of Punkers faded into the crowd pleased with themselves. Elina ate up the cheering, as she performed, even letting the crowd catch even better glances of her atomy.

Elina seeing Freyja floundering, gave her a motion to exit the stage by by the side access. She smiled as Freyja gave her a smile of relief and fled the stage to safety and the quietness of the backstage area. Elina finished up the set to the wild screaming of the impromptu performance. She soon joined Freyja backstage. "Weeeeeeee! That was fun!" with a wide goofy grin of pure pleasure and being high on the adoration of the crowd.

Freyja was a bit jittery from the whole experience, bouncing on the balls of her feet. She had probably one of the biggest smiles on her face as Elina came back to join her. "Woo!" Was the only thing she could get out before she gave Elina a hug, and the backed off in a bout of self consciousness. "Um, That was... pretty fun." But she was quickly deciding at that moment, that letting herself get drunk was probably something that wasn't going to happen again.

Soyakaze quarters

At some point or another, the rest of that expedition a complete smear in terms of how well she could recall it, Freyja had some what recovered from the adventure, finding herself in her room, along with her new outfit, instrument, and various other items. All except the purse. which had her service pistol. "Oh... crap."

Elina made her way off the Soyokaze, after making sure Freyja made it back to the ship safely. Then it dawned on her that Freyja had left her purse at the club. She rushed through the station to the club only to find it had closed for cleaning and restocking. "Oh crap!" She looked both ways, but the area still had it stragglers. Reaching into another hidden pocket, and pulling out her picks.. Remembering the back door to the club, Elina made her way to it.. Seeing it blocked open for the clean up crew and the stock handlers. She slipped in amongst them. She made her way to the now quiet main room of the club. She spied Freyjas purse with an employee. There would be noway she could retrieve it. She felt bad that Freyja would get raked over the coals when the proper authorities got their hands on it and what was inside of it.

She sighed and advanced on the unlucky employee who would be facing a SAINT operative. Switching out the lock-picks for her Official Identity, she got the employees attention. "Miss." Flashing her SAINT ID, "That purse is mine and I'd like it back now." With a a soft menace undertone to her voice. Seeing the flash of fear dart across the employees face as she handed the purse over to her. "Thank you." Giving the waitress a smile and fled the club with Freyja purse, weapon, and other important document.
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Soyokaze crew quarters.

This whole scenario gave Freyja a headache. Sure, it was fun but losing her service pistol wasn't going to go down well. Probably. It wasn't like she would be able to use it much even if she had it though, she was a terrible shot with the thing. "Well, now's as good a time as any to report in." she muttered to herself mockingly as she picked herself up off the bed, and made sure her uniform was in order. She had only slept about half an hour after Elina escorted her back to the ship, but it was enough for her to process the alcohol and get the beginnings of a minor hang over apparently. She made a note to drink more water next time if she ever dared to get drunk again.

Soyokaze medical bay

After resigning herself to her fate, she stepped into the bay to see if Misato was recovered yet, and found the shivering neko wrapped in a towel after about five seconds of examining the room. In only a towel at that. A blush crept its way up her face and she quietly said "Uhh, m-maybe I came in at a bad time..." She bowed to the shivering form and turned around to take her leave of the bay. Maybe she would find a nice quiet training mat, and someone who hadn't read her service jacket to spar with.
Medical Bay

"No Wait!..." Her gruff voice called out. Misato didn't want to be alone, and the damned Doctor was taking forever to find her cloths. Pulling the towel tighter around her she Called out to the Hei. "Please stay... Nobody is here..." She sighed looking down towards her toes. She would have thought that Takeyu would have been here at least.
Medical bay

Freyja looked around for a savior, but none were insight at the moment. "I-uh... yes ma'am." She walked over and sat next to the poor neko, looking extremely uncomfortable. "So uh, dying sucks huh?" She leaned against a wall and looked around again. "So, are you all right? and where's the... well, you probably have friends on the ship right?" If someone that she knew had been KIA and was getting a re spawn, she probably wouldn't have left the bay... She might have given Misato an over the shoulder comfort hug if she didn't feel so uncomfortable giving a hug to somone clad in not but a towel.
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Mess Hall - Corridors

The twins, Herdis and Aldis, finished their meal in silence. They had hoped to have gotten to talk with their other companion, but maybe them being officers-in-training threw him off or something. They didn't know. Once they were done, they headed back into the corridors of the ship, figuring this would be the best time for them to walk around aimlessly. Aldis glanced at her sister, riding on the same shoulder she usually did.

"Wanna split up? We'd be able to cover more of the ship."

Herdis looked over at Aldis and chuckled, "I doubt I'd be able to cover as much of the ship as you by myself, but sure. Be a good thing for us."

The twins nod and Herdis floated off of Aldis, going to the ground as she walked through the legs of anyone else present. She headed towards the medical area while Aldis went towards Engineering.
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Med Bay

Looking up at the Hei she had never met before, Misato nodded, "I do.. I joined the ship with the Captain, Bors, and Chieko." She let out a long sigh and thought for a moment, "I'm not sure where they are, probably off causing trouble... without me." A little grin formed at the edge of her lips. "Now who are you? You don't look familiar." Misato was starting to wake up a bit more and become Misato again, her head meats started to fire at a bit more normal rate as she tried to think of who this person might be.
Medical Bay

"Santô Hei Freyja Horikoshi." She answered almost automatically, and with a salute since she was sitting down. "I was told to report to Nitô Heisho Misato Suzume, I just transferred in as a solider, nearly straight form the tubes." She looked at the neko for a second and said. "Since I was told she was... recovering in the med bay, I'm almost positive that you are her... right?" She some how doubted that there would be too many recovering right now, but for all she knew, the ship could have just came out of some pretty heavy combat.

As she was saying all that, she stood in a more formal position, aware that the one in front of her was likely recovering finally.
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Medical Bay

Herdis quietly made her way into the medical offices. She looked around, and up, since all of it was designed primarily for those that are non-mini. She could hear the other two and her lips curved into a small smile as she recognized one of them. Not wanting to interrupt, she peeked through the door to see who Freyja was talking to. Her periwinkle eyes took in the semi-nude Neko on the table and she shyly watched the others converse.
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