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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1] Training and Discovery

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Def'leor punched up the comm system, which showed green on the diagnostics. Well that is a start, better than last time. she thought.

"Flight control, this is NSV Gam'trosha, C'Baruce Vail'ant Def'leor requesting weather data, and flight path clearance to the Training Grounds." she sent. A glance at the IDT showed more of the flight systems going from grey to green as they passed self test.

She looked at the check list and accessed the interom. "Bridge to Engineering. Bring the Lunebaren Reactor online and initiate transition from external power to internal once the reactor is operating at load."
S.A.M. Complex, front gate.

It was raining outside, and standing in the rain was a Laibe officer, the soldier looked to be a little annoyed - perhaps impatient - as he tapped his foot and glanced up and down the road. There were two guard shapes flanking the gate with a soldier in it, the two were well armed and keeping their eyes out for any trouble.

"Where the heck is he... I swear.. that C'bar..." the soldier scowled as he continued to look for an approuching military car.

Down the road a bit, at an intersection that was swamped with traffic, was a military vehicle whose driver looked a bit annoyed. "You'd think with this rain that people wouldn't be driving," muttered the driver, a C'bar, to his passenger in the back.

Zu’rel looked at the driver and shrugged his shoulders, “But here we are… best just get me to our destination.” He went back to watching the scenery passing by, He was wondering about the ship he was about to be assigned to. He had looked over most of the data he could get his paws onto before he left his dorm, but there was still a feeling of the unknown.

"I'll get us there," said the driver as he watched the traffic lights change and then began to cross the intersection and head toward the complex. "So, if you don't mind me asking," the driver looked into his rear-view, "what made you join the military?"

“To do my part, why else would I?” He was almost offended at the question but it did raise some interesting thoughts. He was pretty young when he joined the Youth Corp, it sounded like it was going to be a fun game. It has been everything else then a fun game, not that he hadn’t enjoyed the ride. More he had served more he knew he had made the right choice from the get go. “What made you become a driver?”

"Actually I part of the security detail at the complex, but I also double as a driver sometimes," the daur looked back onto the road, he seemed a bit annoyed though perhaps because of the rain. "'course, driving in the rain isn't exactly what I had planned for today but we do what we are told to do, so, you stationed at the complex or something?" he asked, making it obvious he didn't know the reason for actually picking up the soldier just that he had been told to do so.

“I believe my next station is at the complex, but I do not know for sure, I have been bounced from one area the next the past few days.” He was getting annoyed with the whole process, his higher up told him it was for security purposes but he believed it was just to screw with him. “How much further is it to the complex, I’m starting to feel ill from the mix of the rain and the movement of the vehicle?” it was true ever since he was a young pup the heat from the defog systems and the humidity mix with the movement of the vehicle, always made him feel queasy.

The driver eye'd his passenger, "we are just about there," he said and turned a corner and pulled into a side straight that took them toward a large metal fence with three people standing in front of it, one of which was the Laibe who looked rather impatient. "We are here," he told his passenger.

"So, this the rook?" asked the Laibe as he walked up to the passenger side.

Zu’Rel started feeling like this whole scenario was just some kind of fabrication to screw with him. If he ever found out who it was, doing it to him they would be sorry. Staring down the Laibe he spoke softly and calmly with a bit of force behind the softness, “I am that, C'Baruce Zu’Rel Tar’Vas, here to report to U'Cetrinal Sa'kira Yuna'me. Can you please point to way to me?”

The Laibe looked over at the C'bar, then looked down at his armband which had the symbol for O'Eytene. "I can, thought saying 'sir' or 'ma'am' will go a long way," the Laibe opened the door to let the Daur out of the car.

“It might, so would a straight answer and directions to this U’Centrinal. Might look good if I mentioned to them that I was escorted straight to them without hassle, the same could be true the other way I guess.” Zu’rel said calmly staring at the Laibe though is light goggles. He wasn’t going to let some jackass Laibe to push him around, he had seen plenty of others over the past few years try, and few ever came close to succeeding.

The Laibe visibly scowled. If it wasn't for this damned Kit reporting to a Daur... "grab your things, I'll take you to your ship," he said.

Smiling Zu’rel thanked the Laibe, and proceeded to grab his duffle and his blade. He took a moment to properly strap the blade to his back and then nodded to the O’Eytene, “Lead on, Sir{/i}

The Laibe gestured toward the far door, though had to wait until the two guards opened the gate to allow them, through. The two headed into the back lobby, reserved for military officers or VIP's, it was quite large and comprised of six floors, the other five descended 'downward', there was a large holographic display in the center of the floor, presently showing a soldier holding a rifle.

"We'll take the stairs, elevators are out of order on this floor," The Laibe gestured toward the stair and began to walk toward them.

Following he just couldn’t help himself, this was so out of character for him, but he just had to speak up, “Why they out, you break them?” the trick to it wall was to keep a straight face, but they taught him well during training.

The soldier merely glared at the young kit and lead him down the stairway, ignoring the kid's comment about the elevator.

"So where are we heading?" Zu'rel was getting tired of all of the traveling and bouncing around to just get to his new post.

"Bay 2, where the NSV-Gam'trosha is currently moored at. Last I heard the crew just boarded her and are preparing to leave, so we must hurry or else you'll need to take a shuttle to join her," said the Laibe, who looked at one of the pictures on the wall that showed an officer getting an award. There weren't to many of these pictures that showed Laibe's, most were Daur's or My'lekes.

"So she is really here? The last few places I was sent to meet the ship, were just stops on the way here." He felt relive, he was almost to his new post. He brushed his uniform and made sure it was perfectly regulation.

The Laibe nodded, when the two reached the bottom floor, the tempreture felt 'very' cold - but nothing the two couldn't handle. "Bay 2 is through here," he pointed toward a set of metal doors and was about to approuch them when the doors opened and an officer stepped on through, wearing a uniform scarf that a series of medals on the sides and the soldiers rank band. "Ah! Ma'am!" the enlisted soldier snapped to attention.

The officer, a My'leke, lookoed up at the Laibe. "I'll take it from here," said the officer.

"Umm, yes ma'am!" The Laibe said, and turned around, staring at the C'bar for a moment before leaving.

Zu’Rel waited and watched the Laibe walk off, before turning to the My’leke, “Ma’am C'Baruce Zu’Rel Tar’Vas, here to report to U'Cetrinal Sa'kira Yuna'me, Where may I find her Ma’am?”

"Down this corridor," the My'leke turned and nodded down it. "Got all of your things I hope?" she asked.

"Yes Ma'am I have all I have to bring along. Question Ma'am, is that O'Eytene always so cranky?" smiling he stood waiting for the officer to explain the next step to boarding the ship.

The My'leke watched the back of the Laibe who was walking away. "More like, are all Laibe that cranky. Anyway," she looked down the corridor. "Let's get you to the ship before they disconnect the docking tube."

“Yes Ma’am, lead the way,” He Saluted and followed the officer down the corridor. “”Do you know anything about the CO of the ship? All I have is a general bio that I found linked to the ship’s registry.” He felt a little under prepared for this. He liked to have as much information as he could get.

"Only that she's a newly commissioned Shipmaster and that this is her first command, otherwise, you'd have to talk to her if you wanted anything deeper," responded the My'leke as she trodded casually down the corridor thta lead to a sealed door on the other end. "Curious I take it?" she looked at the Kit with a smile.

“Very much so, Ma’am, just don’t like walking in to a scenario I know very little on.” He motioned to the hatchway, “Is the ship behind that door?” He felt a spike of excitement, His first ship assignment. Everything past that hatch was everything he had worked for, for the past six years.

The My'leke nodded and approuched the door, her tail wiped around where the end broke appear to several dozens of small little tendrils which gripped a keycard that was in her scarfs pocket. She then slid the card through a card reader and put the card back where it was before, the doors began to slide open to reveal a lounge with a holographic tank similiar to the one on the first floor, except this one was off. "Down that ramp," the My'leke pointed with her tail toward the docking tube and then toward the door where a couple engineers were standing and looking at volumetric displays and conversing lightly to one another.

"I don't know where on the ship she is though, so you're better off asking those engineers, they may know or have seen her, good luck," the My'leke smiled.

He quickly saluted the Officer and headed down the ramp to his new ship. Once he arrived at the bottom near the Engineers he waited till there was a lull in their conversation before he spoke up, “Excuse me, but would either of you be able to tell me the location of the Co of the ship would be?” His words were soft and calm but with strength behind them, the smile on his face was well trained to put people at ease without making it seem fake. The only real unsettling thing about him was he was still wearing his light goggles, even though they were in doors.

One of the engineers looked at the Kit, then back at his companions. "I think I saw her heading to the bridge?"

"Yea, that's where I think she'd be," responded another.

"Try there," said the other.

“Thank you”, He pulled piece of paper out of his jacket. He printed a map off before he left his original dorm. With it and the markings in the corridors he was able to find the Bridge without too much hassle.

The bridge door was ajar, and he could hear some chatter inside, though he couldn't tell from whom. Outside the door was an engineer, not one of the crew, but rather one from the complex that had a wall panel pulled off and was inspecting some of the ships wiring. The engineer only gave the Kit a brief look before returning to his door.

Zu’Rel pardoned himself past the engineer and entered the bridge. Looking around he was excited to be there at last.

He would see three people on the bridge, but the one he was looking at was standing beside the command chair and staring at the blank viewscreen. She didn't notice him, perhaps because the bridge doors typically made a sound when they opened, but in this case they hadn't.

Still feeling a little cheeky after dealing with that Liabe He spoke to the person by the command chair, “In my experiences a view screen works better when it is on, Ma’am, C'Baruce Zu’Rel Tar’Vas, here to report to U'Cetrinal Sa'kira Yuna'me.” he stood saluting until the person turned toward him.

"I am she," said Sa'kira as she turned the Kit. "Welcome aboard the Gam'trosha," she gave the soldier a quick salute. "Go ahead and find a cabin that isn't in use, stow your gear, then report back here."

"Thank you Ma’am, I will do just that,” With a salute he spun on his heels and exited the bridge. He headed down to the third deck, he hoped he could get a bunk to himself; it had been years since he last had a room to himself. Once he arrived at the crew cabins he started looking for a door without a name plates on it. He lucked out and found that cabin two what devoid of an occupant so he entered the room.

He was amazed at the room he had to himself, or at least until another member of the crew needed a bunk. He tossed his duffle on to the bed and started pulling everything out of it. He hung the shirts and other hangables up in the locker and placed all the foldable in to the drawers. Once his duffle was empty he hung it in the rear of his locker.

Once everything was in its place he went back up to the bridge, when he entered he took a few seconds to glance over the room before speaking up and announcing himself and the fact he had returned to report as ordered.

"Take your place at operations please, we don't have an actual intel op's station on this ship - wasn't designed to have one. So operations will have to do, configure the terminal however you see fit," said Sa'kira, who was partly looking at the young Kit.

“Yes Ma’am,” with a quick salute he made his way to the station and activated it. It took him a few minutes but he got it configured to a decent intelligence station. It was pumping external and internal sensor data to two of the monitors, the rest were bring up crew reports and histories. Once it was all set up, he turned to the Co “Ma’am my station is ready to go.”

"Seeing to many people die and me being unable to do anything," remarked Euy'ica as she picked herself up and looked at one of the crates that Anas'tasiya was handling. "Careful with that particular box, it has anti-toxins in it for some of the creatures we run into here on the homeworld and also on Levia. However, one of the problems is that if the viles break, the toxins become useless and those viles are pretty damned fragile. Use these," the healer placed a pair of gloves on a nearby open grate, the gloves had 'gripes' on them. "Please these in that cabinet there, once we are done putting this stuff away we'll start doing some simulations."


"Gam'trosh, this is Flight Control. Weather information has been sent to you, be advised that wind velocity is on the rise, we are expecting a severe thunder-storm to hit shortly. Also, flight vector information has been sent to you."

Two large files were then received by the Gam'trosha, the first showed weather information as followed:

Wind Speed Estimates: 90-120 mphs
Wind Direction: North by North East
Tempreture: 42 Degrees
Tempreture above 10,000 feet: 10 Degrees
Storm Warnings: Severe
Advistory: Rase'ni'a

Secondary File includs flight vector to take the Gam'trosha over the oceand to head eighty miles inland.

Zur'el had his headset going over the past 24 hours of communications, while casually scrolling through the ship's manifest. Comms were of standard communications during dry-dock work and launch preparations. every so often there was a privet message to a family member or loved one, those he tried to skim over as quickly as possible.

The manifest included everything from medical supplies to the number of panties the third engineer. everything that cam aboard was weighed, measured, and tagged for approval. The only problem was that the landing struts were restringing more then a hundred pounds over the official manifest weight. He turned to his new CO, "Ma'am, once we launch I will be going down to the cargo hold to do a check over, the records have some... inconsistencies."
Anas'tasiya hated handling delicate things, she always ended up tripping it seemed. She placed the crate on one of the beds and then put on the 'gripped' gloves that Euy'cia had put out for her. "I think we all have seen a few too many die." Anas'tasiya said, having worked with her father she had seen some pretty bad situations, a lot of good people injured because of terrorist attacks.

The healer handled the viles carefully, one in each hand. It was a failed venture, it wasn't long before she was tumbling forwards, tail nearly clearly knocking the respirators off the wall. "Hmmmph!" she yelped, the knee she hurt as a kit hitting the deck. No! she thought, viles still gripped in her hands. Thankfully nothing broke.

"So sorry X'mue." she apologized, "I will be more careful." she said quietly, carefully getting back up and putting the anti-toxins in the cabinet as instructed. She was embarrassed now, fuzzy ears twitching in her own annoyance. Ana..be more careful. Can't mess up now, you just got here she thought to herself, hoping she wasn't in trouble.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri nodded softly as he looked down again at the cover panels hazardously left strewn about the decking. He cast a blue-green glance over toward's the young female kit and gave her a brief, friendly smile. "I suppose we should get these properly squared away first -- I'm likely to trip and fall on an exposed power cable if the flight gets bumpy."

The young Daur leaned down and grabbed one of the errant metal covers, checked it for makings, then sealed it back over one of the appropriately matched openings. Keri continued to do likewise for the rest of the panels right up until Def'leor requested that they start up the Lunebaren reactor over the ships internal comms.

Keri flicked a glance over toward's where Quin was working, saw her busy, so stepped over towards the main control console beside the reactor and opened a comm-link back to the bridge.

"Bridge, this is Engineering. Bringing the Lunebaren reactor online now." The platinum-furred kit's fuzz-covered hands danced over the touch-panels and controls for several moments. "Please be advised that I'm keeping one of our capacitors off-line whilst we check it out a glitch in its diagnostic routine -- you'll be operating with a slightly reduced reserve of power until we get it fixed."

Once he had finished his message, Keri closed the comm-link down and continued to properly secure the rest of the cover panels remaining spread across the floor. Once that task was complete he shared a look with Quin.

"I suppose we better take a look at this capacitor and see what the problem is precisely."
Shar just shook he head and made her way to the closest tank. There she stopped and look at the thing with skepticism in her face. Why the hell are they training her to drive this thing? When did infantry stopped being infantry? Is there some new thing that every soldier should know everything. Shar sighed and slowly climbed on top of the tank.

Without asking she opened the drivers port and slid in. She assumed there will where they will want her to start. Not that she could not switch places anytime. "Ready sir," Shar said and looked out at at the trainer. "Though I hope we get few more soldiers in. I am only Daur infantry on the ship. I assume the three seats on this thing means it is for three soldiers at least."

Def'leor looked at the weather report. Weather patterns have gone to Srisa.

"Ship Mistress, I have the weather report. It is not looking promising. Conditions are degrading high winds, severe weather is reported. They are expecting Rase'ni'a.

Also engineering has reported that they are keeping one of the capacitors offline for diagnostics. That means we will have approximately 66% of power for our flight.

Our flight path has us moving eight miles inland when we launch.

Continuing checklist.

Levi'Nash C'Baruce, I am going to need meteorological data to get us through the storm."

She sent message to Flight Control.

"Flight control, this is NSV Gam'trosha. Our generators are coming on line. Prepare to disconnect external power and connections."

She then hit the ship's intercom.
"Attention all hands, we are in final stages of pre-flight, any station technicians who are not going with us, should exit the ship immediately. Docking armature will be withdrawn in eight minutes."
Cargo Bay

Tite'Yanus returned a few minutes with his Module attached. Paired with the My'leke Module was the Taurus Anti Tank Cannon, loaded with training rounds. Upon returning to the Cargo Hold he bounded over to the My'leke trainer and stopped in front of him.

"Ready to roll!"

"So, not all repairs had been completed..." grumbled Sa'kira. "Our armor should be enough to withstand some punishment from the rain, but I want you to get us above the storm as quickly as possible."

Status windows began to pop up, showing that the external docking tube had been disconnected from the complex, power levels fluctuated for a moment while external power was disconnected and internal power took over - what little lighting there was in the ship dimmed ever so slightly, but it wasn't anything that anyone would notice.

There were 'clangs' as the external docking clamps that held the ship from beneath also disengaged, while water levels began to return to normal and S.A.M. engineers in water suits made their ways to the side exits.

When the water back to normal, the bay doors began to open to reveal an expansive bay beyond, where several other ships of the same type as the Gam'trosha were either coming or going, there were also a number of starfighters flying through the large bay. "Take us out slowly," she told Def'leor.

Curiously she turned toward Zur'el. "What kind of inconsistencies?" she asked and walked over to the crewsmen station.

Engineering Bay

"Make sure the capacitor is disconnected completely," said Quin as she was putting some panels in place. "Once it is, you can start to remove it's housing, becareful though."


"Nervous on the first day eh?" remarked Euy'cia with a slight smile as she was putting some of the bandages and surgical clothing away. "Just your mind focused on the task," she looked over at one of the medicla boxes that hadn't been unpacked and began to unpack it, taking out some items and putting them on a table to be sorted.


"Good," remarked the Daur instructor as he watched Shar. "The tank can be operated either with just one person utilizing the IDS, or can be three-manned. We have plenty of room in this bay, so go ahead and bring the tank online and start driving around a bit while getting used to the IDS," she ordered the young soldier.

The My'leke instructor was laying down beside several targets when Tite'Yanus had returned, the instructor looked and then stood up and walked over to his fellow My'leke. "Ok, while we wait on your companion, let's go ahead and run a few configuration tests, there are several targets," the My'leke pointed down the cargohold with it's tail, the closets target was twenty meters away while the furthest was almost one hundred. The targets were generic in their appearance, with the exception that they all had 'point' values for each ring.

"Make sure your module is set to training mode, then take aim and start to fire, don't worry if you miss - that'll happen because all of the modules onboard haven't been configured yet. It'll be up to you and your companion to configure each and every module, but for now we'll focus on this one," remarked the instructor as he walked a bit in front and off to the side of Tite'Yanus. He set down on his rear, and looked at the target. "Ok, fire six shots, try and hit the twenty meter target."
Cargo Hold

Tite'Yanus looked at the instructor and nodded. Slipping his tail into the proper slot, he allowed the computers in his module to begin calculating the trajectories. Closing his eyes, he waited for the computer to tell him that he was in a proper position with good aim, he told the computer to switch to training mode and then fired six shots, making sure to recalculate his aim between each shot.

Kyle said:
Curiously she turned toward Zur'el. "What kind of inconsistencies?" she asked and walked over to the crewman's station.

"Ma'am nothing much, just a difference between the reported ship's loaded weight and what the docking clamps are showing. something like a hundred pounds. Might just be a mislabeled cargo container or it might be some illicit goods someone smuggled on." Zu'rel turned back to his station and started going over the crew roster and background.
Shar sighed yet again. IDS. Whatever it was, was supposed to help her. Sitting on the drivers seat she looked around and noticed a helmet labeled just that. IDS. Biting her lower lip, she picked it up and looked at it. She hummed and found there was a button of some kind. She pressed it and put the helmet on. Suddenly it was almost as if she could see throught the tank. The helmet showed her, what tank's sensors saw. It was kinda of strange.

With another sight, she grabbed the controls of the tank and started the engine. The helmet automaticaly linked with the tank and showed her few stats, like fuel, speed she was going and stuff like that. Taking a deep breathy, Shar started driving the tank slowly forward.

Def'leor turned towards Sa'kira, "Ship Mistress, I am not concerned by the ship's structural integrity. This storm will not be able to do any serious damage. But with our power compromised, it will be more challenging to hold the Gam'trosha on course.

However, in light of the events of our prior launch. I strongly recommend that we hold off launching until we find out what that extra weight is. It could be as Tar'Vas C'Baruce said a cargo error. Or that weight could mean we have a stow away. Perhaps we should have our Marines conduct a 'Intruder Drill' and see what they turn up?"

"Good idea," remarked Sa'kira as she turned to Tar'Vas. "C'bar Tar'Vas, head down to the cargohold and start inspecting the cargo please, grab a scanner from the storage locker," she pointed to the locker near the door. "Find out what it is that is weighing us down please."


"Good," remarked both instructors to their respective soldiers. As the two were about to give out another training order, the PA system whined.

"Bridge to all marines, conduct search of cargohold for possible intrusion"

"Get going C'bar," remarked the Daur instructor to Shar.

"An intruder eh?" remarked the My'leke instructor. "Go, see if we have a stow-away."

Anas'tasiya nodded and replied softly, "Yeah, a bit. I'll be fine." She finished putting away the anti-toxins, thankfully not repeating her previous gymnastics.

The Daur looked up as the lights flickered when they switched to internal power. The sounds and sights of a starship were new to her still and would take some getting used to.

"All set here." she said, putting the empty crate back into the small storeroom area. She then started to assist the X'mue with the remainder of the crates so they would get done faster.

"What kind of simulations will we be doing?" Anas'tasiya asked, wondering what they would be doing. Actually getting down to work, even if it was just routine exercises and physicals she was still ambitious despite her embarrassing tumble.

Levi sat at his station, confirmed his ID and login by plugging in his ID card typing in his password and passing the retinal scan. Once that was done he checked to see that the links to the science arrays were operational and working his panels lit up all green to show that the Gam's computers were talking with the science arrays central processing units. 'One less thing to worry about' he thought to himself as he read the readouts 'Good at least they're talking to each other, Now let's if what they are saying makes sense' he continued.

It was during his initial check of the sensors that two things occurred. The first being Def'leor's request for meteorological data and the second was Levi's discovery that the the science array's data is wrong and not calibrated right.
'Oh this is not good, not good at all'

Having heard Def'leor's request, Levi's ears fold back on his cyan furred triangular head in a mix of shame and dissappointment "Understood but that will take some time the science arrays are not calibrated properly, I am endeavouring to fix that right now; it will take some time"

"Yes Ma'am" he was up and heading for the door with the scanner from the storage locker with in a few seconds. It gave him a chance to look about the ship a little. Once he arrived in the cargo hold, Zu'rel flipped a few switched and pocked a few buttons to get the scanner up and running at pike performance.

He walked up and down the rows of cargo containers, scanning each as he went, "I hope that it is a simple misslable and nothing complicated."

Def'leor continued looking through the diagnostics, and was adjusting her flight controls to account for the reduced power for the engines. Now it was just a matter of letting the systems complete their tasks and to find out what the weight discrepancy was.

As Zu'rel began to scan each crate, the scanner would go over the crates key code that was no the side of it then display it's contents. Most of the crates seemed to check out just fine, either full of repair parts for the ship or for the vehicles they had on board.

But one crate, which was located in the back of several others, showed up as being an unknown - the scanner revealed that there was no manifest for it's contents in the ships computer.


"Find anything?" Quin asked Keri while she was putting more of the panels back in place.


"Surgery," remarked Euy'ica as she walked over to a medical bed where a holographic image of a Daur appeared and solidified. "Surgery in this case of removing a needle round that is stuck inside of this Daur, deep in the body near the heart. What I want from you, is to perform surgery on the removal of this needle without killing your patient. I will not time you in this case, but I will keep an eye on how you perform the surgery."

Euy'ica walked around to the other side of the table. "Now, let's begin."


"Probably due to the new sensor array they installed," remarked Sa'kira when she heard about their sensors not being calibrated. "The array was also damaged a few days ago, and with how complex the system is, S.A.M. reported that it would take them almost twenty two days to repair the array, much easier just to replace it and have them take the damaged one back to the labs to repair there."
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